Rendering NASDAQ data using AngularJS

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How do I make an rendering nasdaq data using angularjs?

This pen is yet another example of the beauty of MVC based content. An XML dataset from Nasdaq omx was transformed using XSLT into JSON and then using AngularJS rendered on a Bootstrap page into a table with instant search.. What is a rendering nasdaq data using angularjs? How do you make a rendering nasdaq data using angularjs? This script and codes were developed by Sten Hougaard on 27 November 2022, Sunday.

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<body> <div class="container" ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="Example"> <div class="jumbotron"> <div class="container"> <h2>Rendering NASDAQ data using <code>AngularJS</code></h2> <p>This pen is yet another example of the beauty of MVC based content. An XML dataset from Nasdaq omx was transformed using XSLT into JSON and then using <code>AngularJS</code> rendered on a <code>Bootstrap</code> page into a table with instant search. This is old data, see the <a href="">live version here</a>.</p> <div class="col-md-12 tags"><strong>Tags:</strong> <span ng-repeat="tag in tags"> <a href="{{tag}}&limit=all&depth=everything&show_forks=false"><code class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">{{tag}}</code></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container">
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<th colspan="2" class="col-md-2"><input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search" ng-model="search"></th>	</tr>	</thead>	<tbody>	<tr ng-repeat="headline in nasdaq | filter:search | orderBy:'-published'">
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Rendering NASDAQ data using AngularJS - Script Codes CSS Codes

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Rendering NASDAQ data using AngularJS - Script Codes JS Codes

.directive("html", function() { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { element.bind("click", function() { scope.$evalAsync(; }); } };
.controller("Example", function($scope, $interval) {
$scope.currentRole = '';
$scope.CreateHeader = function(role) { showHeader = (role!=$scope.currentRole); $scope.currentRole = role; return showHeader;
} $scope.nasdaq = [	{"headline":"Interim Financial Report for Q3 2011 for the BioPorto Group",	"published":new Date("2011-11-24 12:26:52 +0000"),	"ingress":"Summary of Q3 2011<br /><br /> -- Revenues (including licensing income) increased 37% to DKK 14.3 million<br /> (DKK 10.5 million) in the first three quarters of 2011.<br /><br /><br /><br /> -- The financial result for the first 9 months was a loss of DKK -10.7 million<br /> (DKK -9.8 million).<br /><br /><br /><br /> -- Since its launch, The NGAL Test™ has been distributed to hospitals all over<br /> the world for the purpose of testing, validation and routine set-up of the<br /> test. Sales of The NGAL Test™ generated DKK 584,30",	"attachment":[{"filename":"20 announcement 24 11 2011.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"CCH’s europæiske NGAL urin patent tilbagekaldt efter afgørelse i indsigelsessag",	"published":new Date("2011-12-07 12:00:54 +0000"),	"ingress":"Cincinnati Childrens’ Hospital (CCH) fik i december 2008 udstedt et NGAL<br />patent, mod hvilket BioPorto indleverede en indsigelse i februar 2010.<br />Indsigelsessagen er forløbet særdeles tilfredsstillende, idet patentet efter<br />afgørelse truffet i går af de europæiske patentmyndigheder (EPO) i München, er<br />tilbagekaldt idet opfindelsen ikke er patenterbar.. Abbott har licensadgang til<br />NGAL urin patentet, som sagen vedrørte. <br /><br />Det omhandlede patent, patentnummer EP1616184,”A method and kit for detecting",	"attachment":[{"filename":"21 meddelelse 07 12 2011 DA.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"CCH’s European NGAL urine patent revoked after a decision in the opposition case",	"published":new Date("2011-12-09 12:05:45 +0000"),	"ingress":"In December 2008, an NGAL patent was issued to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital<br />(CCH), against which BioPorto filed an opposition in February 2010. The<br />opposition case has developed in a satisfactory manor, in that a decision was<br />reached yesterday by the European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich. The patent has<br />been revoked as the invention is not patentable. Abbott has a license to CCH’s<br />NGAL urine patent, to which the case pertained. <br /><br />The patent in question, number EP1616184, “A method and kit fo",	"attachment":[{"filename":"21 announcement 07 12 2011.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Financial calendar 2012",	"published":new Date("2011-12-16 12:29:43 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br /><br />February 20, 2012: Quiet period prior to the annual report begins <br /> <br />March 19, 2012: Annual report for 2011 <br /> <br />April 17, 2012: Shareholders meeting <br /> <br />May 11, 2012: Quiet period prior to the interim report begins",	"attachment":[{"filename":"22 announcement 16 12 2011.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Amendments for the Interim Financial Report for Q3 2011 for the BioPorto Group",	"published":new Date("2011-12-23 08:08:03 +0000"),	"ingress":"The amendments impact financial figures for 3rd Quarter 2011 alone. The<br />financial figures for the first 9 months of 2011 and financial figures for 2010<br />remain unchanged. The amendments do not impact other parts of the interim<br />report. <br /><br />The amendments are specified in the attached document.<br /><br />The amendments do not impact the forecast for 2011.",	"attachment":[{"filename":"23 announcement 23 12 2011.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Major shareholder announcement",	"published":new Date("2012-01-10 10:13:38 +0000"),	"ingress":"January 10th, 2012<br /><br />Announcement no. 01<br /><br />Announcement from major shareholder<br /><br />BioPorto A/S has been informed that T. Bernt Nielsen A/S and associates have<br />reduced their ownership below 5% of the share capital in BioPorto A/S.",	"attachment":[{"filename":"01 announcement 10.01.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPortos NGAL cutoff-patent afvist efter afgørelse i indsigelsessag",	"published":new Date("2012-02-08 10:20:41 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPortos NGAL cutoff patent EP1831699, der blev udstedt i Europa i november<br />2010, er foreløbigt afvist efter førsteinstans afgørelse truffet i<br />indsigelsessagen ved de europæiske patentmyndigheder (EPO) i Haag. BioPorto og<br />Høiberg (selskabets patentrådgiver) finder at afgørelsen er fejlagtig og<br />appellerer derfor afgørelsen, hvorved patentet fortsat er i kraft. <br /><br /><br /><br />EPO vurderer at der er utilstrækkelig beskrivelse i patentet til at udføre<br />metoden som anført i krav 1. Vurderingen er ikke nærmer",	"attachment":[{"filename":"02 meddelelse 08 02 2012 DA.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto afholder investormøde d. 21. marts 2012",	"published":new Date("2012-03-06 15:40:15 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto udsender årsrapport for 2011 d. 19. marts 2012. I forlængelse heraf<br />inviteres selskabets aktionærer og øvrige interesserede til investormøde: <br /><br /><br /><br />Onsdag den 21. marts 2012 kl. 17.00 på selskabets adresse<br /><br /><br /><br />På mødet vil adm. direktør Thea Olesen opridse selskabets aktuelle situation og<br />kommentere på resultatet for 2011 og forventningerne til 2012, ligesom<br />videnskabelig direktør Dr. Otto Uttenthal og CFO Frank Harder vil være til<br />stede for evt. spørgsmål. Efter præsentation og sp",	"attachment":[]},	{"headline":"BioPorto annual report 2011",	"published":new Date("2012-03-19 11:36:28 +0000"),	"ingress":"Highlights<br /><br /><br /><br /> -- I<br />n early 2011, BioPorto’s kidney injury test, The NGAL Test™, was CE-marked<br /> and, thus, launched for diagnostic use in Europe. Registration processes<br /> have also been initiated in the US, China and other countries.<br /><br /><br /><br /> -- Since its launch, The NGAL Test™ has been distributed to hospitals all over<br /> the world for the purpose of testing,<br />validation and routine set-up of the test. Sales for routine use at the<br /> first hospitals have gradually commenced",	"attachment":[{"filename":"BioPorto annual report 2011.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"NGAL testen registreret til diagnostisk anvendelse i Kina",	"published":new Date("2012-03-19 11:37:06 +0000"),	"ingress":"Den første af BioPortos kinesiske distributionspartnere har gennem de kinesiske<br />sundhedsmyndigheder SFDA (State Food and Drug Administration) opnået<br />registreringsgodkendelse for NGAL-testen. Godkendelsen dækker anvendelse af<br />NGAL testen til diagnose af akut nyreskade og gælder i alle kinesiske<br />provinser. <br /><br />BioPortos samarbejdspartner har som næste skridt igangsat de nødvendige<br />ansøgninger om fastlæggelse af offentlige tilskud til anvendelse af testen.<br />Behandlingsprocessen for tilskudsansøgninge",	"attachment":[{"filename":"04 meddelelse 19 03 2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"The NGAL test registered for diagnostic use in China",	"published":new Date("2012-03-19 14:40:40 +0000"),	"ingress":"The first of BioPorto’s distribution partners in China has obtained<br />registration certification for the NGAL test through the Chinese health<br />authorities (the State Food and Drug Administration, SFDA). This certification<br />covers the use of the NGAL test for diagnosing acute kidney injury and is valid<br />in every province of China. <br /><br />BioPorto’s partner has taken the next step of initiating the applications<br />required for determining the public reimbursement for the use of the test. The<br />procedure for the",	"attachment":[{"filename":"04 announcement 19.03.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Summoning of Annual General Meeting",	"published":new Date("2012-03-22 13:45:59 +0000"),	"ingress":"The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of BioPorto A/S will be held on<br /><br />Tuesday, April 17, 2012, at 3:00 p.m. at the Company’s address, Grusbakken 8,<br />DK-2820 Gentofte, Denmark <br /><br /><br /><br />With the following agenda:<br /><br /><br /><br />1. Report on the Company’s activities during the past financial year;<br /><br />2. Presentation of the Annual Report with annual accounts endorsed by<br /><br />Management and Auditor, including proposal for the use of profit or coverage of<br />deficit and grant of discharge for the",	"attachment":[{"filename":"05 announcement 22.03.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Development of Annual General Meeting",	"published":new Date("2012-04-17 14:34:25 +0000"),	"ingress":"The Annual General Meeting was held in accordance with the published agenda<br />(announcement dated March 22, 2012). <br /><br />The General Meeting took note of the report on the Company’s activities and<br />adopted the Annual Report 2011. Also, the General Meeting adopted the proposed<br />decision on use of profit/loss. <br /><br />The board fee for 2012 was approved.<br /><br />All board members were up for election. Carsten Lønfeldt, Peter Nordkild, Niels<br />T. Foged and Marianne Weile were re-elected. After the meeting the Board c",	"attachment":[{"filename":"06 announcement 17.04.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPortos NGAL cutoff-patent - skriftlig afgørelse i indsigelsessag",	"published":new Date("2012-05-22 06:04:46 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPortos NGAL cutoff patent EP1831699, der blev udstedt i Europa i november<br />2010, er som tidligere meddelt foreløbigt afvist efter førsteinstans afgørelse<br />truffet i indsigelsessagen ved de europæiske patentmyndigheder (EPO). <br /><br />EPO’s afgørelse blev ikke nærmere begrundet under indsigelsessagen, men den<br />begrundede skriftlige afgørelse foreligger nu fra EPO, og kan findes i sin<br />helhed på EPO’s hjemmeside, Epoline. Hovedafgørelsen er at EPO vurderer at der<br />er utilstrækkelig beskrivelse i patentet",	"attachment":[{"filename":"07 meddelelse 22.05.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPortos NGAL cutoff-patent – vurdering af afgørelse i indsigelsessag",	"published":new Date("2012-05-22 09:50:24 +0000"),	"ingress":"I reference til meddelelse nr. 7 af dags dato, har BioPortos patentrådgiver<br />Susanne Høiberg nu haft anledning til at gennemgå den foreliggende begrundede<br />afgørelse for de Europæiske patentmyndigheders (EPO’s) afvisning af BioPortos<br />NGAL cutoff patent, der er udstedt i Europa. Konklusionen er, at afgørelsen er<br />fejlagtig og der forventes således fortsat efter en kommende anke at være et<br />fuldt gyldigt og relevant dækkende NGAL cutoff patent i Europa. I nedenstående<br />findes EPO’s bemærkninger til afg",	"attachment":[{"filename":"08 meddelelse 22 05 2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto’s NGAL cut-off patent: written decision in the opposition case",	"published":new Date("2012-05-23 09:48:35 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto’s NGAL cut-off patent, EP1831699, which as previously announced was<br />issued in Europe in November 2010, was provisionally rejected according to the<br />decision issued by the first instance in the opposition case filed with the<br />European Patent Office (EPO). <br /><br />The details of the grounds for the EPO’s decision were not provided during the<br />opposition case, but a transcript of the decision is now available from the EPO<br />and is available in its entirety on the EPO’s website, Epoline. The main dec",	"attachment":[{"filename":"07 announcement 22.05.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto’s NGAL cut-off patent: assessment of the decision in the opposition case",	"published":new Date("2012-05-23 09:54:08 +0000"),	"ingress":"With reference to BioPorto’s Announcement no. 7, issued today, BioPorto’s<br />patent attorney Susanne Høiberg has now had the opportunity to review the<br />existing grounds for the decision of the European Patent Office (EPO) to reject<br />BioPorto’s NGAL cut-off patent, which has been issued in Europe. Høiberg<br />concludes that the decision is erroneous and therefore expects that there will<br />continue to be a fully valid and appropriately applicable NGAL cut-off patent<br />in Europe after a future appeal. The EPO’s",	"attachment":[{"filename":"08 announcement 22 05 2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Interim Financial Report for Q1 2012 for the BioPorto Group",	"published":new Date("2012-05-25 09:22:22 +0000"),	"ingress":"Announcement no. 09<br /><br />Summary of Q1 2012<br /><br />BioPorto’s kidney injury immunoassay, The NGAL Test™, has been launched for<br />diagnostic use in a number of countries. The implementation in routine<br />diagnostics is in line with the company’s expectations in the form of ongoing<br />studies with a view to technical and clinical validation of the immunoassay, as<br />well as initial collaboration with major players to market the immunoassay. <br /><br /> -- In Q1 2012, revenues amounted to DKK 5.1 million (Q1 2011: DKK 6.4",	"attachment":[{"filename":"09 announcement 25.05.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto enters into an agreement with Wiener Lab Group – Status for the distribution of The NGAL Test",	"published":new Date("2012-06-01 12:02:52 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto has entered into an agreement concerning the bulk purchase, packaging<br />and distribution of NGAL test reagent for Wiener Lab Group’s own analyzers in<br />Latin America. Wiener Lab Group has existed for more than 50 years and is a<br />market leader in analyzers for small and medium-sized laboratories in core<br />Latin American markets, such as Brazil and Argentina. Wiener Lab Group has<br />commenced the registration process for the purpose of obtaining certification<br />of an NGAL assay in Argentina and will",	"attachment":[{"filename":"10 announcement 01.06.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto vinder retssag anlagt mod Phadia",	"published":new Date("2012-06-15 08:06:32 +0000"),	"ingress":"Sø- og Handelsretten har i dag afsagt dom i den af BioPorto anlagte retssag mod<br />Phadia vedrørende ugyldiggørelse af Phadias europæiske patent DK/EP 0 756 708 i<br />Danmark. Sø- og Handelsretten har givet BioPorto medhold i, at patentets krav 1<br />og 2 er ugyldige i Danmark. Samtidig har retten afvist den af Phadia nedlagte<br />påstand om erstatningskrav for BioPortos salg af NGAL kits. Phadia har mulighed<br />for at anke dommen. <br /><br /><br /><br />Retssagen mod Phadia blev anlagt den 8. december 2006, særligt med henblik",	"attachment":[]},	{"headline":"BioPorto opnår første NGAL patent i USA",	"published":new Date("2012-06-27 13:19:34 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br /><br />De amerikanske patentmyndigheder har godkendt at udstede BioPortos patent,<br />ansøgningsnummer 12/531,986, vedrørende anvendelse af ratio mellem NGAL<br />koncentrationer i urin og plasma, for at opnå meget nøjagtige diagnostiske<br />værdier til bestemmelse af akut nyreskade. <br /><br /><br /><br />Patentet beskytter en metode, der ved sammenligning af NGAL niveauer i urin og<br />plasma øger den diagnostiske specificitet og sensitivitet for akut nyreskade.<br />Metoden er et supplement til cut-off patentet i visse kliniske sit",	"attachment":[{"filename":"12 meddelelse 27.06.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Afgørelse vedrørende NGAL patent ankes til Højesteret",	"published":new Date("2012-07-02 06:47:54 +0000"),	"ingress":"I reference til meddelelse nummer 11 af 15. juni 2012, har Phadia besluttet at<br />anke den af Sø- og Handelsretten afsagte dom vedrørende NGAL patent DK/EP 0 756<br />708 til Højesteret. <br /><br />BioPorto anlagde den 8. december 2006 retssag mod Phadia med henblik på<br />ugyldiggørelse af Phadias europæiske patent DK/EP 0 756 708 i Danmark. Særlig<br />vigtigt var ugyldiggørelse af krav 1 i patentet, der angiver anvendelse af HNL<br />(et andet navn for proteinet NGAL) som diagnostisk markør for humane sygdomme. <br />Sø- og H",	"attachment":[]},	{"headline":"Interim Financial Report for Q2 2012 for the BioPorto Group",	"published":new Date("2012-08-23 10:35:37 +0000"),	"ingress":" Summary of Q2 2012<br /><br />The implementation of The NGAL Test™ into routine diagnostics is well under<br />way, including in the form of ongoing validation studies as well as incipient<br />collaboration with major players for marketing the test. The patent situation<br />for BioPorto’s NGAL products was improved in two areas in Q2: the Commercial<br />and Maritime Court of Copenhagen concurred with BioPorto’s assertion concerning<br />the invalidity of Phadia’s patent; and BioPorto’s NGAL patent concerning ratio<br />measureme",	"attachment":[{"filename":"14 announcement 23.08.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Increase of the share capital through a cash issue, private placement",	"published":new Date("2012-08-23 10:47:05 +0000"),	"ingress":"The Board of BioPorto A/S today has decided to carry out a cash issue, private<br />placement. <br /><br />The capital increase will be effected by means of the Board’s exercise of the<br />authorization stipulated in Article 16b of the Company’s Articles of<br />Association, whereby the Board is authorized until 17th of April 2017 to<br />increase the share capital on one or more occasions by issuing new shares up to<br />the nominal value of DKK 80,000,000. <br /><br />The capital increase takes the form of a cash issue for a limited g",	"attachment":[{"filename":"15 announcement 23.08.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Insider’s dealings",	"published":new Date("2012-08-24 08:51:13 +0000"),	"ingress":"In accordance with Section 28(a) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, BioPorto<br />is required to publish details of the transactions in BioPorto’s shares and<br />related securities effected by senior management and their connected persons. <br /><br /><br /><br />Name Peter Nordkild <br />----------------------------------------------------<br />Reason Member of the board of directors<br />----------------------------------------------------<br />Issuer BioPorto A/S",	"attachment":[{"filename":"16 announcement 24.08.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Cash issue, private placement to be carried out",	"published":new Date("2012-09-21 13:05:11 +0000"),	"ingress":"On August 23, 2012, the Board of BioPorto decided to partially exercise the<br />authorization under article 16b of the Company Articles to carry out a cash<br />issue, private placement to a limited number of investors, see company<br />announcement no. 15, August 23, 2012. On today’s date, the Board has decided<br />to allocate the shares to a few retail investors. The issue is expected to be<br />finally carried out early October. <br /><br />The allocation is made by the issuance of 1,500,000 new shares at DKK 3.00 each<br />equ",	"attachment":[{"filename":"17 announcement 21.09.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto’s patent rights for NGAL - opposition to the European trauma patent",	"published":new Date("2012-09-25 07:51:57 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br />In the quarterly report for Q2 of 23 August 2012, BioPorto announced that its<br />NGAL trauma patent is approved for issue by the European Patent Office (EPO)<br />and EPO has now published an objection filed against the granted NGAL trauma<br />patent. Oppositions to key patents in areas where other companies have an<br />interest are not unusual. Oppositions are made with the purpose of limiting<br />other companies’ patent rights within the respective area. <br /><br />As with previous objections to BioPorto’s NGAL cutoff",	"attachment":[{"filename":"18 announcement 25.09.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Cash issue, private placement delayed",	"published":new Date("2012-10-24 07:12:14 +0000"),	"ingress":"On August 23, 2012, the Board of BioPorto decided to partially exercise the<br />authorization in the Company Articles to carry out a cash issue, private<br />placement to a limited number of investors. On September 21, 2012, the Board<br />allocated the shares, see company announcement no 17 of the same date. <br /><br />During the subscription period, the company received binding acceptance of<br />subscription from two investors. BioPorto has not yet received the full<br />subscription amount and has given a brief extension o",	"attachment":[{"filename":"19 announcement 24.10.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Decision on cash issue, private placement postponed to November 2, 2012",	"published":new Date("2012-10-31 15:15:41 +0000"),	"ingress":"On August 23, 2012, the Board of BioPorto decided to partially exercise the<br />authorization in the Company Articles to carry out a cash issue, private<br />placement to a limited number of investors. BioPorto has not yet received the<br />full subscription amount and has given a brief extension of the payment<br />deadline, see announcement no. 19 of October 24, 2012. <br /><br />A clarification of the situation and a decision on whether the issue is<br />implemented or implemented in part was expected to take place before th",	"attachment":[{"filename":"20 announcement 31.10.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Cash issue, private placement cancelled, the company in an economically critical state",	"published":new Date("2012-11-05 07:56:15 +0000"),	"ingress":" On August 23, 2012, the Board of BioPorto decided to partially exercise the<br />authorization under article 16b of the Company Articles to carry out a cash<br />issue, private placement to a limited number of investors. During the<br />subscription period, the company received binding acceptance of subscription<br />from Marienholm Ejendomme ApS and mr. Mark Szigethy. <br /><br /> BioPorto must inform that none of the subscribers have paid the full<br />outstanding subscription amount. Today, the Board has therefore been force",	"attachment":[{"filename":"21 announcement 05.11.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Delårsrapport for 3. kvartal 2012 for BioPorto koncernen",	"published":new Date("2012-11-12 09:43:39 +0000"),	"ingress":"Resumé for 3. kvartal 2012<br /><br /> -- Omsætningen udgjorde i de første ni måneder af 2012 DKK 13 million (ni<br /> måneder 2011: DKK 14,3 million, inkl. licensindtægt). Produktsalget steg i<br /> perioden med 4,5% i 2012 mod samme periode i 2011, herunder steg salget af<br /> NGAL produkter med 30 % til DKK 4,9 million sammenlignet med 2011.<br /> -- Resultatet blev DKK –11,5 million (2011: DKK –10,6 million) i de første ni<br /> måneder af 2012.<br /> -- BioPorto er under etablering af samarbejder med s",	"attachment":[{"filename":"22 meddelelse 12.11.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto indgår aftale om salgssamarbejde med Siemens",	"published":new Date("2012-11-29 08:25:44 +0000"),	"ingress":"Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics og BioPorto har arbejdet på at finde en løsning,<br />der hurtigst og bedst muligt imødekommer Siemens’ ønske om at tilbyde NGAL til<br />deres mange kunder. Resultatet bliver et salgssamarbejde, hvor Siemens aktivt<br />markedsfører BioPortos The NGAL Test™, mens selve distributionen fortsat sker<br />via BioPorto. <br /><br /><br /><br />Som startskud til samarbejdet har Siemens oplyst, at der sendes et<br />markedsføringsbrev til alle deres internationale datterselskaber og<br />distributører, der blåstemple",	"attachment":[{"filename":"23 meddelelse 29.11.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Announcement from major shareholder",	"published":new Date("2012-11-30 12:28:40 +0000"),	"ingress":"Today, BioPorto has received notice that Media-Invest Danmark A/S holds shares<br />equivalent to more than 5% of the share capital and votes in BioPorto A/S. <br /><br /><br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Telephone +45 4529 0000, e-mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"24 announcement 30.11.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Increase of the share capital through a cash issue, private placement",	"published":new Date("2012-12-03 08:13:11 +0000"),	"ingress":"The Board of BioPorto A/S today has decided to carry out a cash issue, private<br />placement. <br /><br />The capital increase will be effected by means of the Board’s exercise of the<br />authorization stipulated in Article 16b of the Company’s Articles of<br />Association, whereby the Board is authorized until 17th of April 2017 to<br />increase the share capital on one or more occasions by issuing new shares up to<br />the nominal value of DKK 80,000,000. <br /><br />The capital increase takes the form of a cash issue for a limited g",	"attachment":[{"filename":"25 announcement 03 12 2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto’s The NGAL Test ™ registered for diagnostic use in Russia – status on progress in the BRIC countries",	"published":new Date("2012-12-05 13:34:20 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br /><br />BioPorto's Russian distributor, Diakon, has obtained registration approval for<br />The NGAL Test ™ from the Russian health authorities. The approval covers the<br />use of NGAL test for the diagnosis of acute kidney injury. <br /><br />Registration with the health authorities in each market is necessary in order<br />to market a diagnostic product. Following the CE marking of The NGAL Test ™ in<br />Europe, BioPorto prioritizes the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and<br />China), which markets are expected to continue",	"attachment":[{"filename":"26 announcement 05 12 2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto completes cash issue, private placement",	"published":new Date("2012-12-07 12:38:02 +0000"),	"ingress":"On December 3, 2012, the Board of Directors of BioPorto A/S decided to make use<br />of its authorization under § 16b of the Company Articles to make a cash issue<br />directed to a limited number of shareholders. The completion of the issue has<br />today been approved by the Board. <br /><br />The cash issue was fully subscribed and the Board has determined to issue a<br />total of 2,000,000 new shares each with nominal value DKK 3.00, corresponding<br />to a total nominal value of DKK 6,000,000. <br /><br />The subscription price is 1",	"attachment":[{"filename":"27 announcement 07 12 2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"New shares admitted to trading, the company’s financial situation restored",	"published":new Date("2012-12-11 10:33:11 +0000"),	"ingress":"On December 10, 2012, BioPorto carried through a capital increase, see company<br />announcement no. 26 of the same date, and the Company has received the full<br />subscription amount. NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has just announced that the shares<br />will be admitted to trading on December 12, 2012. Thus, the Company is no<br />longer in a financial critical state, as announced in the company announcement<br />no. 21 of November 5, 2012. <br /><br /><br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Thea Olesen, CEO<br /><br />Christina Thoms",	"attachment":[{"filename":"28 announcement 11.12.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Siemens to market BioPorto’s breakthrough kidney test",	"published":new Date("2012-12-11 13:03:16 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br />Expectations for BioPorto Diagnostics have been high since the company launched<br />its anticipated blockbuster product almost two years ago – the kidney injury<br />test known as NGAL. Since then, BioPorto has worked towards solutions that<br />would ensure broad and early market access to the test. In this regard, the<br />first partnership on a global marketing level is now in place. This comes in<br />the form of an informal sales partnership with Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics<br />actively promoting BioPorto’s NGAL",	"attachment":[{"filename":"PRESS RELEASE Siemens to market BioPortos breakthrough kidney test.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto’s NGAL cutoff patent is issued in China",	"published":new Date("2012-12-11 13:43:05 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto has received notice from its patent advisor that the NGAL cutoff<br />patent is approved for issuance in China. Thus, Bioporto has obtained the<br />crucial IP rights for NGAL as a method for diagnosing acute kidney injury in<br />India, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa, South<br />Korea, Australia and Israel. The last two patent applications are under<br />examination in USA and Canada. <br /><br />China is one of BioPorto’s priority markets and obtaining IP rights is of great<br />importance i",	"attachment":[{"filename":"29 announcement 11.12.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Financial calendar 2013",	"published":new Date("2012-12-20 13:13:33 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br /><br />February 19, Quiet period prior to the annual report begins <br /> 2013: <br /> <br />March 4, 2013: Deadline for shareholder proposals for the Annual General <br />March 19, 2013: Meeting <br /> Annual report for 2012",	"attachment":[{"filename":"30 announcement 20.12.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Share Capital and Votes",	"published":new Date("2012-12-28 08:00:00 +0000"),	"ingress":"Under Act 6 in executive order no. 657 dated June 22, 2012 on reporting<br />obligations, BioPorto A/S hereby announces that the company’s total share<br />capital amounts to DKK 141,449,052 divided into shares of DKK 3.00 each,<br />equivalent of 47,149,684 votes. <br /><br /><br /><br />For further information please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Telefon 45 29 00 00, mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"31 announcement 28.12.2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Invitation til investormøde",	"published":new Date("2013-01-03 10:58:49 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br /><br />Invitation til investormøde<br /><br />Som bekendt bød afslutningen af 2012 på et par vigtige begivenheder for<br />BioPorto, herunder gennemførelsen af kapitalforhøjelsen og indgåelse af<br />salgssamarbejde med Siemens. I forlængelse heraf vil vi gerne invitere til en<br />orientering for selskabets aktionærer og øvrige interesserede om selskabets<br />aktuelle situation og samtidig skue lidt fremad. Mødet afholdes: <br /><br />Mandag d. 14. januar 2013 kl. 17.00 hos BioPorto, Grusbakken 8, 2820 Gentofte<br /><br />Thea Olesen, CEO,",	"attachment":[]},	{"headline":"Siemens Diagnostics’ sales activities for NGAL suspended until further",	"published":new Date("2013-01-17 07:59:40 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br /><br />BioPorto has received notification from Siemens Diagnostics of a communication<br />to their international subsidiaries putting a halt to sales activities<br />concerning The NGAL Test(TM). Siemens will refer interested customers to<br />BioPorto. BioPorto is now looking further into the reasons for this and the<br />prospects for activities being resumed. <br /><br /><br /><br />On December 10, 2012, Siemens Diagnostics issued a marketing letter to their<br />international subsidiaries on the sales cooperation with BioPorto, as des",	"attachment":[{"filename":"01 announcement 17012013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Request for extraordinary General Meeting",	"published":new Date("2013-01-24 17:59:59 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br /><br />Today, BioPorto A/S has received a request to convene an extraordinary General<br />Meeting from a group of shareholders under article 5 c of the company articles.<br />The purpose of the meeting is election of board members. The company will<br />convene an extraordinary General Meeting within 14 days, as specified in<br />article 5 c. <br /><br /><br /><br />Further information:<br /><br />Thea Olesen, CEO<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Tel. +45 45 29 00 00, e-mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"02 announcement 24.01.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Notice to Convene Extraordinary General Meeting",	"published":new Date("2013-01-25 12:39:52 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br /><br />An Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of BioPorto A/S will be held on<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Tuesday, February 26, 2013, at 3:00 p.m. at the company’s address,<br /><br /> Grusbakken 8, DK-2820 Gentofte, Denmark<br /><br /><br /><br />With the following agenda:<br /><br /><br /><br />1. Election of board members and possibly deputy members;<br /><br /><br /><br /> *****<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> Details of the proposal:<br /><br />A grou",	"attachment":[{"filename":"03 announcement 25.01.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Resignation from the board",	"published":new Date("2013-01-25 14:06:50 +0000"),	"ingress":"In reference to announcement no. 3 of today, board member Niels Tækker Foged<br />has informed BioPorto that he will resign as a member of the board in BioPorto<br />A/S effective from the day of the Extraordinary General Meeting, February 26.",	"attachment":[{"filename":"04 announcement 25.01.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Announcement from major shareholder regarding the EGM on February 26, 2013",	"published":new Date("2013-01-31 09:10:40 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br />Today, BioPorto has received notice that shareholder Jan Leth Christensen has<br />received shareholder proxies to vote at BioPorto’s extraordinary General<br />Meeting on February 26, 2013, meaning that Jan Leth Christensen holds 5,6% of<br />the shares and voting rights in BioPorto A/S. <br /><br />After the Extraordinary General Meeting the proxies will expire and Jan Leth<br />Christensen will thereafter hold under 5% of the shares and voting rights in<br />BioPorto A/S. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />For further information, please contact:",	"attachment":[{"filename":"05 announcement 31.01.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Extraordinary General Meeting – Nomination of candidates for the board of directors",	"published":new Date("2013-02-22 09:09:03 +0000"),	"ingress":"The Board has convened an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of<br />BioPorto A/S on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 3.00 p.m. as requested by a group<br />of shareholders, see announcement no. 3 dated January 25, 2013. On the agenda<br />is the election of board members and possibly deputy members. <br /><br />The group of shareholders has put forward an overall proposal for the number of<br />members and candidates for nomination for the Board. <br /><br />The number of members is proposed expanded from four to five membe",	"attachment":[{"filename":"06 announcement 22.02.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Development of Extraordinary General Meeting and changes in the composition of the board of directors",	"published":new Date("2013-02-26 14:34:46 +0000"),	"ingress":"<br /><br />Today, an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of BioPorto A/S was<br />held, se notice convening the EGM dated January 25, 2013 and company<br />announcement no. 6 of February 22, 2013 with information on the nominated<br />candidates. <br /><br />The following candidates for the board of directors were elected and now<br />constitute the entire board of directors: Carsten Lønfeldt, Marianne Weile,<br />Roar Bjørk Seeger, Laura von Kobyletzki and Thomas Magnussen. <br /><br /> Torben A. Nielsen and Claus Crone Fuglsang were",	"attachment":[{"filename":"07 announcement 26.02.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Availability of BioPorto’s The NGAL TestTM for Siemens ADVIA® systems",	"published":new Date("2013-03-05 11:47:48 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto recently achieved the CE marked application note for Siemens ADVIA®<br />2400 Chemistry System. Siemens Diagnostics has sent a follow-up communication<br />to their international subsidiaries regarding the availability of The NGAL<br />Test™ for Siemens ADVIA® 1800 and ADVIA® 2400 Chemistry Systems. The<br />communication specifies that while BioPorto and Siemens Diagnostics continue to<br />conduct business as independent entities, Siemens will refer customers<br />expressing interest in The NGAL Test™ directly to",	"attachment":[{"filename":"08 announcement 05.03.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto’s NGAL Test reagent registered for diagnostic use in Brazil – status on progress in the BRIC countries",	"published":new Date("2013-03-11 10:17:53 +0000"),	"ingress":"Brazil’s leading diagnostic company Labtest has obtained registration approval<br />for BioPorto’s NGAL Test reagent from the Brazilian health authorities. The<br />approval covers the use of an NGAL assay for the diagnosis of acute kidney<br />injury. <br /><br />With this registration in Brazil, BioPorto has executed the first phase of its<br />strategy for the BRIC markets – achieving regulatory approval to sell the NGAL<br />Test reagent in all the BRIC territories. BioPorto and its partners have<br />already begun market penetra",	"attachment":[]},	{"headline":"CORRECTION: BioPorto’s NGAL Test reagent registered for diagnostic use in Brazil – status on progress in the BRIC countries",	"published":new Date("2013-03-11 10:26:48 +0000"),	"ingress":"(re-sent with enclosed file)<br /><br />Brazil’s leading diagnostic company Labtest has obtained registration approval<br />for BioPorto’s NGAL Test reagent from the Brazilian health authorities. The<br />approval covers the use of an NGAL assay for the diagnosis of acute kidney<br />injury. <br /><br />With this registration in Brazil, BioPorto has executed the first phase of its<br />strategy for the BRIC markets – achieving regulatory approval to sell the NGAL<br />Test reagent in all the BRIC territories. BioPorto and its partners h",	"attachment":[{"filename":"09 announcement 11.03.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Publication of the annual report for 2012 postponed",	"published":new Date("2013-03-15 13:36:42 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto A/S hereby announces that the publication date for the annual report<br />for 2012 will be changed from March 19, 2013 to March 25, 2013. <br /><br />The recently changed board of directors, see company announcement no. 7 of<br />February 26, 2013, is currently assessing the expectations for the company’s<br />activities in conjunction with possible financing solutions, hence the<br />postponement. <br /><br /><br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Carsten Lønfeldt, Chairman of the board<br /><br />Telephone +45 4529 0000,",	"attachment":[{"filename":"10 announcement 15.03.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto annual report 2012",	"published":new Date("2013-03-25 16:36:31 +0000"),	"ingress":"Highlights<br /><br />Strategic developments in 2012<br /><br /> -- BioPorto is in the process of establishing collaborative agreements with<br /> major diagnostics companies concerning the registration, distribution<br /> and/or marketing of The NGAL Test™. In 2012 an agreement was entered into<br /> with Wiener Lab. Group concerning distribution and marketing in Latin<br /> America. Both Siemens Diagnostics and Roche Diagnostics have informed about<br /> The NGAL Test™ to all their local divisions, directly",	"attachment":[{"filename":"BioPorto annual report 2012.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Resignation from the board",	"published":new Date("2013-03-25 16:44:30 +0000"),	"ingress":"The chairman of the board Carsten Lønfeldt and board member Marianne Weile have<br />informed BioPorto that they resign from the board from today’s date. <br /><br /><br /><br />Further information:<br /><br />Thea Olesen, Adm. CEO<br /><br />Carsten Lønfeldt<br /><br />Telefon 45 29 00 00, mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"12 announcement 25.03.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Notice to Convene Ordinary General Meeting",	"published":new Date("2013-03-25 16:50:56 +0000"),	"ingress":" Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of BioPorto A/S will be held on<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Tuesday, 16 April 2013, at 3:00 p.m., at the company’s address,<br /><br /> Grusbakken 8, DK-2820 Gentofte, Denmark<br /><br /><br /><br />With the following agenda:<br /><br /><br /><br />1. Statement on the company’s activities during the past financial year.<br /><br />2. Presentation of the annual report for approval, including resolution<br />on: <br /><br /> 1. Allocation of profit or cov",	"attachment":[{"filename":"13 announcement 25.03.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Changes to the board of directors",	"published":new Date("2013-04-02 12:39:32 +0000"),	"ingress":"Following the announcement No. 12 of March 25, 2013, the deputy members Torben<br />A. Nielsen and Claus Crone Fuglsang have joined as board members as of today.<br />Also, the Board has constituted itself with Thomas Magnussen as chairman. <br /><br /><br /><br />Further information:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Thea Olesen, CEO<br /><br />Tel. +45 45 29 00 00, e-mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"14 announcement 02.04.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Development of Annual General Meeting",	"published":new Date("2013-04-16 14:56:13 +0000"),	"ingress":"The Annual General Meeting was held in accordance with the published agenda<br />(announcement dated March 25, 2013). <br /><br />The General Meeting took note of the report on the Company’s activities and<br />adopted the Annual Report 2012. Also, the General Meeting adopted the proposed<br />decision on use of profit/loss. <br /><br />All proposals from the Board of Directors in the agenda’s item 3 were carried:<br /><br /> 1. Authorization for the company to acquire own shares;<br /> 2. Approval of remuneration policy;<br /> 3. Approval",	"attachment":[{"filename":"15 announcement 16.04.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Interim Financial Report for Q1 2013 for the BioPorto Group",	"published":new Date("2013-05-07 07:45:50 +0000"),	"ingress":" Summary of Q1 2013<br /><br /> -- The newly elected members of the board infuse the company new expertise in<br /> the areas of clinical research, finance, biotechnological business<br /> development, and general management and development of technological<br /> companies.<br /> -- BioPorto’s combined business is currently being evaluated. The purpose of<br /> this is to ensure that strategy and action plans, IP protection and other<br /> company activities are coordinated with the aim of optimizing the",	"attachment":[{"filename":"16 announcement 07.05.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Implementation of capital reduction and consequent adjustment of conversion price for convertible debt instruments",	"published":new Date("2013-05-21 17:31:35 +0000"),	"ingress":"At the company’s annual general meeting on 16 April 2013, it was decided to<br />reduce the company’s share capital from DKK 141,449,052 to DKK 47,149,684 by<br />reduction of the nominal value of the company’s shares from DKK 3 to DKK 1 per<br />share. <br /><br />The statutory notice period of four weeks after the decision, has now expired<br />and, today, the implementation of the reduction of the share capital has been<br />registered with the Danish Business Authority. Hereafter, the company’s share<br />capital amounts to nomin",	"attachment":[{"filename":"17 announcement 21.05.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"CORRECTION: Implementation of capital reduction and consequent adjustment of conversion price for convertible debt instruments",	"published":new Date("2013-05-22 09:23:29 +0000"),	"ingress":"(The conversion price for convertible debt instruments is DKK 6.97)<br /><br />At the company’s annual general meeting on 16 April 2013, it was decided to<br />reduce the company’s share capital from DKK 141,449,052 to DKK 47,149,684 by<br />reduction of the nominal value of the company’s shares from DKK 3 to DKK 1 per<br />share. <br /><br />The statutory notice period of four weeks after the decision, has now expired<br />and, on May 21, 2013, the implementation of the reduction of the share capital<br />has been registered with the D",	"attachment":[{"filename":"17 announcement 22.05.2013_corr.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto’s NGAL cut-off patent - processing of the appeal in the opposition case",	"published":new Date("2013-05-23 09:01:17 +0000"),	"ingress":"With reference to announcement no. 8, 2012, the European Patent Office (EPO)<br />has set the date of processing of the appeal concerning rejection of BioPorto’s<br />NGAL cutoff patent, issued in Europe. The case is set at the EPO Boards of<br />Appeal on August 27, 2013. <br /><br />The decision specifying that the patent is to be withdrawn is based on an<br />assessment by the EPO’s Opposition Division that the patent is insufficiently<br />described (Art. 83 of the EPC). The EPO’s Opposition Division justifies this by<br />also s",	"attachment":[{"filename":"18 annoucement 23.05.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Status on financing",	"published":new Date("2013-05-31 13:49:14 +0000"),	"ingress":"Negotiation of agreement on short-term debt financing<br /><br />In order to cover the Company’s short-term funding, as stated in the interim<br />report for the first quarter published on May 7, 2013, four investors, who are<br />also shareholders in the Company, has offered to grant a loan to the subsidiary<br />BioPorto Diagnostics A/S DKK of 9 million for a short-term period until<br />mid-September 2013. The conditions for the loan and agreement on collateral are<br />under negotiation with a view to reaching an agreement",	"attachment":[{"filename":"19 announcement 31.05.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Share Capital and Votes",	"published":new Date("2013-05-31 13:56:55 +0000"),	"ingress":"Under Act 6 in executive order no. 657 dated June 22, 2012 on reporting<br />obligations, BioPorto A/S hereby announces that the company’s total share<br />capital amounts to DKK 47,149,684 divided into shares of DKK 1.00 each,<br />equivalent of 47,149,684 votes. <br /><br /><br /><br />For further information please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Tel. +45 45 29 00 00, mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"20 announcement 31.05.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto’s NGAL cut-off patent – new date for the processing of the appeal in the opposition case",	"published":new Date("2013-06-05 07:44:04 +0000"),	"ingress":"With reference to announcement no. 18, 2013, the European Patent Office (EPO)<br />has set a new date for the processing of the appeal concerning rejection of<br />BioPorto’s NGAL cutoff patent, issued in Europe. The change of date is at the<br />request of Abbott, one of the opponents in the case. <br /><br />The case will be set at the EPO Boards of Appeal on October 15, 2013.<br /><br /><br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Thea Olesen, CEO<br /><br />Tel. +45 4529 0000, e-mail inv",	"attachment":[{"filename":"21 annoucement 05.06.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Financing and strategy",	"published":new Date("2013-06-13 08:53:36 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto’s short-term financing is secured by the conclusion of an agreement on<br />a loan of DKK 8 million. The loan is due for payment on September 16, 2013 and<br />the Company's continued operations after this date are still planned to be<br />secured by a rights issue, which is planned in the third quarter of 2013. <br /><br /><br />Strategy<br />As previously announced, BioPorto’s newly elected board has initiated an<br />evaluation of the Company’s business and operations to ensure that strategies,<br />action plans, IP protecti",	"attachment":[{"filename":"22 announcement 13.06.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto launches Monkey NGAL ELISA Kit",	"published":new Date("2013-06-18 11:16:00 +0000"),	"ingress":"With the launch of a Monkey NGAL ELISA Kit, BioPorto completes its animal NGAL<br />product portfolio of high quality NGAL assays for animal research. With the new<br />Monkey NGAL ELISA Kit, a standard laboratory with conventional ELISA equipment<br />can analyze a variety of sample material. <br /><br />The monkey or non-human primate is an important experimental model for medical<br />research because of its close resemblance to human physiology. Pre-clinical<br />research in monkeys represents one of the final steps towards",	"attachment":[{"filename":"23 announcement 18.06.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto plans rights issue and shareholder meetings",	"published":new Date("2013-06-26 12:12:47 +0000"),	"ingress":"This announcement is for information purposes only and does not constitute an<br />offer to buy, sell, issue or subscribe any securities, and is not a<br />solicitation of an offer to buy, sell, issue or subscribe securities. <br /><br />As published, most recently in company announcement No. 22 of June13, 2013,<br />BioPorto A/S is planning to carry out a rights issue to existing shareholders. <br /><br /><br />The Board expects to make a final decision on the issue and to publish the<br />prospectus in mid-August 2013. <br /><br />The issue is",	"attachment":[{"filename":"24 announcement 26.06.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"New CEO",	"published":new Date("2013-07-18 10:13:46 +0000"),	"ingress":"Today, BioPortos Board of directors appointed Peter Mørch Eriksen as new CEO of<br />the company. <br /><br />Thea Olesen resigns her position as CEO of the company and the subsidiary<br />BioPorto Diagnostics A/S. Thea Olesen has served in management positions since<br />the start of the company. She has contributed to the listing of BioPorto in<br />2004 and as CEO, she has led the successful development and launch of the<br />kidney injury marker, The NGAL Test™. During Thea Olesen’s leadership, BioPorto<br />has marked itself wit",	"attachment":[{"filename":"25 announcement 18.07.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Changes in financial calendar 2013",	"published":new Date("2013-07-30 13:39:08 +0000"),	"ingress":" The date for the interim financial report for 2. quarter of 2013 has been<br />changed to August 2, 2013. Other dates are unchanged. <br /><br /> For further information please contact:<br /><br /><br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Tel. +45 45 29 00 00, mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"26 announcement 30.07.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Interim Financial Report for Q2 2013 for the BioPorto Group",	"published":new Date("2013-08-02 09:08:20 +0000"),	"ingress":" Summary of Q2 2013<br /><br /> -- Peter Mørch <br />Eriksen was appointed as the new CEO of BioPorto A/S and of the subsidiary<br /> BioPorto<br /> Diagnostics A/S in July 2013.<br />Peter Mørch Eriksen brings new commercial expertise to the company as a<br /> result of his more than 15 years’ experience in medical technology and life<br /> sciences, acquired both in Denmark and abroad.<br /><br /> -- BioPorto obtained short-term financing by concluding a loan agreement for<br /> DKK 8 million. The loan runs until Septe",	"attachment":[{"filename":"27 announcement 02.08.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Preliminary an non-binding report regarding the opposition case against the NGAL cutoff patent",	"published":new Date("2013-08-14 10:11:15 +0000"),	"ingress":"The European Patent Office (EPO) has published a preliminary an non-binding<br />report. The company provides additional information when the company has had<br />the opportunity to review and assess the report with its patent advisor. <br /><br /> As previously announced, EPO has summoned the parties to oral proceedings on<br />October 15, 2013. <br /><br /> For further information please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Tel. +45 45 29 00 00, mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"28 announcement 14.08.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Contents of Preliminary and Non-binding Opinion regarding the opposition case against the NGAL cutoff patent",	"published":new Date("2013-08-14 14:51:29 +0000"),	"ingress":"With reference to company announcement no. 28 of August 14, 2013, BioPorto has<br />now had the opportunity to review the Preliminary and Non-binding Opinion by<br />the European Patent Office (EPO). <br /><br />EPO’s Preliminary and Non-binding Opinion concerns the organization of the<br />hearing to be held on October 15, 2013. <br /><br />On the question of adequate description (Article 100 (b) and 83 EPC), the Board<br />of Appeal finds that the case should be considered differently than by the<br />Opposition Division in the first i",	"attachment":[{"filename":"29 announcement 14.08.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto A/S publishes prospectus in connection with offering of shares with pre-emptive subscription rights to existing shareholders",	"published":new Date("2013-08-16 11:37:40 +0000"),	"ingress":"In accordance with the Company’s previously announced plans for securing<br />additional funding, the Board of BioPorto has today decided to offer a minimum<br />of 40,000,000 and maximum of 70,724,526 new shares completed with pre-emptive<br />subscription rights to existing shareholders (the “Offering”). The subscription<br />price is DKK 1 per new share. <br /><br />The Company has received advance undertakings as well as guarantee commitments<br />to subscribe for a total of 45,237,435 new shares equal to 64% of the Offering",	"attachment":[{"filename":"BioPorto AS Fortegningsemission - Prospekt.pdf", "attachment":""} ,{"filename":"30 announcement 16.08.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"CORRECTION: BioPorto A/S publishes prospectus in connection with offering of shares with pre-emptive subscription rights to existing shareholders",	"published":new Date("2013-08-16 12:26:16 +0000"),	"ingress":" In accordance with the Company’s previously announced plans for securing<br />additional funding, the Board of BioPorto has today decided to offer a minimum<br />of 40,000,000 and maximum of 70,724,526 new shares completed with pre-emptive<br />subscription rights to existing shareholders (the “Offering”). The subscription<br />price is DKK 1 per new share. <br /><br />The Company has received advance undertakings as well as guarantee commitments<br />to subscribe for a total of 45,237,435 new shares equal to 64% of the Offerin",	"attachment":[{"filename":"BioPorto AS Fortegningsemission - Prospekt.pdf", "attachment":""} ,{"filename":"30 announcement 16.08.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Insider’s dealings",	"published":new Date("2013-08-20 07:13:51 +0000"),	"ingress":"In accordance with Section 28(a) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, BioPorto<br />is required to publish details of the transactions in BioPorto’s shares and<br />related securities effected by senior management and their connected persons. <br /><br />Name Torben A. Nielsen <br />----------------------------------------------------<br />Reason Member of the board of directors<br />----------------------------------------------------<br />Issuer BioPorto A/S",	"attachment":[{"filename":"31 announcement 20.08.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Aktionærmøder d. 27. og 28. august 2013",	"published":new Date("2013-08-20 11:17:32 +0000"),	"ingress":"Kære aktionær<br /><br />I forbindelse med den igangværende fortegningsemission afholder BioPorto to<br />aktionærmøder: <br /><br />Tirsdag d. 27. august kl. 13.00-14.00 i Århus<br /><br />Restaurant 16|Sechzehn - Europaplads 16, 8000 Århus C<br /><br /><br /><br />Onsdag d. 28. august kl. 15.00-16.00 i Gentofte<br /><br />Selskabets adresse, Grusbakken 8, 2820 Gentofte<br /><br /><br /><br />Ledelsen vil være repræsenteret ved selskabets nyligt tiltrådte administrerende<br />direktør, Peter Mørch Eriksen, og det ville glæde os at møde mange af<br />selskabets aktionærer.",	"attachment":[]},	{"headline":"Insider’s dealings",	"published":new Date("2013-08-26 12:01:37 +0000"),	"ingress":"In accordance with Section 28(a) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, BioPorto<br />is required to publish details of the transactions in BioPorto’s shares and<br />related securities effected by senior management and their connected persons. <br /><br />Name Torben A. Nielsen <br />----------------------------------------------------------<br />Reason Vice chairman of the board <br />----------------------------------------------------------<br />Issuer Bio",	"attachment":[{"filename":"32 announcement 26.08.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Rights issue in BioPorto A/S fully subscribed",	"published":new Date("2013-09-06 06:50:16 +0000"),	"ingress":" On August 16, 2013 BioPorto A/S published a prospectus in connection with the<br />offer of minimum 40,000,000 and maximum 70,724,526 new shares with pre-emptive<br />subscription rights for existing shareholders of the company, cf. company<br />announcement no. 30 of August 16, 2013. <br /><br /> The subscription period for the offered shares has expired, and BioPorto A/S<br />is able to conclude that the rights issue has been fully subscribed. The number<br />of shares subscribed for by exercise of pre-emptive subscription ri",	"attachment":[{"filename":"33 announcement 06.09 2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Completion of rights issue and capital increase",	"published":new Date("2013-09-12 09:43:40 +0000"),	"ingress":"On August 16, 2013 BioPorto A/S published a prospectus in connection with a<br />rights issue of minimum 40,000,000 and maximum 70,724,526 new shares with<br />pre-emptive subscription rights for existing shareholders of BioPorto A/S, cf.<br />company announcement no. 30 of August 16, 2013. As announced in company<br />announcement no. 33 of September 6, 2013, the rights issue was fully<br />subscribed. <br /><br />Completion of the rights issue<br /><br />BioPorto A/S has now received the full subscription amount, and today the<br />company",	"attachment":[{"filename":"34 announcement 12.09.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Reduction of convertible bonds and adjustment of conversion price",	"published":new Date("2013-09-12 09:46:00 +0000"),	"ingress":"Reduction of aggregate principal amount of convertible bonds<br /><br />Further to company announcement no. 34 of September 12, 2013 regarding<br />completion of rights issue, BioPorto A/S hereby informs that the aggregate<br />principal amount of the convertible bonds issued by BioPorto A/S has been<br />reduced by DKK 2,100,000. Following the reduction the number of convertible<br />bonds amounts to 76 convertible bonds of DKK 150,000 each, equal to an<br />aggregate principal amount of DKK 11,400,000. BioPorto A/S expects to",	"attachment":[{"filename":"35 announcement 12.09.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Announcement on senior management’s dealings with securities in BioPorto A/S",	"published":new Date("2013-09-12 09:54:28 +0000"),	"ingress":"In accordance with Section 28(a) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, BioPorto<br />A/S hereby publishes details of transactions in BioPorto A/S’ shares and<br />related securities by senior management. <br /><br />In connection with the rights issue in BioPorto A/S, cf. company announcement<br />no. 30 of August 16, 2013, certain members of the senior management have<br />acquired shares as follows: <br /><br /><br /><br />Name Peter Mørch Eriksen <br />---------------------------------------",	"attachment":[{"filename":"36 announcement 12.09.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Announcement from major shareholder",	"published":new Date("2013-09-12 09:57:25 +0000"),	"ingress":"Today, BioPorto has received notice that Jan Leth Christensen holds shares<br />equivalent to more than 5% of the share capital and votes in BioPorto A/S. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Telephone +45 4529 0000, e-mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"37 announcement 12.09.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Announcement from major shareholder",	"published":new Date("2013-09-12 13:53:54 +0000"),	"ingress":"Further to company announcement no. 37 of September 12, 2013, BioPorto A/S can<br />hereby inform that the shareholding disclosed in said announcement is held by<br />Jan Leth Christensen through EG Kapital ApS, Jano Div ApS and Ejendomsselskabet<br />Jano ApS, all of which are controlled by him. Ejendomsselskabet Jano ApS alone<br />holds more than 5 % of the share capital and voting rights in BioPorto A/S. <br /><br /><br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Telephone +45 45",	"attachment":[{"filename":"38 announcement 12.09.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Share Capital and Votes",	"published":new Date("2013-09-30 08:25:20 +0000"),	"ingress":"Under Act 6 in executive order no. 657 dated June 22, 2012 on reporting<br />obligations, BioPorto A/S hereby announces that the company’s total share<br />capital amounts to DKK 117.874.210 divided into shares of DKK 1.00 each,<br />equivalent of 117.874.210 votes. <br /><br />For further information please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Telefon 45 29 00 00, mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"39 announcement 30.09.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"EPO defers decision on appeal concerning BioPorto’s NGAL cutoff patent EP1831699",	"published":new Date("2013-10-15 17:12:08 +0000"),	"ingress":"Following today’s hearing in the NGAL cutoff opposition proceedings, the<br />European Patent Organization has exceptionally chosen not to reach a final<br />decision. The proceedings will be continued on the basis of written<br />submissions. BioPorto has not received information about the timing of further<br />proceedings. BioPorto’s patent remains fully valid during the proceedings. <br /><br /><br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Peter Mørch Eriksen, CEO<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br />Telephone +4",	"attachment":[{"filename":"40 announcement 15.10.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"New CFO and Executive Vice President Sales at BioPorto A/S",	"published":new Date("2013-10-30 15:06:53 +0000"),	"ingress":"Mr. Otto Rasmussen is appointed new CFO as per January 1, 2014 and will be part<br />of the executive management team. He replaces CFO Frank Harder, who resigned at<br />his own request. Mr. Otto Rasmussen comes from a position as Senior Finance<br />Director at Novozymes and has been at Novozymes for a number of years and<br />before that at Novo Nordisk. Mr. Otto Rasmussen holds an MSc in accounting from<br />the University of Southern Denmark, a CPA (certified public accountant) from<br />New Jersey and management trainin",	"attachment":[{"filename":"41 announcement 30.10.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"EPO calls for oral proceedings in the appeal case concerning BioPorto’s NGAL cutoff patent EP1831699",	"published":new Date("2013-11-07 07:44:34 +0000"),	"ingress":"Following company announcement no. 40 of October 15, 2013 the European Patent<br />Organization (EPO) now calls for oral proceedings on April 1, 2014 in the NGAL<br />cutoff opposition proceedings. <br /><br /><br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br />Telephone +45 4529 0000, e-mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"42 announcement 07.11.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Interim Financial Report for Q3 2013 for the BioPorto Group",	"published":new Date("2013-11-08 08:18:32 +0000"),	"ingress":"Summary of Q3 2013<br /><br />In the third quarter, revenues have shown satisfactory progress meaning that<br />expectations for 2013 remain in line with 2012 despite declining sales in the<br />first quarter of 2013. On the cost side, the CEO change and the subsequent<br />restructuring of the company has led to substantial additional costs, but<br />earnings expectations are still kept within the stated range. The restructuring<br />and new strategic initiatives concerning the sales effort are implemented and<br />expected to take",	"attachment":[{"filename":"43 announcement 08.11.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Announcement from major shareholder",	"published":new Date("2013-11-28 12:24:38 +0000"),	"ingress":"Today, BioPorto has received notice that Media-Invest Danmark A/S holds shares<br />equivalent to more than 10% of the share capital and votes in BioPorto A/S. <br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Telephone +45 4529 0000, e-mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"44 announcement 28.11.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Financial calendar 2014",	"published":new Date("2013-12-20 10:52:47 +0000"),	"ingress":"February 19, Quiet period prior to the annual report begins <br /> 2014: <br /> <br />February 27, Deadline for shareholder proposals for the Annual General <br /> 2014: Meeting <br />March 19, 2014: Annual report for 2013 (publication expected after 5 p.m.)",	"attachment":[{"filename":"45 announcement 20.12.2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto receives intention to grant for NGAL exclusion patent in Europe",	"published":new Date("2014-02-21 07:50:18 +0000"),	"ingress":"The European Patent Office has published intention to grant BioPorto’s patent<br />no. EP2064553 regarding exclusion of acute kidney injury. The patent is part of<br />BioPorto’s IP rights in the NGAL area and is complementary to the NGAL cutoff<br />patent. <br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Telephone +45 4529 0000, e-mail [email protected]<br /><br /><br /><br />The kidney biomarker NGAL<br /><br />Every year about 13 million people are struck by acute kidney injury worldwide",	"attachment":[{"filename":"01 announcement 21.02.2014.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto enters intellectual property license agreement with Abbott",	"published":new Date("2014-03-01 08:49:06 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto has entered into an agreement with Abbott to cross-license their<br />respective NGAL intellectual property rights (IPR). The parties have signed<br />non-exclusive agreements, which cover all the NGAL related IPR directly and<br />indirectly controlled by both parties – including sub-licenses from Phadia and<br />Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. <br /><br />Mr. Peter Mørch Eriksen, BioPorto’s CEO commented, ‘This agreement marks a<br />major achievement and is important for BioPorto. BioPorto has succeeded in<br />consolidat",	"attachment":[{"filename":"02 announcement 01.03.2014.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Settlement between BioPorto and Phadia in patent case",	"published":new Date("2014-03-01 09:03:12 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto and Phadia have reached a settlement in the case before the Supreme<br />Court No. 206/2012 regarding the revocation of Phadia’s patent DK/EP 0756 708,<br />which cites the use of HNL (another designation of NGAL) as a diagnostic marker<br />of human illness. <br /><br />Along with the settlement, BioPorto receives a worldwide license to Phadia’s<br />patents in the NGAL area. With this, BioPorto achieves free market access for<br />its portfolio of NGAL products and an improved IP position in relation to the<br />conclusion",	"attachment":[{"filename":"03 announcement 01.03.2014.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto annual report 2013",	"published":new Date("2014-03-19 16:23:50 +0000"),	"ingress":"Main events in 2013<br /><br />Managerial and strategic factors<br /><br /> -- A new BioPorto management team was appointed, and this substantially<br /> strengthens the company’s strategic and commercial expertise. In July,<br /> Peter Mørch Eriksen took over as the new CEO, and a new CFO and Executive<br /> Vice President Sales were subsequently appointed.<br /> -- In Q3, BioPorto carried out a successful, fully-subscribed share issue with<br /> gross proceeds of DKK 71 million. The proceeds were used to exting",	"attachment":[{"filename":"BioPorto annual report 2013.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Notice to Convene Ordinary General Meeting",	"published":new Date("2014-03-19 16:41:44 +0000"),	"ingress":"Notice to Convene Ordinary General Meeting<br /><br /> Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of BioPorto A/S will be held on<br /><br /> Tuesday, April 10, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., at the company’s address,<br /><br /> Tuborg Havnevej 15, st., 2900 Hellerup, Denmark<br /><br /> Please be aware of BioPortos new company address!<br /><br /> (Parking in Waterfront Shopping)<br /><br />With the following agenda:<br /><br /><br /><br />1. Statement on the company’s activities during the past year",	"attachment":[{"filename":"05 announcement 19.03.2014.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"BioPorto Diagnostics to host first Scientific Advisory Board meeting in May 2014",	"published":new Date("2014-03-20 10:50:15 +0000"),	"ingress":"BioPorto Diagnostics is proud to announce that we have established a prominent<br />European Scientific Advisory Board, and we will host the first meeting in<br />Brussels May 2014 with next meeting planned in the Autumn of 2014. We have<br />received acceptance from a group of renowned and leading acute kidney injury<br />(AKI) specialists from cardiac, nephrology and ICU medical areas. Our Board<br />members will challenge current published knowledge and by applying their<br />experience and expertise, the goal is to move",	"attachment":[{"filename":"PR 2014.03.20 Scientific Advisory Board.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Insider’s dealings",	"published":new Date("2014-03-25 14:16:47 +0000"),	"ingress":"In accordance with Section 28(a) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, BioPorto<br />is required to publish details of the transactions in BioPorto’s shares and<br />related securities effected by senior management and their connected persons. <br /><br />Name Claus Crone Fuglsang <br />----------------------------------------------------<br />Reason Member of the board of directors<br />----------------------------------------------------<br />Issuer BioPorto A/S",	"attachment":[{"filename":"06 announcement 25.03.2014.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"Announcement from major shareholder",	"published":new Date("2014-03-31 11:43:51 +0000"),	"ingress":"Today, BioPorto has received notice that Media-Invest Danmark A/S have reduced<br />their shareholding to 9.93% of the share capital and votes in BioPorto A/S. <br /><br />For further information, please contact:<br /><br />Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations<br /><br />Telephone +45 4529 0000, e-mail [email protected]",	"attachment":[{"filename":"07 announcement 31.03.2014.pdf", "attachment":""} ]},	{"headline":"EPO rules BioPorto’s NGAL cutoff-patent invalid",	"published":new Date("2014-04-01 12:51:05 +0000"),	"ingress":"Today, the European Patent Office (EPO) has decided that BioPorto's NGAL cutoff<br />patent no. EP1831699 does not meet the requirements for adequate description.<br />The patent is thus ruled invalid. <br /><br />In BioPorto’s assessment, the company still has a very strong patent<br />portfolio.This includes a divisional European NGAL cutoff patent application<br />pending before the EPO, which covers the same area and has the same priority<br />date as the invalidated patent. The company will seek to improve the<br />shortcomings",	"attachment":[{"filename":"08 announcement 01.04.2014 n.pdf", "attachment":""} ]}, ]; $scope.tags = [ 'Bootstrap','AngularJS','Nasdaq','Instant search','ng-repeat' ]
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