Rough Seas re-creation for compo

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How do I make an rough seas re-creation for compo?

My recreation of this gif for the jsbin compo. Im really close but its not perfect. haha and the code is TERRIBLE. . What is a rough seas re-creation for compo? How do you make a rough seas re-creation for compo? This script and codes were developed by Loktar on 20 August 2022, Saturday.

Rough Seas re-creation for compo Previews

Rough Seas re-creation for compo - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Rough Seas re-creation for compo</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Rough Seas re-creation for compo - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { margin:0; overflow:hidden;
canvas { position:absolute;

Rough Seas re-creation for compo - Script Codes JS Codes

var bbCan = document.createElement("canvas"), // backbuffer bbCtx = bbCan.getContext("2d"), canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"), // render canvas ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var size = 16, size1 = 17, width = window.innerWidth, height = 500, perspective = height, points = [], particles = [], noiseLayers = [], noiseTime = new Date().getTime(), noiseMin = 60, curLayer = 0, sunThrob = 0, isThrob = false, radialGrad = null, setPoint = function (x, y, z, color, nodes) { this.xp = x; this.yp = y; this.zp = z; this.angle = 50 - Math.random() * 100; this.x = this.y = this.z = 0; this.color = color; this.nodes = nodes; return this; }, particle = function () { this.reset = function () { this.xp = 0; this.yp = 0; this.zp = 500; this.velX = 1 - (Math.random() * 2); this.velY = 1 - (Math.random() * 2); this.x = this.y = this.z = 0; } this.reset(); };
function init() { for (var x = 0; x < size; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < size; y++) { var xPos = -3000 + x * 500, zPos = 10 + y * 200, yPos = 455 + Math.random() * 30; points[y * size1 + x] = new setPoint(xPos, yPos, zPos, [250, 242, 245], [ ((y + 1) * size1) + x, (y + 1) * size1 + (x + 1), (y * size1) + (x + 1)]); } } for (var p = 0; p < 50; p++) { particles.push(new particle()); } for (var n = 0; n < 10; n++) { var nCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"), nCtx = nCanvas.getContext("2d"), pix = 0; nCanvas.width = width; nCanvas.height = height; var nImageData = nCtx.createImageData(width, height), nData =; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (Math.random() > 0.9) { for (var w = 0; w < 3; w++) { pix = ((x + w) + y * width) * 4; nData[pix] = 255; nData[pix + 1] = 255; nData[pix + 2] = 255; nData[pix + 3] = 20; } } } } nCtx.putImageData(nImageData, 0, 0); noiseLayers.push(nCanvas); } // gradient radialGrad = ctx.createRadialGradient(width/2, width/4, height/4, width/2, height/2, width); radialGrad.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(250,245,250,0.2)'); radialGrad.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(100,80,90,0.8)'); // helps blur more ctx.globalAlpha = 0.4; render();
// render loop
function render() { bbCtx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); // Render the particles for (var p = 0; p < particles.length; p++) { var particle = particles[p]; particle.xp += particle.velX; particle.yp += particle.velY; scl = perspective / particle.zp; particle.x = width/2 + particle.xp * scl; particle.y = 64 + particle.yp * scl; var dist = Math.sqrt(particle.xp * particle.xp + particle.yp * particle.yp), alpha = 0.8 - dist * 0.004; bbCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(60,40,50," + alpha + ")"; bbCtx.fillRect(particle.x, particle.y, scl * 2, scl * 2); if (alpha <= 0) { particle.reset() } } // render the sun if (isThrob) { sunThrob++; } else { sunThrob += 0.08; } if (sunThrob >= 5) { sunThrob = 0; if (!isThrob) { sunThrob = -2; } isThrob = !isThrob; } bbCtx.fillStyle = "rgb(60,40,50)"; bbCtx.arc(width/2, 120, 100 + Math.sin(sunThrob) * 8, 0, Math.PI * 2); bbCtx.fill(); // render the grid for (j = size - 1; j >= 0; j--) { for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { var point = points[j * size1 + i], px = point.xp, py = point.yp, pz = point.zp, color = point.color, cosY = Math.cos(0.03), sinY = Math.sin(0.03); // the motion points[j * size1 + i].angle += 0.12; points[j * size1 + i].yp += Math.sin(points[j * size1 + i].angle) * 3; scl = perspective / pz; point.x = width/2 + px * scl; point.y = 64 + py * scl; // connects all the points bbCtx.beginPath(); bbCtx.moveTo(~~ (point.x), ~~ (point.y)); for (ve = 0; ve < 3; ve++) { if (points[point.nodes[ve]] !== undefined) { bbCtx.lineTo(~~ (points[point.nodes[ve]].x), ~~ (points[point.nodes[ve]].y)); } } // connect the corners bbCtx.moveTo(~~ (point.x), ~~ (point.y)); if (points[point.nodes[1]] !== undefined) { bbCtx.lineTo(~~ (points[point.nodes[1]].x), ~~ (points[point.nodes[1]].y)); } bbCtx.closePath(); /* hack shading. Not correct shading at all, but looks close enough w/o having to create some actual lighting */ var red = ~~ (color[0] + ((455 - point.yp)) + point.zp * 0.01), green = ~~ (color[1] + ((455 - point.yp)) + point.zp * 0.01), blue = ~~ (color[2] + ((455 - point.yp)) + point.zp * 0.01); bbCtx.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + red + ',' + green + ',' + blue + ')'; bbCtx.fill(); bbCtx.strokeStyle = "rgba(60,40,50,0.3)"; bbCtx.stroke(); // creates the points inbetween each connection bbCtx.beginPath(); bbCtx.arc(point.x, point.y, scl * 6, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); bbCtx.closePath(); bbCtx.fillStyle = 'rgb(60,40,50)'; bbCtx.fill(); bbCtx.stroke(); } } if (new Date().getTime() > noiseTime + noiseMin) { noiseTime = new Date().getTime(); curLayer++; if (curLayer > noiseLayers.length - 1) { curLayer = 0; } } bbCtx.drawImage(noiseLayers[curLayer], 0, 0); // draw the backbuffer to the display canvas ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); ctx.drawImage(bbCan, 0, 0); ctx.fillStyle = radialGrad; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); requestAnimationFrame(render);
setTimeout(function(){ width = window.innerWidth; height = window.innerHeight; perspective = height; canvas.width = bbCan.width = width; canvas.height = bbCan.height = height; init();
Rough Seas re-creation for compo - Script Codes
Rough Seas re-creation for compo - Script Codes
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Developer Loktar
Username loktar00
Uploaded August 20, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 3,643 Kb
Views 38,456
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