Scroll to top design 2

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How do I make an scroll to top design 2?

What is a scroll to top design 2? How do you make a scroll to top design 2? This script and codes were developed by Mike on 01 February 2023, Wednesday.

Scroll to top design 2 Previews

Scroll to top design 2 - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Scroll to top design 2</title> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-hQpvDQiCJaD2H465dQfA717v7lu5qHWtDbWNPvaTJ0ID5xnPUlVXnKzq7b8YUkbN" crossorigin="anonymous">
<div class="icon-effect">	<a href="#" class="circle"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-up animate-up"></i> </a>

Scroll to top design 2 - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import url(,latin-ext);
body { position: absolute; margin: auto; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100px; height: 100px; background: #b7b7b7; font-family: Lato;
a:hover { text-decoration: none;
.circle { display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; /* icon size */ cursor: pointer; margin: 15px 30px; width: 40px; height: 40px; border-radius: 50%; text-align: center; position: relative; color: #b7b7b7;
/* Inside .icon-effect 
*/ .icon-effect .circle { background: #323496; overflow: hidden; -webkit-transition: background 0.5s, color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -moz-transition: background 0.5s, color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; transition: background 0.5s, color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; } .icon-effect .circle:hover { background: #b7b7b7; color: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid white; box-shadow: 0 0 0 6px rgba(255,255,255,0.3); } /* Inside .circle / Animate class inside circle to target icon */ .circle:hover .animate-up { -webkit-animation: toTopFromBottom 0.5s forwards; -moz-animation: toTopFromBottom 0.5s forwards; animation: toTopFromBottom 0.5s forwards; } @-webkit-keyframes toTopFromBottom { 49% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%); } 50% { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: translateY(100%); } 51% { opacity: 1; } } @-moz-keyframes toTopFromBottom { 49% { -moz-transform: translateY(-100%); } 50% { opacity: 0; -moz-transform: translateY(100%); } 51% { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes toTopFromBottom { 49% { transform: translateY(-100%); } 50% { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(100%); } 51% { opacity: 1; } }
Mike (mikestabile) Script Codes
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