Signature_Pad throttle version

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How do I make an signature_pad throttle version?

Added throttling configuration without lagging. is used to saved last known draw move event. Throttle reduces point sampling.. What is a signature_pad throttle version? How do you make a signature_pad throttle version? This script and codes were developed by Kunuk Nykjær on 03 December 2022, Saturday.

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Signature_Pad throttle version - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <a id="github" href=""> <img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"> </a> <h1>Throttling prototype</h1> <div id="signature-pad" class="m-signature-pad"> <div class="m-signature-pad--body"> <canvas></canvas> </div> <div class="m-signature-pad--footer"> <div class="description">Sign above</div> <div class="left"> <button type="button" class="button clear" data-action="clear">Clear</button> <button type="button" class="button debug" data-action="debug-points">Draw points</button> </div> <div class="right"> <button type="button" class="button save" data-action="save-png">Save as PNG</button> <button type="button" class="button save" data-action="save-svg">Save as SVG</button> </div> </div> </div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Signature_Pad throttle version - Script Codes CSS Codes

.button.debug{ color: red; font-weight: 700;
body { background: url("") repeat scroll center center rgb(179, 179, 179); font-family: Helvetica, Sans-Serif; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none;
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.m-signature-pad:before, .m-signature-pad:after {	position: absolute; z-index: -1; content: "";	width: 40%;	height: 10px;	left: 20px;	bottom: 10px;	background: transparent;	-webkit-transform: skew(-3deg) rotate(-3deg);	-moz-transform: skew(-3deg) rotate(-3deg);	-ms-transform: skew(-3deg) rotate(-3deg);	-o-transform: skew(-3deg) rotate(-3deg);	transform: skew(-3deg) rotate(-3deg);	box-shadow: 0 8px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
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Signature_Pad throttle version - Script Codes JS Codes

// MODIFIED version 4
/*! * Signature Pad v1.6.0-beta.6 * * * Copyright 2017 Szymon Nowak * Released under the MIT license * * The main idea and some parts of the code (e.g. drawing variable width Bézier curve) are taken from: * * * Implementation of interpolation using cubic Bézier curves is taken from: * * * Algorithm for approximated length of a Bézier curve is taken from: * * */
(function (global, factory) {	typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :	typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :	(global.SignaturePad = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
function Point(x, y, time) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.time = time || new Date().getTime();
Point.prototype.velocityFrom = function (start) { return this.time !== start.time ? this.distanceTo(start) / (this.time - start.time) : 1;
Point.prototype.distanceTo = function (start) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x - start.x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y - start.y, 2));
function Bezier(startPoint, control1, control2, endPoint) { this.startPoint = startPoint; this.control1 = control1; this.control2 = control2; this.endPoint = endPoint;
// Returns approximated length.
Bezier.prototype.length = function () { var steps = 10; var length = 0; var px = void 0; var py = void 0; for (var i = 0; i <= steps; i += 1) { var t = i / steps; var cx = this._point(t, this.startPoint.x, this.control1.x, this.control2.x, this.endPoint.x); var cy = this._point(t, this.startPoint.y, this.control1.y, this.control2.y, this.endPoint.y); if (i > 0) { var xdiff = cx - px; var ydiff = cy - py; length += Math.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff); } px = cx; py = cy; } return length;
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces, space-in-parens */
Bezier.prototype._point = function (t, start, c1, c2, end) { return start * (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - t) + 3.0 * c1 * (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - t) * t + 3.0 * c2 * (1.0 - t) * t * t + end * t * t * t;
/* eslint-disable */
function throttle(func, wait, options) { var context, args, result; var timeout = null; var previous = 0; if (!options) options = {}; var later = function later() { previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :; timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; }; return function () { var now =; if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now; var remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; };
function SignaturePad(canvas, options) { var self = this; var opts = options || {}; this.velocityFilterWeight = opts.velocityFilterWeight || 0.7; this.minWidth = opts.minWidth || 0.5; this.maxWidth = opts.maxWidth || 2.5; this.throttle = opts.throttle || 0; if (this.throttle) { this._strokeMoveUpdate = throttle(SignaturePad.prototype._strokeUpdate, this.throttle); } else { this._strokeMoveUpdate = SignaturePad.prototype._strokeUpdate; } this.dotSize = opts.dotSize || function () { return (this.minWidth + this.maxWidth) / 2; }; this.penColor = opts.penColor || 'black'; this.backgroundColor = opts.backgroundColor || 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'; this.onBegin = opts.onBegin; this.onEnd = opts.onEnd; this.lastUpdateTimeStamp = null; this._canvas = canvas; this._ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); this.clear(); // We need add these inline so they are available to unbind while still having // access to 'self' we could use _.bind but it's not worth adding a dependency. this._handleMouseDown = function (event) { if (event.which === 1) { self._mouseButtonDown = true; self._strokeBegin(event); } }; this._handleMouseMove = function (event) { if (self._mouseButtonDown) { self._strokeMoveUpdate(event, true); } }; this._handleMouseUp = function (event) { if (event.which === 1 && self._mouseButtonDown) { self._mouseButtonDown = false; self._strokeEnd(event); } }; this._handleTouchStart = function (event) { if (event.targetTouches.length === 1) { var touch = event.changedTouches[0]; self._strokeBegin(touch); } }; this._handleTouchMove = function (event) { // Prevent scrolling. event.preventDefault(); var touch = event.targetTouches[0]; self._strokeMoveUpdate(touch, true); }; this._handleTouchEnd = function (event) { var wasCanvasTouched = === self._canvas; if (wasCanvasTouched) { event.preventDefault(); self._strokeEnd(event); } }; // Enable mouse and touch event handlers this.on();
// Public methods
SignaturePad.prototype.clear = function () { var ctx = this._ctx; var canvas = this._canvas; ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); this._data = []; this._reset(); this._isEmpty = true;
SignaturePad.prototype.fromDataURL = function (dataUrl) { var _this = this; var image = new Image(); var ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; var width = this._canvas.width / ratio; var height = this._canvas.height / ratio; this._reset(); image.src = dataUrl; image.onload = function () { _this._ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height); }; this._isEmpty = false;
SignaturePad.prototype.toDataURL = function (type) { var _canvas; switch (type) { case 'image/svg+xml': return this._toSVG(); default: for (var _len = arguments.length, options = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { options[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } return (_canvas = this._canvas).toDataURL.apply(_canvas, [type].concat(options)); }
SignaturePad.prototype.on = function () { this._handleMouseEvents(); this._handleTouchEvents();
}; = function () { this._canvas.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._handleMouseDown); this._canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._handleMouseMove); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._handleMouseUp); this._canvas.removeEventListener('touchstart', this._handleTouchStart); this._canvas.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._handleTouchMove); this._canvas.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleTouchEnd);
SignaturePad.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return this._isEmpty;
// Private methods
SignaturePad.prototype._strokeBegin = function (event) { this._data.push([]); this._reset(); this._strokeUpdate(event); if (typeof this.onBegin === 'function') { this.onBegin(event); }
SignaturePad.prototype._strokeUpdate = function (event) { var x = event.clientX; var y = event.clientY; var point = this._createPoint(x, y); var _addPoint = this._addPoint(point), curve = _addPoint.curve, widths = _addPoint.widths; if (curve && widths) { this._drawCurve(curve, widths.start, widths.end); } this._data[this._data.length - 1].push({ x: point.x, y: point.y, time: point.time });
SignaturePad.prototype._strokeEnd = function (event) { var canDrawCurve = this.points.length > 2; var point = this.points[0]; if (!canDrawCurve && point) { this._drawDot(point); } if (typeof this.onEnd === 'function') { this.onEnd(event); }
SignaturePad.prototype._handleMouseEvents = function () { this._mouseButtonDown = false; this._canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', this._handleMouseDown); this._canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', this._handleMouseMove); document.addEventListener('mouseup', this._handleMouseUp);
SignaturePad.prototype._handleTouchEvents = function () { // Pass touch events to canvas element on mobile IE11 and Edge. = 'none'; = 'none'; this._canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', this._handleTouchStart); this._canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', this._handleTouchMove); this._canvas.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleTouchEnd);
SignaturePad.prototype._reset = function () { this.points = []; this._lastVelocity = 0; this._lastWidth = (this.minWidth + this.maxWidth) / 2; this._ctx.fillStyle = this.penColor;
SignaturePad.prototype._createPoint = function (x, y, time) { var rect = this._canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return new Point(x - rect.left, y -, time || new Date().getTime());
SignaturePad.prototype._addPoint = function (point) { var points = this.points; var tmp = void 0; points.push(point); if (points.length > 2) { // To reduce the initial lag make it work with 3 points // by copying the first point to the beginning. if (points.length === 3) points.unshift(points[0]); tmp = this._calculateCurveControlPoints(points[0], points[1], points[2]); var c2 = tmp.c2; tmp = this._calculateCurveControlPoints(points[1], points[2], points[3]); var c3 = tmp.c1; var curve = new Bezier(points[1], c2, c3, points[2]); var widths = this._calculateCurveWidths(curve); // Remove the first element from the list, // so that we always have no more than 4 points in points array. points.shift(); return { curve: curve, widths: widths }; } return {};
SignaturePad.prototype._calculateCurveControlPoints = function (s1, s2, s3) { var dx1 = s1.x - s2.x; var dy1 = s1.y - s2.y; var dx2 = s2.x - s3.x; var dy2 = s2.y - s3.y; var m1 = { x: (s1.x + s2.x) / 2.0, y: (s1.y + s2.y) / 2.0 }; var m2 = { x: (s2.x + s3.x) / 2.0, y: (s2.y + s3.y) / 2.0 }; var l1 = Math.sqrt(dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1); var l2 = Math.sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2); var dxm = m1.x - m2.x; var dym = m1.y - m2.y; var k = l2 / (l1 + l2); var cm = { x: m2.x + dxm * k, y: m2.y + dym * k }; var tx = s2.x - cm.x; var ty = s2.y - cm.y; return { c1: new Point(m1.x + tx, m1.y + ty), c2: new Point(m2.x + tx, m2.y + ty) };
SignaturePad.prototype._calculateCurveWidths = function (curve) { var startPoint = curve.startPoint; var endPoint = curve.endPoint; var widths = { start: null, end: null }; var velocity = this.velocityFilterWeight * endPoint.velocityFrom(startPoint) + (1 - this.velocityFilterWeight) * this._lastVelocity; var newWidth = this._strokeWidth(velocity); widths.start = this._lastWidth; widths.end = newWidth; this._lastVelocity = velocity; this._lastWidth = newWidth; return widths;
SignaturePad.prototype._strokeWidth = function (velocity) { return Math.max(this.maxWidth / (velocity + 1), this.minWidth);
SignaturePad.prototype._drawPoint = function (x, y, size) { var ctx = this._ctx; ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.arc(x, y, size, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); this._isEmpty = false;
// Debug
SignaturePad.prototype.drawDataAsPoints = function (size, fill) { var ctx = this._ctx;; var length = this._data.length; var i = void 0; var j = void 0; var x = void 0; var y = void 0; if (length) { for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { for (j = 0; j < this._data[i].length; j += 1) { var point = this._data[i][j]; x = point.x; y = point.y; ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.arc(x, y, size || 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fillStyle = fill || 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)'; ctx.fill(); } } } ctx.restore();
SignaturePad.prototype._drawMark = function (x, y, size, fill) { var ctx = this._ctx;; ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.arc(x, y, size || 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fillStyle = fill || 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)'; ctx.fill(); ctx.restore();
SignaturePad.prototype._drawCurve = function (curve, startWidth, endWidth) { var ctx = this._ctx; var widthDelta = endWidth - startWidth; var drawSteps = Math.floor(curve.length()); ctx.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < drawSteps; i += 1) { // Calculate the Bezier (x, y) coordinate for this step. var t = i / drawSteps; var tt = t * t; var ttt = tt * t; var u = 1 - t; var uu = u * u; var uuu = uu * u; var x = uuu * curve.startPoint.x; x += 3 * uu * t * curve.control1.x; x += 3 * u * tt * curve.control2.x; x += ttt * curve.endPoint.x; var y = uuu * curve.startPoint.y; y += 3 * uu * t * curve.control1.y; y += 3 * u * tt * curve.control2.y; y += ttt * curve.endPoint.y; var width = startWidth + ttt * widthDelta; this._drawPoint(x, y, width); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill();
SignaturePad.prototype._drawDot = function (point) { var ctx = this._ctx; var width = typeof this.dotSize === 'function' ? this.dotSize() : this.dotSize; ctx.beginPath(); this._drawPoint(point.x, point.y, width); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill();
SignaturePad.prototype._fromData = function (pointGroups, drawCurve, drawDot) { for (var i = 0; i < pointGroups.length; i += 1) { var group = pointGroups[i]; if (group.length > 1) { for (var j = 0; j < group.length; j += 1) { var rawPoint = group[j]; var point = new Point(rawPoint.x, rawPoint.y, rawPoint.time); if (j === 0) { // First point in a group. Nothing to draw yet. this._reset(); this._addPoint(point); } else if (j !== group.length - 1) { // Middle point in a group. var _addPoint2 = this._addPoint(point), curve = _addPoint2.curve, widths = _addPoint2.widths; if (curve && widths) { drawCurve(curve, widths); } } else { // Last point in a group. Do nothing. } } } else { this._reset(); var _rawPoint = group[0]; drawDot(_rawPoint); } }
SignaturePad.prototype._toSVG = function () { var _this2 = this; var pointGroups = this._data; var canvas = this._canvas; var minX = 0; var minY = 0; var maxX = canvas.width; var maxY = canvas.height; var svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', canvas.width); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', canvas.height); this._fromData(pointGroups, function (curve, widths) { var path = document.createElementNS('http;//', 'path'); // Need to check curve for NaN values, these pop up when drawing // lines on the canvas that are not continuous. E.g. Sharp corners // or stopping mid-stroke and than continuing without lifting mouse. if (!isNaN(curve.control1.x) && !isNaN(curve.control1.y) && !isNaN(curve.control2.x) && !isNaN(curve.control2.y)) { var attr = 'M ' + curve.startPoint.x.toFixed(3) + ',' + curve.startPoint.y.toFixed(3) + ' ' + ('C ' + curve.control1.x.toFixed(3) + ',' + curve.control1.y.toFixed(3) + ' ') + (curve.control2.x.toFixed(3) + ',' + curve.control2.y.toFixed(3) + ' ') + (curve.endPoint.x.toFixed(3) + ',' + curve.endPoint.y.toFixed(3)); path.setAttribute('d', attr); path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', (widths.end * 2.25).toFixed(3)); path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', _this2.penColor); path.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none'); path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-linecap', 'round'); svg.appendChild(path); } }, function (rawPoint) { var circle = document.createElementNS('', 'circle'); var dotSize = typeof _this2.dotSize === 'function' ? _this2.dotSize() : _this2.dotSize; circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'r', dotSize); circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'cx', rawPoint.x); circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'cy', rawPoint.y); circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', _this2.penColor); svg.appendChild(circle); }); var prefix = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'; var header = '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="' + minX + ' ' + minY + ' ' + maxX + ' ' + maxY + '">'; var body = svg.innerHTML; var footer = '</svg>'; var data = header + body + footer; return prefix + btoa(data);
SignaturePad.prototype.fromData = function (pointGroups) { var _this3 = this; this.clear(); this._fromData(pointGroups, function (curve, widths) { return _this3._drawCurve(curve, widths.start, widths.end); }, function (rawPoint) { return _this3._drawDot(rawPoint); });
SignaturePad.prototype.toData = function () { return this._data;
return SignaturePad;
var wrapper = document.getElementById("signature-pad"), clearButton = wrapper.querySelector("[data-action=clear]"), debugPointsButton = wrapper.querySelector("[data-action=debug-points]"), savePNGButton = wrapper.querySelector("[data-action=save-png]"), saveSVGButton = wrapper.querySelector("[data-action=save-svg]"), canvas = wrapper.querySelector("canvas"), signaturePad;
// Adjust canvas coordinate space taking into account pixel ratio,
// to make it look crisp on mobile devices.
// This also causes canvas to be cleared.
function resizeCanvas() { // When zoomed out to less than 100%, for some very strange reason, // some browsers report devicePixelRatio as less than 1 // and only part of the canvas is cleared then. var ratio = Math.max(window.devicePixelRatio || 1, 1); canvas.width = canvas.offsetWidth * ratio; canvas.height = canvas.offsetHeight * ratio; canvas.getContext("2d").scale(ratio, ratio);
window.onresize = resizeCanvas;
signaturePad = new SignaturePad(canvas, { throttle: 16 // x milli seconds
clearButton.addEventListener("click", function (event) { signaturePad.clear();
debugPointsButton.addEventListener("click", function (event) { signaturePad.drawDataAsPoints();
savePNGButton.addEventListener("click", function (event) { if (signaturePad.isEmpty()) { alert("Please provide signature first."); } else {; }
saveSVGButton.addEventListener("click", function (event) { if (signaturePad.isEmpty()) { alert("Please provide signature first."); } else {'image/svg+xml')); }
Signature_Pad throttle version - Script Codes
Signature_Pad throttle version - Script Codes
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Developer Kunuk Nykjær
Username kunukn
Uploaded December 03, 2022
Rating 3
Size 15,715 Kb
Views 18,216
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