Simon Says

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How do I make an simon says?

This was developed for the freeCodeCamp Advanced Front-End Development Project: Build a Simon Game. Details: What is a simon says? How do you make a simon says? This script and codes were developed by Tyler Moeller on 06 November 2022, Sunday.

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Simon Says - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Assignment Details: - Developed for the freeCodeCamp advanced front-end development project: Build a Simon Game - Details:
Requirements for this assignment: - Objective: Build a app that is functionally similar to this: - Rule #1: Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself. - Rule #2: Fulfill the below user stories. Use whichever libraries or APIs you need. Give it your own personal style. - User Story: I am presented with a random series of button presses. - User Story: Each time I input a series of button presses correctly, I see the same series of button presses but with an additional step. - User Story: I hear a sound that corresponds to each button both when the series of button presses plays, and when I personally press a button. - User Story: If I press the wrong button, I am notified that I have done so, and that series of button presses starts again to remind me of the pattern so I can try again. - User Story: I can see how many steps are in the current series of button presses. - User Story: If I want to restart, I can hit a button to do so, and the game will return to a single step. - User Story: I can play in strict mode where if I get a button press wrong, it notifies me that I have done so, and the game restarts at a new random series of button presses. - User Story: I can win the game by getting a series of 20 steps correct. I am notified of my victory, then the game starts over.
Assignment Completed. v1.0 03/17/2016: - Responsive deisgn using JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, HTML5, and Bootstrap + Font Awesome CSS libraries. - Mobile view, giving better touch-enabled access to game controls. - All user stories fulfilled in desktop environments. Mobile works too, but has .mp3 file caching issues. - Due to performance issues with remotely-hosted .mp3 files, this app has also been deployed to a location where resources can be loaded locally: Mobile .mp3 file playback	will not work until after the first time a user presses a color button in the game. Investigation ongoing.
To Do (not required for this assignment): - Cancel all animation queues and completely turn off Simon when power is switched off or when start button is pressed.	Power switch and the start button both ignore ongoing animation. - Investigate .mp3 file caching on mobile. Can't play on mobile because of .mp3 file transfer delays. -->
<audio id="greenSound" preload="auto" src="" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
<audio id="redSound" preload="auto" src="" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
<audio id="yellowSound" preload="auto" src="" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
<audio id="blueSound" preload="auto" src="" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
<main>	<div class="container main">	<div class="gameboard">	<div class="color-buttons">	<div class="top">	<span class="color-button" id="green"></span>	<span class="color-button" id="red"></span>	</div>	<div class="bottom">	<span class="color-button" id="yellow"></span>	<span class="color-button" id="blue"></span>	</div>	</div>	<div class="center">	<p class="title">simon<sup class="trademark">&reg;</sup></p>	<div class="mobile-wrapper row">	<div class="center-controls">	<div class="score-display">	<p class="score">--</p>	<p class="control-label">Score</p>	</div>	<div class="btn-control text-center">	<div class="btn-game btn-start" id="start"></div>	<p class="control-label">Start</p>	</div>	<div class="btn-control text-center">	<div class="btn-game btn-strict" id="strict"></div>	<p class="control-label strict-label">Strict</p>	</div>	</div>	<div class="power">	<p class="control-label">OFF</p>	<div class="power-toggle-box text-left">	<div class="power-toggle"></div>	</div>	<p class="control-label">On</p>	<div class="warning text-center"><p>Sorry...Simon doesn't work reliably on mobile yet.</p></div>	</div>	</div>	</div>	</div>	</div>
<footer class="footer">	<div class="container-fluid text-center">	<div class="footer-text text-muted row">Copyright &copy;	<script>	document.write(new Date().getFullYear());	</script> Tyler Moeller. All rights reserved. Developed for the freeCodeCamp Front-end Development Challenge: <a href="" target="_blank">Build a Simon Game</a>.</div>	<div class="footer-logos row">	<a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>	<a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a>	<a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-github"></i></a>	<a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-fire"></i></a>	<a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-codepen"></i></a>	<a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-wordpress"></i></a>	</div>	</div>
<script src=""></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Simon Says - Script Codes CSS Codes

@font-face { font-family: 'alarm-clock'; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal;	src: url('') format('woff'), url('') format('svg'), url(''), url('') format('embedded-opentype');
body {	background-color: #222222; background-image: url('');	display: flex;	min-height: 100vh;	flex-direction: column;	font-size: 16px;	-webkit-user-select: none;	-moz-user-select: -moz-none;	-ms-user-select: none;	user-select: none;
main {	flex: 1 0 auto;
.ui-page-active:focus { outline: none;
@media (min-width:768px) {	.main {	margin-top: 5%;	}
.main {	margin-bottom: .5em;
.disabled {	pointer-events: none;
.gameboard {	background-color: #222222;	border: 1.6rem solid #222222;	border-radius: 50%;	left: 0;	margin: .25em auto;	max-width: 550px;	min-width: 300px;	text-align: center;	top: 0;	-moz-transform: scale(1, .88);	-ms-transform: scale(1, .88);	-o-transform: scale(1, .88);	-webkit-transform: scale(1, .88);	transform: scale(1, .88);	width: 100%;
.bottom {	margin-top: -1rem;
.color-button {	border: .8rem solid #333333;	display: inline-block;	margin: 2% auto 0 auto;	padding: 0 0 49% 0;	width: 49%;
.active {	opacity: 1!important;
#blue {	background-color: blue;	border-bottom-right-radius: 100%;	opacity: .6;
#yellow {	background-color: yellow;	border-bottom-left-radius: 100%;	opacity: .6;
#green {	background-color: green;	border-top-left-radius: 100%;	opacity: .6;
#red {	background-color: red;	border-top-right-radius: 100%;	opacity: .6;
.center {	background-color: #e5e5e5;	border: .8rem solid #222222;	border-radius: 100%;	height: 49%;	left: 25%;	position: absolute;	top: 25%;	width: 49%;
.title {	font-family: Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif;	font-size: 2.4em;	font-weight: bold;	margin-top: 7%;
.trademark {	font-size: .5em;	font-weight: normal;
.center-controls {	margin-top: 7%;
.center-controls div {	display: inline-block;
.color-button:active {	transform: scale(1.02);
.score {	background-color: black;	border: 4px solid #222222;	border-radius: 15%;	color: red;	cursor: default;	font-family: 'alarm-clock', sans-serif;	font-size: 1.5em;	height: 2em;	margin-top: .5em;	position: relative;	text-align: center;	top: 7px;	width: 2em;
.btn-control {	width: 20%;
.btn-game {	background-color: yellow;	border: 4px solid #000000;	border-radius: 100%;	box-shadow: 0 0 .4em #222222;	cursor: pointer;	height: 1.6em;	width: 1.5em;
.btn-game:active {	background-color: red;	transform: scale(0.9);
.control-label {	cursor: default;	display: inline-block;	font-size: 0.8em;	margin-top: .5em;	text-align: center;	text-transform: uppercase;
.power-toggle-box {	background-color: #222222;	border-radius: 5%;	cursor: pointer;	display: inline-block;	height: 1.25em;	vertical-align: text-top;	width: 2.5em;
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.power-toggle-box:active {	transform: scale(1.03);
.warning {	display: none;
/* Mobile View */
@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {	.warning {	display: inline;	font-weight: bold;	position: relative;	top: 1.5em;	}	.gameboard {	width: 300px;	}	.gameboard,	.power {	margin: 8.6em auto 0 auto;	}	.score {	margin: .25em .25em .25em 0;	width: 90%;	}	.title {	font-size: 2em;	padding-top: 1.1em;	}	.mobile-wrapper {	background-color: #ffffff;	background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);	border: 1px solid #222222;	border-radius: 1em;	height: 8em;	left: 10px;	margin: 0 auto;	position: fixed;	top: -190px;	width: 15em;	z-index: 1;	}	.center-controls {	margin: 0;	}	.btn-control,	.control-label {	margin: 0 .25em;	text-align: right;	}	.btn-game {	margin-right: .75em;	}	.power {	position: relative;	top: -8.5em;	}
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.footer .container-fluid {	max-width: 480px;
/* jQuery Mobile */
.ui-loader {	display: none;

Simon Says - Script Codes JS Codes

$(document).ready(function () { $('.center-controls').addClass('disabled'); $('.color-button').addClass('disabled'); gameMode = 'normal';	// Mobile browsers have audio caching issues, warn the user. if (typeof window.orientation !== 'undefined')	alert('Sorry...due to audio caching issues, this game is not (fully) supported on mobile devices yet.');
// Default game settings
function resetGame() { turnCount = 0, computerMoves = [], humanMoves = []; $('.main').removeAttr('style'); // remove jQuery animation styles $('.score').text('--');
// Power Switch
$('.power-toggle-box').click(() => { resetGame(); if ($('.power-toggle-box').hasClass('text-left')) { $('.power-toggle-box').removeClass('text-left'); $('.power-toggle-box').addClass('text-right'); $('.center-controls').removeClass('disabled'); } else { $('.power-toggle-box').removeClass('text-right'); $('.power-toggle-box').addClass('text-left'); $('.center-controls').addClass('disabled'); $('.color-button').addClass('disabled'); $('#strict').css('background-color', 'yellow'); }
// Start Button: Reset the game and play an opening animation sequence
$('#start').click(() => { resetGame(); var delay = 250, colors = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'yellow', 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'red', 'yellow', ]; $('.color-button').removeClass('disabled'); playAnimation(colors, delay); $('.score').delay((colors.length * (delay + 100))) .fadeOut(delay).fadeIn(delay).fadeOut(delay).fadeIn(delay) .promise() .done(() => { $('.score').text('0'); computerMove(); });
// Strict Button - end game on first error or repeat required sequence
$('#strict').click(e => {	$this = e.currentTarget if ($this.css('background-color') === 'rgb(255, 255, 0)') { $this.css('background-color', 'red'); gameMode = 'strict'; } else { $this.css('background-color', 'yellow'); gameMode = 'normal'; }
$('.color-button').on('mousedown', function (e) { if (humanMoves.length >= turnCount) { return; // prevent accidental double-click } else { $(this).addClass('active'); $('#' + + 'Sound').get(0).play(); }
}).on('mouseup ', function (e) { if (humanMoves.length >= turnCount) { return; } $(this).removeClass('active'); humanMoves.push(; if (computerMoves[clickCount] !== humanMoves[clickCount]) { clickCount = 0; if (gameMode === 'strict') { $('.score').text(':('); return; } else { $('.score').text('!!') .fadeIn(200).fadeOut(200).fadeIn(200).fadeOut(200).fadeIn(200) .promise() .done(function () { $('.score').text(((turnCount > 9) ? turnCount : '0' + turnCount)); humanMoves = []; setTimeout(playAnimation(computerMoves, timeDelay), 1000); }); return; } } clickCount++; if (humanMoves.length === turnCount) { setTimeout(computerMove, 1000); // 1 second delay before computer plays }
// Highlight colors played by the computer
function computerClick(color, delay) { $('.color-button').addClass('disabled'); $('#' + color + 'Sound').get(0).play(); return $('#' + color).addClass('active') .delay(delay, '_fx') .dequeue('_fx') .promise('_fx') .done(function () { $('#' + color).removeClass('active'); $('.color-button').removeClass('disabled'); });
// Takes an array of colors and a delay time to dynamically build
// a jQuery .queue, calling computerClick() to animate one element at a time.
function playAnimation(colors, delay) { $({}).queue('_fx', $.map(colors, function (color) { return function (next) { computerClick(color, delay).then(function () { return $({}).delay(100, '_fx').dequeue('_fx').promise('_fx'); }).then(next); }; })).dequeue('_fx');
// Computer move: Checks for win, increases speed every five turns
// and shows the human what moves they will need to repeat.
function computerMove() { // Check for Win if (turnCount === 20) { $('.score').text(':)'); $('.main').show('slow').rotate(1080); return; } // Increase game speed by 250ms per move every 5 turns if (turnCount < 20 && turnCount % 5 === 0) { timeDelay = 1000 - (250 * turnCount / 5); } // Pick a random new color for this turn and reset the human moves from last turn var colors = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'yellow']; var randomColor = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)]; humanMoves = []; clickCount = 0; // Play the colors and update the turnCount / score computerMoves.push(randomColor); playAnimation(computerMoves, timeDelay); turnCount++; $('.score').text(((turnCount > 9) ? turnCount : '0' + turnCount));
// Rotation animation used for the game board
$.fn.rotate = function (degrees, step, current) { $self = $(this); current = current || 0, step = step || 5, current += step; $self.css({ '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + current + 'deg)', '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + current + 'deg)', '-ms-transform': 'rotate(' + current + 'deg)', transform: 'rotate(' + current + 'deg)', }); if (current != degrees) { setTimeout(function () { $self.rotate(degrees, step, current); }, 5); }
Simon Says - Script Codes
Simon Says - Script Codes
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Developer Tyler Moeller
Username TylerMoeller
Uploaded November 06, 2022
Rating 3
Size 7,086 Kb
Views 16,192
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Tyler Moeller (TylerMoeller) Script Codes
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