Snap.svg Mask faces

3,545 Kb

How do I make an snap.svg mask faces?

What is a snap.svg mask faces? How do you make a snap.svg mask faces? This script and codes were developed by B. on 21 December 2022, Wednesday.

Snap.svg Mask faces Previews

Snap.svg Mask faces - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Snap.svg Mask faces</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> /* NOTE: The styles were added inline because Prefixfree needs access to your styles and they must be inlined if they are on local disk! */ svg { position: fixed; will-change: all;
svg image { will-change: all;
} </style> <script src=""></script>
<body> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Snap.svg Mask faces - Script Codes CSS Codes

svg { position: fixed; will-change: all;
svg image { will-change: all;

Snap.svg Mask faces - Script Codes JS Codes

;(function(){ //"use strict"; var root = window || this; // init Snap var s = Snap(1000, 1000); // snap.svg with requestAnimationFrame because of fps if (!root.requestAnimFrame) { root.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ return root.requestAnimationFrame || root.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || root.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { root.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); } // ez anim loop var animate = { frame: 0, updateFrame: 0, imageArray: [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], loop: function( timestamp ){ animate.update(); animate.render(); root.requestAnimFrame( animate.loop ); }, init: function(){ // do any set up here, grab up selections, etc // Store all images in array // Define all polygons to snap var polygon1 = s.polygon(0, 301.8, 384.46, 0, 445.53, 402.87, 0, 301.8); var polygon2 = s.polygon(445.53, 402.87, 384.9, 0, 533.36, 43.51, 445.53, 402.87); var polygon3 = s.polygon(445.53, 402.87, 533.36, 43.51, 690.96, 347.66, 445.53, 402.87); var polygon4 = s.polygon(690.96, 347.66, 533.36, 43.51, 757.71, 12.89, 690.96, 347.66); var polygon5 = s.polygon(690.96, 347.66, 757.71, 12.89, 986.58, 373.76, 690.96, 347.66); var polygon6 = s.polygon(928.36, 570, 690.96, 347.66, 986.58, 373.76, 928.36, 570); var polygon7 = s.polygon(636.75, 950.95, 690.96, 347.66, 928.36, 570, 636.75, 950.95); var polygon8 = s.polygon(502.95, 696.46, 690.96, 347.66, 636.75, 950.95, 502.95, 696.46); var polygon9 = s.polygon(445.53, 402.87, 690.96, 347.66, 502.95, 696.46, 445.53, 402.87); var polygon10 = s.polygon(294.46, 713.36, 445.53, 402.87, 502.95, 696.46, 294.46, 713.36); var polygon11 = s.polygon(294.46, 713.36, 502.95, 696.46, 345.51, 918.6, 294.46, 713.36); var polygon12 = s.polygon(345.51, 918.6, 502.95, 696.46, 636.75, 950.95, 345.51, 918.6); var polygon13 = s.polygon(112.43, 539.38, 445.53, 402.87, 294.46, 713.36, 112.43, 539.38); var polygon14 = s.polygon(0, 301.8, 445.53, 402.87, 112.43, 539.38, 0, 301.8); // Select all polygons var allPolygons = s.selectAll("polygon"); allPolygons.forEach(function(el) { // adds attribute of fill: white - enables masking el.attr({ fill: 'white', }); }); // Get all images from array animate.imageArray.forEach(function (el, i) { // Define each img as image via snap var img = s.image(el, 0, -50, 1000, 1000); // adds attributte and polygon mask with index img.attr({ width:'100%', height:'100%', mask: allPolygons[i], }); //console.log(img); }); // bind a resize helper just cuz // $(window).resize(function() { // this.resize(); // }.bind(this)); // then request our first animation loop root.requestAnimFrame( animate.loop ); }, update: function(){ // you can calculate stuff here // track the frame ++animate.frame; }, render: function(){ //Per frame if(animate.frame % 6 == 0 || animate.frame % 10 == 0){ animate.updateRefs(); } }, randomImages: function() { var images = s.selectAll("image"), shuffled = animate.shuffleArray(images), sliced, total = 5; return shuffled.splice(0, animate.randomNumber(1, total)); }, updateRefs: function(){ //animate.imageArray[1]; var slicedArray = animate.randomImages(); slicedArray.forEach(function (el, i) { //console.log(el.node.attributes.href.nodeValue); el.node.attributes.href.nodeValue = animate.imageArray[animate.randomNumber(0, animate.imageArray.length-1)]; }); }, shuffleArray: function(input) { for (var i = input.length-1; i >=0; i--) { var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*(i+1)); var itemAtIndex = input[randomIndex]; input[randomIndex] = input[i]; input[i] = itemAtIndex; } return input; }, randomNumber: function(min, max) { if (max == null) { max = min; min = 0; } return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)); } }; animate.resize = function(){ //console.log('resizing!'); // this is where you do fancypants stuff based on window widths etc if you need it }; // initialise the loop animate.init();
Snap.svg Mask faces - Script Codes
Snap.svg Mask faces - Script Codes
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Developer B.
Username wearebold
Uploaded December 21, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,545 Kb
Views 26,312
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B. (wearebold) Script Codes
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