Sort Isotope

6,238 Kb

How do I make an sort isotope?

Test. What is a sort isotope? How do you make a sort isotope? This script and codes were developed by Nathan Gregg on 25 December 2022, Sunday.

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Sort Isotope - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Sober Optimists</label> <input class="x_limit" type="checkbox" name="artist" value=".elwoodgate" id="elwood_gate"/><label for="elwood_gate">Elwood Gate</label> <input class="x_limit" type="checkbox" name="artist" value="" id=""/><label for=""></label> </div> <hr> <div class="checkbox_group"> <p class="checkbox_title">limit by vocals<i id="chevron" class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></p> </div> <div class="drop_menu" style="display:none"> <input class="x_limit_vox" type="checkbox" name="vocals" value=".vocals" id="vocals"/><label for="vocals">vocals</label> <input class="x_limit_vox" type="checkbox" name="vocals" value=".instrumental" id="instrumental"/><label for="instrumental">Instrumental</label> </div>
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Sort Isotope - Script Codes CSS Codes

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/*---------------------------	Filter Checkboxes
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.checkbox_container .checkbox_title{ color: #808080; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 3px;
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label.sel_all { font-size: 1em;
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.checkbox_container .fa-chevron-down{ float: right; transition: .2s;
.checkbox_container .chevron_rotate{ transform: rotate(-180deg);
.checkbox_container + label{ display: block; width: 90%;
/*-------------------------------- Track boxes, Playlist boxes
.track-container { flex: 7; margin: 0 10px;
ul.tracks {
li.trackbox { position: relative; width: 95%; height: 70px; padding: 5px; margin: 10px; list-style: none; border: 1px solid #999; overflow: hidden; display: flex; flex-flow: column-reverse nowrap; justify-content: space-between;
li.trackbox:hover { top: 1px; left: 1px;
.trackbox .artwork { position: absolute; right: 0px; top: -30px; color: #000;
.trackbox .artwork img { width: 200px !important; z-index: -10;
.trackbox .track_details { width: 100%; z-index: 10; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; justify-content: flex-start;
.trackbox .track_details span { margin: 0 4px;
.trackbox .runtime { font-size: 1.5em;
.trackbox .track_name { font-weight: bold; font-size: 3em;
.trackbox .artist_name { font-size: 2em;
.trackbox .tag_details { width: 100%; height: 15px; font-size: 1.5em; overflow: hidden; opacity: 1;
.trackbox .matched {}
.trackbox .not_matched { color: #D3D3D3; text-decoration: line-through;
li.trackbox:hover .artwork {
.trackbox .icons { text-align: center; color: #000; opacity: 1;
.trackbox .icons i { padding: 0 3px; cursor: pointer;
.trackbox .icons i:hover { opacity: 0.7;
.trackbox input[type="checkbox"] { display: none;
.trackbox input[type=checkbox]:checked + label { color: red;
.trackbox .quote { z-index: 100;
.trackbox .go_to_album { width: 200px; left: 40px; color: #000; font-size: 3em; font-weight: bold;
.trackbox .go_to_album img { position: absolute; top: -30px; right: 0; height: 200px !important; width: 200px !important; z-index: -10; opacity: 0.5;

Sort Isotope - Script Codes JS Codes

var tracklist = [ { "index": 0, "track": "Myriad End Fade", "album": "Various", "artist": "Nathan", "tags": "electronic, electronics, rhythmic, texture", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "3:24", "waveform_url": "tracks/NATHAN-Myriad.wav", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/NATHAN_2.jpg", "description": "" }, { "index": 1, "track": "Bird Songs", "album": "Album No. 1", "artist": "Nathan", "tags": "electronic, electronics, sweet, quiet, no-beat", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "2:30", "waveform_url": "tracks/NATHAN-Birdsongs.wav", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/NATHAN_1.jpg", "description": "" }, { "index": 2, "track": "Violets", "album": "Album No. 1", "artist": "Nathan", "tags": "texture, abstract, no-beat", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "1:35", "waveform_url": "tracks/NATHAN-Violets.wav", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/NATHAN_2.jpg", "description": "" }, { "index": 3, "track": "Coffee Malts", "album": "Alternative Tunings For Regular People", "artist": "Cousin", "tags": "guitar-riffs, drums, band", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "3:59", "waveform_url": "tracks/COUSIN-Coffee_Malts.mp3", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/COUSIN_alternate.jpg", "description": "" }, { "index": 4, "track": "Someone Is Waiting For You", "album": "Thunderheart!", "artist": "Dan Amos", "tags": "noisy, distorted, song", "vox": "vocals", "runtime": "2:09", "waveform_url": "tracks/DAN_AMOS-Someone.mp3", "artwork_url": "", "description": "" }, { "index": 5, "track": "1", "album": "Live", "artist": "Elwood Gate", "tags": "guitar, fingerpicking, warm, rhythmic", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "3:57", "waveform_url": "tracks/ELWOOD_GATE-1.mp3", "artwork_url": "", "description": "" }, { "index": 6, "track": "Enfoote", "album": "Album No. 1", "artist": "Nathan", "tags": "electronic, electronics, texture, rhythmic, dark", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "5:50", "waveform_url": "tracks/NATHAN-Enfoote.wav", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/NATHAN_1.jpg", "description": "" }, { "index": 7, "track": "First Down", "album": "Bedroom Songs", "artist": "Lypcyl", "tags": "electronics, electronic, slow, heavy, dark, distorted", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "5:04", "waveform_url": "tracks/LYPCYL-First_Down.mp3", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/LYPCYL_aven.jpg", "description": "" }, { "index": 8, "track": "Thunderheart!", "album": "Thunderheart!", "artist": "Dan Amos", "tags": "song, band, distorted", "vox": "vocals", "runtime": "2:09", "waveform_url": "tracks/DAN_AMOS-Thunderheart.mp3", "artwork_url": "", "description": "" }, { "index": 9, "track": "Cleveland Police", "album": "Some Vegetable Waste", "artist": "Illness", "tags": "guitar, riffs, band, distorted", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "2:36", "waveform_url": "tracks/ILLNESS-Cleveland_Police.mp3", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/ILLNESS_svw.jpg", "description": "" }, { "index": 10, "track": "Come Around With Me", "album": "MEX - The Meaningless Exploration Of 'X'", "artist": "Dan Amos", "tags": "song, band, anthemic, guitar, drums", "vox": "vocals", "runtime": "2:38", "waveform_url": "tracks/DAN_AMOS-Come_Around.mp3", "artwork_url": "", "description": "" }, { "index": 11, "track": "I Live In A House", "album": "Demos", "artist": "The Sober Optimists", "tags": "cute, electronic, electronics, keyboard", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "3:34", "waveform_url": "tracks/SOBER_OPTIMISTS-I_Live_In_A_House.mp3", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/SOBER_five.gif", "description": "" }, { "index": 12, "track": "Ralf Tuck", "album": "Stuff", "artist": "Lypcyl", "tags": "electronic, electronics, dark, heavy, slow", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "6:42", "waveform_url": "tracks/LYPCYL-Ralf_Tuck.mp3", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/LYPCYL_aven.jpg", "description": "" }, { "index": 13, "track": "You The User", "album": "Some Vegetable Waste", "artist": "Illness", "tags": "guitar, riffs, drums, distortion", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "5:28", "waveform_url": "tracks/ILLNESS-You_The_User.mp3", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/ILLNESS_svw.jpg", "description": "" }, { "index": 14, "track": "Mondane New", "album": "Album No. 1", "artist": "Nathan", "tags": "electronic, electronics, strings", "vox": "instrumental", "runtime": "5:04", "waveform_url": "tracks/NATHAN-Mondane.wav", "artwork_url": "album_artworks/NATHAN_1.jpg", "description": "" }
function makeLibrary() { var i = 0, $ul_tracks = $('ul.tracks'); for (i = 0; i < tracklist.length; i++ ) { // for each object in tracklist var $tl_li = $('<li class="trackbox" id="tl_' + tracklist[i].index + '" data-index="' + tracklist[i].index + '"></li>'), $tl_taglist = $('<span class="taglist hidden">' + tracklist[i].tags + '</span>'), $tl_artwork = $('<div class="artwork"><img src="' + tracklist[i].artwork_url + '"></div>'), $tl_details = $('<div class="track_details"></div>'), $tl_details_p = $('<p class="track_details_p"></p>'), $tl_runtime = $('<span class="runtime">' + tracklist[i].runtime + '</span>'), $tl_track_name = $('<span class="track_name">' + tracklist[i].track + '</span>'), $tl_artist_name = $('<span class="artist_name">' + tracklist[i].artist + '</span>'); $tl_li .append($tl_artwork) .append($tl_taglist) .append($tl_details); $tl_details .append($tl_details_p); $tl_details_p .append($tl_runtime) .append($tl_track_name) .append($tl_artist_name); $ul_tracks.append($tl_li); // append it to ul }
var $container;
var filters = {};
$(function(){ $container = $('#container'); createContent(); var $filterDisplay = $('#filter-display'); $container.isotope(); // do stuff when checkbox change $('#options').on( 'change', function( jQEvent ) { var $checkbox = $( ); manageCheckbox( $checkbox ); var comboFilter = getComboFilter( filters ); $container.isotope({ filter: comboFilter }); $filterDisplay.text( comboFilter ); });
function getComboFilter( filters ) { var i = 0; var comboFilters = []; var message = []; for ( var prop in filters ) { message.push( filters[ prop ].join(' ') ); var filterGroup = filters[ prop ]; if ( !filterGroup.length ) { // skip to next filter group if it doesn't have any values continue; } if ( i === 0 ) { comboFilters = filterGroup.slice(0); // copy to new array } else { var filterSelectors = []; var groupCombo = comboFilters.slice(0); // copy to fresh array // [ A, B ] for (var k=0, len3 = filterGroup.length; k < len3; k++) { // merge filter Groups for (var j=0, len2 = groupCombo.length; j < len2; j++) { filterSelectors.push( groupCombo[j] + filterGroup[k] ); // [ 1, 2 ] } } comboFilters = filterSelectors; // apply filter selectors to combo filters for next group } i++; } var comboFilter = comboFilters.join(', '); return comboFilter;
function manageCheckbox( $checkbox ) { var checkbox = $checkbox[0]; var group = $checkbox.parents('.option-set').attr('data-group'); var filterGroup = filters[ group ]; // create array for filter group, if not there yet if ( !filterGroup ) { filterGroup = filters[ group ] = []; } var isAll = $checkbox.hasClass('all'); if ( isAll ) { // reset filter group if the all box was checked delete filters[ group ]; if ( !checkbox.checked ) { checkbox.checked = 'checked'; } } var index = $.inArray( checkbox.value, filterGroup ); // index of if ( checkbox.checked ) { var selector = isAll ? 'input' : 'input.all'; $checkbox.siblings( selector ).removeAttr('checked'); if ( !isAll && index === -1 ) { filters[ group ].push( checkbox.value ); // add filter to group } } else if ( !isAll ) { filters[ group ].splice( index, 1 ); // remove filter from group if ( !$checkbox.siblings('[checked]').length ) { // if unchecked the last box, check the all $checkbox.siblings('input.all').attr('checked', 'checked'); } }
// FUNCTION one xbox to select all xboxes
$('#select-all').click(function(event) { if(this.checked) { // if 'select all' is checked $('.x_filter').each(function() { // iterate each checkbox this.checked = true; }); // set them to checked } if(!this.checked) { // if 'select all' is not checked $('.x_filter').each(function() { // iterate each checkbox this.checked = false; }); // set them all unchecked }
// FUNCTION select all artist xboxes
$('#all_artists').click(function(event) { if(this.checked) { // if 'select all' is checked $('.x_limit').each(function() { // iterate each checkbox this.checked = true; }); // set them to checked } if(!this.checked) { // if 'select all' is not checked $('.x_limit').each(function() { // iterate each checkbox this.checked = false; }); // set them all unchecked }
// FUNCTION Slide down/up tags menu
$('.checkbox_group').click(function(){ var $this = $(this); $this.find('i#chevron').toggleClass('chevron_rotate'); $'div').slideToggle(200);
var $grid = $('.tracks').isotope({ itemSelector: '.trackbox', layoutMode: 'vertical', getSortData: { taglist: '.taglist' }
Sort Isotope - Script Codes
Sort Isotope - Script Codes
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Developer Nathan Gregg
Username nathansonic
Uploaded December 25, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,238 Kb
Views 6,072
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Nathan Gregg (nathansonic) Script Codes
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