Sticky Nav Bar

5,134 Kb

How do I make an sticky nav bar?

Created a sticky, full width navigation bar. As a user scrolls, the navigation will highlight the section a user is in.. What is a sticky nav bar? How do you make a sticky nav bar? This script and codes were developed by Chris Ota on 15 September 2022, Thursday.

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Sticky Nav Bar - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Sticky Nav Bar</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <!-- Start Main Nav -->
<nav id='main-nav'> <ul id='main-nav-list'> <li> <a href='#main-header'>Top</a> </li> <li> <a href='#section01'>Section 1</a> </li> <li> <a href='#section02'>Section 2</a> </li> <li> <a href='#section03'>Section 3</a> </li> <li> <a href='#section04'>Section 4</a> </li> </ul>
<!-- End Main Nav -->
<!-- Start Conent Wrapper -->
<div id='main-wrapper'> <!-- Start Header --> <header class='wrapper' id='main-header'> <h1>Header</h1> </header> <!-- Start Section 01 --> <section class='wrapper' id='section01'> <h1>Section 1</h1> </section> <!-- Start Section 02 --> <section class='wrapper' id='section02'> <h1>Section 2</h1> </section> <!-- Start Section 03 --> <section class='wrapper' id='section03'> <h1>Section 3</h1> </section> <!-- Start Section 04 --> <section class='wrapper' id='section04'> <h1>Section 4</h1> </section> <!-- Start Footer --> <footer class='wrapper' id='main-footer'> <h1>Footer</h1> </footer>
<!-- End Content Wrapper --> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Sticky Nav Bar - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import url(;
*, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; }
html { height: 100%; width: 100%; background: aaa;}
body { font: 15px/1em 'Open Sans', sans-serif; }
/* Main Nav */
#main-nav	{ position: absolute; width: 100%; background: #bbb; z-index:1; height: 75px; left: 0; top:300px;} /* Height of header */
#main-nav.fixed	{ position: fixed; top:0;}
#main-nav li { float: left; text-align:center; width: 20%;}
#main-nav .current a { background: #aaa; color: #fff;}
#main-nav a { padding: 30px; display: block; color: #111; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase;}
#main-nav a:hover { background: #ddd;}
/* Main Content */
#main-wrapper { width: 85%; margin: 0 auto;}
.wrapper { height: 375px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; padding: 150px 0 0 0;} /* Height of nav bar added to total height: 300 */
/* Section Background Colors */
#main-footer { background: #f1c40f;}
#section01	{ background: #2ecc71;}
#section02	{ background: #e74c3c;}
#section03	{ background: #16a085;}
#section04	{ background: #2c3e50;}

Sticky Nav Bar - Script Codes JS Codes

// Sticky navigation with content section highlight.
// Help from and
$(document).ready(function() { $('#main-nav-list').onePageNav({ scrollThreshold: 0.2, // Adjust if Navigation highlights too early or too late scrollOffset: 75 //Height of Navigation Bar }); // Sticky Header - var top = $('#main-nav').offset().top - parseFloat($('#main-nav').css('margin-top').replace(/auto/, 0)); $(window).scroll(function (event) { // what the y position of the scroll is var y = $(this).scrollTop(); // whether that's below the form if (y >= top) { // if so, ad the fixed class $('#main-nav').addClass('fixed'); } else { // otherwise remove it $('#main-nav').removeClass('fixed'); } });
// Custom
/* * jQuery One Page Nav Plugin * * * Copyright (c) 2010 Trevor Davis ( * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * Uses the same license as jQuery, see: * * * @version 2.2 * * Example usage: * $('#nav').onePageNav({ * currentClass: 'current', * changeHash: false, * scrollSpeed: 750 * }); */
;(function($, window, document, undefined){	// our plugin constructor	var OnePageNav = function(elem, options){	this.elem = elem;	this.$elem = $(elem);	this.options = options;	this.metadata = this.$'plugin-options');	this.$nav = this.$elem.find('a');	this.$win = $(window);	this.sections = {};	this.didScroll = false;	this.$doc = $(document);	this.docHeight = this.$doc.height();	};	// the plugin prototype	OnePageNav.prototype = {	defaults: {	currentClass: 'current',	changeHash: false,	easing: 'swing',	filter: '',	scrollSpeed: 750,	scrollOffset: 0,	scrollThreshold: 0.5,	begin: false,	end: false,	scrollChange: false	},	init: function() {	var self = this;	// Introduce defaults that can be extended either	// globally or using an object literal.	self.config = $.extend({}, self.defaults, self.options, self.metadata);	//Filter any links out of the nav	if(self.config.filter !== '') {	self.$nav = self.$nav.filter(self.config.filter);	}	//Handle clicks on the nav	self.$nav.on('click.onePageNav', $.proxy(self.handleClick, self));	//Get the section positions	self.getPositions();	//Handle scroll changes	self.bindInterval();	//Update the positions on resize too	self.$win.on('resize.onePageNav', $.proxy(self.getPositions, self));	return this;	},	adjustNav: function(self, $parent) {	self.$elem.find('.' + self.config.currentClass).removeClass(self.config.currentClass);	$parent.addClass(self.config.currentClass);	},	bindInterval: function() {	var self = this;	var docHeight;	self.$win.on('scroll.onePageNav', function() {	self.didScroll = true;	});	self.t = setInterval(function() {	docHeight = self.$doc.height();	//If it was scrolled	if(self.didScroll) {	self.didScroll = false;	self.scrollChange();	}	//If the document height changes	if(docHeight !== self.docHeight) {	self.docHeight = docHeight;	self.getPositions();	}	}, 250);	},	getHash: function($link) {	return $link.attr('href').split('#')[1];	},	getPositions: function() {	var self = this;	var linkHref;	var topPos;	var $target;	self.$nav.each(function() {	linkHref = self.getHash($(this));	$target = $('#' + linkHref);	if($target.length) {	topPos = $target.offset().top;	self.sections[linkHref] = Math.round(topPos) - self.config.scrollOffset;	}	});	},	getSection: function(windowPos) {	var returnValue = null;	var windowHeight = Math.round(this.$win.height() * this.config.scrollThreshold);	for(var section in this.sections) {	if((this.sections[section] - windowHeight) < windowPos) {	returnValue = section;	}	}	return returnValue;	},	handleClick: function(e) {	var self = this;	var $link = $(e.currentTarget);	var $parent = $link.parent();	var newLoc = '#' + self.getHash($link);	if(!$parent.hasClass(self.config.currentClass)) {	//Start callback	if(self.config.begin) {	self.config.begin();	}	//Change the highlighted nav item	self.adjustNav(self, $parent);	//Removing the auto-adjust on scroll	self.unbindInterval();	//Scroll to the correct position	$.scrollTo(newLoc, self.config.scrollSpeed, {	axis: 'y',	easing: self.config.easing,	offset: {	top: -self.config.scrollOffset	},	onAfter: function() {	//Do we need to change the hash?	if(self.config.changeHash) {	window.location.hash = newLoc;	}	//Add the auto-adjust on scroll back in	self.bindInterval();	//End callback	if(self.config.end) {	self.config.end();	}	}	});	}	e.preventDefault();	},	scrollChange: function() {	var windowTop = this.$win.scrollTop();	var position = this.getSection(windowTop);	var $parent;	//If the position is set	if(position !== null) {	$parent = this.$elem.find('a[href$="#' + position + '"]').parent();	//If it's not already the current section	if(!$parent.hasClass(this.config.currentClass)) {	//Change the highlighted nav item	this.adjustNav(this, $parent);	//If there is a scrollChange callback	if(this.config.scrollChange) {	this.config.scrollChange($parent);	}	}	}	},	unbindInterval: function() {	clearInterval(this.t);	this.$win.unbind('scroll.onePageNav');	}	};	OnePageNav.defaults = OnePageNav.prototype.defaults;	$.fn.onePageNav = function(options) {	return this.each(function() {	new OnePageNav(this, options).init();	});	};
})( jQuery, window , document );
Sticky Nav Bar - Script Codes
Sticky Nav Bar - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Chris Ota
Username chrisota
Uploaded September 15, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 5,134 Kb
Views 26,312
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