Supermarket Catastrophy

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How do I make an supermarket catastrophy?

Demo of new javascript physics library, PhysicsJS. What is a supermarket catastrophy? How do you make a supermarket catastrophy? This script and codes were developed by Well Caffeinated on 08 August 2022, Monday.

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Supermarket Catastrophy - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Supermarket Catastrophy</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <canvas id="viewport"></canvas> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Supermarket Catastrophy - Script Codes CSS Codes

html, body { background: #121212; margin: 0; height: 100%;
.pjs-meta { display: none;
#viewport { position: absolute; top:0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0;

Supermarket Catastrophy - Script Codes JS Codes

/** * PhysicsJS by Jasper Palfree <> * * * Supermarket catastrophy */
Physics.behavior('demo-mouse-events', function( parent ){ return { init: function( options ){ var self = this; this.mousePos = Physics.vector(); this.mousePosOld = Physics.vector(); this.offset = Physics.vector(); this.el = $(options.el).on({ mousedown: function(e){ var offset = $(this).offset(); self.mousePos.set(e.pageX - offset.left, e.pageY -; var body = self._world.findOne({ $at: self.mousePos }) ; if ( body ){ // we're trying to grab a body // fix the body in place body.fixed = true; // remember the currently grabbed body self.body = body; // remember the mouse offset self.offset.clone( self.mousePos ).vsub( body.state.pos ); return; } self.mouseDown = true; }, mousemove: function(e){ var offset = $(this).offset(); self.mousePosOld.clone( self.mousePos ); // get new mouse position self.mousePos.set(e.pageX - offset.left, e.pageY -; }, mouseup: function(e){ var offset = $(this).offset(); self.mousePosOld.clone( self.mousePos ); self.mousePos.set(e.pageX - offset.left, e.pageY -; // release the body if (self.body){ self.body.fixed = false; self.body = false; } self.mouseDown = false; } }); }, connect: function( world ){ // subscribe the .behave() method to the position integration step world.subscribe('integrate:positions', this.behave, this); }, disconnect: function( world ){ // unsubscribe when disconnected world.unsubscribe('integrate:positions', this.behave); }, behave: function( data ){ if ( this.body ){ // if we have a body, we need to move it the the new mouse position. // we'll also track the velocity of the mouse movement so that when it's released // the body can be "thrown" this.body.state.pos.clone( this.mousePos ).vsub( this.offset ); this.body.state.vel.clone( this.body.state.pos ).vsub( this.mousePosOld ).vadd( this.offset ).mult( 1 / 30 ); this.body.state.vel.clamp( { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 } ); return; } if ( !this.mouseDown ){ return; } // if we don't have a body, then just accelerate // all bodies towards the current mouse position var bodies = data.bodies // use a scratchpad to speed up calculations ,scratch = Physics.scratchpad() ,v = scratch.vector() ,body ; for ( var i = 0, l = bodies.length; i < l; ++i ){ body = bodies[ i ]; // simple linear acceleration law towards the mouse position v.clone(this.mousePos) .vsub( body.state.pos ) .normalize() .mult( 0.001 ) ; body.accelerate( v ); } scratch.done(); } };
Physics(function(world){ var $win = $(window) ,viewWidth = $win.width() ,viewHeight = $win.height() ,renderer = Physics.renderer('canvas', { el: 'viewport', width: viewWidth, height: viewHeight, meta: true, // debug:true, styles: { 'circle': { strokeStyle: 'hsla(60, 37%, 17%, 1)', lineWidth: 1, fillStyle: 'hsla(60, 37%, 57%, 0.8)', angleIndicator: 'hsla(60, 37%, 17%, 0.4)' }, 'convex-polygon' : { strokeStyle: 'hsla(60, 37%, 17%, 1)', lineWidth: 1, fillStyle: 'hsla(60, 47%, 37%, 0.8)', angleIndicator: 'none' } } }) ,edgeBounce // bounds of the window ,viewportBounds = Physics.aabb(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight) ; // resize events $(window).on('resize', function(){ viewWidth = $win.width(); viewHeight = $win.height(); renderer.el.width = viewWidth; renderer.el.height = viewHeight; renderer.options.width = viewWidth; renderer.options.height = viewHeight; viewportBounds = Physics.aabb(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight); edgeBounce.setAABB( viewportBounds ); }); // add the renderer world.add( renderer ); // render on each step world.subscribe('step', function(){ world.render(); }); world.add( Physics.behavior('demo-mouse-events', { el: '#viewport' }) ); // constrain objects to these bounds edgeBounce = Physics.behavior('edge-collision-detection', { aabb: viewportBounds, restitution: 0.2, cof: 0.8 }); var square = [ {x: 0, y: 40}, {x: 40, y: 40}, {x: 40, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 0} ]; world.subscribe('render', function( data ){ // delay the launching setTimeout(function(){ world.add( projectile ); }, 2000); var squares = []; for ( var i = 0, l = 24; i < l; ++i ){ // projectile projectile = Physics.body('circle', { x: -20, y: viewHeight - 150, vx: 2, mass: 4, radius: 20, restitution: 0.99, angularVelocity: 0 }); // squares squares.push( Physics.body('convex-polygon', { vertices: square, x: 42 * (i / 6 | 0) + viewWidth - 40 * 8, y: 40 * (i % 6) + viewHeight - 6 * 40 + 15, vx: 0, cof: 0.99, restitution: 0.99, fixed: false })); } world.add( squares ); // only run once world.unsubscribe( data.topic, data.handler ); }, null, 100); world.add( Physics.behavior('body-collision-detection', { checkAll: false }) ); world.add( Physics.behavior('sweep-prune') ); world.add( Physics.behavior('body-impulse-response') ); world.add( edgeBounce ); // add gravity world.add( Physics.behavior('constant-acceleration') ); // subscribe to ticker to advance the simulation Physics.util.ticker.subscribe(function( time, dt ){ world.step( time ); }); // start the ticker Physics.util.ticker.start(); $(function(){ $win.trigger('resize'); });
Supermarket Catastrophy - Script Codes
Supermarket Catastrophy - Script Codes
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Developer Well Caffeinated
Username wellcaffeinated
Uploaded August 08, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,781 Kb
Views 64,768
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