Svg ani

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How do I make an svg ani?

Forked from Ronty06's Pen svg ani.. What is a svg ani? How do you make a svg ani? This script and codes were developed by Adnene Manai on 15 October 2022, Saturday.

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<body> <!-- By Levallois Cyril
Here is the reference I used for the run :
<h1>MB 0.9.0</h1>
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" style="max-height:800px;height:90vh;width:100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400" xml:space="preserve">	<!-- By Levallois Cyril -->	<defs>	<filter id="glow" width="20" x="-10">	<feGaussianBlur id="GaussianBlur" stdDeviation="2" in="SourceGraphic" result="BlurResult" />	<feComposite in2="BlurResult" in="SourceGraphic" operator="over" />	</filter>	<linearGradient id="chrome">	<stop style="stop-color:#000000;stop-opacity:1;" offset="0" id="stop3816" />	<stop id="stop3822" offset="0.612" style="stop-color:#e2e2e2;stop-opacity:1" />	<stop style="stop-color:red;stop-opacity:1;" offset="0.734" id="stop3824" />	<stop id="stop3826" offset="0.734" style="stop-color:#242424;stop-opacity:1;" />	<stop style="stop-color:#444444;stop-opacity:1" offset="0.8174" id="stop3830" />	<stop style="stop-color:#d5d5d5;stop-opacity:1;" offset="0.8348" id="stop3828" />	<stop style="stop-color:#a7a7a7;stop-opacity:1;" offset="1" id="stop3818" />	</linearGradient>	<linearGradient id="linearGradient5090">	<stop style="stop-color:#b38443;stop-opacity:1;" offset="0" id="stop5092" />	<stop id="stop5098" offset="0.5" style="stop-color:#694d27;stop-opacity:1;" />	<stop style="stop-color:#4f3a1e;stop-opacity:1;" offset="1" id="stop5094" />	</linearGradient>	<linearGradient id="linearGradient5072">	<stop style="stop-color:#888888;stop-opacity:1;" offset="0" id="stop5074" />	<stop id="stop5086" offset="0.2385" style="stop-color:#707070;stop-opacity:1;" />	<stop id="stop5080" offset="0.3664" style="stop-color:#ababab;stop-opacity:1;" />	<stop style="stop-color:#9d9d9d;stop-opacity:1;" offset="0.8549" id="stop5082" />	<stop style="stop-color:#cbcbcb;stop-opacity:1;" offset="1" id="stop5076" />	</linearGradient>	<radialGradient xlink:href="#linearGradient5072" id="radialGradient5088" cx="-0.2604" cy="-10.11" fx="-0.2604" fy="-10.11" r="4.361" gradientTransform="matrix(1.778,-0.4014,0.7006,3.099,7.308,20.75)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"></radialGradient>	<linearGradient xlink:href="#linearGradient5090" id="linearGradient5096" x1="-0.3107" y1="-5.068" x2="2.185" y2="-5.068" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" />	</defs>	<path style="fill:black;stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero" id="bras1" d="M 217.8,126.9 C 208.4,120.7 202.2,122 190.6,126.9 179,131.9 168.3,136.3 166.1,141.2 163.8,146.1 149.1,175.6 147.3,176.5 145.5,177.4 140.6,181.9 137,187.7 133.5,193.5 129.4,204.2 137,201.9 144.6,199.7 145.1,195.7 149.5,190.8 154,185.9 153.1,182.8 157.6,177.8 162,172.9 168,152.4 175.3,149.3 182.6,146.1 192,141.7 200,142.6 208,143.5 227.2,133.2 217.8,126.9 z">	<animate attributeName="d" attributeType="XML" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze" dur="1s" values=" M 217.8,126.9 C 208.4,120.7 202.2,122 190.6,126.9 179,131.9 168.3,136.3 166.1,141.2 163.8,146.1 149.1,175.6 147.3,176.5 145.5,177.4 140.6,181.9 137,187.7 133.5,193.5 129.4,204.2 137,201.9 144.6,199.7 145.1,195.7 149.5,190.8 154,185.9 153.1,182.8 157.6,177.8 162,172.9 168,152.4 175.3,149.3 182.6,146.1 192,141.7 200,142.6 208,143.5 227.2,133.2 217.8,126.9 z; M 216.5,128.2 C 205.6,125.4 202.2,126 190.6,130.9 179,135.9 153.3,149.3 151.1,154.2 148.8,159.1 148.3,170 148.3,175.5 148.3,182.7 144,182.8 146,189.4 149.2,199.9 153.7,199.1 161.3,196.8 168.9,194.6 164.2,189.3 162.7,186.3 159.6,180.4 154.4,184.3 156.5,178 159.3,169.3 163.5,161.8 166,156.8 166.6,155.4 177.1,151 185.2,149.6 201.7,146.7 219.3,138.8 216.5,128.2 z; M 221.8,122.7 C 212.9,115.8 204.3,125.1 192.6,135.7 183.3,144.2 170.3,172.1 168.1,177 165.8,181.9 163.3,192.7 163.3,198.3 163.3,205.4 163,206.6 165,213.1 168.2,223.7 170.7,221.8 178.3,219.6 185.9,217.4 181.2,212 179.7,209.1 176.6,203.1 172.7,203.2 174.8,196.9 177.6,188.3 180.3,181.8 182.8,176.8 183.4,175.4 189.7,158.8 196.5,154.3 206.3,147.7 235.3,133 221.8,122.7 z; M 221.8,125.7 C 212.9,118.8 203,136.8 192.5,148.9 184.2,158.4 180.3,178.5 181.2,183.9 182.1,189.2 192.1,224.6 195.2,229.2 199.2,235.1 199.6,239.2 204.9,243.5 213.5,250.5 214.5,247.5 219.6,241.4 224.6,235.3 217.7,233.6 214.8,232 208.9,228.8 205.8,231 204,224.6 201.5,215.9 200.1,203 199.3,197.5 199.1,196 193.7,182.7 202.1,168.1 210.5,153.3 235.3,136 221.8,125.7 z; M221.839,124.362c-8.955-6.88-12.366,6.424-16.506,21.971 c-3.242,12.178-3.122,32.129,2.053,33.657c5.173,1.526,34.2,6.306,39.664,6.962c5.95,0.714,7.354,4.548,14.168,4.571 c8.782,0.028,17.704-0.602,22.449-7.19c2.596-3.604-14.699-5.901-20.468-7.776c-6.36-2.067-9.817,0.688-16.354-0.475 c-8.976-1.601-22.131-6.991-27.488-8.708c-1.426-0.458-4.64-0.543,1.976-16.04C228.46,134.636,235.25,134.667,221.839,124.362z; M 218.5,123.7 C 209.8,126.5 214.4,132.6 219.2,148 222.9,160 233.8,175 239,173.5 245.7,171.7 263.3,160.7 266,157.8 270.7,153 272,149.4 277.8,145.8 285.3,141.2 284.8,136.4 285.3,128.3 285.6,123.9 274.5,131.7 268.7,135.2 262.9,138.6 265.3,146.3 259.3,150 251.5,154.7 244.5,159.5 239,160.8 237.6,161.2 238.5,161.1 234.7,144.7 232,133.3 226.5,121.7 218.5,123.7 z; M 226.3,128.7 C 224.7,136.1 231.5,140.3 245.3,142.1 257.8,143.7 274.9,153.1 278.9,149.4 284,144.7 294.7,126.9 295.8,123.2 297.8,116.8 297.4,113 300.9,107.1 305.5,99.62 302.9,95.6 299.7,88.14 297.9,84.06 291.6,96.02 287.9,101.8 284.3,107.4 290,113.3 286.3,119.2 281.5,127 278.9,129.6 274.7,133.3 273.5,134.3 269.4,136.1 253,129.5 242.4,124.8 231.2,118.5 226.3,128.7 z; M 220.4,144 C 220.3,150.5 226,153.3 248.7,158.7 271.3,164 281,164.3 283,162.5 285,160.7 289.3,152 292,135.7 294.7,119.3 293.3,118.3 294.3,115 295.3,111.7 299,99.33 298,94.33 297,89.33 290,80.34 288.7,83.33 287.3,86.33 283,109.3 283.7,117.7 284.3,126 281.3,132 277.7,139.7 271.5,152.8 271.3,150.7 256.7,143.7 225.3,128.7 220.4,140 220.4,144 z; M 217.5,140.5 C 215.2,146.5 218.5,150.9 237.1,164.9 255,178.3 261,179.9 263.6,178.9 266.1,177.9 271.9,173 281.3,159.4 289.1,148 292.8,154.2 294.9,151.5 297.1,148.7 305.8,135.5 306.7,130.4 307.5,125.4 304.1,114.5 301.8,116.8 283.2,137.1 282.4,129.9 279.2,148.8 275.5,153.6 272.6,154.8 268.4,156.6 254.9,162.9 260.1,159.6 251.9,151 245.1,143.6 224.4,123.9 217.5,140.5 z; M 214.3,127.7 C 208.2,129.8 208,135.2 209.2,158.4 210.4,180.8 216.7,189.7 217.7,192.2 218.7,194.7 227.6,208.5 241.2,217.9 252.6,225.7 250.3,228.4 253.1,230.6 255.9,232.7 263.1,238.5 268.1,239.3 273.2,240.1 284.1,237.7 281.7,235.4 263.1,214.2 267.5,220.1 251.8,215.9 247,212.1 238.8,198.2 236.9,194 229.9,181.6 227.3,172.7 228.4,160.8 228,147.7 234.2,121 214.3,127.7 z; M 214.3,126.7 C 208.2,128.8 204.3,137.8 199.2,158.4 193.9,180.2 195.5,187.7 196.5,190.3 197.5,192.8 203.3,203.5 212.8,222 219.1,234.3 217.3,237.3 217,240.8 216.8,244.3 223.1,252.3 227.8,257.5 231.1,261.3 240.5,261.2 240.5,257.9 232.8,234.5 242.8,244.4 226.7,228 223.3,222.9 219.1,204.2 217.3,200 208.6,181.1 206.5,176.9 215,162.7 221.9,153.6 237.8,119.1 214.3,126.7 z; M 209.3,121.7 C 203.2,123.8 196.1,138 190.2,158.4 186.5,171.6 185.7,171.3 184,180.3 183.5,183 180,190.6 179.7,211.7 179.5,225.5 175.7,224.1 174.7,227.5 172.8,234 172.9,238 172.4,244.9 172.1,250 176.8,256.5 179.2,254.2 188.3,233.6 189.3,251 189.5,220.3 190.8,214.3 192.9,205.8 194,201.3 195.6,179.5 197.6,184.1 207,162.8 209.3,158 230.4,114.9 209.3,121.7 z; M 215.3,119 C 209.1,121.1 205.5,125.2 192.8,136 182.3,144.8 177.4,147.8 175.8,156.8 175.3,159.4 175.2,161.2 167,180.2 160.2,195.9 158.4,208.2 157.8,210 154,220.8 146.4,221.8 146,228.8 145.7,233.8 146,238.7 152.3,235.2 165.1,218.1 166.5,235.7 168.5,202.2 169.7,196.2 174.1,190 176.9,186.3 187.2,173 187.7,158.2 204.3,147 222.2,134.9 230.9,114.6 215.3,119 z; M 224.3,120 C 218.1,122.1 208.5,121.2 195.8,132 185.3,140.8 173.4,138.8 171.8,147.8 171.3,150.4 171.2,152.2 163,171.2 156.2,186.9 156.4,196.2 155.8,198 152,208.8 144.4,214.8 144,221.8 143.7,226.8 144,231.7 150.3,228.2 162.9,210.9 166.7,226 165.5,193.2 166.7,187.2 170.1,181 172.9,177.3 186.2,161.1 178.2,159.8 205.3,147 231,140.4 238.7,120.5 224.3,120 z; M 217.8,126.9 C 208.4,120.7 202.2,122 190.6,126.9 179,131.9 168.3,136.3 166.1,141.2 163.8,146.1 149.1,175.6 147.3,176.5 145.5,177.4 140.6,181.9 137,187.7 133.5,193.5 129.4,204.2 137,201.9 144.6,199.7 145.1,195.7 149.5,190.8 154,185.9 153.1,182.8 157.6,177.8 162,172.9 168,152.4 175.3,149.3 182.6,146.1 192,141.7 200,142.6 208,143.5 227.2,133.2 217.8,126.9 z"	/>	</path>	<path style="fill:black;stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero" id="leg1" d="M 198.1,209.3 C 187.3,210 178.3,210.7 178,218 177.7,225.3 185,236.6 200,236.3 215,236 235.3,236.6 245.7,236.3 256,236 257.3,236 256,239 254.7,242 251.3,253.3 250,268.3 248.7,283.3 252.7,303 253.3,310 254,317 251,326.7 261,324.3 271,322 280.7,318.7 289.3,311.7 298,304.7 298.2,301 298.2,301 298.2,301 283,306 276.7,306.7 270.3,307.3 259.5,307 259.3,304.3 259,301.7 258.3,288.3 265.3,269 272.3,249.7 275.7,240.7 277.3,234.7 279,228.7 280.7,222 268,218.7 255.3,215.3 238.4,212 220.4,211 202.3,210 205.3,208.9 198.1,209.3 z">	<animate attributeName="d" attributeType="XML" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze" dur="1s" values=" M 198.1,209.3 C 187.3,210 178.3,210.7 178,218 177.7,225.3 185,236.6 200,236.3 215,236 235.3,236.6 245.7,236.3 256,236 257.3,236 256,239 254.7,242 251.3,253.3 250,268.3 248.7,283.3 252.7,303 253.3,310 254,317 251,326.7 261,324.3 271,322 280.7,318.7 289.3,311.7 298,304.7 298.2,301 298.2,301 298.2,301 283,306 276.7,306.7 270.3,307.3 259.5,307 259.3,304.3 259,301.7 258.3,288.3 265.3,269 272.3,249.7 275.7,240.7 277.3,234.7 279,228.7 280.7,222 268,218.7 255.3,215.3 238.4,212 220.4,211 202.3,210 205.3,208.9 198.1,209.3 z; M 188.8,223 C 178,223.6 169,224.3 168.7,231.7 168.3,239 172.9,249.1 187.7,252 206.7,255.7 222,254.9 232.3,254 246.7,252.7 248,249.7 246.7,252.7 245.3,255.7 249.3,271 256.7,285 263.7,298.3 289.3,335.7 290,342.7 290.7,349.7 292.3,354.2 301.7,350 314.9,344 317.3,342.3 326,335.3 334.7,328.3 332.8,321.7 332.8,321.7 332.8,321.7 319.7,330.7 313.3,331.3 307,332 301.3,332.3 299.9,330 295.6,322.4 286.4,312 279,282.7 274,262.7 271.6,257 270,248.3 267.2,233.3 271.3,235.7 258.7,232.3 246,229 229.1,225.7 211,224.7 193,223.7 195.9,222.6 188.8,223 z; M 190.7,203.2 C 180,203.8 178.6,208.4 178.3,215.8 177.9,223.1 182.6,222.3 191.8,234.1 203.1,248.6 219.5,261.9 227,269 231.5,273.3 230.9,275.5 231.6,278.8 232.6,283.3 231.6,288.5 231.6,309.8 231.6,324.8 234.8,344 233,351.6 231.4,358.5 225.7,365.4 236,365.4 250.5,365.4 260.6,365.4 271.8,365.4 286.5,365.4 285,358.8 285,358.8 285,358.8 271.5,356.8 262.3,354 256.1,352.2 243.8,346.3 242.5,344 238.2,336.4 241.8,325.4 248.4,295.8 251.6,281.6 253.3,278.8 254.5,272 255.4,266.9 253.1,261.5 244.3,254 234.2,245.6 223.8,231.8 213,217.8 202,203.4 197.9,202.8 190.7,203.2 z; M 199.7,207.2 C 189,207.8 188.6,208.4 188.3,215.8 187.9,223.1 186.1,226.2 193.8,239.1 202.8,254.2 210.5,269.5 218,282.3 221.1,287.6 217.8,287 216.3,289.3 213,294.7 210.7,293.9 203.3,313.9 198,328.4 197.5,342 195.7,349.6 194.1,356.5 185.7,365.4 196,365.4 210.5,365.4 220.6,365.4 231.8,365.4 246.5,365.4 245,358.8 245,358.8 245,358.8 231.9,358.9 222.7,356.1 216.5,354.3 205.9,352.7 205.5,350 204.1,341.4 216.8,318.6 220.8,311 225.2,302.7 230.3,292.5 234.5,288 238,284.3 237.4,274.5 233.3,264 228.5,251.8 223.8,231.8 213,217.8 202,203.4 206.9,206.8 199.7,207.2 z; M 193.7,204.2 C 183,204.8 180.7,206.7 180.3,214 180,221.3 180.5,226.6 184.7,241 189.3,257.3 191.3,264.7 196.7,282.3 198.5,288.3 195.9,288.1 193,289.7 187.4,292.7 187.4,292.7 181.3,307 175.3,321.2 168.1,335.2 166.4,342.8 164.8,349.7 157.7,350.3 166.5,355.6 175.8,361.2 185.6,365.4 196.7,365.4 211.5,365.4 211,358.8 211,358.8 211,358.8 201.3,357.9 192,355.1 185.9,353.3 175.8,343.6 176.5,341 178,335.3 184.9,322.4 194.9,311.6 205.9,299.9 209.8,291 214.1,286.5 217.6,282.8 215.6,274.3 215,263 214.4,251.3 212.7,243.9 210.3,231.7 207.4,216.8 200.9,203.8 193.7,204.2 z; M 196.5,209.6 C 186.4,205.8 183.7,208.5 180.3,214 176.5,220.2 178.4,218.6 178.2,233.7 178,248.9 178.8,261.1 179.5,281.2 179.7,287.3 178.1,287.4 176,289.9 172.3,294.3 174.3,294 163.3,301.8 157.2,306.1 145,324.1 138.4,328.2 132.4,331.9 126.9,331.3 129.4,341.3 132,351.8 142.4,365.3 153.5,365.4 168.9,365.5 168.8,365 168.8,365 168.8,365 156,358.8 151.4,350.3 148.4,344.7 147.1,333.1 149.6,332.2 153.4,330.7 169.6,314.8 177.5,310.3 192.3,301.9 195.4,298.5 199.5,293.9 202.5,290.4 203.2,284.8 203.8,273.5 204.5,257.8 206.7,245.8 204.3,233.6 201.4,218.7 200.8,211.2 196.5,209.6 z; M 194.5,207.3 C 184.2,203.9 180.7,206.7 180.3,214 180,221.3 181.3,217.4 176.7,231.7 174.3,239 170.9,258.4 167.2,272.1 165.6,278 165.6,278.1 162.1,284.1 159.2,289.2 146.5,287.3 136,295.8 123.9,305.5 110.1,318.5 103.5,322.6 97.52,326.3 86.77,319 89.25,329 91.88,339.5 91.74,360.5 102.4,363.6 110.6,366 118.5,365 118.5,365 118.5,365 105.5,358 106.2,348.4 107.1,336.1 107.1,331.5 110,328.6 112.9,325.8 129.8,314.3 154.7,307.2 167.9,303.4 173.7,303.8 178.3,297.6 182.7,291.7 187.7,279.6 192,269.1 200.4,248.5 206.6,238.9 205.7,224.2 204.7,209.1 203.3,210.1 194.5,207.3 z; M 189.2,225.2 C 187,214.6 182.5,214 178.8,213 171.8,211 170.2,209.3 159.3,217.1 153,221.5 151,224.8 143,235.2 139.2,240.1 124.2,252.6 120.7,258.6 117.8,263.7 104.3,257.8 93.83,266.3 81.75,276 63.89,303.3 57.29,307.4 51.31,311.1 44.58,307.6 44.05,313.3 43.03,324.1 42.76,323.4 39.52,334.1 35.95,345.8 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 40.29,345.5 46.1,337.8 54.07,327.3 58.59,321.9 62.78,315.5 64.98,312.1 80.56,299.2 104.2,283.7 115.7,276.2 122.4,270.6 130.1,270.1 138.2,269.5 149.6,262.7 154.7,259.7 159.5,256.9 171.9,248.5 179.9,242.4 185.8,237.9 190.7,232.4 189.2,225.2 z; M 189.2,225.2 C 188.3,219.1 182.5,216 178.8,215 171.8,213 162.9,215.1 159,219.9 154.2,225.9 154,233.9 149.3,244.8 146.9,250.5 138.6,286.4 135.1,292.4 132.2,297.5 129.6,289.6 111.5,293.3 96.33,296.4 67.93,306.8 60.07,309.4 53.39,311.6 43.82,306.3 43.29,312 42.27,322.8 42.76,323.4 39.52,334.1 35.95,345.8 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 40.29,345.5 46.1,337.8 54.07,327.3 58.59,321.9 62.78,315.5 64.98,312.1 84.31,311.7 112.5,313.2 123.3,313.8 133.4,311.9 141,313.3 148.8,314.7 148.6,303.6 153.7,300.6 158.5,297.8 174.2,275.2 179.1,266.4 184.8,256.3 190.3,232.5 189.2,225.2 z; M 201.4,216.1 C 199.2,205.5 192.6,206.1 188.9,205.1 181.9,203.1 176.8,207 172.9,211.8 168.1,217.8 171.5,233.4 166.8,244.3 164.4,250 166.7,256.1 163.2,262.1 160.3,267.2 163.2,260.1 142.9,253.9 128,249.5 116.4,253 107.8,251.1 100.9,249.5 99.38,241.4 93.29,248.9 86.44,257.3 87.72,264.3 82.2,272 75.06,281.9 72.03,285.9 72.03,285.9 72.03,285.9 82.64,286.2 89.54,279.5 100,269.3 100.3,267 108,262.3 111.1,260.3 122.5,266.6 147.6,279.9 162,287.5 164.4,292.3 171.3,288.8 176.1,286.4 179.1,279.1 182.3,274.1 188.8,264 190.9,254.7 195.8,245.9 201.5,235.8 202.9,223.3 201.4,216.1 z; M 210.5,222.4 C 208,215.3 200.9,215.9 197.2,214.9 190.2,212.9 186.4,213.8 182.5,218.6 177.7,224.6 180.4,226.6 181.7,240 182.7,250.5 183.8,259.1 184.9,269.9 185.5,275.7 179.1,268.5 172.4,266.8 157.3,263.1 145.2,261.8 136.6,259.9 129.7,258.3 127.7,249.2 121.6,256.7 114.7,265.1 113.7,271.1 108.2,278.8 101.1,288.7 95.01,291.5 95.01,291.5 95.01,291.5 105.6,291.8 112.5,285.1 123,274.9 123.3,272.6 131,267.9 134.1,265.9 143.5,269.1 168.6,282.4 183,290 189.1,298.9 196,295.4 200.8,293 203.6,284.3 205.5,278.6 210,265.3 210.3,259.9 211.7,249.9 214.1,231.7 212.9,229.3 210.5,222.4 z; M 209.9,222.8 C 207.4,215.7 203.6,212.2 200,210.5 193.4,207.3 188.8,209.6 184.9,214.4 180.1,220.4 183.7,234.5 188.3,247.2 193.1,260.3 199.6,262.5 203.3,273.2 205.3,278.7 199.8,273.6 193.1,271.9 178,268.2 170.9,272.8 162.1,272.5 152.7,272.2 151.4,265.9 147.6,270.3 140.5,278.6 145.8,283 145.3,294.5 144.6,312 150.8,314.2 150.8,314.2 150.8,314.2 150.7,308 154.2,296.2 156.8,287.3 156.4,284.7 159.5,281.3 162,278.6 167.2,281 192.3,285.9 208.3,289.1 215.9,296.9 220.5,290.6 223.5,286.4 222.3,277.1 221.4,271.2 220.5,264.8 219.1,261 217,251.2 213.1,232.5 212.3,229.7 209.9,222.8 z; M 216.6,217.8 C 212.3,214.1 210.3,212.6 206.4,211.5 199.8,209.6 195.6,209.3 191.7,214.1 186.9,220.1 189.8,225.2 196.6,234.3 205,245.5 213,249 218.7,257.5 222,262.4 221.7,261.2 214.8,261.8 198.2,263.1 191.5,274.9 182.7,274.6 173.3,274.3 174,267.2 170.5,271.9 166.2,277.8 170.1,280.4 162.4,293.8 156.8,303.4 155.5,307.4 155.5,307.4 155.5,307.4 166.2,305.8 172.8,295.4 176.8,289 177.3,287.7 180.4,284.3 182.9,281.6 195.7,279.2 221.2,277.7 236.5,276.8 241.5,273.6 243.9,266.1 246.2,258.9 244.2,257.8 241.7,252.4 238.1,244.6 232.6,239.9 226.7,231.7 220,222.4 220.7,221.3 216.6,217.8 z; M 224.9,202.7 C 218.3,201.3 210,199.5 206,200.1 197.8,201.2 191.9,206.1 192.4,215 193.1,226.6 207.4,226.3 217.1,231.2 227.2,236.4 246.6,235.1 252.3,243.6 255.6,248.5 255.9,244.6 249.4,247.2 235.7,252.6 231.8,269.8 224.6,271.4 219.5,272.6 214.5,270.4 213.7,278.3 213,285.6 219.9,290.7 223.4,307 225.8,317.9 232.8,322 232.8,322 232.8,322 230.3,303.3 230.1,295.6 229.9,285 227.8,281.4 230.9,278 233.4,275.3 238.2,269.8 263.9,259.1 277.7,253.4 276.2,251.8 277.3,244 278.4,236.8 265,226.9 260.3,223.1 256.2,219.8 250.8,216.9 242.7,210.8 236.5,206.2 231.5,204.2 224.9,202.7 z; M 198.1,209.3 C 187.3,210 178.3,210.7 178,218 177.7,225.3 185,236.6 200,236.3 215,236 235.3,236.6 245.7,236.3 256,236 257.3,236 256,239 254.7,242 251.3,253.3 250,268.3 248.7,283.3 252.7,303 253.3,310 254,317 251,326.7 261,324.3 271,322 280.7,318.7 289.3,311.7 298,304.7 298.2,301 298.2,301 298.2,301 283,306 276.7,306.7 270.3,307.3 259.5,307 259.3,304.3 259,301.7 258.3,288.3 265.3,269 272.3,249.7 275.7,240.7 277.3,234.7 279,228.7 280.7,222 268,218.7 255.3,215.3 238.4,212 220.4,211 202.3,210 205.3,208.9 198.1,209.3 z " />	</path>	<path style="fill:#111;stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero" id="tete" d="M 222,128.8 C 226.5,124.3 230,126.6 231.3,122.7 232.7,118.8 228.7,112.5 231.3,102.7 234,92.83 235.7,86.33 244.3,86.33 253,86.33 266.8,90.17 265.3,108.3 263.8,126.5 258.8,128 255,131.2 251.2,134.3 242.7,134.2 240.3,132.2 238,130.2 237.7,126.5 237.7,126.5 237.7,126.5 239.7,132.2 239.3,134.5 239,136.8 234.2,139.5 231.5,138.8 228.8,138.2 220.3,130.5 222,128.8 z">	<animate attributeName="d" attributeType="XML" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze" dur="0.5s" values=" M 222,128.8 C 226.5,124.3 230,126.6 231.3,122.7 232.7,118.8 228.7,112.5 231.3,102.7 234,92.83 235.7,86.33 244.3,86.33 253,86.33 266.8,90.17 265.3,108.3 263.8,126.5 258.8,128 255,131.2 251.2,134.3 242.7,134.2 240.3,132.2 238,130.2 237.7,126.5 237.7,126.5 237.7,126.5 239.7,132.2 239.3,134.5 239,136.8 234.2,139.5 231.5,138.8 228.8,138.2 220.3,130.5 222,128.8 z; M 222,128.8 C 226.5,124.3 229,126.6 230.3,122.7 231.9,118.1 228.8,111.9 231.3,102.7 234,92.83 235.7,86.33 244.3,86.33 253,86.33 265.8,86.67 264.3,104.8 262.8,123 257.4,127.9 253,130.2 247.8,132.8 242.7,132.2 240.3,130.2 238,128.2 236.7,125.5 236.7,125.5 236.7,125.5 237.7,132.2 237.3,134.5 237,136.8 234.2,139.5 231.5,138.8 228.8,138.2 220.3,130.5 222,128.8 z; M 218,126.8 C 222.5,122.3 227,128.6 228.3,124.7 229.9,120.1 224.8,114.9 227.3,105.7 230,95.83 234.7,87.33 243.3,87.33 252,87.33 263.8,86.67 262.3,104.8 260.8,123 255.4,126.9 251,129.2 245.8,131.8 242.7,132.2 240.3,130.2 238,128.2 237.7,128.5 237.7,128.5 237.7,128.5 233.7,131.2 233.3,133.5 233,135.8 230.2,138.5 227.5,137.8 224.8,137.2 216.3,128.5 218,126.8 z; M 218,126.8 C 222.5,122.3 222,125.6 223.3,121.7 224.9,117.1 219.8,111.9 222.3,102.7 225,92.83 229.7,84.33 238.3,84.33 247,84.33 258.8,83.67 257.3,101.8 255.8,120 250.4,123.9 246,126.2 240.8,128.8 237.7,129.2 235.3,127.2 233,125.2 232.7,125.5 232.7,125.5 232.7,125.5 230.7,130.2 230.3,132.5 230,134.8 227.2,137.5 224.5,136.8 221.8,136.2 216.3,128.5 218,126.8 z; M 218,126.8 C 222.5,122.3 222,125.6 223.3,121.7 224.9,117.1 223.8,111.9 226.3,102.7 229,92.83 234.7,85.33 243.3,85.33 252,85.33 260.3,88.33 260.3,102.8 260.3,119.7 256.4,122.9 252,125.2 246.8,127.8 240.7,129.2 238.3,127.2 236,125.2 235.7,125.5 235.7,125.5 235.7,125.5 230.7,130.2 230.3,132.5 230,134.8 227.2,137.5 224.5,136.8 221.8,136.2 216.3,128.5 218,126.8 z; M 218,126.8 C 222.5,122.3 225.4,125.3 226.7,121.4 228.3,116.8 223.8,111.9 226.3,102.7 229,92.83 234.7,85.33 243.3,85.33 252,85.33 260.3,88.33 260.3,102.8 260.3,119.7 256.4,122.9 252,125.2 246.8,127.8 240.7,129.2 238.3,127.2 236,125.2 235.7,125.5 235.7,125.5 235.7,125.5 230.7,130.2 230.3,132.5 230,134.8 227.2,137.5 224.5,136.8 221.8,136.2 216.3,128.5 218,126.8 z; M 223,123.8 C 227.5,119.3 228.1,123.1 229.4,119.2 231,114.6 228.8,108.9 231.3,99.67 234,89.83 239.7,82.33 248.3,82.33 257,82.33 265.3,85.33 265.3,99.83 265.3,116.7 261.4,119.9 257,122.2 251.8,124.8 245.7,126.2 243.3,124.2 241,122.2 240.7,122.5 240.7,122.5 240.7,122.5 235.7,127.2 235.3,129.5 235,131.8 232.2,134.5 229.5,133.8 226.8,133.2 221.3,125.5 223,123.8 z; M 222,128.8 C 226.5,124.3 230,126.6 231.3,122.7 232.7,118.8 228.7,112.5 231.3,102.7 234,92.83 235.7,86.33 244.3,86.33 253,86.33 266.8,90.17 265.3,108.3 263.8,126.5 258.8,128 255,131.2 251.2,134.3 242.7,134.2 240.3,132.2 238,130.2 237.7,126.5 237.7,126.5 237.7,126.5 239.7,132.2 239.3,134.5 239,136.8 234.2,139.5 231.5,138.8 228.8,138.2 220.3,130.5 222,128.8 z " />	</path>	<path style="fill:#111;stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero" id="corps" d="M 225.3,128.7 C 214.6,125.2 214.3,123.3 203.7,132.3 193,141.3 177.3,157.7 169,180.7 160.7,203.7 166,208.3 160.7,215.7 155.3,223 182,245.7 193,232 204,218.3 203,214.3 205.3,198.3 207.7,182.3 222,161 228.7,152.7 235.3,144.3 243.2,134.5 225.3,128.7 z">	<animate attributeName="d" attributeType="XML" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze" dur="0.5s" values=" M 225.3,128.7 C 214.6,125.2 214.3,123.3 203.7,132.3 193,141.3 177.3,157.7 169,180.7 160.7,203.7 166,208.3 160.7,215.7 155.3,223 182,245.7 193,232 204,218.3 203,214.3 205.3,198.3 207.7,182.3 222,161 228.7,152.7 235.3,144.3 243.2,134.5 225.3,128.7 z; M 229.3,126.7 C 219,122.1 214.3,123.3 203.7,132.3 193,141.3 177.3,157.7 169,180.7 160.7,203.7 156.6,226.8 160.7,235.7 165.5,246.3 182,245.7 193,232 204,218.3 203,214.3 205.3,198.3 207.7,182.3 225,162 231.7,153.7 238.3,145.3 245.3,133.8 229.3,126.7 z; M 223.3,124.7 C 213.4,120.3 207.7,125.3 200.7,131.3 190.1,140.4 177.3,157.7 169,180.7 161.8,200.4 164.1,220.1 166.7,225.7 171.5,236.3 186,245.7 197,232 208,218.3 198,214.3 200.3,198.3 202.7,182.3 215,162 221.7,153.7 228.3,145.3 240.4,132.1 223.3,124.7 z; M 223.3,124.7 C 215.4,123.4 208.8,125.3 201.7,135.3 193.6,146.7 187.8,154.5 181,183.7 176.3,204.1 179.1,220.1 181.7,225.7 186.5,236.3 202.5,247.8 212,233 220,220.5 213,210 214.3,198.3 216.2,182.3 220,165 226.7,156.7 233.3,148.3 240.5,127.5 223.3,124.7 z; M 221.3,120.7 C 213.4,119.4 206.8,121.3 199.7,131.3 191.6,142.7 184.8,149.5 178,178.7 173.3,199.1 177.1,215.1 179.7,220.7 184.5,231.3 193.5,243.8 203,229 211,216.5 206,205 207.3,193.3 209.2,177.3 214,159 220.7,150.7 227.3,142.3 238.5,123.5 221.3,120.7 z; M 222.3,121.7 C 214.4,120.4 208.8,122.3 201.7,132.3 193.6,143.7 187.8,149.5 181,178.7 176.3,199.1 181.1,215.1 183.7,220.7 188.5,231.3 197.5,243.8 207,229 215,216.5 210,205 211.3,193.3 213.2,177.3 219,159 225.7,150.7 232.3,142.3 239.5,124.5 222.3,121.7 z; M 233.3,119.7 C 225.4,118.4 218.8,120.3 211.7,130.3 203.6,141.7 187.8,151.5 181,180.7 176.3,201.1 181.1,215.1 183.7,220.7 188.5,231.3 197.5,243.8 207,229 215,216.5 211.8,204.8 214.3,193.3 218.3,175.3 230,157 236.7,148.7 243.3,140.3 250.5,122.5 233.3,119.7 z; M 225.3,128.7 C 214.6,125.2 214.3,123.3 203.7,132.3 193,141.3 177.3,157.7 169,180.7 160.7,203.7 166,208.3 160.7,215.7 155.3,223 182,245.7 193,232 204,218.3 203,214.3 205.3,198.3 207.7,182.3 222,161 228.7,152.7 235.3,144.3 243.2,134.5 225.3,128.7 z " />	</path>	<path style="fill:#222;stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero" id="leg2" d="M 189.2,225.2 C 187,214.6 182.5,214 178.8,213 171.8,211 170.2,209.3 159.3,217.1 153,221.5 151,224.8 143,235.2 139.2,240.1 124.2,252.6 120.7,258.6 117.8,263.7 104.3,257.8 93.83,266.3 81.75,276 63.89,303.3 57.29,307.4 51.31,311.1 44.58,307.6 44.05,313.3 43.03,324.1 42.76,323.4 39.52,334.1 35.95,345.8 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 40.29,345.5 46.1,337.8 54.07,327.3 58.59,321.9 62.78,315.5 64.98,312.1 80.56,299.2 104.2,283.7 115.7,276.2 122.4,270.6 130.1,270.1 138.2,269.5 149.6,262.7 154.7,259.7 159.5,256.9 171.9,248.5 179.9,242.4 185.8,237.9 190.7,232.4 189.2,225.2 z">	<animate attributeName="d" attributeType="XML" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze" dur="1s" values=" M 189.2,225.2 C 187,214.6 182.5,214 178.8,213 171.8,211 170.2,209.3 159.3,217.1 153,221.5 151,224.8 143,235.2 139.2,240.1 124.2,252.6 120.7,258.6 117.8,263.7 104.3,257.8 93.83,266.3 81.75,276 63.89,303.3 57.29,307.4 51.31,311.1 44.58,307.6 44.05,313.3 43.03,324.1 42.76,323.4 39.52,334.1 35.95,345.8 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 40.29,345.5 46.1,337.8 54.07,327.3 58.59,321.9 62.78,315.5 64.98,312.1 80.56,299.2 104.2,283.7 115.7,276.2 122.4,270.6 130.1,270.1 138.2,269.5 149.6,262.7 154.7,259.7 159.5,256.9 171.9,248.5 179.9,242.4 185.8,237.9 190.7,232.4 189.2,225.2 z; M 189.2,225.2 C 188.3,219.1 182.5,216 178.8,215 171.8,213 162.9,215.1 159,219.9 154.2,225.9 154,233.9 149.3,244.8 146.9,250.5 138.6,286.4 135.1,292.4 132.2,297.5 129.6,289.6 111.5,293.3 96.33,296.4 67.93,306.8 60.07,309.4 53.39,311.6 43.82,306.3 43.29,312 42.27,322.8 42.76,323.4 39.52,334.1 35.95,345.8 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 40.29,345.5 46.1,337.8 54.07,327.3 58.59,321.9 62.78,315.5 64.98,312.1 84.31,311.7 112.5,313.2 123.3,313.8 133.4,311.9 141,313.3 148.8,314.7 148.6,303.6 153.7,300.6 158.5,297.8 174.2,275.2 179.1,266.4 184.8,256.3 190.3,232.5 189.2,225.2 z; M 201.4,216.1 C 199.2,205.5 192.6,206.1 188.9,205.1 181.9,203.1 176.8,207 172.9,211.8 168.1,217.8 171.5,233.4 166.8,244.3 164.4,250 166.7,256.1 163.2,262.1 160.3,267.2 163.2,260.1 142.9,253.9 128,249.5 116.4,253 107.8,251.1 100.9,249.5 99.38,241.4 93.29,248.9 86.44,257.3 87.72,264.3 82.2,272 75.06,281.9 72.03,285.9 72.03,285.9 72.03,285.9 82.64,286.2 89.54,279.5 100,269.3 100.3,267 108,262.3 111.1,260.3 122.5,266.6 147.6,279.9 162,287.5 164.4,292.3 171.3,288.8 176.1,286.4 179.1,279.1 182.3,274.1 188.8,264 190.9,254.7 195.8,245.9 201.5,235.8 202.9,223.3 201.4,216.1 z; M 210.5,222.4 C 208,215.3 200.9,215.9 197.2,214.9 190.2,212.9 186.4,213.8 182.5,218.6 177.7,224.6 180.4,226.6 181.7,240 182.7,250.5 183.8,259.1 184.9,269.9 185.5,275.7 179.1,268.5 172.4,266.8 157.3,263.1 145.2,261.8 136.6,259.9 129.7,258.3 127.7,249.2 121.6,256.7 114.7,265.1 113.7,271.1 108.2,278.8 101.1,288.7 95.01,291.5 95.01,291.5 95.01,291.5 105.6,291.8 112.5,285.1 123,274.9 123.3,272.6 131,267.9 134.1,265.9 143.5,269.1 168.6,282.4 183,290 189.1,298.9 196,295.4 200.8,293 203.6,284.3 205.5,278.6 210,265.3 210.3,259.9 211.7,249.9 214.1,231.7 212.9,229.3 210.5,222.4 z; M 209.9,222.8 C 207.4,215.7 203.6,212.2 200,210.5 193.4,207.3 188.8,209.6 184.9,214.4 180.1,220.4 183.7,234.5 188.3,247.2 193.1,260.3 199.6,262.5 203.3,273.2 205.3,278.7 199.8,273.6 193.1,271.9 178,268.2 170.9,272.8 162.1,272.5 152.7,272.2 151.4,265.9 147.6,270.3 140.5,278.6 145.8,283 145.3,294.5 144.6,312 150.8,314.2 150.8,314.2 150.8,314.2 150.7,308 154.2,296.2 156.8,287.3 156.4,284.7 159.5,281.3 162,278.6 167.2,281 192.3,285.9 208.3,289.1 215.9,296.9 220.5,290.6 223.5,286.4 222.3,277.1 221.4,271.2 220.5,264.8 219.1,261 217,251.2 213.1,232.5 212.3,229.7 209.9,222.8 z; M 216.6,217.8 C 212.3,214.1 210.3,212.6 206.4,211.5 199.8,209.6 195.6,209.3 191.7,214.1 186.9,220.1 189.8,225.2 196.6,234.3 205,245.5 213,249 218.7,257.5 222,262.4 221.7,261.2 214.8,261.8 198.2,263.1 191.5,274.9 182.7,274.6 173.3,274.3 174,267.2 170.5,271.9 166.2,277.8 170.1,280.4 162.4,293.8 156.8,303.4 155.5,307.4 155.5,307.4 155.5,307.4 166.2,305.8 172.8,295.4 176.8,289 177.3,287.7 180.4,284.3 182.9,281.6 195.7,279.2 221.2,277.7 236.5,276.8 241.5,273.6 243.9,266.1 246.2,258.9 244.2,257.8 241.7,252.4 238.1,244.6 232.6,239.9 226.7,231.7 220,222.4 220.7,221.3 216.6,217.8 z; M 224.9,202.7 C 218.3,201.3 210,199.5 206,200.1 197.8,201.2 191.9,206.1 192.4,215 193.1,226.6 207.4,226.3 217.1,231.2 227.2,236.4 246.6,235.1 252.3,243.6 255.6,248.5 255.9,244.6 249.4,247.2 235.7,252.6 231.8,269.8 224.6,271.4 219.5,272.6 214.5,270.4 213.7,278.3 213,285.6 219.9,290.7 223.4,307 225.8,317.9 232.8,322 232.8,322 232.8,322 230.3,303.3 230.1,295.6 229.9,285 227.8,281.4 230.9,278 233.4,275.3 238.2,269.8 263.9,259.1 277.7,253.4 276.2,251.8 277.3,244 278.4,236.8 265,226.9 260.3,223.1 256.2,219.8 250.8,216.9 242.7,210.8 236.5,206.2 231.5,204.2 224.9,202.7 z; M 198.1,209.3 C 187.3,210 178.3,210.7 178,218 177.7,225.3 185,236.6 200,236.3 215,236 235.3,236.6 245.7,236.3 256,236 257.3,236 256,239 254.7,242 251.3,253.3 250,268.3 248.7,283.3 252.7,303 253.3,310 254,317 251,326.7 261,324.3 271,322 280.7,318.7 289.3,311.7 298,304.7 298.2,301 298.2,301 298.2,301 283,306 276.7,306.7 270.3,307.3 259.5,307 259.3,304.3 259,301.7 258.3,288.3 265.3,269 272.3,249.7 275.7,240.7 277.3,234.7 279,228.7 280.7,222 268,218.7 255.3,215.3 238.4,212 220.4,211 202.3,210 205.3,208.9 198.1,209.3 z; M 188.8,223 C 178,223.6 169,224.3 168.7,231.7 168.3,239 172.9,249.1 187.7,252 206.7,255.7 222,254.9 232.3,254 246.7,252.7 248,249.7 246.7,252.7 245.3,255.7 249.3,271 256.7,285 263.7,298.3 289.3,335.7 290,342.7 290.7,349.7 292.3,354.2 301.7,350 314.9,344 317.3,342.3 326,335.3 334.7,328.3 332.8,321.7 332.8,321.7 332.8,321.7 319.7,330.7 313.3,331.3 307,332 301.3,332.3 299.9,330 295.6,322.4 286.4,312 279,282.7 274,262.7 271.6,257 270,248.3 267.2,233.3 271.3,235.7 258.7,232.3 246,229 229.1,225.7 211,224.7 193,223.7 195.9,222.6 188.8,223 z; M 190.7,203.2 C 180,203.8 178.6,208.4 178.3,215.8 177.9,223.1 182.6,222.3 191.8,234.1 203.1,248.6 219.5,261.9 227,269 231.5,273.3 230.9,275.5 231.6,278.8 232.6,283.3 231.6,288.5 231.6,309.8 231.6,324.8 234.8,344 233,351.6 231.4,358.5 225.7,365.4 236,365.4 250.5,365.4 260.6,365.4 271.8,365.4 286.5,365.4 285,358.8 285,358.8 285,358.8 271.5,356.8 262.3,354 256.1,352.2 243.8,346.3 242.5,344 238.2,336.4 241.8,325.4 248.4,295.8 251.6,281.6 253.3,278.8 254.5,272 255.4,266.9 253.1,261.5 244.3,254 234.2,245.6 223.8,231.8 213,217.8 202,203.4 197.9,202.8 190.7,203.2 z; M 199.7,207.2 C 189,207.8 188.6,208.4 188.3,215.8 187.9,223.1 186.1,226.2 193.8,239.1 202.8,254.2 210.5,269.5 218,282.3 221.1,287.6 217.8,287 216.3,289.3 213,294.7 210.7,293.9 203.3,313.9 198,328.4 197.5,342 195.7,349.6 194.1,356.5 185.7,365.4 196,365.4 210.5,365.4 220.6,365.4 231.8,365.4 246.5,365.4 245,358.8 245,358.8 245,358.8 231.9,358.9 222.7,356.1 216.5,354.3 205.9,352.7 205.5,350 204.1,341.4 216.8,318.6 220.8,311 225.2,302.7 230.3,292.5 234.5,288 238,284.3 237.4,274.5 233.3,264 228.5,251.8 223.8,231.8 213,217.8 202,203.4 206.9,206.8 199.7,207.2 z; M 193.7,204.2 C 183,204.8 180.7,206.7 180.3,214 180,221.3 180.5,226.6 184.7,241 189.3,257.3 191.3,264.7 196.7,282.3 198.5,288.3 195.9,288.1 193,289.7 187.4,292.7 187.4,292.7 181.3,307 175.3,321.2 168.1,335.2 166.4,342.8 164.8,349.7 157.7,350.3 166.5,355.6 175.8,361.2 185.6,365.4 196.7,365.4 211.5,365.4 211,358.8 211,358.8 211,358.8 201.3,357.9 192,355.1 185.9,353.3 175.8,343.6 176.5,341 178,335.3 184.9,322.4 194.9,311.6 205.9,299.9 209.8,291 214.1,286.5 217.6,282.8 215.6,274.3 215,263 214.4,251.3 212.7,243.9 210.3,231.7 207.4,216.8 200.9,203.8 193.7,204.2 z; M 196.5,209.6 C 186.4,205.8 183.7,208.5 180.3,214 176.5,220.2 178.4,218.6 178.2,233.7 178,248.9 178.8,261.1 179.5,281.2 179.7,287.3 178.1,287.4 176,289.9 172.3,294.3 174.3,294 163.3,301.8 157.2,306.1 145,324.1 138.4,328.2 132.4,331.9 126.9,331.3 129.4,341.3 132,351.8 142.4,365.3 153.5,365.4 168.9,365.5 168.8,365 168.8,365 168.8,365 156,358.8 151.4,350.3 148.4,344.7 147.1,333.1 149.6,332.2 153.4,330.7 169.6,314.8 177.5,310.3 192.3,301.9 195.4,298.5 199.5,293.9 202.5,290.4 203.2,284.8 203.8,273.5 204.5,257.8 206.7,245.8 204.3,233.6 201.4,218.7 200.8,211.2 196.5,209.6 z; M 194.5,207.3 C 184.2,203.9 180.7,206.7 180.3,214 180,221.3 181.3,217.4 176.7,231.7 174.3,239 170.9,258.4 167.2,272.1 165.6,278 165.6,278.1 162.1,284.1 159.2,289.2 146.5,287.3 136,295.8 123.9,305.5 110.1,318.5 103.5,322.6 97.52,326.3 86.77,319 89.25,329 91.88,339.5 91.74,360.5 102.4,363.6 110.6,366 118.5,365 118.5,365 118.5,365 105.5,358 106.2,348.4 107.1,336.1 107.1,331.5 110,328.6 112.9,325.8 129.8,314.3 154.7,307.2 167.9,303.4 173.7,303.8 178.3,297.6 182.7,291.7 187.7,279.6 192,269.1 200.4,248.5 206.6,238.9 205.7,224.2 204.7,209.1 203.3,210.1 194.5,207.3 z; M 189.2,225.2 C 187,214.6 182.5,214 178.8,213 171.8,211 170.2,209.3 159.3,217.1 153,221.5 151,224.8 143,235.2 139.2,240.1 124.2,252.6 120.7,258.6 117.8,263.7 104.3,257.8 93.83,266.3 81.75,276 63.89,303.3 57.29,307.4 51.31,311.1 44.58,307.6 44.05,313.3 43.03,324.1 42.76,323.4 39.52,334.1 35.95,345.8 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 31.12,354.6 40.29,345.5 46.1,337.8 54.07,327.3 58.59,321.9 62.78,315.5 64.98,312.1 80.56,299.2 104.2,283.7 115.7,276.2 122.4,270.6 130.1,270.1 138.2,269.5 149.6,262.7 154.7,259.7 159.5,256.9 171.9,248.5 179.9,242.4 185.8,237.9 190.7,232.4 189.2,225.2 z "	/>	</path>	<g id="props">	<animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="translate" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze" values=" 290.9,99.33; 295.3,133.8; 266.6,227.7; 228.9,246.7; 182.1,237.9; 155.7,225.9; 152.9,218.2; 143.7,188; 156,188.7; 182.4,207.7; 207.4,203.1; 258.8,185.5; 275.4,141.5; 293,106.6; 290.9,99.33" />	<g id="rotated_prop">	<animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="rotate" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze" values="-120; 50; 90; 50; -120" />	<!-- Repere pour le prop , red cross
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5.48,-17.13 5.48,-17.13 7.161,-16.13 7.597,-13.89 8.032,-11.65 7.97,-11.21 7.97,-11.21 L 7.348,-11.28 7.97,-10.84 C 7.97,-10.84 8.157,-9.905 7.908,-9.158 7.659,-8.411 7.348,-8.162 7.348,-8.162 7.348,-8.162 6.414,-10.22 4.11,-9.781 1.806,-9.345 1.993,-8.971 1.993,-8.971 1.993,-8.971 0.4359,-8.349 0.0623,-8.411 -0.3113,-8.473 -0.2491,-8.722 -0.2491,-8.722 z"	style="fill:url(#radialGradient5088);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />	</g>	<g id="katana" transform="scale(4),rotate(60)" visibility="hidden">	<set attributeName="visibility" begin="" fill="freeze" to="visible" />	<set attributeName="visibility" begin=";;" fill="freeze" to="hidden" />	<path id="path5106" d="M 0.1321,-3.622 C 0.1321,-3.622 0.4636,-9.192 -1.312,-18.56 -3.781,-31.59 -5.925,-35.54 -5.925,-35.54 L -4.362,-34.02 C -4.362,-34.02 -1.285,-26.66 0.0472,-17.58 1.374,-8.542 1.365,-3.562 1.365,-3.562 z" style="fill:url(#radialGradient5088);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"	/>	<path id="path5104" d="M 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Svg ani - Script Codes
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