SVG animations for portfolio

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How do I make an svg animations for portfolio?

Animated illustrations in svg, without jsfor more read here: What is a svg animations for portfolio? How do you make a svg animations for portfolio? This script and codes were developed by Boaz on 16 December 2022, Friday.

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SVG animations for portfolio - Script Codes HTML Codes

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9.15M55.21 72.44l7.7 10.77M82.42 60.43l3.33 11.55M209.09 95.53l-13.81 11.12M199.97 87.63l-10 9.45M124.53 57.37v13.66M139.34 59.33l-3.58 13.65M164.74 64.84l-9.45 12.38M188.49 79.53l-9.27 9.15M174.8 73.34l-7.52 10.77M149.04 62.43l-3.26 11.55"/></svg> </div> <div><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 233.05 233.05"> </defs> <title>autodidact</title> <path class="orange juice infinite" d="M46.17 195.4h26.19v26.19H46.17z"/><path class="orange juice animated infinite" d="M46.17 195.4h26.19v26.19H46.17z"/> <path class="d juice animated infinite" d="M69.23 219.43h-19.7l-2.16-38.08h26.19l-4.33 38.08"/> <path class="d straw" d="M55.06 152.99h5.41v42.41h-5.41zm15.284-23.7l3.993 2.788-14.028 20.086-3.996-2.788zM55.06 150.27l5.26 1.9m-5.26-.46l5.76.81"/><g> </g> <path class="d pattern" d="M137.79 123.86c-2.46 1.89-7.13 8.1-5.25 10.57l44.72 29.72a5.66 5.66 0 0 0 7.91 1.05 5.66 5.66 0 0 0 1.05-7.91l-33.32-37.17c-1.9-2.45-12.65 1.88-15.11 3.74z"/> <rect class="orange animated fadeOutDown infinite d2" x="53" y="125" width="12.5" height="42" rx="6.25" ry="6.25"/> <rect class="orange animated fadeOutDown infinite" x="45" y="85" width="12.5" height="42" rx="6.25" ry="6.25"/> <circle class="purple brain" cx="60.73" cy="118.85" r="10.16"/> <g class="brain"><path class="purple" d="M188.83 38.75a13.11 13.11 0 0 0-18.3-5.2 13.1 13.1 0 0 0-8.1-7.24c-.31-.1-.63-.18-.94-.26a13 13 0 0 0-7-5.19q-.61-.19-1.23-.32a13.11 13.11 0 0 0-16.69-3.88 13.32 13.32 0 0 0-1.91 1.22c-6-1.12-17.67-.83-20.08 4.82a13.2 13.2 0 0 0-11.3 5.66 13.06 13.06 0 0 0-6.66 1.5c-3.11 1.63-11 4.65-12 8l-.19.61c-4.88-.2-8.09 8.19-10.52 12.46a13.05 13.05 0 0 0-6.79 1.49C64.06 54 60.34 55 59.28 58.3l-12.81 9.29-.07.21a13 13 0 0 0-.26 6.8 13.14 13.14 0 0 0-1.25 2.72l-.22.64-.49-.17-.18-.07c-6.91-2.15-4.6 7.56-6.75 14.47A13.16 13.16 0 0 0 43 107.4a13.15 13.15 0 0 0 9 13.56l3.76 13.16 0 0 0 15.52-6.39 13 13 0 0 0 1.52-.18 13.19 13.19 0 0 0 2.76 1.22 13 13 0 0 0 10-.91 13.32 13.32 0 0 0 1.45-.88 13.36 13.36 0 0 0 .81 1.87c1.4 2.67 9.1-7.4 11.82-6.21a13.2 13.2 0 0 0 1.33 3.9 13 13 0 0 0 7.71 6.44c.31.1 10.55 6.69 10.87 6.76 1.66 2.48 17.07-1.28 20-.38 3.34 1 13.82-4.86 16.93-6.49l.21-.11c3.24.91 3.11 10.18 6.11 8.6h.06a13 13 0 0 0 6.88.17c1-.25.08 1.89 1 1.39a13.27 13.27 0 0 0 2.78-1.94 13.18 13.18 0 0 0 13-5.48 13.16 13.16 0 0 0 13.1-9.21l2-33.25a13.15 13.15 0 0 0-4.73-14.47l.12-.36.07-.21a13.15 13.15 0 0 0-6.52-15.59 13.25 13.25 0 0 0-.85-2.21l-.25-4.89.07-.21a13 13 0 0 0-.91-10.04z"/> <path class="purple " d="M188.83 38.75a13.11 13.11 0 0 0-18.3-5.2 13.1 13.1 0 0 0-8.1-7.24c-.31-.1-.63-.18-.94-.26a13 13 0 0 0-7-5.19q-.61-.19-1.23-.32a13.11 13.11 0 0 0-16.69-3.88 13.32 13.32 0 0 0-1.91 1.22c-6-1.12-17.67-.83-20.08 4.82a13.2 13.2 0 0 0-11.3 5.66 13.06 13.06 0 0 0-6.66 1.5c-3.11 1.63-11 4.65-12 8l-.19.61c-4.88-.2-8.09 8.19-10.52 12.46a13.05 13.05 0 0 0-6.79 1.49C64.06 54 60.34 55 59.28 58.3l-12.81 9.29-.07.21a13 13 0 0 0-.26 6.8 13.14 13.14 0 0 0-1.25 2.72l-.22.64-.49-.17-.18-.07c-6.91-2.15-4.6 7.56-6.75 14.47A13.16 13.16 0 0 0 43 107.4a13.15 13.15 0 0 0 9 13.56l3.76 13.16 0 0 0 15.52-6.39 13 13 0 0 0 1.52-.18 13.19 13.19 0 0 0 2.76 1.22 13 13 0 0 0 10-.91 13.32 13.32 0 0 0 1.45-.88 13.36 13.36 0 0 0 .81 1.87c1.4 2.67 9.1-7.4 11.82-6.21a13.2 13.2 0 0 0 1.33 3.9 13 13 0 0 0 7.71 6.44c.31.1 10.55 6.69 10.87 6.76 1.66 2.48 17.07-1.28 20-.38 3.34 1 13.82-4.86 16.93-6.49l.21-.11c3.24.91 3.11 10.18 6.11 8.6h.06a13 13 0 0 0 6.88.17c1-.25.08 1.89 1 1.39a13.27 13.27 0 0 0 2.78-1.94 13.18 13.18 0 0 0 13-5.48 13.16 13.16 0 0 0 13.1-9.21l2-33.25a13.15 13.15 0 0 0-4.73-14.47l.12-.36.07-.21a13.15 13.15 0 0 0-6.52-15.59 13.25 13.25 0 0 0-.85-2.21l-.25-4.89.07-.21a13 13 0 0 0-.91-10.04z"/> <path class="d " d="M188.83 38.75a13.11 13.11 0 0 0-18.3-5.2 13.1 13.1 0 0 0-8.1-7.24c-.31-.1-.63-.18-.94-.26a13 13 0 0 0-7-5.19q-.61-.19-1.23-.32a13.11 13.11 0 0 0-16.69-3.88 13.32 13.32 0 0 0-1.91 1.22c-6-1.12-17.67-.83-20.08 4.82a13.2 13.2 0 0 0-11.3 5.66 13.06 -26.94 0 0 0-6.66 1.5c-3.11 1.63-11 4.65-12 8l-.19.61c-4.88-.2-8.09 8.19-10.52 12.46a13.05 13.05 0 0 0-6.79 1.49C64.06 54 60.34 55 59.28 58.3l-12.81 9.29-.07.21a13 13 0 0 0-.26 6.8 13.14 13.14 0 0 0-1.25 2.72l-.22.64-.49-.17-.18-.07c-6.91-2.15-4.6 7.56-6.75 14.47A13.16 13.16 0 0 0 43 107.4a13.15 13.15 0 0 0 9 13.56l3.76 13.16 0 0 0 15.52-6.39 13 13 0 0 0 1.52-.18 13.19 13.19 0 0 0 2.76 1.22 13 13 0 0 0 10-.91 13.32 13.32 0 0 0 1.45-.88 13.36 13.36 0 0 0 .81 1.87c1.4 2.67 9.1-7.4 11.82-6.21a13.2 13.2 0 0 0 1.33 3.9 13 13 0 0 0 7.71 6.44c.31.1 10.55 6.69 10.87 6.76 1.66 2.48 17.07-1.28 20-.38 3.34 1 13.82-4.86 16.93-6.49l.21-.11c3.24.91 3.11 10.18 6.11 8.6h.06a13 13 0 0 0 6.88.17c1-.25.08 1.89 1 1.39a13.27 13.27 0 0 0 2.78-1.94 13.18 13.18 0 0 0 13-5.48 13.16 13.16 0 0 0 13.1-9.21l2-33.25a13.15 13.15 0 0 0-4.73-14.47l.12-.36.07-.21a13.15 13.15 0 0 0-6.52-15.59 13.25 13.25 0 0 0-.85-2.21l-.25-4.89.07-.21a13 13 0 0 0-.91-10.04z"/> <path class="braind d " d="M152.32 124s1.95-33.79 31.07-41 15.37-3.11 15.37-3.11"/> <path class="braind 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d="M166.04 73.03l48.838 38.47-38.472 48.838-48.837-38.472z"/> <path class="d animated swing infinite" d="M95.74 42.3l-8.48-6.94a7.19 7.19 0 0 0-3-2.53 7.27 7.27 0 0 0-7 .57 7.13 7.13 0 0 0-3.36 4.7l-11.36 25L36.17 73a7.28 7.28 0 0 0-4.24 9.35 7.28 7.28 0 0 0 9.35 4.24l12.79-4.8L64.5 77.9v.59l-18.66 7A7.26 7.26 0 0 0 50.9 99.1l12.79-4.8 2.73-1 .06.2-11 4.13a7.28 7.28 0 0 0-4.25 9.37 7.28 7.28 0 0 0 9.35 4.24l12.79-4.8.34-.13a39.36 39.36 0 1 0 22-64z"/> <path class="purple animated swing infinite" d="M73.1 116.46l32-75.27a8.85 8.85 0 0 0-4.67-11.57 8.85 8.85 0 0 0-11.57 4.67l-32 75.27-4 24.58z"/> <path class="d animated swing infinite" d="M103.92 67.85s-21 1.4-27.35 5.38S67.2 80.91 71 86.1s11.95 3 11.95 3l23.77-1.11 11.16 19.91"/> <path class="d animated swing infinite" d="M193.15 138.81a32.73 32.73 0 0 1-46.15 0l-24.7-24.7a32.73 32.73 0 0 1 0-46.15 32.73 32.73 0 0 1 46.15 0l24.7 24.7a32.73 32.73 0 0 1 0 46.15z"/> <rect class="pattern animated swing infinite" x="137.49" y="83.15" width="65.27" height="65.27" rx="32.64" ry="32.64" transform="rotate(-45 170.13 115.78)"/></g> <path class="d draw" d="M54.2 134.52a45.13 45.13 0 0 0-7.2 8.61c-2 3.09-3.48 6.518-3.38 9.91a8.76 8.76 0 0 0 1.38 4.52 12.44 12.44 0 0 0 3.45 3.44 32.57 32.57 0 0 0 9.72 4.16c7 1.91 14.54 2.58 22 3s15 .4 22.1.07l13.22-.58-10.7 8.45c-4.43 3.5-8.78 7.12-13 10.5s-9.19 6.54-14 9.54-9.65 5.9-14.64 5.88 170 0 0 1-15.41 7.55l-.58-.81a170.87 "/>
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SVG animations for portfolio - Script Codes CSS Codes

section { width: 540px; margin-top: 90px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
div { width: 250px; max-height: 250px; display: inline-block;
.d { stroke-width: 3px; stroke-linecap: round; fill: none;
pattern { stroke: Black; stroke-miterlimit: 10;
.orangered { fill: #f16322;
.orange { fill: #ff9500;
.purple { fill: #825bf6;
.pattern { fill: url(#a);
.white { fill: white;
path.draw { stroke-dasharray: 1000; stroke-dashoffset: 1000; animation: dash 5s linear alternate infinite;
@keyframes dash { from { stroke-dashoffset: 1000; } to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; }
.eye { animation: eye 3s ease-in-out infinite; transform-origin: center;
circle.eye { animation: pupil 3s ease-in-out infinite
@keyframes eye { 5%, 20% { transform: scale(1, 1); stroke-width: 2px; } 10%, 15% { transform: scale(1, 0); stroke-width: 20px; }
@keyframes pupil { 100%, 30% { transform: scale(1, 1); } 2%, 20% { transform: scale(1.2, 1.2); } 9%, 16% { transform: scale(0, 0); } 75%, 50%, 35% { transform: translate(20px, -4px); } 55%, 65% { transform: translate(-20px, 5px); }
@keyframes blink { 0%, 10% { opacity: 0 } 25%, 85% { opacity: 1 } 100% { opacity: 0 }
.white { animation: blink 2.2s ease infinite;
.d2 { animation-delay: .2s
.d3 { animation-delay: .3s
.d4 { animation-delay: .5s
.braind { stroke: Black; stroke-miterlimit: 25; fill: none;
.d.brain { fill: none;
@keyframes braindrink { 0% { transform: scale(1, 1); } 50% { transform: scale(1.1, 1.2); transform: rotate(45deg); transform: translate(4px, 12px); transform: skew(0, -12deg); } 100% { transform: scale(1, 1) }
.brain { animation: braindrink 2.15s ease-in-out infinite; transform-origin: center top;
.ink { animation: ink 6s ease-in-out infinite; transform-origin: center;
@keyframes ink { 0% { fill: white } 50% { fill: black } 100% { fill: orange }
@keyframes straw { 0% { transform: scale(2, 2); transform: skew(0, -10deg); } 50% { transform: scale(1, 1); } 100% { transform: scale(2, 2); transform: skew(0, -10deg); }
.pen { transform-origin: center top; animation-delay: .1s
.juice { webkit-animation-duration: 2.15s; animation: juice 6s ease-in-out infinite;
.patch { transform: scale(0.5, 0.5); animation-duration: 2s; transform-origin: right
.lash { webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s; webkit-animation-delay: 1.5s infinite; animation-timing-function: ease; transform-origin: center bottom
.straw { -webkit-animation-duration: 2.15s; animation: straw 2.15s ease-in-out infinite;
.hand { -webkit-animation-duration: 12s; -webkit-transform-origin: right center; -ms-transform-origin: top center; transform-origin: top center; animation-duration: 12s; animation: illust ease-in-out 12s infinite;
path.thic { stroke-width: 4px; stroke-linecap: round;
@-webkit-keyframes illust { 20% { -webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 15deg); transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 15deg); } 40% { -webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -10deg); transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -10deg); } 60% { -webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 5deg); transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 5deg); } 80% { -webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -5deg); transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -5deg); } 5%, 50%, 100% { transform: translate(67px, -34px); } 25%, 65% { transform: translate(-20px, 25px); } 0%, 50%, 35% { transform: rotate(20deg); } 55%, 75%, 100% { transform: rotate(-40deg); }
.upper { position: relative; bottom: 250px; height: 250px;
SVG animations for portfolio - Script Codes
SVG animations for portfolio - Script Codes
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Developer Boaz
Username Aniboaz
Uploaded December 16, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,505 Kb
Views 8,096
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Boaz (Aniboaz) Script Codes
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