SVG line animation

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How do I make an svg line animation?

A trick using an animated dashed stroke to make it look like the SVG is drawing itself.See it in action What is a svg line animation? How do you make a svg line animation? This script and codes were developed by Roland Warmerdam on 23 September 2022, Friday.

SVG line animation Previews

SVG line animation - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>SVG line animation</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <ul class="icons"> <li class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="48" height="55" viewBox="0 0 48 55"> <title>HTML</title> <path fill="none" d="M35.437 12.205H11.953l1.054 12.75h21.828l-.753 13.575-10.086 3.225-9.935-3.225-.335-4.284m10.273 19.66l-18.817-6L.964.656h46.064l-4.215 47.25-18.817 6"/> </svg> </li> <li class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="48" height="55" viewBox="0 0 48 55"> <title>CSS</title> <path fill="none" d="M19.09 24.657h14.905m-22.882-12.75h23.6m-11.18 41.998l-18.818-6L.5.655h46.065l-4.216 47.25-18.82 6m11.18-41.998l-1.47 26.325-10.086 3.225-9.936-3.225-.338-4.284"/> </svg> </li> <li class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="53" height="61" viewBox="0 0 53 61"> <title>Node.js</title> <path fill="none" d="M16.76 20.738s.055 17.7.055 24.57c-.173 6.28-6.278 5.748-9.53 3.87C4.033 47.302.5 44.954.5 44.954V16.357L26.294 1.465l25.794 14.892v28.596L26.294 59.845l-7.927-4.577M41.44 25.162c-.118-6.752-17.114-7.217-17.347 0-.233 7.218 18.51 2.91 18.51 10.478 0 7.567-18.743 8.032-19.44.465"/> </svg> </li> <li class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="49" height="61" viewBox="0 0 49 61"> <title>Linux</title> <path fill="none" d="M43.156 43.45c.68.024 1.353.296 1.643.89.34.696.02 1.548.23 2.296.39 1.427 2.39 1.805 3.03 3.14.62 1.302-.36 2.86-1.6 3.61-1.24.75-2.71 1.03-3.94 1.79-1.6.99-2.62 2.687-4.05 3.91-1.43 1.222-3.76 1.863-5.1.538-.79-.787-.95-2.004-.92-3.12m.104.993c-.64-2.01.37-4.124.755-6.198.335-1.81.19-3.67.246-5.51.02-.69.08-1.4.416-1.99.337-.6 1.03-1.05 1.697-.89M17.54 57.19c.72-1.09.843-2.55.315-3.745-.288-.65-.744-1.206-1.18-1.766-1.63-2.1-3.05-4.36-4.226-6.74-.49-.99-.96-2.02-1.77-2.76-.26-.23-.55-.43-.88-.51-.88-.21-1.71.48-2.21 1.22-.51.74-.87 1.62-1.58 2.16-1.23.93-3.16.62-4.2 1.74-1.3 1.4-.2 3.72-.76 5.54-.17.523-.47 1.01-.54 1.553-.18 1.25.94 2.364 2.14 2.723 1.2.36 1.32.01 3.76.16 2.43.145 6.02 2.58 7.8 2.164 1.78-.414 2.6-.666 3.32-1.756zm9.71-39.647c. 1.86-2.4 2.41s-2.295.7-3.283.12c-.348-.21-.643-.49-.935-.77l-.98-.94c-.07-.07-.145-.15-.142-.25.004-.076.054-.14.103-.2.335-.41.67-.817 1.006-1.225.305-.37.94-.91 2.51-.96 1.57-.05 3.504.936 4.035 1.22zm-9.513 38.97c2.028-.396 6.098-1.124 7.25-1.242 2.244-.23 5.484.73 7.615 1.47M7.598 42.91c-.975-3.87.42-8.3 1.042-9.59.726-1.5 1.56-2.95 2.494-4.32 1.665-2.45 3.674-4.74 4.673-7.53 1.44-4.02.585-8.44.525-12.71-.02-1.44.065-2.93.702-4.22.8-1.62 2.408-2.74 4.146-3.22 1.737-.48 3.593-.38 5.357-.01.984.208 1.963.504 2.814 1.04 1.39.873 2.34 2.33 2.9 3.87.57 1.54.79 3.182 1.03 4.81.51 3.49 1.09 7.013 2.53 10.23 2.25 5.03 6.54 9.162 7.66 14.555.37 1.74.46 6.052-.04 7.02-.5.97-.96 1.53-1.69 2.067-1.06.785-2.52 1.1-3.73.585-1.25-.534-2.04-1.836-2.34-3.164-.3-1.325-.21-2.71-.2-4.07.02-1.79-.1-3.58-.35-5.35-.08-.56-.175-1.125-.38-1.654-.226-.59-.58-1.12-.905-1.66-1.854-3.07-2.85-6.56-3.824-10m-13.69 5.64c-.093.84-.306 1.67-.635 2.46-.46 1.09-1.14 2.09-1.72 3.13-1.78 3.17-2.34 8.97-2.256 12.61m12.8-28.247c-.615-2.496-.33-6.58 2.99-5.446 3.32 1.137 2.41 5.985 1.274 6.567m-7.488-1.46c.91-3.515-1.355-6.12-3.07-4.536-1.716 1.58-.447 5.072.46 5.995"/> </svg> </li> <li class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="62" height="62" viewBox="0 0 62 62"> <title>Git</title> <path fill="none" d="M22.902 7.546l6.847 6.874c1.59-.54 3.41-.178 4.68 1.095 1.272 1.282 1.63 3.13 1.08 4.732l6.6 6.624c1.595-.55 3.44-.19 4.712 1.09 1.782 1.79 1.782 4.69 0 6.48-1.783 1.79-4.67 1.79-6.453 0-1.34-1.346-1.67-3.322-.993-4.98l-6.154-6.18v16.26c.433.217.844.505 1.205.867 1.782 1.79 1.782 4.688 0 6.48-1.78 1.787-4.67 1.787-6.45 0-1.784-1.79-1.784-4.69 0-6.48.44-.44.95-.774 1.492-1V22.99c-.544-.222-1.053-.554-1.494-.998-1.35-1.354-1.674-3.343-.98-5.007l-6.75-6.777L2.426 28.1c-1.5 1.504-1.5 3.94 0 5.444L28.42 59.638c1.497 1.503 3.924 1.503 5.423 0l25.872-25.972c1.498-1.504 1.498-3.943 0-5.446L33.72 2.127c-1.494-1.503-3.923-1.503-5.42 0l-2.846 2.857"/> </svg> </li> <li class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="67" height="45" viewBox="0 0 67 45"> <title>Tetris</title> <path fill="none" d="M45.142 44.043h20.394v-21.52H44.66l-.802.716v20.8h-21.68V23.32l.884-.798h19.993l.803-.638V1h-21.68v20.565l-.882.957H.5V1h20.715"/> </svg> </li>

SVG line animation - Script Codes CSS Codes

.icons { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; text-align: center;
.icon { -ms-flex-preferred-size: 130px; flex-basis: 130px;
.icon svg { stroke: #fff; stroke-width: 1px; stroke-dasharray: 300; stroke-dashoffset: 300; -webkit-animation: line 2s linear forwards; animation: line 2s linear forwards;
@media (max-width: 640px) { .icon svg { max-width: 10vw; max-height: 9vw; }
@media (max-width: 450px) { .icon svg { max-width: 30px; max-height: 24px; stroke-width: 2px; }
@-webkit-keyframes line { to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; }
@keyframes line { to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; }
.icon:nth-child(2) svg { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.6s; animation-delay: 0.6s;
.icon:nth-child(3) svg { -webkit-animation-delay: 1.2s; animation-delay: 1.2s;
.icon:nth-child(4) svg { -webkit-animation-delay: 1.8s; animation-delay: 1.8s;
.icon:nth-child(5) svg { -webkit-animation-delay: 2.4s; animation-delay: 2.4s;
.icon:nth-child(6) svg { -webkit-animation-delay: 3s; animation-delay: 3s;
html { box-sizing: border-box;
*:after { box-sizing: inherit;
body { height: 100%;
body { min-width: 260px; padding: 40px; background: #74C390;
@media (max-width: 450px) { body { padding: 20px; }
SVG line animation - Script Codes
SVG line animation - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Roland Warmerdam
Username Rowno
Uploaded September 23, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 4,485 Kb
Views 30,360
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Roland Warmerdam (Rowno) Script Codes
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