Tic Tac Toe

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How do I make an tic tac toe?

What is a tic tac toe? How do you make a tic tac toe? This script and codes were developed by Anton Babkin on 24 August 2022, Wednesday.

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Tic Tac Toe - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Tic Tac Toe</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <h1>Ultimate Tic Tac Toe</h1>
<div id="board"> <div class="field" id="f0" style="color: #f00;">X</div> <div class="v-line"></div> <div class="field" id="f1" style="color: #00f;">O</div> <div class="v-line"></div> <div class="field" id="f2" style="color: #f00;">X</div> <div class="h-line"></div> <div class="field" id="f3" style="color: #00f;">O</div> <div class="v-line"></div> <div class="field" id="f4" style="color: #f00;">X</div> <div class="v-line"></div> <div class="field" id="f5" style="color: #00f;">O</div> <div class="h-line"></div> <div class="field" id="f6" style="color: #f00;">X</div> <div class="v-line"></div> <div class="field" id="f7" style="color: #00f;">O</div> <div class="v-line"></div> <div class="field" id="f8" style="color: #f00;">X</div>
<div style="font-size: 200%;"> <span class="btn" id="new-game">New game</span> <span class="btn" id="hint">hint</span>
<div> Difficulty: <span class="btn active" id="easy">easy</span> <span class="btn" id="hard">hard</span>
<div id="panel-new-game"> <p>Choose your destiny!</p> <div class="btn" id="new-x">X</div> <div class="btn" id="new-o">O</div> <div style="font-size: 50%;"> Difficulty: <span class="btn active" id="new-easy">easy</span> <span class="btn" id="new-hard">hard</span> </div>
<div id="panel-game-over"></div> <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Tic Tac Toe - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { font-family: cursive; text-align: center; background-image: url("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/w4ye9wladx4zkx1/checked_paper.png");
#board { width: 50%; min-width: 200px; max-width: 600px; margin: 0px auto;
.btn { display: inline-block; border: solid #ff8; border-radius: 20%; padding-left: 2%; padding-right: 2%; margin: 1%; cursor: pointer;
.btn:hover, .active { background-color: #c80;
.field { width: 32%; height: 32%; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; float: left;
.v-line, .h-line { background-color: #333; box-shadow: 0 0 1em #333;
.v-line { width: 2%; height: 32%; float: left;
.h-line { width: 100%; height: 2%; clear: both;
#panel-new-game, #panel-game-over { z-index: 1; position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; text-align: center; padding-top: 10%; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8); color: #fff; font-size: 3em;
#panel-game-over { display: none;

Tic Tac Toe - Script Codes JS Codes

$(document).ready(function () { 'use strict'; var bw, fh, player = 'X', comp = 'O', difEasy = true, i, board = { X: 0, O: 0 }, fieldCode = [ parseInt('000000001', 2), parseInt('000000010', 2), parseInt('000000100', 2), parseInt('000001000', 2), parseInt('000010000', 2), parseInt('000100000', 2), parseInt('001000000', 2), parseInt('010000000', 2), parseInt('100000000', 2) ], winLine = [ parseInt('000000111', 2), parseInt('000111000', 2), parseInt('111000000', 2), parseInt('001001001', 2), parseInt('010010010', 2), parseInt('100100100', 2), parseInt('100010001', 2), parseInt('001010100', 2) ], memo; $(window).resize(resize); $('#new-x').on('click', null, 'X', newGame); $('#new-o').on('click', null, 'O', newGame); $('#new-game').on('click', function () { $('#panel-new-game').show(); }); $('#easy,#new-easy').on('click', null, true, changeDif); $('#hard,#new-hard').on('click', null, false, changeDif); $('#hint').on('click', giveHint); for (i = 0; i < 9; i += 1) { $('#f' + i).on('click', null, i, playerMove); } function newGame(event) { if (event.data === 'X') { player = 'X'; comp = 'O'; $('#new-x').addClass('active'); } else if (event.data === 'O') { player = 'O'; comp = 'X'; $('#new-o').addClass('active'); } $('#panel-new-game').fadeOut(3000, function () { $('#panel-new-game > .btn').removeClass('active'); restart(); }); } function resize() { bw = $('#board').width(); $('#board').css('height', bw + 'px'); fh = $('.field').height(); $('.field').css('line-height', fh + 'px'); $('.field').css('font-size', (0.7 * fh) + 'px'); } resize(); function restart() { $('.field').text(''); $('.field').css('background-color', 'transparent'); board.X = 0; board.O = 0; if (comp === 'X') { compMove(); } } function changeDif(event) { if (event.data === true) { $('#easy,#new-easy').addClass('active'); $('#hard,#new-hard').removeClass('active'); } else { $('#easy,#new-easy').removeClass('active'); $('#hard,#new-hard').addClass('active'); } difEasy = event.data; } function drawMark(fn, cmp) { var mark = cmp ? comp : player; $('#f' + fn).text(mark); $('#f' + fn).css('color', mark === 'X' ? '#f00' : '#00f'); } function playerMove(event) { var fn = event.data, fc = fieldCode[fn], wl; if ((fc & board.X) !== 0 || (fc & board.O) !== 0) { // clicked field occupied return; } board[player] |= fc; // add mark at fc to the board drawMark(fn, false); // console.log('player ' + player + ' to ' + fn); // logBoard(board); wl = checkWin(true, board); if (wl !== false) { // console.log('Player wins: ' + wl.toString(2)); gameOver(1, wl); } else if (countOccupiedFields(board) === 9) { gameOver(0); } else { compMove(); } } function compMove() { var fn, fc, moves, wl; if (difEasy === true) { do { fn = Math.floor(9 * Math.random()); fc = fieldCode[fn]; } while ((fc & board.X) !== 0 || (fc & board.O) !== 0); } else { moves = bestMove(true); fn = Math.floor(moves.length * Math.random()); fn = moves[fn]; fc = fieldCode[fn]; } board[comp] |= fc; // add mark at fc to the board drawMark(fn, true); // console.log('comp ' + comp + ' to ' + fn); // logBoard(board); wl = checkWin(false, board); if (wl !== false) { // console.log('Comp wins: ' + wl.toString(2)); gameOver(-1, wl); } else if (countOccupiedFields(board) === 9) { gameOver(0); } } // memoization of best moves // memo[p1][p2] stores {-1,0,1} outcome of a game which has board positions p1 and p2 after p1's move. memo = new Array(512); // 512 = 2^9, number of possible board positions. for (i = 0; i < 512; i += 1) { memo[i] = []; // up to 512, but will be sparse most of the time } function bestMove(computer) { // whether or not a move will lead to victory: // 1: win, 0: draw, -1: loose function winningMove(cmp, move, brd, iter) { // console.log('winningMove:', iter, cmp, move); var oppWin, i, fc, winning, p1, p2; // make a new instance, to keep original board intact brd = Object.create(brd); // add mark at "move" to the board if (cmp) { brd[comp] |= fieldCode[move]; p1 = brd[comp]; p2 = brd[player]; } else { brd[player] |= fieldCode[move]; p1 = brd[player]; p2 = brd[comp]; } if (typeof memo[p1][p2] !== 'undefined') { winning = memo[p1][p2]; } else { if (checkWin(!cmp, brd) !== false) { winning = 1; } else if (countOccupiedFields(brd) === 9) { winning = 0; } else { oppWin = -1; for (i = 0; oppWin !== 1 && i < 9; i += 1) { fc = fieldCode[i]; if ((fc & brd.X) === 0 && (fc & brd.O) === 0) { oppWin = Math.max(oppWin, winningMove(!cmp, i, brd, iter + 1)); } } winning = -oppWin; } memo[p1][p2] = winning; } // console.log('winningMove:', iter, cmp, move, winning); // logBoard(brd.__proto__); return winning; } var i, fc, win = -10, w, moves; for (i = 0; i < 9; i += 1) { fc = fieldCode[i]; if ((fc & board.X) === 0 && (fc & board.O) === 0) { w = winningMove(computer, i, board, 0); if (w > win) { win = w; moves = [i]; } else if (w === win) { moves.push(i); } } } return moves; } function giveHint() { var hintedMoves, jQList, hintedDOMs, bgFlash = '#f0f', i; function anim(times) { if (times % 2 === 0) { hintedDOMs.css('background-color', 'transparent'); } else { hintedDOMs.css('background-color', bgFlash); } if (times > 0) { setTimeout(anim, 500, times - 1); } } if (countOccupiedFields(board) < 9) { hintedMoves = bestMove(false); jQList = ''; for (i = 0; i < hintedMoves.length - 1; i += 1) { jQList += '#f' + hintedMoves[i] + ','; } jQList += '#f' + hintedMoves[i]; hintedDOMs = $(jQList); anim(5); } } function bitCount(num) { return num.toString(2).split('').reduce(function (p, c) { return p += +c; }, 0); } function countOccupiedFields(brd) { if (typeof brd === 'number') { return bitCount(brd); } else { return bitCount(brd.X) + bitCount(brd.O); } } // returns winning line or false // "pl" = true for player, false for comp function checkWin(pl, brd) { brd = (pl ? brd[player] : brd[comp]); var i, l; for (i = 0; i < winLine.length; i += 1) { l = winLine[i]; if ((brd & l) === l) { return l; } } return false; } function gameOver(pWin, line) { var i; if (pWin === 0) { $('#panel-game-over').text('Draw!'); } else { for (i = 0; i < 9; i += 1) { if ((fieldCode[i] & line) !== 0) { $('#f' + i).css('background-color', '#0f0'); } } $('#panel-game-over').text('You ' + (pWin === 1 ? 'win' : 'lose') + '!'); } $('#panel-game-over').show(); i = 0; $('.field').fadeOut(3000, function () { i += 1; if (i === 9) { restart(); $('.field').show(); $('#panel-game-over').hide(); } }); } function logBoard(brd) { var str = '', fn, fc; for (fn = 0; fn < 9; fn += 1) { if (fn > 0 && fn % 3 === 0) { str += '\n'; } fc = fieldCode[fn]; if ((brd.X & fc) !== 0) { str += 'X'; } else if ((brd.O & fc) !== 0) { str += 'O'; } else { str += '-'; } } console.log(str); }
Tic Tac Toe - Script Codes
Tic Tac Toe - Script Codes
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Developer Anton Babkin
Username antonbabkin
Uploaded August 24, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,671 Kb
Views 32,384
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