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How do I make an tic-tac-toe?

Tic-Tac-Toe game built for freeCodeCamp Zipline. Uses OOP for game logic, Underscore.js for utility, jQuery, and Bootstrap.. What is a tic-tac-toe? How do you make a tic-tac-toe? This script and codes were developed by Zac Clemans on 14 January 2023, Saturday.

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Tic-Tac-Toe - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <h1 class="title">Tic-Tac-Toe</h1>
<div class="board-container"> <div class="board-row"> <div id="cell-0" class="column"></div> <div id="cell-1" class="column"></div> <div id="cell-2" class="column"></div> </div> <div class="board-row"> <div id="cell-3" class="column"></div> <div id="cell-4" class="column"></div> <div id="cell-5" class="column"></div> </div> <div class="board-row"> <div id="cell-6" class="column"></div> <div id="cell-7" class="column"></div> <div id="cell-8" class="column"></div> </div>
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Tic-Tac-Toe - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { font-family: "Play";
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.column { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width: 140px; height: 130px;
#cell-0, #cell-1, #cell-2, #cell-3, #cell-4, #cell-5 { border-bottom: 2px solid black;
#cell-0, #cell-1, #cell-3, #cell-4, #cell-6, #cell-7 { border-right: 2px solid black;
.icon, .icon-select { font-size: 90px;
.icon-select { text-align: center; width: 100px;
.control-label { font-size: 24px;
input[type="radio"] { display: none;
div#player-info-modal, div#repeat-game-modal { margin-top: 100px;

Tic-Tac-Toe - Script Codes JS Codes

$("input#submit-player-info").click(function(){ console.log(humanToken); var humanToken = $("input[type=radio]:checked").val(); $("div#player-info-modal").modal('hide'); var board = new Board(); var players = []; players.push(new Player(humanToken, "human")); if (humanToken == 'x'){ players.push(new Player("o", "computer")); } else{ players.push(new Player("x", "computer")); } var game = new Game(board, players); game.playGame();
function Game(board, players){ this.board = board; this.players = players; this.humanPlayer = players[0]; this.computerPlayer = players[1];
Game.prototype = { constructor: Game, playGame: function(){ console.log("game started") if (this.humanPlayer.getToken() == 'x'){ this.playerMove(); } else{ this.computerMove(); } }, isGameOver: function(){ return (this.board.isWinner() || this.board.isBoardFull()); }, playerMove: function(){ console.log("player move called"); // This refers to the selector in jQuery functions. // If aliased to 'self' beforehand, 'self' can be used to reference this object. var self = this; // Selector for all valid moves left in the game var positions = "#" + this.board.getValidMoves().join(",#") $(positions).on('click', function(){ var move = $(this).attr('id'); // Once a cell has been selected, turn it off $(positions).off('click'); self.board.setPlayerMove(move, self.humanPlayer.getToken()); if (!self.isGameOver()){ self.computerMove(); } else{ $("div#repeat-game-modal").modal(); self.playAgain(); } }); }, computerMove: function(){ var move = this.computerPlayer.getComputerMove(this.board); this.board.setPlayerMove(move, this.computerPlayer.getToken()); // Once a cell has been selected, turn it off $("#" + move).off('click'); if (!this.isGameOver()){ this.playerMove(); } else{ $("div#repeat-game-modal").modal(); this.playAgain(); } }, playAgain: function(){ var self = this; $("input#submit-again-confirm").click(function(){ $("div#repeat-game-modal").modal('hide'); $(".column").empty(); $("div#player-info-modal").modal(); }); $("input#submit-again-deny").click(function(){ $("div#repeat-game-modal").modal('hide'); }); }
function Board(){ this.POSITIONS = [ "#cell-0", "#cell-1", "#cell-2", "#cell-3", "#cell-4", "#cell-5", "#cell-6", "#cell-7", "#cell-8" ]; this.currentBoard = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]; this.validMoves = [ "cell-0", "cell-1", "cell-2", "cell-3", "cell-4", "cell-5", "cell-6", "cell-7", "cell-8" ]; this.WINNING_MOVES = [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6] ];
Board.prototype = { constructor: Board, getPositions: function(){ return this.POSITIONS; }, getCurrentBoard: function(){ return this.currentBoard; }, getValidMoves: function(){ return this.validMoves; }, getWinningMoves: function(){ return this.WINNING_MOVES; }, isValidMove: function(move){ if (this.validMoves.indexOf(move) != -1){ return true; } else{ return false; } }, setPlayerMove: function(move, token){ this.currentBoard[this.POSITIONS.indexOf("#" + move)] = token; if (token == "x"){ $("#" + move).append("<i class='icon fa fa-times'></i>") } else { $("#" + move).append("<i class='icon fa fa-circle-o'></i>") } // Remove the move just made from the validMoves list. if (this.validMoves.indexOf(move) != -1){ this.validMoves = this.validMoves.slice(0, this.validMoves.indexOf(move)).concat( this.validMoves.slice(this.validMoves.indexOf(move) + 1)); } }, isBoardFull: function(){ return this.currentBoard.every(function(cell){ return (cell == "x" || cell == "o"); }); }, isWinner: function(){ var winner = false; var b = this.currentBoard; this.WINNING_MOVES.forEach(function(moveSet){ if (b[moveSet[0]] == b[moveSet[1]] && b[moveSet[1]] == b[moveSet[2]]){ if (b[moveSet[0]] != ""){ var winningPositions = []; for (var i = 0; i < moveSet.length; i++){ winningPositions.push("#cell-" + moveSet[i] + " > i"); } winningPositions = winningPositions.join(","); $(winningPositions).css('color', 'red'); $(winningPositions).fadeIn(200).fadeOut(200).fadeIn(200).fadeOut(200).fadeIn(200).fadeOut(200).fadeIn(200); winner = true; // return true would only end the forEach function, not the isWinner function } } }); return winner; }, resetBoard: function(){ this.currentBoard = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]; this.validMoves = [ "cell-0", "cell-1", "cell-2", "cell-3", "cell-4", "cell-5", "cell-6", "cell-7", "cell-8" ]; }
function Player(token, playerType){ this.token = token; this.playerType = playerType;
Player.prototype = { constructor: Player, getToken: function(){ return this.token; }, getPlayerType: function(){ return this.playerType; }, getComputerMove: function(board){ // Placeholder until AI is implemented var self = this; if (returnWinOrBlockMove(board)){ return returnWinOrBlockMove(board); } else if (returnMakeForkMove(board)){ return returnMakeForkMove(board); } else if (returnBlockForkMove(board)){ return returnBlockForkMove(board); } else if (returnCenterMove(board)){ return returnCenterMove(board); } else if (returnOppositeCornerMove(board)){ return returnOppositeCornerMove(board); } else if (returnEmptyCornerMove(board)){ return returnEmptyCornerMove(board); } else if (returnEmptySideMove(board)){ return returnEmptySideMove(board); } else{ var move = board.getValidMoves()[Math.floor(Math.random()*board.getValidMoves().length)]; return move; } function returnWinOrBlockMove(board){ var winOrBlock = ''; for (var i = 0; i < board.getWinningMoves().length; i++){ var moveSet = board.getWinningMoves()[i]; //board.WINNING_MOVES.forEach(function(moveSet){ var winState = _.countBy(moveSet, function(position){ if (board.getCurrentBoard()[position] == self.token){ return 'compToken'; } else if (board.getCurrentBoard()[position] == ''){ return 'empty'; } else{ return 'humanToken'; } }); if (winState.compToken == 2 && winState.empty == 1){ for (var j = 0; j < moveSet.length; j++){ var position = moveSet[j]; if (board.getCurrentBoard()[position] == ''){ winOrBlock = "cell-" + position; return winOrBlock; } } } else if (winState.humanToken == 2 && winState.empty == 1){ for (var j = 0; j < moveSet.length; j++){ var position = moveSet[j]; if (board.getCurrentBoard()[position] == ''){ winOrBlock = "cell-" + position; } } } } return winOrBlock; } function returnMakeForkMove(board){ var move = ''; var boardCopy = $.extend(true, {}, board); for (var potentialMove = 0; potentialMove < boardCopy.getCurrentBoard().length; potentialMove++){ if (boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] == ''){ boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] = self.token; } else{ continue; } if (countWins(boardCopy) >= 2){ move = "cell-" + potentialMove; } boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] = ''; } return move; } function returnBlockForkMove(board){ var move = ''; var boardCopy = $.extend(true, {}, board); var badMoves = []; for (var potentialMove = 0; potentialMove < boardCopy.getCurrentBoard().length; potentialMove++){ if (boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] == ''){ if (self.token == 'x'){ boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] = 'o'; } else{ boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] = 'x'; } } else{ continue; } if (countLosses(boardCopy) >= 2){ boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] = self.token; if (returnBlockForkMove(boardCopy)){ badMoves.push(potentialMove); } else{ move = "cell-" + potentialMove; return move; } } boardCopy.currentBoard[potentialMove] = ''; } for (var potentialMove = 0; potentialMove < boardCopy.getCurrentBoard().length; potentialMove++){ if (boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] == '' && badMoves.indexOf(potentialMove) == -1){ boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] = self.token; } else{ continue; } if (countWins(boardCopy) >= 1){ move = "cell-" + potentialMove; return move; } boardCopy.getCurrentBoard()[potentialMove] = ''; } return move; } function returnCenterMove(board){ if(board.getCurrentBoard()[4] == ''){ return "cell-4"; } else{ return ''; } } function returnOppositeCornerMove(board){ var corners = [[0,8], [2, 6]]; var move = ''; corners.forEach(function(corner){ if ((board.getCurrentBoard()[corner[0]] != self.token) && (board.getCurrentBoard()[corner[0]] != '')){ move = board.getCurrentBoard()[corner[1]] == '' ? ("cell-" + corner[1]) : ''; } else if ((board.getCurrentBoard()[corner[1]] != self.token) && (board.getCurrentBoard()[corner[1]] != '')){ move = board.getCurrentBoard()[corner[0]] == '' ? ("cell-" + corner[0]) : ''; } }); return move; } function returnEmptyCornerMove(board){ var move = ''; var corners = [0, 2, 6, 8]; var emptyCorners = []; for (var i = 0; i < corners.length; i++){ if (board.getCurrentBoard()[corners[i]] == ''){ emptyCorners.push(corners[i]); } } if (emptyCorners.length > 0){ move = "cell-" + _.sample(emptyCorners); } return move; } function returnEmptySideMove(board){ var move = ''; var sides = [1, 3, 5, 7]; var emptySides = []; for (var i = 0; i < sides.length; i++){ if (board.getCurrentBoard()[sides[i]] == ''){ emptySides.push(sides[i]); } } if (emptySides.length > 0){ move = "cell-" + _.sample(emptySides); } return move; } function countWins(board){ var winsAvailable = 0; for (var i = 0; i < board.getWinningMoves().length; i++){ var moveSet = board.getWinningMoves()[i]; //board.WINNING_MOVES.forEach(function(moveSet){ var winState = _.countBy(moveSet, function(position){ if (board.getCurrentBoard()[position] == self.token){ return 'compToken'; } else if (board.getCurrentBoard()[position] == ''){ return 'empty'; } else{ return 'humanToken'; } }); if (winState.compToken == 2 && winState.empty == 1){ winsAvailable++; } } return winsAvailable; } function countLosses(board){ var lossesAvailable = 0; for (var i = 0; i < board.getWinningMoves().length; i++){ var moveSet = board.getWinningMoves()[i]; var winState = _.countBy(moveSet, function(position){ if (board.getCurrentBoard()[position] == self.token){ return 'compToken'; } else if (board.getCurrentBoard()[position] == ''){ return 'empty'; } else{ return 'humanToken'; } }); if (winState.humanToken == 2 && winState.empty == 1){ lossesAvailable++; } } return lossesAvailable; } }
$("input[type=radio]").click(function(){ if ($(this).attr('id') == 'x-radio'){ $("i#o-token").css({'border': 'none'}); $("i#x-token").css({'border': '3px solid red', 'border-radius': '50%'}); $("input#o-radio").prop('checked', false); } else{ $("i#x-token").css({'border': 'none'}); $("i#o-token").css({'border': '3px solid red', 'border-radius': '50%'}); $("input#x-radio").prop('checked', false); }
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Tic-Tac-Toe - Script Codes
Tic-Tac-Toe - Script Codes
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Developer Zac Clemans
Username thalpha
Uploaded January 14, 2023
Rating 3
Size 5,278 Kb
Views 4,048
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Zac Clemans (thalpha) Script Codes
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