Touch Screen Scroll Effect In Blogger By

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How do I make an touch screen scroll effect in blogger by

Hey guys, today I'm going to share with you a new Touch Screen Scroll effect for your blog. This effect is awesome and it's working properly without any Problems. The actual importance of this plugin is that, if you install this on your blog, then your blog readers can easily scroll the page up and down without using the Scrollbar.. What is a touch screen scroll effect in blogger by How do you make a touch screen scroll effect in blogger by This script and codes were developed by Prince on 15 December 2022, Thursday.

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Touch Screen Scroll Effect In Blogger By - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <body> <div class='post-body'> <h2 class='post-title'>Drag the content with your mouse</h2>
<p>Welcome to Latest Articles where you can find the freshest, most interesting and useful information on a wide range of topics. Right now, there are 1704 published articles from authors registered in our article directory.</p>
<p>If you are interested in either article marketing (writing articles) or article publishing, please visit the Authors or Publishers links to find out more.</p><p>Fast and easy photo editing can be made simple and speedy through making use of different software. Photo editing software can be very difficult to use but they let a photographer for eternal creativity. There are a few fundamental things that are needed to be known for fast and easy photo editing. Understanding these digital photography lessons a person who is beginning photography can shine out in photo editing.</p>
<p>The photographs are one of the most universal treasures each person own. The dawn of the age of digital photography has brought the world of photography in a world of more excitement. When we had to apply the old trial and error method to get improved pictures; that time has passed, now we can glimpse the effects of each photo taken immediately using a digital camera.</p>
<p>Whether you are an expert photographer or just a beginner, you should know that one of the most famous places to share pictures, discuss about photography and learn about it is in the internet. If you are on the internet, you will notice that there are plenty of good photos on social media websites.</p>
<p>A digital camera captivates pictures in digital formatting different from a formal camera, which captivates pictures utilizing a film. Before beginning digital photography, you should know few facts about it.</p>
Eugene F. Lally of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory first evidenced how photographs may be created in a digital region, using a mosaic photo sensor. An engineer at Eastman Kodak’s Steve Sasson utilized solid-state CCD chips to form a digital camera prototype with a resolution of 0.01 megapixels and recorded in black and white digital images to a magnetic tape. With the help of this prototype, Steve took the very first image in the month of December and year of 1975 taking 23 seconds to capture it. Digital photography tips are very useful for photography, but first you should know the benefits of a digital camera.</p>
<p>Remember that these are my top three choices of accessories. You must choose those that will meet your needs. Happy shooting!</p>
<p>A polarizing filter cuts glare and reflections on shiny surfaces. When using Polaroid sunglasses while watching the water you can see below the surface if the water is clear.</p>
<p>This is consistent with the tripod and is essential to avoid camera shake. Even if your camera is mounted on the tripod, the simplest action like pushing the shutter button can also cause camera shake and prevent you to take the sharpest images. It works very simply; a cable to the camera or via an infrared connection to activate the trigger connects it. In the meantime, learning digital photography tips can also be useful.</p>
<p>If you are interested in either article marketing (writing articles) or article publishing, please visit the Authors or Publishers links to find out more.</p><p>Fast and easy photo editing can be made simple and speedy through making use of different software. Photo editing software can be very difficult to use but they let a photographer for eternal creativity. There are a few fundamental things that are needed to be known for fast and easy photo editing. Understanding these digital photography lessons a person who is beginning photography can shine out in photo editing.</p>
<p>The photographs are one of the most universal treasures each person own. The dawn of the age of digital photography has brought the world of photography in a world of more excitement. When we had to apply the old trial and error method to get improved pictures; that time has passed, now we can glimpse the effects of each photo taken immediately using a digital camera.</p>
<p>Whether you are an expert photographer or just a beginner, you should know that one of the most famous places to share pictures, discuss about photography and learn about it is in the internet. If you are on the internet, you will notice that there are plenty of good photos on social media websites.</p>
<p>A digital camera captivates pictures in digital formatting different from a formal camera, which captivates pictures utilizing a film. Before beginning digital photography, you should know few facts about it.</p>
Eugene F. Lally of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory first evidenced how photographs may be created in a digital region, using a mosaic photo sensor. An engineer at Eastman Kodak’s Steve Sasson utilized solid-state CCD chips to form a digital camera prototype with a resolution of 0.01 megapixels and recorded in black and white digital images to a magnetic tape. With the help of this prototype, Steve took the very first image in the month of December and year of 1975 taking 23 seconds to capture it. Digital photography tips are very useful for photography, but first you should know the benefits of a digital camera.</p>
<p>Remember that these are my top three choices of accessories. You must choose those that will meet your needs. Happy shooting!</p>
<p>A polarizing filter cuts glare and reflections on shiny surfaces. When using Polaroid sunglasses while watching the water you can see below the surface if the water is clear.</p>
<p>This is consistent with the tripod and is essential to avoid camera shake. Even if your camera is mounted on the tripod, the simplest action like pushing the shutter button can also cause camera shake and prevent you to take the sharpest images. It works very simply; a cable to the camera or via an infrared connection to activate the trigger connects it. In the meantime, learning digital photography tips can also be useful.</p>
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Touch Screen Scroll Effect In Blogger By - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { background-color:#f9f9f9; font-size:16px color:#444;
.post-body h2{ color:#e25633; text-align:center;
.post-body { max-width:680px; margin:20px auto; border:10px solid #f0f0f0; padding:15px 20px; background-color:#fff; color:#444;

Touch Screen Scroll Effect In Blogger By - Script Codes JS Codes

function TouchScroll() {	var instance = this; var Event = { CHANGE: 'change', COMPLETE: 'complete', ERROR: 'error', TOUCH_START: 'touchstart', TOUCH_MOVE: 'touchmove', TOUCH_END: 'touchend', MOUSE_DOWN: 'mousedown', MOUSE_MOVE: 'mousemove', MOUSE_UP: 'mouseup' };	this.options = {	'element': null	};	var drag = false;	var startevent = {};	var startpercentage = {};	var axis = 'y';	var target;	this.load = function(data) {	for (var item in data) {this.options[item] = data[item];}	addListeners();	setupAnimation();	}	function setupAnimation() {	window.requestAnimFrame = (function() {	return window.requestAnimationFrame ||	window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||	window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||	window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||	window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||	function(callback, element) {window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);};	})();	}	function addListeners() {	if (instance.options.element.addEventListener) {	instance.options.element.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_DOWN, onTouchStart, false);	instance.options.element.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_MOVE, onTouchMove, false);	instance.options.element.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_UP, onTouchEnd, false);	instance.options.element.addEventListener(Event.TOUCH_START, onTouchStart, false);	instance.options.element.addEventListener(Event.TOUCH_MOVE, onTouchMove, false);	instance.options.element.addEventListener(Event.TOUCH_END, onTouchEnd, false);	}	}	function onTouchStart(e) {	drag = true;	target = instance.options.element ||;	startevent = e;	startpercentage = {x: (e.x/window.innerWidth)*100, y: (e.y/window.innerHeight)*100}	//console.log('onTouchStart', e, target);	e.preventDefault();	}	function onTouchMove(e) {	if (drag == true) {	var diffx = (startevent.pageX-e.pageX);	var diffy = (startevent.pageY-e.pageY);	target.scrollLeft += diffx;	target.scrollTop += diffy;	if (Math.abs(diffx) > 60) {axis = 'x';}	else if (Math.abs(diffy) > 100) {axis = 'y';}	//console.log('onTouchMove', target, diffx, diffy);	e.preventDefault();	}	}	function onTouchEnd(e) {	drag = false;	var endpercentage = {x: (e.x/window.innerWidth)*100, y: (e.y/window.innerHeight)*100}	var diffpercentagex = -(endpercentage.x-startpercentage.x);	var diffpercentagey = -(endpercentage.y-startpercentage.y);	var diffx = (window.innerWidth/100)*diffpercentagex;	var diffy = (window.innerHeight/100)*diffpercentagey;	//console.log('onTouchEnd', e, diffpercentagex, diffpercentagey);	//animate();	scrollAxis(diffx*1.5, diffy*1.5, axis);	e.preventDefault();	}	function animate() {	requestAnimFrame(animate);	console.log('animate');	}	function scrollAxis(diffx, diffy, axis) {	var x = target.scrollLeft;	var y = target.scrollTop;	var start = y;	var stop = start+diffy;	if (axis == 'x') {	start = x;	stop = start+diffx;	}	var distance = stop > start ? stop - start : start - stop;	if (distance < 50) {	if (axis == 'x') { instance.updatePosition(stop, y); }	else { instance.updatePosition(x, stop); }	return;	}	var speedY = Math.round(distance);	if (speedY >= 20) speedY = 20;	var step = Math.round(distance / 30);	var leapY = stop > start ? start + step : start - step;	var timer = 0;	//console.log(axis, distance, target, start, stop);	if (stop > start) {	for ( var i=start; i<stop; i+=step ) {	if (axis == 'x') { setTimeout("touchscroll.updatePosition("+leapY+", 0)", timer*speedY); }	else { setTimeout("touchscroll.updatePosition(0, "+leapY+")", timer*speedY); }	leapY += step;	if (leapY > stop) leapY = stop;	timer++;	}	return;	}	for ( var i=start; i>stop; i-=step ) {	if (axis == 'x') { setTimeout("touchscroll.updatePosition("+leapY+", 0)", timer*speedY); }	else { setTimeout("touchscroll.updatePosition(0, "+leapY+")", timer*speedY); }	leapY -= step;	if (leapY < stop) leapY = stop;	timer++;	}	}	this.updatePosition = function(x, y) {	//console.log('window.scrollTo', x, y);	target.scrollLeft = x;	target.scrollTop = y;	}
TouchScroll.prototype = new TouchScroll();
var touchscroll = new TouchScroll();
touchscroll.load({ 'element': document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]
Touch Screen Scroll Effect In Blogger By - Script Codes
Touch Screen Scroll Effect In Blogger By - Script Codes
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Developer Prince
Username Askwithloud
Uploaded December 15, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,653 Kb
Views 16,192
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