Tribute to white stripes

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How do I make an tribute to white stripes?

7 nation army video tribute for the triangles weekend the animation plays along with the audio borrowed part of the audio code from @DonKarlssonSan . What is a tribute to white stripes? How do you make a tribute to white stripes? This script and codes were developed by Kittons on 09 September 2022, Friday.

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Tribute to white stripes - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Tribute to white stripes</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <audio id="theSong" controls></audio>
<canvas style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;margin:auto" id='cvs'></canvas> <script src=''></script>
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Tribute to white stripes - Script Codes CSS Codes

body{ margin: 0; background-color: black; overflow: ;

Tribute to white stripes - Script Codes JS Codes

var originalW = 1000; var originalH = 500; var cvs = document.getElementById('cvs'); var cvWidth = 1000; var cvHeight = 500; var ctx = cvs.getContext('2d'); var cameraSpeed = 300; var speedFactor = 1; var cameraZ = 0; var currentSegment = 0; var elapsedAnimTime = 0; var elapsedDistance = 0; var segmentLength = 200; var triangleInitDistance = 1000; var initScale = 0; var endScale = 4; var hLine = 100; var lastTime; var trianglesPool = []; var animationsPool = []; var activeElements = []; var colors = ['#fff','#000','#fff','#333']; var currentColor = 0; var currentItem = 0; var currentMouseX = 0; //var animDatas = [{d:jackData,l:true},{d:megData,l:true},{d:jackData2,l:false},{d:megData2,l:true}]; var animDatas = [{d:jackData,l:true},{d:megData,l:true},{d:jackData2,l:false},{d:megData2,l:true},{d:jackData3,l:true},{d:megData3,l:true}]; var currentAnim = 0; //var animDatas = [hombreData]; var animItems = []; var doThunder = false; function getMousePosition(e) { handleMouseMove(e.pageX,e.pageY); } function getTouchPosition(e) { handleMouseMove(e.targetTouches[0].e,targetTouches[0].pageY); } function handleMouseMove(x,y){ currentMouseX = x - 500; //cameraSpeed = 20 + (y/500)*380; } function Element(){ this.available = true; } Element.prototype.setDistance = function(d){ this.distance = d; }; Element.prototype.update = function(distance){ this.distance -= distance; if(this.distance < 0){ this.available = true; return; } this.perc = this.distance/triangleInitDistance; this.scale = (endScale - initScale)*(1-this.perc) + initScale; }; function Triangle(){ } Triangle.prototype = Object.create(Element.prototype); Triangle.prototype.setColor = function(c){ this.color = c; }; Triangle.prototype.draw = function(){; ctx.translate(this.xOffset,-hLine*this.perc); ctx.scale(this.scale*1.25,this.scale*1.25); if(doThunder){ var col = Math.floor(Math.random()*255); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+col+','+col+','+col+')'; }else{ ctx.fillStyle = this.color; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(-cvWidth/4,0); ctx.lineTo(0, -cvHeight); ctx.lineTo(cvWidth/4,0); ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.scale(1,-1); ctx.globalAlpha = .3; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(-cvWidth/4,0); ctx.lineTo(0, -cvHeight); ctx.lineTo(cvWidth/4,0); ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; ctx.restore(); }; function Animation(){ } Animation.prototype = Object.create(Element.prototype); Animation.prototype.setData = function(anim){ this.anim = anim; }; Animation.prototype.draw = function(){; ctx.translate(this.xOffset,-hLine*this.perc); ctx.scale(this.scale,this.scale); ctx.translate(-this.anim.animationData.animation.compWidth/2,-this.anim.animationData.animation.compHeight); this.anim.goToAndStop(; /* --- REFLECTION -- ctx.translate(this.anim.animationData.animation.compWidth/2,this.anim.animationData.animation.compHeight); ctx.scale(1,-1); ctx.translate(-this.anim.animationData.animation.compWidth/2,-this.anim.animationData.animation.compHeight); ctx.globalAlpha = .4; this.anim.goToAndStop(; ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // -- END REFLECTION */ ctx.restore(); }; function getTriangle(){ var i=0, len = trianglesPool.length,t; while(i<len){ if(trianglesPool[i].available){ trianglesPool[i].available = false; activeElements.push(trianglesPool[i]); return trianglesPool[i]; } i += 1; } t = new Triangle(); t.available = false; trianglesPool.push(t); activeElements.push(t); = 'id_'+trianglesPool.length; return t; } function getAnimation(){ var i=0, len = animationsPool.length,t; while(i<len){ if(animationsPool[i].available){ animationsPool[i].available = false; animationsPool[i].setData(getAnim()); activeElements.push(animationsPool[i]); return animationsPool[i]; } i += 1; } t = new Animation(); t.setData(getAnim()); t.available = false; animationsPool.push(t); activeElements.push(t); = 'id_'+animationsPool.length; return t; } function updateTriangles(elapsedDistance){ var triangle,i, len = activeElements.length; for(i=0;i<len;i+=1){ triangle = activeElements[i]; triangle.update(elapsedDistance); triangle.draw(); } for(i=0;i<len;i+=1){ triangle = activeElements[i]; if(triangle.available){ activeElements.splice(i,1); i -= 1; len -= 1; } } } function clearUnavailableTriangles(){ } function getColor(){ var col = colors[currentColor]; currentColor += 1; if(currentColor == colors.length){ currentColor = 0; } return col; } function getAnim(){ var anim = animItems[currentAnim]; currentAnim += 1; if(currentAnim == animItems.length){ currentAnim = 0; } return anim; } function addNewElement(){ var element; if(currentItem == 0){ element = getTriangle(); element.setDistance(triangleInitDistance - currentSegment); element.setColor(getColor()); currentItem = 1; }else if(currentItem == 1){ element = getTriangle(); element.setDistance(triangleInitDistance - currentSegment); element.setColor(getColor()); currentItem = 2; }else if(currentItem == 2){ element = getAnimation(); element.setDistance(triangleInitDistance - currentSegment); element.initTime =; currentItem = 0; } //element.xOffset = currentMouseX; element.xOffset = 0; } function update(){ cvs.width = cvs.width; ctx.fillRect(0,0,cvs.width,cvs.height); ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; ctx.translate(trX,trY); ctx.scale(cvScale,cvScale); ctx.translate(cvWidth/2,cvHeight+40); var currentTime =; if(currentTime - lastTime > 500){ lastTime = currentTime; } elapsedAnimTime = (currentTime - lastTime)/1000; elapsedDistance = elapsedAnimTime*cameraSpeed; cameraZ += elapsedDistance; currentSegment += elapsedDistance; updateTriangles(elapsedDistance); if(currentSegment > segmentLength){ currentSegment -= segmentLength; addNewElement(); } requestAnimationFrame(update); lastTime = currentTime; //// //console.log('average: ',average); if(volumeFactor == 0){ cameraSpeed = 100; }else{ analyser.getByteFrequencyData(dataArray); var len = dataArray.length; var i,average = 0; for(i=0;i<len;i+=1){ average += dataArray[i]; } average /= len; average += average*(1-volumeFactor); cameraSpeed = 100 + ((average/100))*300; } doThunder = average >= 95; } function thunder(){ doThunder = true; } function dethunder(){ doThunder = false; } function prepareAnimations(){ var i, len = animDatas.length; var anim; for(i=0;i<len;i+=1){ anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation({ animType: 'canvas', loop: animDatas[i].l, autoplay: false, prerender: false, renderer:{ clearCanvas: false, context: ctx, scaleMode: 'noScane' }, animationData: JSON.parse(animDatas[i].d) }); animItems.push(anim); } bodymovin.stop(); } function setup(){ prepareAnimations(); addNewElement(); lastTime =; } var cnt = 0; var cvScale,trX,trY; function resize(){ var winW = window.innerWidth; var winH = window.innerHeight; if(winW/winH > originalW/originalH){ cvs.height = Math.min(originalH,window.innerHeight); cvs.width = cvs.height*originalW/originalH; }else{ cvs.width = Math.min(originalW,window.innerWidth); cvs.height = cvs.width*originalH/originalW; } //cvs.width = originalW; //cvs.height = originalH; var cvW = cvs.width; var cvH = cvs.height; var cvRel = cvW/cvH; var originalRel = originalW/originalH; if(originalRel>cvRel){ cvScale = cvW/originalW; trX = 0; trY = cvH - originalH*cvScale; }else{ cvScale = cvH/originalH; trY = 0; trX = cvW - originalW*cvScale; } } ////// var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; var audioContext; var audio; var bufferLength; var bufferDrawLength; var fftSize = 128; var volumeFactor = 1; function initSound() { audioContext = new AudioContext(); audio = document.getElementById("theSong"); audio.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; audio.addEventListener("error", onerror, false); volumeFactor = audio.volume; audio.onvolumechange = function() { audio.volume = 1; volumeFactor = audio.volume; }; var source = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audio); source.connect(audioContext.destination); analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser(); source.connect(analyser); analyser.fftSize = fftSize; //analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.9; bufferLength = analyser.frequencyBinCount; // The end of the array that analyser.getByteFrequencyData() // returns seems quiet. So we ignoring the last 30%. bufferDrawLength = bufferLength; dataArray = new Uint8Array(bufferLength); } function get(url, callback) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) { callback(request.responseText); } };"GET", url, true); request.send(null); } function findTrack() { //var clientParameter = "client_id=3d3bd998f63a0c1f1428a7e62c5a560f"; var clientParameter = "client_id=9bbe436354cae5b86a9788edcf3513f8"; var trackPermalinkUrl = ""; try { get("" + trackPermalinkUrl + "&" + clientParameter, function (response) { var trackInfo = JSON.parse(response); audio.src = trackInfo.stream_url + "?" + clientParameter; } ); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } }; initSound(); findTrack(); ////// setup(); resize(); update();
Tribute to white stripes - Script Codes
Tribute to white stripes - Script Codes
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Developer Kittons
Username airnan
Uploaded September 09, 2022
Rating 4
Size 4,748 Kb
Views 26,312
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