Tunnel Quest

4,379 Kb

How do I make an tunnel quest?

Just a sweet tunnel effect with some rectangles. I feel like the code is too long for this kind of animation. I'd be happy to see it shorten, so if you have any suggests, feel free to fork!. What is a tunnel quest? How do you make a tunnel quest? This script and codes were developed by Timo Hausmann on 16 October 2022, Sunday.

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Tunnel Quest - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Tunnel Quest</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="300"></canvas> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Tunnel Quest - Script Codes CSS Codes

* {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;
body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; padding: 10px; background: #333;
canvas { display: block; margin: 0 auto; background: #000;

Tunnel Quest - Script Codes JS Codes

/* * shim layer with setTimeout fallback * @see http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ */
window.requestAnimFrame = (function () {	return window.requestAnimationFrame ||	window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||	window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||	window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||	window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||	function (callback) {	window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);	};
/* * FX will be our global object */
var FX = {};
/* * basic canvas variables */
FX.canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
FX.ctx = FX.canvas.getContext('2d');
FX.width = FX.canvas.width;
FX.height = FX.canvas.height;
/* * FX.entity constructs, draws and updates geometric shapes * @return	Object	public functions *	create : create a new rectangle with given config *	drawAll : draws all rectangles in their current state */
FX.entity = (function () {	var entities = []; //array with all shapes	/* * constructor for new rectangles * @param	Object	args	configuration object *	x : X-Position (centered) *	y : Y-Position (centered) *	w : width *	h: height *	r : rotation *	s : rotation-speed *	c : color */	var construct = function (args) {	this.sincount = 0; //helper variable for sinus transform-transitions	this.lifetime = 90;	this.x = args.x;	this.y = args.y;	this.w = args.w;	this.h = args.h;	this.r = args.r;	this.s = args.s;	this.c = args.c;	};	/* * creates a new shape with given config * @param	Object	args	configuration object * @return	Object	a new "construct"-Object */	var create = function (args) {	var defaults = {	x : FX.width / 2,	y : FX.height / 2,	w : 40,	h : 40,	r : 0,	s : 1,	c : FX.gradient.get()	};	//merge defaults with given args	for (var key in args) {	defaults[key] = args[key];	}	var newborn = new construct(defaults);	//save the newborn in the entities-array	entities.push(newborn);	};	/* * updates the parameters of a single entity */	var update = function (index) {	//e is our entity	var e = entities[ index ];	//update rotation	e['r'] += e['s'];	//update sincount	e['sincount'] = e['sincount'] + 0.05;	if (e['sincount'] > 180) {	e['sincount'] = 0;	}	//update scaling in a sinus-kinda way	e['w'] *= (1 + Math.sin( FX.rad(e['sincount']) ));	e['h'] *= (1 + Math.sin( FX.rad(e['sincount']) ));	//drain lifepoints	drain(index);	};	/* * reduces the lifetime by 1 * if lifetime is zero, destroy the entity */	var drain = function (index) {	//e is our entity	var e = entities[ index ];	e['lifetime']--;	if (e['lifetime'] <= 0) {	entities.splice(index, 1);	}	};	/* * draws a single entity */	var draw = function (index) {	var e = entities[ index ],	polys = [];	//set stroke color	FX.ctx.strokeStyle = e.c;	/* * RECTANGLE START * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/644378/drawing-a-rotated-rectangle * I'm sure this could've been made easier, but I wanted to calculate the rectangle on my own * You can draw anything here, or add/remove polys, to alter the shape * You can comment this block out and uncomment the block below, "CIRCLE START", to switch to circles */	//top left corner	polys.push([	e.x + ( e.w / 2 ) * Math.cos(FX.rad(e.r)) - ( e.h / 2 ) * Math.sin(FX.rad(e.r)),	e.y + ( e.h / 2 ) * Math.cos(FX.rad(e.r)) + ( e.w / 2 ) * Math.sin(FX.rad(e.r))	]);	//top right corner	polys.push([	e.x - ( e.w / 2 ) * Math.cos(FX.rad(e.r)) - ( e.h / 2 ) * Math.sin(FX.rad(e.r)),	e.y + ( e.h / 2 ) * Math.cos(FX.rad(e.r)) - ( e.w / 2 ) * Math.sin(FX.rad(e.r))	]);	//bottom left corner	polys.push([	e.x - ( e.w / 2 ) * Math.cos(FX.rad(e.r)) + ( e.h / 2 ) * Math.sin(FX.rad(e.r)),	e.y - ( e.h / 2 ) * Math.cos(FX.rad(e.r)) - ( e.w / 2 ) * Math.sin(FX.rad(e.r))	]);	//bottom right corner	polys.push([	e.x + ( e.w / 2 ) * Math.cos(FX.rad(e.r)) + ( e.h / 2 ) * Math.sin(FX.rad(e.r)),	e.y - ( e.h / 2 ) * Math.cos(FX.rad(e.r)) + ( e.w / 2 ) * Math.sin(FX.rad(e.r))	]);	FX.ctx.beginPath();	FX.ctx.moveTo(polys[0][0], polys[0][1]);	for (var i = 1, k = polys.length; i < k; i = i + 1) {	FX.ctx.lineTo(polys[i][0], polys[i][1]);	}	FX.ctx.lineTo(polys[0][0], polys[0][1]);	/* * RECTANGLE END */	/* * CIRCLE START */	/* FX.ctx.beginPath(); FX.ctx.arc(e.x,e.y,e.w,0,Math.PI*2,true); // Outer circle */	/* * CIRCLE END */	//draw the defined paths	FX.ctx.stroke();	};	/* * Loop over all entites, update and draw each */	var drawAll = function () {	for (var i in entities) {	update(i);	draw(i);	}	};	return {	create:create,	drawAll:drawAll	};
/* * FX.spawn handles the spawning of new entities * @return Object	public functions *	update : update spawn counter, spawn if nessessary */
FX.spawn = (function () {	var	countdown = 5,	//each 5 iterations, spawn an entity	rotation = 0,	//current spawn rotation	sin = 0;	//spawn sinus for x/y spawn	/* * decrease spawn countdown, increase sinus, * spawn a new entity if nessessary */	var update = function () {	sin++;	countdown--;	if (sin > 359) {	sin = 0;	}	if (countdown === 0) {	spawn();	countdown = 5;	}	};	/* * create a new entity */	var spawn = function () {	var cx = FX.width / 2;	var cy = FX.height / 2;	//inrease the rotation by 5 with each spawn	rotation = rotation + 5;	FX.entity.create({	x:cx + Math.sin(FX.rad(sin)) * 100,	y:cy + Math.sin(FX.rad(sin)) * 100,	r:rotation	/* * uncomment this to have sinus-depening shape sizes */	/* , w : 40 + Math.sin( FX.rad( sin )) * 20, h : 40 + Math.sin( FX.rad( sin )) * 20 */	});	};	return {	update : update	};
/* * FX.gradient provides methods to generate a color gradient in X Steps * @return Object	public functions *	get: get the next gradient color */
FX.gradient = (function () {	var	amount = 32,	//how many steps	start = [255, 196, 0],	//startcolor, RGB	end = [5, 239, 209],	//endcolor, RGB	currentStep = 0,	//index of current step	steps = [],	//a single gradient step	colors = [];	//array with all gradient steps	/* * create single gradient out of start & end */	var create = (function () {	//calculate single step size by color channel	steps = [	( start[0] - end[0] ) / amount, //R	( start[1] - end[1] ) / amount, //G	( start[2] - end[2] ) / amount //B	];	//save each gradient step in colors[]	for (var i = 0; i <= amount; i = i + 1) {	colors[i] = [	Math.round(start[0] - steps[0] * i), //R	Math.round(start[1] - steps[1] * i), //G	Math.round(start[2] - steps[2] * i) //B	];	}	})();	/* * set the next gradient step */	var next = function () {	currentStep++;	if (currentStep >= amount) {	currentStep = 0;	}	};	/* * Get the next gradient color as rgb * @return	String	rgb() */	var get = function () {	next();	return "rgb(" + colors[currentStep][0] + ", " + colors[currentStep][1] + ", " + colors[currentStep][2] + ")";	};	return {	get : get	};
/* * FX.loop is our main loop */
FX.loop = function () {	//clear the canvas	FX.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 500, 400);	//update the spawn	FX.spawn.update();	//draw all available entities	FX.entity.drawAll();	//request next loop	requestAnimFrame(FX.loop);
/* * Converts degrees to radients * @param	Number	deg	The degrees to be convertet * @return	Number	the radient value */
FX.rad = function (deg) {	return deg * Math.PI / 180;
/* * Call the loop for the first time */
Tunnel Quest - Script Codes
Tunnel Quest - Script Codes
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Developer Timo Hausmann
Username timohausmann
Uploaded October 16, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 4,379 Kb
Views 10,120
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Timo Hausmann (timohausmann) Script Codes
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