Turkey Hunting with Horizontal Lines

7,568 Kb

How do I make an turkey hunting with horizontal lines?

Set of hr styles. Some basic for basic horizontal lines, some more complex to add to the story. Read the story! Script from Errol Morris film Vernon, FL. Super Duper! . What is a turkey hunting with horizontal lines? How do you make a turkey hunting with horizontal lines? This script and codes were developed by Pollardld on 08 November 2022, Tuesday.

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Turkey Hunting with Horizontal Lines - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <article> <h2>You gotta like outdoor sports. And I've always loved it.</h2> <h1>Especially turkey hunting.</h1> <hr class="hr-opening"> <p>I killed my first turkey when I was 10 years old. I can't tell you how many I've killed, but I've killed a lot of them. I run a business. I close the business down if I have to...<br />to go turkey hunting. It's just something that I like. It's just in me. I can't tell you how I feel. It's just a hell of a sport, that's all.</p> <hr class="hr-break"> <p>Sometimes you can be standing around and hear one jar the ground. And you just look at the roads and fire trails...<br />untiI you pick up fresh tracks and know which way he's going. And just go to that area, stop, listen...<br />and hope that you hear one.</p> <p>Sometimes they gobble quite often, early. Sometimes it's minutes. And later on in the morning, sometimes it's every minutes. You just can't tell. They're a smart bird. The smartest we got in this country. See now, we spend time like this day in and day out...<br />and not hear nothing. But you know they're here.</p> <hr class="hr-scroll"> <p>I got my gun. I didn't get to use the bathroom, though. I was fixing to...<br />but right out in them pines I heard one gobble. And I said, "My God". Boy, that's the best diarrhea medicine in the world. You hear a turkey gobble, you forget all about diarrhea and everything. Headaches, everything. That'd cure anything.</p> <hr class="hr-section"> <p>I grabbed my gun, and I tore out. I must have went a quarter of a mile. Went through a bunch of pines. And he double-gobbled. I knew right then that I had a pretty good chance of killing him. Man, it hadn't been 30 minutes since one had been killed. Bless your heart. The next time he gobbled, there he was. Right out there in that wiregrass and broom-sage.</p> <div> <p>I just yelped real low to him.</p> <img src="http://floriduh.org/img/yelp.svg"> <hr class="hr-story-left"> <img class="img-right" src="http://floriduh.org/img/turkey-sil.svg"> <p class="right">He gobbled.</p> <hr class="hr-story-right"> <p>He was coming straight towards me. He wasn't walking. He wasn't running. It was sort of in a little fast trot.</p> <img src="http://floriduh.org/img/spy.svg"> <hr class="hr-movement"> <p>I had a good blind in some palmettos. I was sitting behind some palmettos. I done had my gun on him.</p> <img src="http://floriduh.org/img/hunt.svg"> <hr class="hr-focus"> <p>When he got up there...<br />he was walking a little too fast to shoot him, 'cause I wanted a sure shot. And what I done, I just whistled.</p> <img src="http://floriduh.org/img/wave.svg"> <hr class="hr-alert"> <img class="img-right" src="http://floriduh.org/img/turkey-sil.svg"> <p class="right">And he stopped, and he looked...</p> <hr class="hr-bullet"> <h2>and when he looked up, that was the end of it.</h2> <img class="turkey" src="http://floriduh.org/img/turkey-color.svg"> </div> <hr class="hr-break credit"> <div class="credits"> <h2>Please do the liking</h2> <ul> <li>Credits:</li> <li>Double Border with Opacity - Charlene Foote</li> <li>Turkey - Matt Steele</li> <li>Spy - Dan Hetteix</li> <li>Waves - Stephen Hutchings</li> </ul> <h2><a href="http://floriduh.org/vernon">Floriduh Vernon Story</a></h2> </div> <iframe width="300" height="220" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/PczSVHWNqcc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/28921882?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="300" height="220" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <hr class="hr-break"> <iframe width="300" height="220" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lyfxgL4AFWg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Turkey Hunting with Horizontal Lines - Script Codes CSS Codes

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Turkey Hunting with Horizontal Lines - Script Codes
Turkey Hunting with Horizontal Lines - Script Codes
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Developer Pollardld
Username pollardld
Uploaded November 08, 2022
Rating 3
Size 7,568 Kb
Views 8,096
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