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How do I make an tutorial?

This is a tutorial I followed. This is not my code! :). What is a tutorial? How do you make a tutorial? This script and codes were developed by Aaron Happe on 09 November 2022, Wednesday.

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Tutorial - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Tutorial</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>Animate J</title> <link rel="author" href="humans.txt"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> </head> <body>	<div id="stage">	<div id="j" class="character"></div>	<div id="j2" class="character"></div>	</div>	<table>	<tr>	<td>	<input type="button" value="Run Left" id="run-left" />	</td>	<td>	<input type="button" value="Stop Running" id="stop-run" />	</td>	<td>	<input type="button" value="Run Right" id="run-right" />	</td>	<td>	<input type="button" value="Jump" id="jump" />	</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>	<input type="button" value="Run Left" onclick="j2.run_left();">	</td>	<td>	<input type="button" value="Stop Running" onclick="j2.stop_running();">	</td>	<td>	<input type="button" value="Run Right" onclick="j2.run_right();">	</td>	<td>	<input type="button" value="Jump" onclick="j2.jump();">	</td>	</tr>	</table> </body>
</html> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Tutorial - Script Codes CSS Codes

#stage {	background-color:#cccccc;	border:1px solid black;	height:170px;	width:750px;	position:relative;	z-index:0;	}	.character {	height:50px;	width:40px;	position:absolute;	top:120px;	background-repeat:no-repeat;	background-position:0 0;	}	#j {	left:100px;	background-image: url('https://cdn.tutsplus.com/net/uploads/2013/10/javascript-spriting-j-sprite.png');	}	#j2 {	left:200px;	background-image: url('https://cdn.tutsplus.com/net/uploads/2013/10/javascript-spriting-j2-sprite.png');	}

Tutorial - Script Codes JS Codes

/*this is a tutorial. this is my code!!!*/
var eventUtility = {	addEvent : function(el, type, fn) {	if (typeof addEventListener !== "undefined") {	el.addEventListener(type, fn, false);	} else if (typeof attachEvent !== "undefined") {	el.attachEvent("on" + type, fn);	} else {	el["on" + type] = fn;	}	},	getTarget : function(e) {	if (typeof e.target !== "undefined") {	return e.target;	} else {	return e.srcElement;	}	},	preventDefault : function(e) {	if (typeof e.preventDefault !== "undefined") {	e.preventDefault();	} else {	e.returnValue = false;	}	}
var RobotMaker = function(elJ, run_speed, jump_height){
var run_timer,	jump_timer,	face_right = true,	stage = document.getElementById("stage");
function run_r(phase, left){	if ((left + (15 * run_speed)) < (document.getElementById('stage').offsetWidth - elJ.offsetWidth)){	left = left + 15; // Increase his left attribute by 10px	elJ.style.left = left+"px"; // and then we move him	switch (phase){	case 1:	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-40px 0px";	run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_r(2, left);}, 200);	break;	case 2:	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-80px 0px";	run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_r(3, left);}, 200);	break;	case 3:	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-120px 0px";	run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_r(4, left);}, 200);	break;	case 4:	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-80px 0px";	run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_r(1, left);}, 200);	break;	}	} else {	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px";	}
function run_l(phase, left){	face_right = false;	if (0 < elJ.offsetLeft - (15 * run_speed)){	left = left - (15 * run_speed);	elJ.style.left = left+"px";	switch (phase){	case 1:	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-40px -50px";	run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_l(2, left);}, 200);	break;	case 2:	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-80px -50px";	run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_l(3, left);}, 200);	break;	case 3:	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-120px -50px";	run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_l(4, left);}, 200);	break;	case 4:	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-80px -50px";	run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_l(1, left);}, 200);	break;	}	} else {	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -50px";	}
}	function jmp(up, top){	if (face_right){	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-160px 0px";	} else {	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "-160px -50px";	}	if (up && (elJ.offsetTop > (20 * (1 / jump_height)))){	top = top - (top * .1);	elJ.style.top = top+"px";	jump_timer = setTimeout(function(){jmp(up, top);}, 60);	} else if (up) {	up = false;	jump_timer = setTimeout(function(){jmp(up, top);}, 60);	} else if (!up && (elJ.offsetTop < 115)){	top = top + (top * .1);	elJ.style.top = top+"px";	jump_timer = setTimeout(function(){jmp(up, top);}, 60);	} else {	elJ.style.top = "120px";	if (face_right){	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px";	} else {	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -50px";	}	jump_timer = false;	}	}	return {	run_right : function(){	if (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined){	clearTimeout(run_timer); // We clear whatever running is going on now ...	run_r(1, elJ.offsetLeft); // And we start them running to the right.	}	},	/* * This is the function to start running left that can be called from the outside */	run_left : function(){	/* * First we check if the jump_timer is going - we don't want them running in midair! */	if (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined){	clearTimeout(run_timer); // We clear whatever running is going on now ...	run_l(1, elJ.offsetLeft); // and we start them running to the left.	}	},	/* * This function stops the running, and returns them to a standing position. * Notice that it checks the 'face_right' value to see if it should use the right-facing sprite or the * left-facing sprite * This function also checks to see if they are jumping so it doesn't change to a standing sprite in midair */	stop_running : function(){	if (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined){	clearTimeout(run_timer);	if (face_right){	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px";	} else {	elJ.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -50px";	}	}	},	/* * This function is the jumping function * We check to make sure we aren't already jumping (we don't want a double jump) * Then clear the running animation and call the jump function */	jump : function(){	if (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined){	clearTimeout(run_timer);	jmp(true, elJ.offsetTop);	}	}	};	};
var	runRightButton = document.getElementById("run-right"),	runLeftButton = document.getElementById("run-left"),	stopRunButton = document.getElementById("stop-run"),	jumpButton = document.getElementById("jump");	elJ = document.getElementById("j");
eventUtility.addEvent(document, "click", function(e){	var target = eventUtility.getTarget(e);	switch (target) {	case runRightButton:	j.run_right(1, elJ.offsetLeft);	break;	case runLeftButton:	j.run_left(1, elJ.offsetLeft);	break;	case stopRunButton:	j.stop_running();	break;	case jumpButton:	j.jump(true, elJ.offsetTop);	break;	}	});	var j = RobotMaker(document.getElementById('j'), 1, 1);	var j2 = RobotMaker(document.getElementById('j2'), .8, 5);
Tutorial - Script Codes
Tutorial - Script Codes
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Developer Aaron Happe
Username aaronhappe
Uploaded November 09, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,498 Kb
Views 16,192
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Aaron Happe (aaronhappe) Script Codes
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