Twitch viewer

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How do I make an twitch viewer?

What is a twitch viewer? How do you make a twitch viewer? This script and codes were developed by Daniel on 20 January 2023, Friday.

Twitch viewer Previews

Twitch viewer - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Twitch viewer - Script Codes CSS Codes

/*! * Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.6 ( * Copyright 2011-2017 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2011-2017 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under MIT ( */
.header { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); color: white; padding: 0 5px; border-radius: 4%; font-size: 2.7rem;
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.fave-game h2 { padding: 20px;
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h5, .h5 { font-size: 1.25rem;
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Twitch viewer - Script Codes JS Codes

// Define the `phonecatApp` module
var twitchApp = angular.module('twitchApp', []);
var users = ["ESL_SC2", "OgamingSC2", "cretetion", "freecodecamp", "storbeck", "habathcx", "RobotCaleb", "noobs2ninjas"];
// var channels = ["freecodecamp","test_channel","ESL_SC2"];
twitchApp.controller('ChannelController', function ChannelController($scope, $http, $sce){ var channels = ["freecodecamp","test_channel","ESL_SC2", "ukmasters", "OgamingSC2", "cretetion", "storbeck", "habathcx", "RobotCaleb", "noobs2ninjas"]; //var channels = ["ukmasters"]; $scope.channelsModel = []; $scope.streamModel = []; channels.forEach(function(channel) { function makeURL(type, id) { return '' + type + '/' + id; }; var url = makeURL('streams', channel); var trustedUrl = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url); $http.jsonp(trustedUrl, {jsonpCallbackParam: 'callback'}) .then(function successCallback(response) { if ( !== null){ console.log("Online"); $scope.streamModel.push(; //refactor var url = makeURL('channels', channel); var trustedUrl = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url); channelRequest(trustedUrl, "Online"); } else if( === null ){ console.log("Offline"); onlineStatus = "Offline"; var url = makeURL('channels', channel); var trustedUrl = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url); channelRequest(trustedUrl, onlineStatus); } else if ( === undefined) { console.log("Account Closed"); onlineStatus = "Account Closed"; // get request //channelRequest(makeURL('stream', channel), onlineStatus) } }, function errorCallback(response) { console.log(response); }); function channelRequest(trustedUrl, onlineStatus){ $http.jsonp(trustedUrl, {jsonpCallbackParam: 'callback'}) .then(function successCallback(response) { = onlineStatus; if( === null){ = ''; } if( === null){ = ''; } $scope.channelsModel.push(; }, function errorCallback(response) { console.log(response); }); } }); /* */ /* */ /* */ $scope.channels = [ { "status": "Some GoLang Today #go #golang #youtube", "display_name": "FreeCodeCamp", "name": "freecodecamp", "logo": "", "video_banner": "", "profile_banner": "", "url": "", "views": 189385, "followers": 10989, "_id": 79776140, live: true }, { "status": "Some GoLang Today #go #golang #youtube", "display_name": "FreeCodeCamp", "name": "freecodecamp", "logo": "", "video_banner": "", "profile_banner": "", "url": "", "views": 189385, "followers": 10989, "_id": 1, live: true }, { "status": "Some GoLang Today #go #golang #youtube", "display_name": "FreeCodeCamp", "name": "freecodecamp", "logo": "", "video_banner": "", "profile_banner": "", "url": "", "views": 189385, "followers": 10989, "_id": 0, live: true }, ] //functions online, offline, all
twitchApp.controller('FavGameComponent', function FavGameComponent($scope){ //needs to be array $ = [ { image: '', title: 'League of Legends' }, { image: '', title: 'PLAYERUNKNOWN BATTLEGROUND' }, { image: '', title: 'GTA V' }, { image: '', title: 'DOTA 2' }, { image: '', title: 'Counter-Strike Global Offensive' }, { image: '', title: 'Overwatch' }, { image: '', title: 'Diablo 20III Reaper of Souls' }, { image: '', title: 'Destiny' }, { image: '', title: 'Ark' }, { image: '', title: 'Minecraft' }, /* { image: '', title: 'Overwatch' },
{ image: '', title: 'Friday the 13th: The game'
{ image: '', title: 'RuneScape'
}, ]
twitchApp.controller('StreamComponent', function StreamComponent($scope){ //needs to be array $scope.streams = [ { game: 'BATMAN - The Telltale Series', viewers: 7254, "preview": { "small": "", "medium": "", "large": "", "template": "{width}x{height}.jpg" }, "channel": { "mature": false, "status": "Dan is Batman? - Telltale's Batman", "broadcaster_language": "en", "display_name": "DansGaming", "name": "dansgaming", "logo": "", "video_banner": "", "profile_banner": "", "url": "", "views": 63906830, "followers": 538598 } } ] $scope.setStream = function(){ }
Twitch viewer - Script Codes
Twitch viewer - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Daniel
Username undreamtmayhem
Uploaded January 20, 2023
Rating 3
Size 37,236 Kb
Views 4,048
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Daniel (undreamtmayhem) Script Codes
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