Vanilla JS Pattern Locker

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How do I make an vanilla js pattern locker?

This is a pure vanilla js pattern locker that I wrote after messing around with the android pattern locker and trying to replicate it's behaviour with canvas. What is a vanilla js pattern locker? How do you make a vanilla js pattern locker? This script and codes were developed by Izzy Skye on 26 November 2022, Saturday.

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Vanilla JS Pattern Locker - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Vanilla JS Pattern Locker</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<body> <div class="locker"></div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Vanilla JS Pattern Locker - Script Codes JS Codes

/** * Class generator to make use of prototype properties */
var Class = function(methods) { "use strict"; var c = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; for (var property in methods) { c.prototype[property] = methods[property]; } if (!c.prototype.initialize) c.prototype.initialize = function() {}; return c;
/** * Locker.js v0.0.0 * Author: Tony Lopez * Copyright (c) 2016 Tony Lopez, released under the MIT license. * Demo on: * * This class generates a pattern locker with touch and mouse support * it is inspired by the android pattern lock * * TODO List: * 1) Better point generation * 2) Clean up the colour shift function * 3) Add some sort of message or notification if the wrapper doesn’t exist (or create it? haven’t decided what to do there) * 4) Save a pattern (via ajax most likely) and test against it - uses LocalStorage atm * 5) Eventually make full comments adhering to a standard * 6) General cleanup * 7) Stop interactivity on mouseup until the locker is reset * */
var Locker = Class({ /** * The extend function, used to extend an object with another * while overriding it's properties if any match */ extend: function() { var extended = {}; var deep = false; var i = 0; var length = arguments.length; if ([0]) === '[object Boolean]') { deep = arguments[0]; i++; } var merge = function(obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (, prop)) { if (deep &&[prop]) === '[object Object]') { extended[prop] = extend(true, extended[prop], obj[prop]); } else { extended[prop] = obj[prop]; } } } }; for (; i < length; i++) { var obj = arguments[i]; merge(obj); } return extended; }, /** * Calculate the exactly length of a line (i.e it's hypoteneuse via the two) * x and y coordinates */ hypot: function() { var y = 0; var length = arguments.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (arguments[i] === Infinity || arguments[i] === -Infinity) { return Infinity; } y += arguments[i] * arguments[i]; } return Math.sqrt(y); }, /** * This starts off the whole class with the options given (or the defaults) */ initialize: function(opts) { this.opts = this.extend({ // This is what identifies the wrapping div for the lock wrap: '.locker', // The height and width of the locker in pixels height: 320, width: 320, // The background colour of the locker background: '#333333', // Add styling to position it centered on the page // set to false if using custom styles to position centered: true, // The colour of the line as it is being drawn drawing: '#FFFFFF', // The colour of the line on save saved: '#0088CC', // The colour of the line on completion if successful success: '#00CC88', // The colour of the line on completion if incorrect error: '#EF5350', // The minimum number of points that need to be filled in cap: 4, // The colour of the points pointscolour: '#FFFFFF', // The radius of the points pointsize: 5, // The radius of the points when active pointhoversize: 7, // The radius of the area around the point which can activate // the point pointboundary: 22, // The width of the line strokewidth: 2, // The time taken on completion to reset the lock timer: 1000, // Add a debugger just below the lock showing the event // and the x and y values for the event (useful for mobile testing) debug: false }, opts); // Get the wrapper of the locker this.wrap = document.querySelector(this.opts.wrap); // If the document has the wrapper, and there are no canvas's inside the wrapper // start the locker if (document.contains(this.wrap) && this.wrap.getElementsByTagName('canvas').length == 0) { // Set the height, width and background of the locker according to the options = this.opts.height.toString() + 'px'; = this.opts.width.toString() + 'px'; = this.opts.background; = 'hidden'; // Set the styles to center the lock if applicable if (this.opts.centered) { = 'fixed'; = '50%'; = '50%'; = 'translate(-50%, -50%)'; = 'translate(-50%, -50%)'; } // Add a line canvas in order to use later on with it's context this.linecanvas = this.addCanvas(); this.linectx = this.linecanvas.getContext('2d'); // Add a points canvas in order to use later on with it's context this.pointscanvas = this.addCanvas(); this.pointsctx = this.pointscanvas.getContext('2d'); // The key used for using localstorage to save points this.localSavedPattern = 'lockpattern-' +, // Initialise the initial mouse position this.mouse = { x: -1, y: -1 }; // Initialise the initial starting point this.p = { x: -1, y: -1 }; // Initialise the counter to track which points are used in order this.count = 0; // Make the points and draw them this.makePoints(); this.drawPoints(); this.saved = false; // Add the debugger if applicable if (this.opts.debug) { this.debugger = this.addDebugger(); } // Bind the mouse events this.wrap.addEventListener('mousedown', this.dragStart.bind(this)); this.wrap.addEventListener('mousemove', this.dragMove.bind(this)); this.wrap.addEventListener('mouseup', this.dragEnd.bind(this)); // Bind the touch events this.wrap.addEventListener('touchend', this.dragEnd.bind(this)); this.wrap.addEventListener('touchmove', this.dragMove.bind(this)); this.wrap.addEventListener('touchstart', this.dragStart.bind(this)); } else { // Silently don't do anything, TODO } }, /** * A wrapper for setTimeout which will only ever execute once */ executeAfter: (function() { var timers = {}; return function(callback, ms, uniqueId) { if (!uniqueId) { uniqueId = 'Timer-' +; } if (timers[uniqueId]) { clearTimeout(timers[uniqueId]); } timers[uniqueId] = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })(), /** * Test if all the points have been filled */ allPointsFilled: function(arr) { var i = arr.length; while (i--) { if (arr[i].s === false) { return false; } } return true; }, /** * Add a canvas element with a few styles and return it's reference */ addCanvas: function() { var canv = document.createElement('canvas'); canv.height = this.opts.height; canv.width = this.opts.width; = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '0'; = '-1'; this.wrap.appendChild(canv); return canv; }, /** * Add the debugger with a few styles and return it's reference */ addDebugger: function() { var debug = document.createElement('div'); debug.className = 'locker-debugger'; = 'absolute'; = '100%'; = 'calc(100% + 15px)'; = '15px'; = 'center'; this.wrap.appendChild(debug); return debug; }, /** * Attach the appropriate event info to the debugger * Will probably be removed */ debugEvent: function(e) { this.debugger.innerHTML = 'Event type: ' + e.type; if (e.type == 'touchstart' || e.type == 'touchmove' || e.type == 'touchend') { this.debugger.innerHTML += ' x: ' + e.targetTouches[0].pageX + ' y: ' + e.targetTouches[0].pageY + ' top: ' + + ' left: ' +; } else { this.debugger.innerHTML += ' x: ' + e.offsetX + ' y: ' + e.offsetY; } }, /** * A wrapper for the points to initialise them in a grid layout * TODO: Get a better way of generating these points */ makePoints: function() { this.points = [{ x: this.opts.width / 4, y: this.opts.height / 4, s: false, id: 1 }, { x: this.opts.width / 2, y: this.opts.height / 4, s: false, id: 2 }, { x: this.opts.width * 3 / 4, y: this.opts.height / 4, s: false, id: 3 }, { x: this.opts.width / 4, y: this.opts.height / 2, s: false, id: 4 }, { x: this.opts.width / 2, y: this.opts.height / 2, s: false, id: 5 }, { x: this.opts.width * 3 / 4, y: this.opts.height / 2, s: false, id: 6 }, { x: this.opts.width / 4, y: this.opts.height * 3 / 4, s: false, id: 7 }, { x: this.opts.width / 2, y: this.opts.height * 3 / 4, s: false, id: 8 }, { x: this.opts.width * 3 / 4, y: this.opts.height * 3 / 4, s: false, id: 9 }]; }, /** * Save points - Prefer to be ajax instead of within object * is stored just for simplicity and testing */ savePoints: function(p) { localStorage.setItem(this.localSavedPattern, JSON.stringify(p)); this.saved = true; var clicked = (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) ? 'touchstart' : 'click'; var reset = this.addReset(); reset.addEventListener(clicked, function() { this.resetSavedPoints(reset); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Match points - match the saved points to the current points */ matchPoints: function(p) { var saved = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.localSavedPattern)); for (var i = 0; i < saved.length; i++) { if (saved[i].s === false) { saved[i] = 'unused'; } } for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { if (p[i].s === false) { p[i] = 'unused'; } } saved = this.sortPoints(saved); p = this.sortPoints(p); return JSON.stringify(p) === JSON.stringify(saved); }, /** * Reset the saved points */ resetSavedPoints: function(reset) { localStorage.removeItem(this.localSavedPattern); reset.remove(); this.saved = false; }, addReset: function() { var reset = document.createElement('div'); reset.innerHTML = 'Reset'; = '#fff'; = '#333'; = '0.2em'; = '7px 10px'; = 'pointer'; = 'absolute'; = '20px'; = '50%'; = 'translateX(-50%)'; = 'translateX(-50%)'; = '0'; this.wrap.appendChild(reset); return reset; }, /** * Sort the points (p) via when they have been filled in */ sortPoints: function(p) { return p.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.s === false) { return 1; } else if (b.s === false) { return -1; } else if (a.s === b.s) { return 0; } else { return a.s < b.s ? -1 : 1; } }); }, /** * Wrapper for drawing a point * x = the x coordinate of the point * y = the y coordinate of the point * s = the radius of the point * c = the colour of the point */ drawPoint: function(x, y, s, c) { this.pointsctx.beginPath(); this.pointsctx.arc(x, y, s, 0, 2 * Math.PI); this.pointsctx.strokeStyle = c; this.pointsctx.stroke(); this.pointsctx.fillStyle = c; this.pointsctx.fill(); }, /** * Wrapper for clearing a point * x = the x coordinate of the point * y = the y coordinate of the point * s = the radius of the point */ clearPoint: function(x, y, s) { this.pointsctx.clearRect(x - 2, y - 2, s + 4, s + 4); }, /** * Wrapper for animating a point to grow */ growPoint: function(point) { // Get the initial size var s = this.opts.pointsize; // The id of the requested animation frame to clear var id; // Wrap this in another variable to use inside the draw function var self = this; (function draw() { // If the current size is less than the maximum size, increase the size // otherwise, clear the animation if (s <= self.opts.pointhoversize) { self.clearPoint(point.x, point.y, s * 2); s += 0.23; self.drawPoint(point.x, point.y, s, self.opts.pointscolour); id = window.requestAnimationFrame(draw); } else { window.cancelAnimationFrame(id); id = undefined; } })(); }, /** * Reverse of growPoint */ shrinkPoint: function(point) { var s = this.opts.pointhoversize; var id; var self = this; (function draw() { if (s >= self.opts.pointsize) { self.clearPoint(point.x - s, point.y - s, s * 2); s += -0.23; self.drawPoint(point.x, point.y, s, self.opts.pointscolour); id = window.requestAnimationFrame(draw); } else { window.cancelAnimationFrame(id); id = undefined; } })(); }, /** * Draw all the points */ drawPoints: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++) { this.drawPoint(this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y, this.opts.pointsize, this.opts.drawing); } }, /** * Clear all the points */ clearPoints: function() { this.pointsctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.opts.width, this.opts.height); }, /** * Reset the locker to it's starting state after testing the pattern * c = the colour determined after testing the pattern (i.e. success or fail) */ clearLocker: function(c) { this.clearLine(); this.colourShift(this.points, this.opts.drawing, c); this.executeAfter(function() { this.clearLine(); for (var i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++) { if (this.points[i].s !== false) { this.shrinkPoint(this.points[i]); this.points[i].s = false; } } this.makePoints(); }.bind(this), this.opts.timer); }, /** * Wrapper for drawing a line * x = the x coordinate of the start of the line * y = the y coordinate of the start of the line * mx = the x coordinate of the end of the line * my = the y coordinate of the end of the line * c = the colour of the line */ drawLine: function(x, y, mx, my, c) { this.linectx.beginPath(); this.linectx.moveTo(x, y); this.linectx.lineTo(mx, my); this.linectx.strokeStyle = c; this.linectx.lineWidth = this.opts.strokewidth; this.linectx.stroke(); }, /** * Wrapper for clearing the line canvas */ clearLine: function() { this.linectx.clearRect(0, 0, this.opts.width, this.opts.height); }, /** * Wrapper for drawing the existing line (minus the line being drawn) * p = the points * c = the colour to draw the line */ drawExistingLine: function(p, c) { for (var i = 0; i < p.length - 1; i++) { if (p[i].s !== false && p[i + 1].s !== false) { this.drawLine(p[i].x, p[i].y, p[i + 1].x, p[i + 1].y, c); } } }, /** * Wrapper for drawing the existing line while snapping the drawn line to a point * p = the points * c = the colour to draw the line */ drawExistingPartialLine: function(p, c) { for (var i = 0; i < p.length - 2; i++) { if (p[i].s !== false && p[i + 1].s !== false && p[i + 2].s !== false) { this.drawLine(p[i].x, p[i].y, p[i + 1].x, p[i + 1].y, c); } } }, /** * Wrapper for drawing the existing line while snapping the drawn line if it overlaps a point * p = the points * c = the colour to draw the line */ drawExistingIntersectingPartialLine: function(p, c) { for (var i = 0; i < p.length - 3; i++) { if (p[i].s !== false && p[i + 1].s !== false && p[i + 2].s !== false && p[i + 3].s !== false) { this.drawLine(p[i].x, p[i].y, p[i + 1].x, p[i + 1].y, c); } } }, /** * Wrapper for snapping the line to a point in an animated fashion * a = the starting point of the line * b = the current position of the end of the line * c = the end position of the end of the line */ snapLine: function(a, b, c) { // Make a temporary version of the b point var tmp = { x: b.x, y: b.y }; // Calculate the difference between the c point and b point var dx = c.x - b.x; var dy = c.y - b.y; // Get the last point (in order to increment the counter) var max = Math.max.apply(Math, { return o.s; })); var maxpoint = { return o.s; }).indexOf(max); // Test if there is a point inbetween point b and point c // and if so, fill it in and increment the counter var intersect = false; for (var j = 0; j < this.points.length; j++) { if (this.intersects(c, a, this.points[j])) { this.growPoint(this.points[j]); this.points[j].s = this.count; this.count++; this.points[maxpoint].s = this.count; this.count++; intersect = true; break; } } // The current requested animation frame var id; // Wrap this for use within the draw function var self = this; // Set the number of steps taken to animate var steps = 10; // Set the initial step in order to increment var step = 0; (function draw() { // Snap the line in an animated way to point c from point b if (step < steps) { if (intersect) { self.clearLine(); self.drawExistingIntersectingPartialLine(self.points, self.opts.drawing); self.drawLine(a.x, a.y, tmp.x, tmp.y, self.opts.drawing); tmp.x += dx / steps; tmp.y += dy / steps; } else { self.clearLine(); self.drawExistingPartialLine(self.points, self.opts.drawing); self.drawLine(a.x, a.y, tmp.x, tmp.y, self.opts.drawing); tmp.x += dx / steps; tmp.y += dy / steps; } id = window.requestAnimationFrame(draw); step++; } else { self.clearLine(); self.drawExistingPartialLine(self.points, self.opts.drawing); self.drawLine(a.x, a.y, c.x, c.y, self.opts.drawing); window.cancelAnimationFrame(id); id = undefined; } })(); }, /** * Calculate the rgb value from the given hex value (c) */ hexToRgb: function(c) { var h = (c.charAt(0) == "#") ? c.substring(1, 7) : c; var arr = [ parseInt(h.substring(0, 2), 16), parseInt(h.substring(2, 4), 16), parseInt(h.substring(4, 6), 16), ]; return arr; }, /** * Calculate the hex value from the given rgb value (c) */ rgbToHex: function(c) { var start_pos = c.indexOf('(') + 1; if (c.substring(0, start_pos - 1) === 'rgb') { var end_pos = c.indexOf(')', start_pos); var rgb = c.substring(start_pos, end_pos).split(','); function toHex(n) { n = parseInt(n, 10); if (isNaN(n)) return '00'; n = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 255)); return '0123456789ABCDEF'.charAt((n - n % 16) / 16) + '0123456789ABCDEF'.charAt(n % 16); } return '#' + toHex(rgb[0]) + toHex(rgb[1]) + toHex(rgb[2]); } else { return 'Sorry, this isn\'t an rgb colour'; } }, /** * Transition the colour of the line * p = all the points * oc = original colour * c = resulting colour */ colourShift: function(p, oc, c) { // Get the rgb values of the colours var ocrgb = this.hexToRgb(oc); var crgb = this.hexToRgb(c); // Set the number of steps taken and calculate the step size // for each red, green and blue values of the rgb colours // TODO: Clean this up var steps = 10; var rstep, gstep, bstep; if (crgb[0] < ocrgb[0]) { rstep = Math.floor((crgb[0] - ocrgb[0]) / steps); } else if (crgb[0] > ocrgb[0]) { rstep = Math.floor((ocrgb[0] - crgb[0]) / steps); } else { rstep = 0; } if (crgb[1] < ocrgb[1]) { gstep = Math.floor((crgb[1] - ocrgb[1]) / steps); } else if (crgb[1] > ocrgb[1]) { gstep = Math.floor((ocrgb[1] - crgb[1]) / steps); } else { gstep = 0; } if (crgb[2] < ocrgb[2]) { bstep = Math.floor((crgb[2] - ocrgb[2]) / steps); } else if (crgb[2] > ocrgb[2]) { bstep = Math.floor((ocrgb[2] - crgb[2]) / steps); } else { bstep = 0; } // Set a temporary holder for the colour to change var colour = [ ocrgb[0], ocrgb[1], ocrgb[2] ]; // The current requested animation frame var id; // Wrap this for use within the draw function var self = this; // Set the initial step in order to increment var step = 0; (function draw() { // Animate the colour change with clamping to the resulting colour if (step < steps) { self.clearLine(); var tmp = colour; colour = [ tmp[0] + rstep, tmp[1] + gstep, tmp[2] + bstep ]; self.drawExistingLine(p, self.rgbToHex('rgb(' + colour[0] + ',' + colour[1] + ',' + colour[2] + ')')); id = window.requestAnimationFrame(draw); step++; } else { self.clearLine(); self.drawExistingLine(p, c); window.cancelAnimationFrame(id); id = undefined; } })(); }, /** * Test if a point intersects the line between two points * a = The starting point of the line * b = The ending point of the line * c = The point being tested */ intersects: function(a, b, c) { // Test if all the points are valid if (a.x > -1 && a.y > -1 && b.x > -1 && b.y > -1 && c.x > -1 && c.y > -1) { // Test if all the points are unique if (!((a.x == b.x) && (a.y == b.y)) && !((a.x == c.x) && (a.y == c.y)) && !((b.x == c.x) && (b.y == c.y))) { // Calculate the length of the three lines var ab = this.hypot(b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y); var ac = this.hypot(c.x - a.x, c.y - a.y); var bc = this.hypot(b.x - c.x, b.y - c.y); // Test if the intersecting point has already been used and // if the distance between a and c, and b and c is the same // as the total distance between a and b if ((ac + bc == ab) && c.s === false) { return ac + bc == ab; } } } }, /** * When the pointer is pressed (i.e. mousedown or touchstart), set the current position * of the pointer */ dragStart: function(e) { this.mouse = { x: e.offsetX, y: e.offsetY }; if (e.type == 'touchstart') { this.mouse = { x: e.targetTouches[0].pageX -, y: e.targetTouches[0].pageY - }; } if (this.opts.debug) { this.debugEvent(e); } }, /** * When the pointer is moving, draw a line to the pointer, calculating if it passes * through any points on the way */ dragMove: function(e) { // The current cursor position var x = e.offsetX; var y = e.offsetY; if (e.type == 'touchmove') { x = e.targetTouches[0].pageX -; y = e.targetTouches[0].pageY -; } // Store the last filled point temporarily var prev = { x: this.p.x, y: this.p.y }; // Test if the pointer is within the locker wrap if (this.mouse.x > -1 && this.mouse.y > -1) { // Clear the line canvas this.clearLine(); // If not all the points have been filled in, check if the pointer // is within snapping distance of a not filled point and then animate // the snap to the point and fill the point if (!this.allPointsFilled(this.points)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++) { var minx = this.points[i].x - this.opts.pointboundary; var maxx = this.points[i].x + this.opts.pointboundary; var miny = this.points[i].y - this.opts.pointboundary; var maxy = this.points[i].y + this.opts.pointboundary; if (x > minx && x < maxx && y > miny && y < maxy) { if (this.points[i].s === false) { this.p.x = this.points[i].x; this.p.y = this.points[i].y; this.points[i].s = this.count; this.count++; this.growPoint(this.points[i]); } } } // Sort the points to draw the existing line this.points = this.sortPoints(this.points); this.drawExistingLine(this.points, this.opts.drawing); if (this.p.x > -1 && this.p.y > -1 && prev.x > -1 && prev.y > -1) { if ((this.p.x != prev.x) || (this.p.y != prev.y)) { this.snapLine(prev, { x: x, y: y }, this.p); } this.drawLine(this.p.x, this.p.y, x, y, this.opts.drawing); } } else { this.drawExistingLine(this.points, this.opts.drawing); } } if (this.opts.debug) { this.debugEvent(e); } }, /** * When the pointer is off the screen (mouseup or touchend), test * if the current pattern is valid, and reset the locker after the * amount of time specified in the options */ dragEnd: function(e) { this.mouse = { x: -1, y: -1 }; var points = this.points; this.p.x = -1; this.p.y = -1; this.count = 0; var num = this.points.filter(function(value) { return value.s !== false; }).length; if (num >= this.opts.cap) { if (!this.saved) { this.savePoints(points); this.clearLocker(this.opts.saved); } else { if (this.matchPoints(points)) { this.clearLocker(this.opts.success); } else { this.clearLocker(this.opts.error); } } } else { this.clearLocker(this.opts.error); } if (this.opts.debug) { this.debugEvent(e); } }
var locker = new Locker();
Vanilla JS Pattern Locker - Script Codes
Vanilla JS Pattern Locker - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Izzy Skye
Username zephyr
Uploaded November 26, 2022
Rating 3
Size 8,565 Kb
Views 12,144
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