Vue JS Filtering

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How do I make an vue js filtering?

My first try at Vue JS.An example of filtering and sorting data. Something I'd probably be using this library for a lot.. What is a vue js filtering? How do you make a vue js filtering? This script and codes were developed by Jon Christensen on 17 November 2022, Thursday.

Vue JS Filtering Previews

Vue JS Filtering - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Vue JS Filtering</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div class="pen-intro"> <h1>Vue JS Filtering & Sorting</h1> <h2>Vue 2.0 filtering and sorting with computed properties.</h2> <p>Being new to Vue, I figured a good way to get acquainted with the library was by doing something I figure I'll end up doing if I use it: filtering and sorting a dataset. Normally, I figure the dataset would be loaded in via AJAX. There are quite a bit of items in the JS (100), but I tried to keep that part to the bottom of the file and include lots of comments. I couldn't find a great example of this with a quick Google search that used the newer version of Vue, so hopefully this'll help others out there!</p> <p>Also uses the <a href="">Fuse JS</a> library for fuzzy searching.</p>
<div class="app" id="app">	<form action="#">	<div class="form__field">	<fieldset>	<legend>Sort By</legend>	<input id="sort_1" type="radio" name="sort_by" v-model="sort_by" value="id">	<label for="sort_1">ID</label>	<input id="sort_2" type="radio" name="sort_by" v-model="sort_by" value="first_name">	<label for="sort_2">First Name</label>	<input id="sort_3" type="radio" name="sort_by" v-model="sort_by" value="last_name">	<label for="sort_3">Last Name</label>	<input id="sort_4" type="radio" name="sort_by" v-model="sort_by" value="email">	<label for="sort_4">Email</label>	<input id="sort_5" type="radio" name="sort_by" v-model="sort_by" value="gender">	<label for="sort_5">Gender</label>	<input id="sort_6" type="radio" name="sort_by" v-model="sort_by" value="ip_address">	<label for="sort_6">IP Address</label>	</fieldset>	</div>	<div class="form__field">	<fieldset>	<legend>Sort Order</legend>	<input id="sort_order_1" type="radio" name="sort_order" value="ASC" v-model="sort_order">	<label for="sort_order_1">Ascending</label>	<input id="sort_order_2" type="radio" name="sort_order" value="DESC" v-model="sort_order">	<label for="sort_order_2">Decending</label>	</fieldset>	</div>	<div class="form__field">	<fieldset>	<legend>Gender</legend>	<input type="radio" name="gender" value="" v-model="gender" id="gender_1">	<label for="gender_1">Both</label>	<input type="radio" name="gender" value="Male" v-model="gender" id="gender_2">	<label for="gender_2">Male</label>	<input type="radio" name="gender" value="Female" v-model="gender" id="gender_3">	<label for="gender_3">Female</label>	</fieldset>	</div>	<div class="form__field">	<label for="search">Search</label>	<input id="search" v-model="search" type="text">	</div>	</form>	<table>	<thead>	<tr>	<th>ID</th>	<th>First</th>	<th>Last</th>	<th>Email</th>	<th>Gender</th>	<th>IP</th>	</tr>	</thead>	<tbody>	<template v-for="item in items_filtered_sorted">	<tr>	<td>{{ }}</td>	<td>{{ item.first_name }}</td>	<td>{{ item.last_name }}</td>	<td>{{ }}</td>	<td>{{ item.gender }}</td>	<td>{{ item.ip_address }}</td>	</tr>	</template>	</tbody>	</table>	</div> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Vue JS Filtering - Script Codes CSS Codes

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Vue JS Filtering - Script Codes JS Codes

( function () { var app; /** * Our workhorse function. * Brings our sorting and filtering together and returns the item array back to the app. * The app will then take this and render it on the front end. * @return {Array} Our filtered and sorted items. */ var items_filtered_sorted = function () { // Easier to pass these objects on here than trying to later. var items = this.items, sort_by = this.sort_by, sort_order = this.sort_order, gender = this.gender, search =; // Filter it first. // The fuzzy search will mess with sorting otherwise. items = items_filter( items, gender, search ); // Sort the items. items = items_sort( items, sort_order, sort_by ); return items; }; /** * Sort the items. * We handle all our sorting in this function. * @param {Array} items Our array of items. * @param {String} sort_order How should we sort the items, ascending or decending * @param {String} sort_by The key in the item to sort by * @return {Array} The sorted item array. */ var items_sort = function ( items, sort_order, sort_by ) { // Sort the items // Thankfully, sorting by properties is fairly straight forward. // We have this more advanced sort so it can do numbers and strings. items.sort( function ( a, b ) { if ( a[sort_by] < b[sort_by] ) { return -1; } if ( a[sort_by] > b[sort_by] ) { return 1; } // values must be equal return 0; } ); // Decending order? // Simple, reverse the array. if ( 'DESC' === sort_order ) { items.reverse(); } // The array of sorted items. return items; }; /** * Filting function for items. * We do all of our filtering in this function. * @param {Array} items Our array of items. * @param {String} gender Gender that is currently selected in the app. * @param {String} search Search that is currently typed into the app. * @return {Array} An array of filtered items that match the params. */ var items_filter = function ( items, gender, search ) { // Our fuse options // You could easily use a different library, but this one looked good to me! var options = { shouldSort: true, threshold: 0.3, minMatchCharLength: 2, keys: [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'ip_address', 'email' ] }; // Fuse variable for later. var fuse; // Filter gender // Only do it if we actually selected a gender. if ( '' !== gender ) { // Return an array of matching items items = items.filter( function ( item ) { return item.gender === gender; } ); } // Fuzzy search from Fuse for name, email, and IP if ( '' !== search ) { // Start up fuse. fuse = new Fuse( items, options ); // Return an array of matching items from our search. items = search ); } // Return our items after filtering return items; }; /** * Starts up the app! * This is the callback from our getJSON function. * @param {Array} json A JSON array of objects * @return {Null} */ var app_start = function ( json ) { // Our app options object. var app_options = { el: '#app', // Element to target. Encases our form and results data: { items: [], sort_by: 'id', // Default sort by sort_order: 'ASC', // Default sort order gender: '', // Default gender (same as both) search: '' // Default search string }, computed: { // Our sorting and filtering function. // Defining it this way makes the object cleaner. items_filtered_sorted: items_filtered_sorted } }; app = new Vue( app_options ); // Start up the app! }; // Normally, I'd request this data via json. var items = [ { "id": 1, "first_name": "Scott", "last_name": "Wright", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 2, "first_name": "Stephanie", "last_name": "Grant", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 3, "first_name": "Joe", "last_name": "Webb", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 4, "first_name": "Laura", "last_name": "Patterson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 5, "first_name": "Diana", "last_name": "Jenkins", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 6, "first_name": "Susan", "last_name": "Hawkins", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 7, "first_name": "Gary", "last_name": "Mitchell", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 8, "first_name": "Phillip", "last_name": "Franklin", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 9, "first_name": "Amy", "last_name": "Johnson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 10, "first_name": "Sandra", "last_name": "Murray", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 11, "first_name": "William", "last_name": "Mills", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 12, "first_name": "Bruce", "last_name": "Chavez", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 13, "first_name": "Sarah", "last_name": "Jackson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 14, "first_name": "Nicholas", "last_name": "Palmer", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 15, "first_name": "Donna", "last_name": "Rogers", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 16, "first_name": "Philip", "last_name": "Banks", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 17, "first_name": "Earl", "last_name": "Wilson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 18, "first_name": "Sarah", "last_name": "Brooks", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 19, "first_name": "Richard", "last_name": "Schmidt", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 20, "first_name": "Alan", "last_name": "Morrison", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 21, "first_name": "Brian", "last_name": "Rivera", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 22, "first_name": "Martha", "last_name": "Coleman", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 23, "first_name": "Jerry", "last_name": "Gonzales", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 24, "first_name": "Brian", "last_name": "Palmer", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 25, "first_name": "George", "last_name": "Moreno", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 26, "first_name": "Nancy", "last_name": "Harper", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 27, "first_name": "Todd", "last_name": "West", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 28, "first_name": "Aaron", "last_name": "Larson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 29, "first_name": "Christina", "last_name": "Riley", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 30, "first_name": "Tammy", "last_name": "Parker", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 31, "first_name": "Jeremy", "last_name": "Perez", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 32, "first_name": "Michelle", "last_name": "King", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 33, "first_name": "Steve", "last_name": "Murray", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 34, "first_name": "Joshua", "last_name": "Kennedy", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 35, "first_name": "Willie", "last_name": "Clark", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 36, "first_name": "Joan", "last_name": "Romero", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 37, "first_name": "Walter", "last_name": "Dixon", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 38, "first_name": "Barbara", "last_name": "Vasquez", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 39, "first_name": "Patrick", "last_name": "Duncan", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 40, "first_name": "Andrea", "last_name": "Kennedy", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 41, "first_name": "Rachel", "last_name": "Greene", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 42, "first_name": "Nancy", "last_name": "Phillips", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 43, "first_name": "Kenneth", "last_name": "Peters", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 44, "first_name": "Randy", "last_name": "Ferguson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 45, "first_name": "Jennifer", "last_name": "Pierce", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 46, "first_name": "Jack", "last_name": "Rivera", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 47, "first_name": "Annie", "last_name": "Simmons", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 48, "first_name": "Phyllis", "last_name": "Wagner", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 49, "first_name": "Elizabeth", "last_name": "Coleman", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 50, "first_name": "Larry", "last_name": "Ramirez", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 51, "first_name": "Jesse", "last_name": "Sanchez", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 52, "first_name": "Pamela", "last_name": "Gibson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 53, "first_name": "Amy", "last_name": "Reed", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 54, "first_name": "Alan", "last_name": "Moore", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 55, "first_name": "Annie", "last_name": "Lewis", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 56, "first_name": "Jerry", "last_name": "Lewis", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 57, "first_name": "Virginia", "last_name": "Williams", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 58, "first_name": "Emily", "last_name": "Garrett", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 59, "first_name": "Doris", "last_name": "George", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 60, "first_name": "Dennis", "last_name": "Jones", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 61, "first_name": "Carl", "last_name": "Sanchez", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 62, "first_name": "Julia", "last_name": "Harrison", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 63, "first_name": "Arthur", "last_name": "Elliott", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 64, "first_name": "Martha", "last_name": "Watkins", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 65, "first_name": "Linda", "last_name": "Carter", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 66, "first_name": "Tammy", "last_name": "Armstrong", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 67, "first_name": "Stephanie", "last_name": "Gordon", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 68, "first_name": "Jimmy", "last_name": "Reid", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 69, "first_name": "Louise", "last_name": "Weaver", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 70, "first_name": "Dennis", "last_name": "Thompson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 71, "first_name": "Victor", "last_name": "Gardner", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 72, "first_name": "Betty", "last_name": "Pierce", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 73, "first_name": "Gerald", "last_name": "Medina", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 74, "first_name": "Betty", "last_name": "Moreno", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 75, "first_name": "Jean", "last_name": "Armstrong", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 76, "first_name": "Justin", "last_name": "Foster", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 77, "first_name": "Richard", "last_name": "Carpenter", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 78, "first_name": "Kimberly", "last_name": "Scott", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 79, "first_name": "Lisa", "last_name": "Miller", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 80, "first_name": "Jason", "last_name": "Pierce", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 81, "first_name": "Eugene", "last_name": "Rivera", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 82, "first_name": "Wayne", "last_name": "Mcdonald", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 83, "first_name": "Juan", "last_name": "Olson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 84, "first_name": "Alan", "last_name": "Bradley", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 85, "first_name": "Samuel", "last_name": "Perez", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 86, "first_name": "Angela", "last_name": "Hanson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 87, "first_name": "Walter", "last_name": "Greene", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 88, "first_name": "Katherine", "last_name": "Lawrence", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 89, "first_name": "Kenneth", "last_name": "Taylor", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 90, "first_name": "Cynthia", "last_name": "Adams", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 91, "first_name": "Andrew", "last_name": "Flores", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 92, "first_name": "Katherine", "last_name": "Robinson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 93, "first_name": "Martin", "last_name": "Knight", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 94, "first_name": "Karen", "last_name": "Hunt", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 95, "first_name": "Emily", "last_name": "Coleman", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 96, "first_name": "Brandon", "last_name": "Carpenter", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 97, "first_name": "Steve", "last_name": "Simmons", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 98, "first_name": "Shawn", "last_name": "Jacobs", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 99, "first_name": "Lisa", "last_name": "Peterson", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Female", "ip_address": "" }, { "id": 100, "first_name": "Albert", "last_name": "Castillo", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "Male", "ip_address": "" } ]; // And this would be in the success of the ajax callback... if I had one. app_start(); // Append the items. app.items = items;
} )();
Vue JS Filtering - Script Codes
Vue JS Filtering - Script Codes
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Developer Jon Christensen
Username JMChristensen
Uploaded November 17, 2022
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