WCAG contrast checker in SVG filter

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How do I make an wcag contrast checker in svg filter?

What is a wcag contrast checker in svg filter? How do you make a wcag contrast checker in svg filter? This script and codes were developed by Taylor Hunt on 29 September 2022, Thursday.

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<body> <h1>Using an SVG <code>&lt;filter></code> to check for contrast accessibility</h1>
<p>Ideally this will work like <a href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/color-contrast-analyzer/dagdlcijhfbmgkjokkjicnnfimlebcll">the Color Contrast Analyzer Chrome extension</a>, but faster, able to be used dynamically, and cross-browser.</p>
<svg height="0" width="0"> <filter id="wcag-aa-body-text" color-interpolation-filters="linearRGB" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <!-- set filter area to exactly the filtered element's dimensions --> <!-- STEP 1: Convert each pixel based on its luminance This feColorMatrix shorthand converts each pixel to rgba(0,0,0, X), where X is the pixel's luminance. This should match the official WCAG algorithm: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/relative-luminance.xml The first operation in the WCAG algorithm when each color component is ≤0.03928 appears to be the conversion from sRGB to linear RGB, so as long as we specify `color-interpolation-filters="linearRGB"` like above, this should be equivalent. --> <feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic" type="luminanceToAlpha" result="LUMINANCE"/> <!-- Possible tweak: slight blur to iron out irregularities --> <!-- STEP 2: Find high-contrast edges between pixel luminances This particular convolution matrix kernel is known as an "Edge Detect", which you may have used in a graphics editor. It displays lines more vividly when the difference between two adjacent pixels is high. It would be nice to know if it can be tweaked to exaggerate/soften its output. Other possible matrices: kernelMatrix=" 1 -2 1 -2 4 -2 1 -2 1" --> <feConvolveMatrix in="LUMINANCE" kernelMatrix="1 1 1 1 -8 1 1 1 1" result="EDGES"/> <!-- STEP 3: Hide all edges too faint to meet contrast requirements This filter operation should "round" each pixel to either full opacity or full transparency, depending on which one it's closer to. Edges too faint to match the WCAG requirements should disappear. --> <feComponentTransfer in="EDGES" result="VALID_EDGES"> <feFuncA type="discrete" tableValues="0 1"/> <!-- Locks opacity to either 0 or 1 --> </feComponentTransfer> <!-- Invert the black pixels to be white instead --> <feColorMatrix in="VALID_EDGES" type="matrix" values="-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0" result="INVERTED_VALID_EDGES"/> <!-- Generate a very dark overlay color --> <feFlood flood-color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.92)" result="PARTIALLY_TRANSPARENT_BLACK"/> <!-- Mix that color with the original image, producing a dimmed version --> <feBlend in="PARTIALLY_TRANSPARENT_BLACK" in2="SourceGraphic" result="DIMMED_ORIGINAL_ELEMENT"/> <!-- Overlay the edges on top of the dimmed element --> <feMerge> <feMergeNode in="DIMMED_ORIGINAL_ELEMENT"/> <feMergeNode in="INVERTED_VALID_EDGES"/> </feMerge> </filter>
<h2>Test strings (WCAG AA for body text, must be ≥4.5:1)</h2>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> This filter currently is not calibrated correctly. Do not use it to check accessibility yet!</p>
<p>If you know how to help, please let me know.</p>
<p>More thorough color combinations are available at <a href="http://juicystudio.com/services/coloursaferatio.php">juicystudio.com/services/coloursaferatio.php</a>, but I'm respecting bandwidth by not autoloading their site.</p>
<dl class="test" style="background:#fff;color:#000"> <dt style="color:#000">#000</dt> <dd>21:1, PASS – maximum contrast</dd> <dt style="color:#00f">#00f</dt> <dd>8.59:1, PASS</dd> <dt style="color:#777676">#777676</dt> <dd>4.53:1, PASS</dd> <dt style="color:#777">#777</dt> <dd>4.48:1, FAIL</dd> <dt style="color:#f00">#f00</dt> <dd>4:1, FAIL</dd> <dt style="color:#0f0">#0f0</dt> <dd>1.37:1, FAIL</dd> <dt style="color:#ff0">#ff0</dt> <dd>1.07:1, FAIL</dd> <dt style="color:#fff">#fff</dt> <dd>1:1, FAIL – minimum contrast</dd>
<dl class="test" style="background:#000;color:#fff"> <dt style="color:#fff">#fff</dt> <dd>21:1, PASS – maximum contrast</dd> <dt style="color:#ff0">#ff0</dt> <dd>19.56:1, PASS</dd> <dt style="color:#0f0">#0f0</dt> <dd>15.3:1, PASS</dd> <dt style="color:#f00">#f00</dt> <dd>5.25:1, PASS</dd> <dt style="color:#777">#777</dt> <dd>4.69:1, PASS</dd> <dt style="color:#777676">#777676</dt> <dd>4.64:1, PASS</dd> <dt style="color:#00f">#00f</dt> <dd>2.44:1, FAIL</dd> <dt style="color:#000">#000</dt> <dd>1:1, FAIL – minimum contrast</dd>
<h2>Filtered <code>&lt;iframe></code> – scroll &amp; interact!</h2>
<iframe class="test" src="https://css-tricks.com/" width="320" height="500"></iframe>

WCAG contrast checker in SVG filter - Script Codes CSS Codes

.test { -webkit-filter: url(#wcag-aa-body-text); filter: url(#wcag-aa-body-text) }
dl { display: inline-block;
dt { font: bold 1.5em/1.5 monospace, monospace;
WCAG contrast checker in SVG filter - Script Codes
WCAG contrast checker in SVG filter - Script Codes
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Developer Taylor Hunt
Username tigt
Uploaded September 29, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,534 Kb
Views 20,240
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