Weather App

4,531 Kb

How do I make an weather app?

A Weather App made with Jquery, Yahoo Weather Services and Yahoo Geolocation.All props for the design idea go to Vincent Tantardini from UI8.. What is a weather app? How do you make a weather app? This script and codes were developed by Andres on 26 August 2022, Friday.

Weather App Previews

Weather App - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Weather App</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <html lang="en">
<head>	<meta charset="UTF-8">	<title>Weather App</title>	<link href=',400' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>	<script src=""></script>	<link rel="stylesheet" href="weather.css">
<div class="info"><p>Click on the city to change it, and press enter to save and update weather data.</p><p>You can also change the temperature scale (Fahrenheit / Celsius) by clicking in the top right corner.</p></div>
<div class="wrapper shadow">	<div class="top">	<div class="btn noselect" id="btn">F</div>	<img id="big" src="" alt="">	<p id="deg" class="text deg"></p>	<input class="text" type="text" id="city" value="">	</div>	<div class="bot">	<ul>	<li>	<h1 id="forecast0"></h1>	<img id="forecastimg0" src=""></img>	<p id="forecastdeg0"></p>	</li>	<li>	<h1 id="forecast1"></h1>	<img id="forecastimg1" src=""></img>	<p id="forecastdeg1"></p>	</li>	<li>	<h1 id="forecast2"></h1>	<img id="forecastimg2" src=""></img>	<p id="forecastdeg2"></p>	</li>	<li>	<h1 id="forecast3"></h1>	<img id="forecastimg3" src=""></img>	<p id="forecastdeg3"></p>	</li>	</ul>	</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="weather.js"></script>
</html> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Weather App - Script Codes CSS Codes

html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
b, u, i, center,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,
article, aside, canvas, details, embed,
figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup,
menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary,
time, mark, audio, video {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;	border: 0;	font-size: 100%;	font: inherit;	vertical-align: baseline;
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html, body{	background-color: #F5F8FC;	height: 100%;	width: 100%;	overflow: hidden;	font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
.info p{ text-align: center;	margin: 10px auto 0px auto;	width: 540px;	color: #4c4c4c;	font-size: 16px;	font-weight: bold;
.wrapper{ position:absolute; left:0; right:0; top:0; bottom:0; margin:auto; max-width:100%; max-height:100%; overflow:auto; width: 540px; height: 500px; overflow: hidden;
.shadow{	-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 30px 100px 1px rgba(180,180,180,1);	-moz-box-shadow: 0px 30px 100px 1px rgba(180,180,180,1);	box-shadow: 0px 30px 100px 1px rgba(180,180,180,1);
.top{	position: relative;	z-index: 0;	background-color: #5AC2E7;	height: 300px;	overflow: hidden;	text-align: center;	display: inline-block;	width: 100%;	float: left;	tex
.top .btn{	width: 25px;	height: 25px;	text-align: center;	line-height: 25px;	position: absolute;	color: white;	font-weight: bold;	font-size: 20px;	border-radius: 50%;	border: 1px solid white;	top: 5px;	left: 510px;	cursor: pointer;	text-transform: uppercase;
.top img{	position: relative;	z-index: -1;	margin-top: -10px;	margin-bottom: 10px;	width: 275px;	-webkit-filter: invert(100%);	-moz-filter: invert(100%);	filter: invert(100%);
.top .deg{	font-weight: bold;
.top .text{	width: 100%;	text-align: center;	color: white;	margin-bottom: 5px;	margin-top: -70px;	font-size: 25px;
.top input{	position: relative;	z-index: 1;	font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;	width: 200px;	background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);	border: 0px;	outline: 0;
.top input:focus{	outline: 0;	border: 0px;
.bot{	float: left;	background-color: white;	height: 200px;	overflow: hidden;	display: inline-block;	width: 100%;
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.bot ul li:nth-child(1){	color: #4c4c4c;
.bot ul li h1{	text-transform: uppercase;	font-weight: bold;
.bot ul li p{	font-weight: bold;
.bot ul li img{	-webkit-filter: invert(60%);	-moz-filter: invert(60%);	filter: invert(60%);
.bot ul li:first-child img{	-webkit-filter: invert(30%);	-moz-filter: invert(30%);	filter: invert(30%);

Weather App - Script Codes JS Codes

var baseYahooURL = ""
var selectedCity = "New York";
var placeholder = "";
var unit = "f"
function init(){ getWoeid(selectedCity); $('#city').keypress(function(event) {	if ( event.which == 13 ) { selectedCity = $('#city').val(); getWoeid(selectedCity); $('#city').blur(); }	});	$('#btn').click(function() { if($('#btn').html() == "F") {	unit = "c"; } else unit = "f"; $('#btn').html(unit.toUpperCase()); getWoeid(selectedCity);	})	$('#city').focus(function(event) {	placeholder = $("#city").val();	$("#city").val("");	});	$('#city').blur(function(event) {	if($("#city").val() == "")	{ $("#city").val(placeholder);	}	});
function getWoeid(city){	var woeidYQL = 'select woeid from geo.placefinder where text="'+ city +'"&format=json';	var jsonURL = baseYahooURL + woeidYQL;	$.getJSON(jsonURL, woeidDownloaded);
function woeidDownloaded(data){	var woeid = null;	if(data.query.count <= 0)	{	$('#city').val("No city found");	$('#deg').html("");	setImage(999, $("#big")[0]);	for(var i = 0; i <= 3;i++)	{	$('#forecast'+i).html("");	setImage(999, $("#forecastimg" + i)[0]);	$('#forecastdeg' + i).html("");	}	return;	}	else if(data.query.count == 1){	woeid = data.query.results.Result.woeid;	}	else	{	woeid = data.query.results.Result[0].woeid;	}	getWeatherInfo(woeid);
function getWeatherInfo(woeid){ var weatherYQL = 'select * from weather.forecast where woeid=' + woeid + ' and u = "'+unit+'" &format=json'; var jsonURL = baseYahooURL + weatherYQL $.getJSON(jsonURL, weaterInfoDownloaded);
function weaterInfoDownloaded(data){	$('#city').val(;	$('#deg').html( + "°" + unit.toUpperCase());	setImage(, $('#big')[0]);	for(var i = 0; i <= 3;i++)	{	var fc =[i];	$('#forecast'+i).html(;	setImage(fc.code, $("#forecastimg" + i)[0]);	$('#forecastdeg' + i).html((parseInt(fc.low) + parseInt(fc.high)) / 2 + " °" + unit.toUpperCase());	}
function setImage(code, image){	image.src = "";	switch(parseInt(code))	{	case 0:	image.src += "images/icons/Tornado.svg"	break;	case 1:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Lightning.svg"	break;	case 2:	image.src += "images/icons/Wind.svg"	break;	case 3:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Lightning.svg"	break;	case 4:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Lightning.svg"	break;	case 5:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 6:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Rain-Alt.svg"	break;	case 7:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 8:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Drizzle-Alt.svg"	break;	case 9:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Drizzle-Alt.svg"	break;	case 10:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Drizzle-Alt.svg"	break;	case 11:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Drizzle-Alt.svg"	break;	case 12:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Drizzle-Alt.svg"	break;	case 13:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 14:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 15:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 16:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 17:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Hail-Alt.svg"	break;	case 18:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Hail-Alt.svg"	break;	case 19:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Hail-Alt.svg"	break;	case 20:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Fog.svg"	break;	case 21:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Fog.svg"	break;	case 22:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Fog.svg"	break;	case 23:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Fog.svg"	break;	case 24:	image.src += "images/icons/Wind.svg"	break;	case 25:	image.src += "images/icons/Thermometer-Zero"	break;	case 26:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud.svg"	break;	case 27:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Moon.svg"	break;	case 28:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud.svg"	break;	case 29:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Moon.svg"	break;	case 30:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Sun.svg"	break;	case 31:	image.src += "images/icons/Moon.svg"	break;	case 32:	image.src += "images/icons/Sun.svg"	break;	case 33:	image.src += "images/icons/Moon.svg"	break;	case 34:	image.src += "images/icons/Sun.svg"	break;	case 35:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Hail-Alt.svg"	break;	case 36:	image.src += "images/icons/Sun.svg"	break;	case 37:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Lightning.svg"	break;	case 38:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Lightning.svg"	break;	case 39:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Lightning.svg"	break;	case 40:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Rain.svg"	break;	case 41:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 42:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 43:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 44:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud.svg"	break;	case 45:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Lightning.svg"	break;	case 46:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Snow-Alt.svg"	break;	case 47:	image.src += "images/icons/Cloud-Lightning.svg"	break;	case 3200:	image.src += "images/icons/Moon-New.svg"	break;	case 999:	image.src += "images/icons/Compass.svg"	break;	default:	image.src += "images/icons/Moon-New.svg"	break;	}
Weather App - Script Codes
Weather App - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Andres
Username Angelfire
Uploaded August 26, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,531 Kb
Views 26,312
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Andres (Angelfire) Script Codes
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