Web-worker workload levelling

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How do I make an web-worker workload levelling?

What is a web-worker workload levelling? How do you make a web-worker workload levelling? This script and codes were developed by Sarah Cartwright on 05 December 2022, Monday.

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Web-worker workload levelling - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Web-worker workload levelling</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> This code splits a group of objects running on Web Workers equally amongst them.<br />
<br />
It returns an array of objects that describe the start, end index and count of objects that each Web-Worker needs to work on.<br />
The indexes are INCLUDING the values specified.<br />
<br />
For example:
var indexes = webWorkerBalance({objects: 10, webWorkers: 3});
indexes = [ { startIndex: 0, endIndex: 3, objects: 4 } { startIndex: 4, endIndex: 6, objects: 3 } { startIndex: 7, endIndex: 9, objects: 3 }
<br />
<br /> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Web-worker workload levelling - Script Codes CSS Codes

body{ padding: 20px; margin: 0px; background: #2e2e2e; color: #909090; font: 20px arial, sans-serif;
canvas{ border: 1px solid black;

Web-worker workload levelling - Script Codes JS Codes

/*jshint esversion: 6 */
//Demo to show how we can spread an array of items equally across a given number of threads/web-workers...
allPassed = true;
testOutputText = "";
for(let webWorkers = 3; webWorkers < 14; webWorkers+=4) for(let objectCount = 0; objectCount < 30; objectCount+=5) testWebWorkerBalance(objectCount, webWorkers);
if(allPassed) document.write("All the tests below passed!");
else document.write("At least one test below failed - please report which one!");
document.write("<br /><br /><hr /><br />");
This is the levelling function.
It returns an array of objects that describe the start, end index and count of objects that each Web-Worker needs to work on.
var indexes = distribute({objects: 10, threads: 3});
indexes = [ { startIndex: 0, endIndex: 3, objects: 4 } { startIndex: 4, endIndex: 6, objects: 3 } { startIndex: 7, endIndex: 9, objects: 3 }
function webWorkerBalance(params){ let t = 0, tn = 0, d = [], o = params.objects, c = params.webWorkers, groupSize = Math.floor(o/c); for(let i = 0; i < c; i++){ tn = t + groupSize + (i < (o % c) ? 1 : 0); if(t < tn) d.push({startIndex: t, endIndex: tn - 1, objects: (tn-t)}); else d.push({startIndex: 0, endIndex: 0, objects: 0}); t = tn; } return d;
//Run a test...
function testWebWorkerBalance(objectCount, webWorkers){ testOutputText += "Levelling " + objectCount + " objects of work across " + webWorkers + " Web-Workers.<br /><br />"; var indexes = webWorkerBalance({objects: objectCount, webWorkers: webWorkers}); let totalObjectsInArray = 0; for(let i=0; i < indexes.length; i++){ let currentCoreDetails = indexes[i]; totalObjectsInArray += currentCoreDetails.objects; testOutputText += "Web-Worker Id: " + i + "...Start index: " + currentCoreDetails.startIndex + "...End index: " + currentCoreDetails.endIndex; if(currentCoreDetails.objects > 0) testOutputText += "...Total objects on this Web-Worker: " + currentCoreDetails.objects + "<br />"; else testOutputText += "...No objects on this Web-Worker<br />"; } testOutputText += "<br />Objects mentioned in array: " + totalObjectsInArray + "<br />"; if(totalObjectsInArray === objectCount) testOutputText += "TEST PASSED - All objects accounted for!<br />"; else{ testOutputText += "TEST FAILED - Woops... The object count in the array doesn't match the required count!<br />"; allPassed = false; } testOutputText += "<br /><hr /><br />";
Web-worker workload levelling - Script Codes
Web-worker workload levelling - Script Codes
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Developer Sarah Cartwright
Username SarahC
Uploaded December 05, 2022
Rating 3
Size 2,797 Kb
Views 8,096
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