A Pen by Tomasz

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html(lang='en') head meta(charset='utf-8') title Gunnerkrigg Court: An Index meta(name='generator', content='BBEdit 10.5') meta(name='description', content='A searchable index of the characters, places and things in the comic Gunnerkrigg Court') link(rel='stylesheet', href='https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/105862/screen.css', media='screen, projection') link(rel='stylesheet', href='https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/105862/print.css', media='print') //if lt IE 8 link(rel='stylesheet', href='https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/105862/ie.css', media='screen, projection') //endif link(rel='shortcut icon', href='https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/105862/search.png') body a#topscroll.hidden(style='float: right;', href='#') ▲ .container .span-24.last h1 i | An Index to a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com') Gunnerkrigg Court .span-12.append-1 p Gunnerkrigg Court is a web comic by Tom Siddell. p This is an index of the characters and episodes/pages in the comic. It is a work in progress, compiled by denizens of the Gunnerkrigg Forum. p p Each page is tagged with the characters appearing or significantly referenced, and other major points of interest. There are tag and text based ways of selecting entries you’re interested in: ul li Type text into the search box, or li Click on a tag (words in the light green blobs) to select other pages with that tag p.small.quiet (Feedback & corrections to the a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.proboards.com/thread/1883/searchable-database-comics') Searchable database of comics thread on the Gunnerkrigg Court forum (or to louisxiv, as in the domain name here, at spamcop.net)). .span-11.last h3 Other resources p You may also be interested in: ul li The a.url(href='http://gunnerkrigg.proboards.com/') Gunnerkrigg forum li a(href='http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/GunnerkriggCourt?from=Main.GunnerkriggCourt') TVTropes | – don’t worry, we won’t wait up. li The a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/') Gunnerkrigg Wiki li The “Word of Tom” search engine at a(href='http://chrysoprax.org/gunnerkrigg/') Chrysoprax Consulting h3 Notes p Basic format by louisxiv. Thanks to a(href='https://github.com/snipergirl') snipergirl | for javascript selection/search. Also to span.highlight spritznar | , span.highlight philman | , span.highlight morpheus | for tagging. Favicon by span.highlight Gotolei ul li | 2014-02-23: index file format change and new, more generic, script cig.py (louisxiv) li.small | 2013-11-30: G hand lens favicon by span.highlight Gotolei | adapted from Tom Siddell’s original G. p.quiet.right | updated time 2014-02-23T19:42 | UTC br | 1351 pages indexed, 450 tags defined hr #jscloud.span-11.append-1 h2 The Index p(style='text-align: center;') | Search tags and tag-text br input.search(style='min-width: 50%;') br | -or- br | Tag select: show tags starting with br a.alpha.a(href='#') a a.alpha.b(href='#') b a.alpha.c(href='#') c a.alpha.d(href='#') d a.alpha.e(href='#') e a.alpha.f(href='#') f a.alpha.g(href='#') g a.alpha.h(href='#') h a.alpha.i(href='#') i a.alpha.j(href='#') j a.alpha.k(href='#') k a.alpha.l(href='#') l a.alpha.m(href='#') m br a.alpha.n(href='#') n a.alpha.o(href='#') o a.alpha.p(href='#') p a.alpha.q(href='#') q a.alpha.r(href='#') r a.alpha.s(href='#') s a.alpha.t(href='#') t a.alpha.u(href='#') u a.alpha.v(href='#') v a.alpha.w(href='#') w a.alpha.x(href='#') x a.alpha.y(href='#') y a.alpha.z(href='#') z a.alpha.num(href='#') 0-9 br span.quiet | ( i Show All Tags | clears) p a.all(href='#') Show All Tags | Chapter: p#ch-01.tags a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 | [16] The Shadow and The Robot p#ch-02.tags a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 | [15] Schoolyard Myths p#ch-03.tags a.tag.ch-03(href='#') ch-03 | [26] Reynardine p#ch-04.tags a.tag.ch-04(href='#') ch-04 | [10] Not Very Scary p | Tags: p#113.tags a.tag.113(href='#') 113 | [0] A number that turns up a lot p#animalcells.tags a.tag.animalcells(href='#') AnimalCells | [9] the Court’s large animal holding cells p#animallab.tags a.tag.animallab(href='#') AnimalLab | [15] a Court research lab em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Lab') wiki | } p#anja.tags a.tag.anja(href='#') Anja | [84] Anja Donlan, a(href='#kat') Kat | ’s mother; Roma origin but lived mostly in Spain em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Anja') wiki | } p#annan.tags a.tag.annan(href='#') Annan | [54] Annan Waters, a wide river in a deep gorge which separates a(href='#court') Gunnerkrigg Court | from a(href='#gillitie') Gillitie Wood | , the ‘forest’ em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Annan_Waters') wiki | } p#annie.tags a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie | [1004] Antimony Carver, our protagonist ( a(href='#fire') fire | Head Girl) em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Antimony_Carver') wiki | } p#antimonysymbol.tags a.tag.antimonysymbol(href='#') AntimonySymbol | [74] The alchemical symbol for antimony; associated with a(href='#annie') Annie | and a(href='#surma') Surma em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Antimony_(alchemy)') wiki | } p#basil.tags a.tag.basil(href='#') Basil | [6] Minotaur em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Basil') wiki | } p#beacon.tags a.tag.beacon(href='#') Beacon | [3] Safety tool given to a(href='#annie') Annie | , can summon a(href='#eglamore') Eglamore | within 5 seconds; makes a a(href='#valknut') Valknut | teleport when activated, much like a(href='#brinnie') Brinnie | ’s teleport em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Safety_beacon') wiki | } p#beckyground.tags a.tag.beckyground(href='#') BeckyGround | [5] A student em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Becky_Ground') wiki | } p#birds.tags a.tag.birds(href='#') Birds | [16] Birds have wings and feathers, a(href='#kat') Kat | and a(href='#paz') Paz | are both fond of them p#birmingham.tags a.tag.birmingham(href='#') Birmingham | [0] See a(href='#zimmingham') Zimmingham p#bismuthsymbol.tags a.tag.bismuthsymbol(href='#') BismuthSymbol | [44] The alchemical symbol for bismuth; associated with the Court and its founding via the a(href='#seedbismuth') Seed Bismuth em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Bismuth_(alchemy)') wiki | } p#blackboard.tags a.tag.blackboard(href='#') Blackboard | [1] Classroom surface for writing on with chalk sticks, em a.k.a. | chalkboard if not black p#bonus.tags a.tag.bonus(href='#') Bonus | [45] Extra pages at the end of the chapter em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Bonus_pages') wiki | } p#boxbot.tags a.tag.boxbot(href='#') Boxbot | [4] a(href='#robots') A robot | . a(href='#terrible') Terrible | . Not as good as a(href='#robox') Robox em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Boxbot') wiki | } p#bridge.tags a.tag.bridge(href='#') Bridge | [42] The Annan Bridge leads from Gunnerkrigg Court across the a(href='#annan') Annan Water | to a(href='#gillitie') Gillitie Wood em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Annan_Bridge') wiki | } p#caduceus.tags a.tag.caduceus(href='#') Caduceus | [1] „Herald’s staff” borne by Hermes/ a(href='#mercury') Mercury | , symbol of commerce p#cells.tags a.tag.cells(href='#') Cells | [1] - p#circus.tags a.tag.circus(href='#') Circus | [2] Creepy and filled with clowns p#classroom.tags a.tag.classroom(href='#') Classroom | [39] Where they have classes p#clowns.tags a.tag.clowns(href='#') Clowns | [2] Creepy, no-one likes them p#cobwebs.tags a.tag.cobwebs(href='#') Cobwebs | [6] - p#computer.tags a.tag.computer(href='#') Computer | [8] You’re using one right now. The court keeps student records, and many other things on computers p#court.tags a.tag.court(href='#') Court | [114] Gunnerkrigg Court, a mysterious institution that includes a boarding school em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Gunnerkrigg_Court') wiki | } p#courtlogo.tags a.tag.courtlogo(href='#') CourtLogo | [14] Gunnerkrigg Court logo (for the school); Appears on detention slips and official school letters p#courtsymbol.tags a.tag.courtsymbol(href='#') CourtSymbol | [9] The symbol a(href='#annie') Annie | ’s a(href='#blinkerstone') Blinker Stone | makes; has a a(href='#bismuthsymbol') Bismuth Symbol | within it p#courtyard.tags a.tag.courtyard(href='#') Courtyard | [7] A courtyard near the a(href='#library') library p#cover.tags a.tag.cover(href='#') Cover | [51] A chapter cover em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Chapter_Covers') wiki | } p#desert.tags a.tag.desert(href='#') Desert | [2] No rain in here. Where a(href='#coyote') Coyotes | live, sometimes p#donny.tags a.tag.donny(href='#') Donny | [69] Donald Donlan, a(href='#kat') Kat | ’s father em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Donald_Donlan') wiki | } p#dorm.tags a.tag.dorm(href='#') Dorm | [78] Living quarters at school p#earth.tags a.tag.earth(href='#') Earth | [3] Ancient element; the planet on which we live; the great mother and life-giver em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Earth') wiki | } p#eglamore.tags a.tag.eglamore(href='#') Eglamore | [139] Sir James Eglamore/Jimmy/Jim/James/Eggers. Big fellow with a(href='#sword') sword em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/James_Eglamore') wiki | } p#eglamoreknife.tags a.tag.eglamoreknife(href='#') EglamoreKnife | [5] A switchblade/flick knife present that a(href='#eglamore') Eglamore | treasures p#employees.tags a.tag.employees(href='#') Employees | [11] Miscellaneous Court employees; includes security staff, gardeners, scientists, a(href='#powerstation') power station | operators and even mysterious dudes who take a(href='#gamma') Gamma | and a(href='#zimmy') Zimmy | from a(href='#birmingham') Birmingham | to the Court em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Court_Employees') wiki | } p#eyecrossed.tags a.tag.eyecrossed(href='#') EyeCrossed | [18] A crossed out eye that is a complex warding sign, made by a(href='#anja') Anja | and a(href='#donny') Donny | to bind a(href='#rey') Rey p#fire.tags a.tag.fire(href='#') Fire | [43] An ancient element; may cause a(href='#smoke') smoke em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Fire') wiki | } p#firesymbol.tags a.tag.firesymbol(href='#') FireSymbol | [2] The alchemical symbol for a(href='#fire') fire em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Fire') wiki | } p#gamma.tags a.tag.gamma(href='#') Gamma | [67] Gamma Czarnecki, a quiet girl from Poland who only speaks Polish; friends with a(href='#zimmy') Zimmy | who she met in a(href='#zimmingham') Birmingham | ; a Greek letter Γ/γ equivalent to our letter „G” em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Gamma') wiki | } p#gillitie.tags a.tag.gillitie(href='#') Gillitie | [238] Gillitie Wood, where the wild things are, em a.k.a. | The Forest em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Gillitie_Wood') wiki | } p#goodhope.tags a.tag.goodhope(href='#') GoodHope | [18] Good Hope Hospital is where a(href='#surma') Surma | was before she died em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Good_Hope_Hospital') wiki | } p#grounds.tags a.tag.grounds(href='#') Grounds | [12] The grounds/gardens of Gunnerkrigg Court em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Gunnerkrigg_Court') wiki | } p#gym.tags a.tag.gym(href='#') Gym | [8] School gymnasium p#heart.tags a.tag.heart(href='#') Heart | [10] A heart, or heart sign, symbol, glyph or character; either the body’s blood pump, the core of a mechanism or a symbol of love p#hexagram.tags a.tag.hexagram(href='#') Hexagram | [1] Means the art of alchemy, the quintessence or „fire-water”/alcohol; the Jewish Kingdom (Star of David) p#homework.tags a.tag.homework(href='#') Homework | [6] School work done outside class hours p#hospital.tags a.tag.hospital(href='#') Hospital | [20] The hospital/infirmary within the court p#janet.tags a.tag.janet(href='#') Janet | [51] Janet Llanwellyn; Fierce daughter of the a(href='#headmaster') Headmaster | ; dating a(href='#winsbury') Winsbury em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Janet_Llanwellyn') wiki | } p#john.tags a.tag.john(href='#') John | [35] John Sullivan [ a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.proboards.com/thread/361/tom-2?page=30&scrollTo=18295') ref | ] em a.k.a. a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/art/john.jpg') Sullivan’s John | . A musical student, plays strings em e.g. | guitar, a(href='#mandolin') mandolin | . Dating a(href='#margo') Margo p#jonesfootprints.tags a.tag.jonesfootprints(href='#') JonesFootprints | [2] Ancient footprints that appear to belong to a(href='#jones') a human | ; how can this be? p#kat.tags a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat | [537] Katerina Donlan, the scientifically inclined best friend of a(href='#annie') Annie | , also close to a(href='#paz') Paz | ; a(href='#anja') Anja | & a(href='#donny') Donny | Donlan’s daughter, sometimes called Katja by her mother em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Katerina_Donlan') wiki | } p#knight.tags a.tag.knight(href='#') Knight | [1] A traditional warrior and military leader who is part of the landed gentry class; often trained in swordsmanship; a chess piece; em e.g. a(href='#eglamore') Eglamore | and a(href='#siryoung') Sir Young | . p#labyrinth.tags a.tag.labyrinth(href='#') Labyrinth | [7] Not quite a maze. Home to a(href='#basil') Basil the Minotaur p#leadsymbol.tags a.tag.leadsymbol(href='#') LeadSymbol | [18] The alchemical symbol for lead; associated with protectors of the court such as a(href='#eglamore') Eglamore em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Lead_(alchemy)') wiki | } p#library.tags a.tag.library(href='#') Library | [17] full of shelves of books for reference. Also includes a(href='#robots') robot | parts p#lockpicks.tags a.tag.lockpicks(href='#') Lockpicks | [7] a(href='#annie') Annie | has some lock-picks which she stores in the WolfToy/ a(href='#rey') Rey | ’s body p#margo.tags a.tag.margo(href='#') Margo | [39] A student who enjoys singing. Artist. Dating a(href='#john') John em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Margo') wiki | } p#mercury.tags a.tag.mercury(href='#') Mercury | [1] A poisonous liquid metal; otherwise known as quicksilver; Mercury or Hermes was the son of Apollo, the trickster messenger god of medicine and commerce; a(href='#psychopomps') psychopomp em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Psychopomps#Hermes') wiki | } p#mercurysymbol.tags a.tag.mercurysymbol(href='#') MercurySymbol | [18] The alchemical symbol for a(href='#mercury') mercury | ; appears on a(href='#rey') Rey | ’s spirit form em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Mercury_(alchemy)') wiki | } p#monster.tags a.tag.monster(href='#') Monster | [28] A scary creature p#montgomery.tags a.tag.montgomery(href='#') Montgomery | [1] A a(href='#seraph') Seraph a(href='#robots') robot p#moon.tags a.tag.moon(href='#') Moon | [47] Our most ancient satellite! p#mort.tags a.tag.mort(href='#') Mort | [48] A a(href='#ghosts') ghost | who haunts part of the school p#muut.tags a.tag.muut(href='#') Muut | [15] Egyptian a(href='#psychopomps') psychopomp | (escorts the dead to the afterlife) em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Psychopomps#Muut') wiki | } p#ocean.tags a.tag.ocean(href='#') Ocean | [4] A whole bunch of a(href='#water') water p#paz.tags a.tag.paz(href='#') Paz | [67] Paz Cadena-Blanco, Spanish, good with animals and can talk to them; is raising a(href='#cityface') CityFace | with a(href='#bobby') Bobby | ; becomes close to a(href='#kat') Kat | . em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Paz') wiki | } p#psychopomps.tags a.tag.psychopomps(href='#') Psychopomps | [22] Escort the dead to the afterlife/ a(href='#etherium') Ether em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Psychopomps') wiki | } p#queslett.tags a.tag.queslett(href='#') Queslett | [3] a(href='#annie') Annie | & a(href='#kat') Kat | ’s school House em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Queslett') wiki | } p#rain.tags a.tag.rain(href='#') Rain | [13] a(href='#water') water | , falling from the sky p#rey.tags a.tag.rey(href='#') Rey | [281] Reynardine, Reynard, Renard, a crafty fox spirit or demon from a(href='#gillitie') Gillitie Wood em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Reynardine') wiki | } p#robot.tags a.tag.robot(href='#') Robot | [122] originally S-13, a messianic a(href='#seraph') Seraph | class a(href='#robots') robot em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Robot') wiki | } p#robotparts.tags a.tag.robotparts(href='#') RobotParts | [18] Bits of a(href='#robots') robot | currently not attached p#schoolyard.tags a.tag.schoolyard(href='#') SchoolYard | [1] - p#sciencelab.tags a.tag.sciencelab(href='#') ScienceLab | [17] A school science lab where a(href='#kat') Kat | does her initial experiments and makings p#seedbismuth.tags a.tag.seedbismuth(href='#') SeedBismuth | [11] It’s a mystery; involved in the a(href='#founding') founding | of the court em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Seed_Bismuth') wiki | } p#seraph.tags a.tag.seraph(href='#') Seraph | [18] Generic member of the a(href='#seraph') Seraph | model of a(href='#robots') robot | . a(href='#robot') Robot | was one originally em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/S_Models') wiki | } p#shadow.tags a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow | [100] The Thin Man, a a(href='#shadowmen') shadowman em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_2') wiki | } p#sivo.tags a.tag.sivo(href='#') Sivo | [5] A a(href='#rogatorjak') Rogat Orjak | who was close friends with a(href='#eglamore') Eglamore em | { a(href='http://gunnerkrigg.wikia.com/wiki/Sivo') wiki | } p#sky.tags a.tag.sky(href='#') Sky | [16] Comes as advertised; full of stars; the universe; the „father” in mythology p#stars.tags a.tag.stars(href='#') Stars | [30] Celestial bodies p#students.tags a.tag.students(href='#') Students | [45] Miscellaneous students p#sullivansjohn.tags a.tag.sullivansjohn(href='#') SullivansJohn | [0] see a(href='#john') John p#sun.tags a.tag.sun(href='#') Sun | [15] Our closest a(href='#stars') star | ! p#sunsymbol.tags a.tag.sunsymbol(href='#') SunSymbol | [13] Alchemical symbol for the Sun, doubles as the symbol for gold p#surma.tags a.tag.surma(href='#') Surma | [62] Surma Stibnite, a(href='#annie') Annie | ’s mother p#sword.tags a.tag.sword(href='#') Sword | [89] A long weapon with a blade held in one or two hands. Sometimes magical. Wielded by a(href='#eglamore') Eglamore | , a(href='#parley') Parley | , a(href='#jeanne') Jeanne | among others p#symbol.tags a.tag.symbol(href='#') Symbol | [2] some unidentified symbol (please help identify!) p#teacher.tags a.tag.teacher(href='#') Teacher | [12] A miscellaneous teacher p#terrible.tags a.tag.terrible(href='#') Terrible | [2] a(href='#boxbot') BoxBot p#tictoc.tags a.tag.tictoc(href='#') TicToc | [23] Birdlike robotic watchers: the „Thousand Eyes”; a(href='#zimmy') Zimmy | can feel its stare p#tony.tags a.tag.tony(href='#') Tony | [33] Anthony Carver, a(href='#annie') Annie | ’s father p#train.tags a.tag.train(href='#') Train | [12] One of many trains that is used to commute in the court p#trainstation.tags a.tag.trainstation(href='#') TrainStation | [8] One of many stations in the court p#treatise.tags a.tag.treatise(href='#') Treatise | [5] Symbolic representation of the story p#trees.tags a.tag.trees(href='#') Trees | [23] Come as advertised (usually) p#water.tags a.tag.water(href='#') Water | [4] Ancient element; H2O; necessary for life; rivers, lakes and oceans are made of this p#watersymbol.tags a.tag.watersymbol(href='#') WaterSymbol | [2] Alchemical symbol for a(href='#water') water p#winsbury.tags a.tag.winsbury(href='#') Winsbury | [55] William (Willie) Winsbury; student with a(href='#annie') Annie | and a(href='#kat') Kat | , not a very nice boy; dating a(href='#janet') Janet p#wolftoy.tags a.tag.wolftoy(href='#') WolfToy | [20] A small wolf toy made by a(href='#annie') Annie | ’s mother (tagged when em not | animated by a(href='#rey') Reynardine | ) p#zeta.tags a.tag.zeta(href='#') Zeta | [1] A Greek letter Ζ/ζ corresponding to our „Z”; a(href='#zimmy') Zimmy | ’s real name p#zimmy.tags a.tag.zimmy(href='#') Zimmy | [101] aka Zeta, a strange girl who is friends with a(href='#gamma') Gamma | ; from Birmingham originally #events.span-12.last h2 The Pages p#p32.comicpage.bonus.dorm.queslett.shadow.tea a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=32', target='_blank') p.32 span.description Bonus Page: Year 7 Dormitories br a.tag.bonus(href='#') Bonus a.tag.dorm(href='#') Dorm a.tag.queslett(href='#') Queslett a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.tea(href='#') Tea p#p31.comicpage.annie.basil.classroom.janet.john.kat.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=31', target='_blank') p.31 span.description I hope all our homework is this interesting. br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.basil(href='#') Basil a.tag.classroom(href='#') Classroom a.tag.janet(href='#') Janet a.tag.john(href='#') John a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p30.comicpage.annie.basil.classroom.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=30', target='_blank') p.30 span.description And now of course, I turn out to be the bad guy. br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.basil(href='#') Basil a.tag.classroom(href='#') Classroom a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p29.comicpage.annie.basil.classroom.janet.john.kat.paz.winsbury.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=29', target='_blank') p.29 span.description I have a time share on the labyrinth you found me in br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.basil(href='#') Basil a.tag.classroom(href='#') Classroom a.tag.janet(href='#') Janet a.tag.john(href='#') John a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.paz(href='#') Paz a.tag.winsbury(href='#') Winsbury a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p28.comicpage.annie.basil.kat.labyrinth.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=28', target='_blank') p.28 span.description Phew, you girls gave me a fright, sneaking around like that. br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.basil(href='#') Basil a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.labyrinth(href='#') Labyrinth a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p27.comicpage.annie.basil.kat.labyrinth.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=27', target='_blank') p.27 span.description BLAAAAAAAAAAAAH! br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.basil(href='#') Basil a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.labyrinth(href='#') Labyrinth a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p26.comicpage.annie.goodhope.kat.labyrinth.surma.tony.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=26', target='_blank') p.26 span.description It was her wish that I continue my education here br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.goodhope(href='#') GoodHope a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.labyrinth(href='#') Labyrinth a.tag.surma(href='#') Surma a.tag.tony(href='#') Tony a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p25.comicpage.annie.kat.labyrinth.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=25', target='_blank') p.25 span.description | so we won’t get lost if we went in, because there are no dead ends, like in a maze. br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.labyrinth(href='#') Labyrinth a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p24.comicpage.annie.kat.labyrinth.library.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=24', target='_blank') p.24 span.description Is this the guy you were talking about? br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.labyrinth(href='#') Labyrinth a.tag.library(href='#') Library a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p23.comicpage.annie.jonesfootprints.kat.library.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=23', target='_blank') p.23 span.description There is a whole section devoted to Greek mythology it seems br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.jonesfootprints(href='#') JonesFootprints a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.library(href='#') Library a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p22.comicpage.annie.kat.library.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=22', target='_blank') p.22 span.description Is this all there is? br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.library(href='#') Library a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p21.comicpage.annie.classroom.kat.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=21', target='_blank') p.21 span.description I was thinking of covering the minotaur br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.classroom(href='#') Classroom a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p20.comicpage.annie.classroom.janet.kat.teacher.winsbury.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=20', target='_blank') p.20 span.description Find as much information as you can on a mythical figure of your choice br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.classroom(href='#') Classroom a.tag.janet(href='#') Janet a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.teacher(href='#') Teacher a.tag.winsbury(href='#') Winsbury a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p19.comicpage.anja.annie.classroom.john.kat.winsbury.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=19', target='_blank') p.19 span.description Wait for me! br a.tag.anja(href='#') Anja a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.classroom(href='#') Classroom a.tag.john(href='#') John a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.winsbury(href='#') Winsbury a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p18.comicpage.anja.annie.classroom.winsbury.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=18', target='_blank') p.18 span.description How have you found your first two weeks at our school? br a.tag.anja(href='#') Anja a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.classroom(href='#') Classroom a.tag.winsbury(href='#') Winsbury a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p17.comicpage.annie.cover.kat.labyrinth.ch-02 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=17', target='_blank') p.17 span.description | Chapter 2: br br strong Schoolyard Myths br br em Icon: Minotaur (Basil) br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.cover(href='#') Cover a.tag.kat(href='#') Kat a.tag.labyrinth(href='#') Labyrinth a.tag.ch-02(href='#') ch-02 p#p16.comicpage.blackboard.bonus.chester.foley.queslett.tea.thornhill.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=16', target='_blank') p.16 span.description | Bonus Page: Houses at Gunnerkrigg Court br em | Tom: Year 7 is the first year of [UK] secondary school, and is the equivalent of 6th grade in the US. Children in Year 7 are 11-12 years old. br a.tag.blackboard(href='#') Blackboard a.tag.bonus(href='#') Bonus a.tag.chester(href='#') Chester a.tag.foley(href='#') Foley a.tag.queslett(href='#') Queslett a.tag.tea(href='#') Tea a.tag.thornhill(href='#') Thornhill a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p15.comicpage.annie.bridge.gillitie.teacher.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=15', target='_blank') p.15 span.description Sorry sir. I got lost. br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.bridge(href='#') Bridge a.tag.gillitie(href='#') Gillitie a.tag.teacher(href='#') Teacher a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p14.comicpage.bridge.gillitie.robot.shadow.shadowmen.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=14', target='_blank') p.14 span.description Here you go little buddie! br a.tag.bridge(href='#') Bridge a.tag.gillitie(href='#') Gillitie a.tag.robot(href='#') Robot a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.shadowmen(href='#') Shadowmen a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p13.comicpage.bridge.robot.shadow.tictoc.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=13', target='_blank') p.13 span.description Oh look! A birdie! br a.tag.bridge(href='#') Bridge a.tag.robot(href='#') Robot a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.tictoc(href='#') TicToc a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p12.comicpage.annie.bridge.robot.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=12', target='_blank') p.12 span.description Never fear little guy. I have this under control! br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.bridge(href='#') Bridge a.tag.robot(href='#') Robot a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p11.comicpage.annie.bridge.robot.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=11', target='_blank') p.11 span.description Once darkness fell, Shadow 2, Robot and I got ready at the foot of the bridge br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.bridge(href='#') Bridge a.tag.robot(href='#') Robot a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p10.comicpage.annie.bridge.robot.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=10', target='_blank') p.10 span.description Together the three of us returned to the bridge br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.bridge(href='#') Bridge a.tag.robot(href='#') Robot a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p9.comicpage.annie.robot.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=9', target='_blank') p.9 span.description Luckily, piecing the contraption together was relatively easy br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.robot(href='#') Robot a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p8.comicpage.annie.library.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=8', target='_blank') p.8 span.description Snatching a nearby box of spare parts br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.library(href='#') Library a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p7.comicpage.annie.library.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=7', target='_blank') p.7 span.description I hadn’t the first idea how to build a robot br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.library(href='#') Library a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p6.comicpage.annan.annie.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=6', target='_blank') p.6 span.description I must construct a robotic walking device br a.tag.annan(href='#') Annan a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p5.comicpage.annan.annie.bridge.gillitie.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=5', target='_blank') p.5 span.description Gunnerkrigg Court is a boarding school br a.tag.annan(href='#') Annan a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.bridge(href='#') Bridge a.tag.gillitie(href='#') Gillitie a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p4.comicpage.annie.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=4', target='_blank') p.4 span.description Where are you trying to go? br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p3.comicpage.annie.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=3', target='_blank') p.3 span.description At times I would see this creature jump from shadow to shadow br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p2.comicpage.annie.shadow.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=2', target='_blank') p.2 span.description Gunnerkrigg Court does not look much like a school at all br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.shadow(href='#') Shadow a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 p#p1.comicpage.annie.court.cover.sky.ch-01 a(href='http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=1', target='_blank') p.1 span.description | Chapter 1: br br strong The Shadow and The Robot br br em Icon: Gunnerkrigg Court br a.tag.annie(href='#') Annie a.tag.court(href='#') Court a.tag.cover(href='#') Cover a.tag.sky(href='#') Sky a.tag.ch-01(href='#') ch-01 <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

A Pen by Tomasz - Script Codes CSS Codes

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A Pen by Tomasz - Script Codes JS Codes

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A Pen by Tomasz - Script Codes
A Pen by Tomasz - Script Codes
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Developer Tomasz
Username tomcat
Uploaded November 28, 2022
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Tomasz (tomcat) Script Codes
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