Calender Update

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How do I make an calender update?

What is a calender update? How do you make a calender update? This script and codes were developed by Ajala Comfort on 11 January 2023, Wednesday.

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Calender Update - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<body> <body> <div id="space"></div>
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Calender Update - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import ',400,500,700';
#space{width:500px;height:500px;margin:auto;margin-top:100px;font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif}
#space > div{width:100%;}
#space > div > p{text-align:center;color:#e74c3c;font-size:25px;}
#space > div > div{width:13.6%;float:left;height:100%;min-height:300px;}
#space > div > div > ul{list-style:none;width:100%;padding:0;}
#space > div > div li, #space > div > div p{text-align:center;}
#space > div > div li{width:100%;height:45px;padding-top:25px;}
#space > div > div p{padding-bottom:20px;color:gray;border-bottom:2px dashed #3498db;width:50%;margin:auto;}

Calender Update - Script Codes JS Codes

"use strict";
/****************************************THE MATH ********************************/
//get year,month,numberofdays
//get Date: The current date - correct
//get Day : The day (Sunday- Sat) 0 -7
//get Month: The month ( Jan - Dec) 0-11
//getFullYear: gets current Year - correct
//number of days in month = new Date(currentYear,currentMonth,0).getDate(),
var days = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
var months = ["January", "Febuary", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
function getDateData() { var shift = 0; //here you can determine which month: 0 is current; +1 is past; -1 is future var thisMonth = new Date(); var NumberOfDays = new Date(thisMonth.getFullYear(), thisMonth.getMonth() - shift + 1, 0).getDate(); return { month: thisMonth.getMonth() - shift, year: thisMonth.getFullYear(), numberofdays: NumberOfDays, today: thisMonth.getDate(), currentMonth: thisMonth.getMonth(), shift: shift };
var Data = getDateData();
var dates = {};
function getFullDates(repetition) { //check if day is in dates //get the "day" of the date provided in the repetition variable based on the year and current month var day = new Date(Data.year, Data.month, repetition).getDay(); //get the day in "word" day = days[day]; //chek if the day dates object has the "day" as a key; if true push the date into the key else create a new object with the day as the key and an array with the first variable as the date if (day in dates) { dates[day].push(repetition); } else { dates[day] = [repetition]; } // increment repetition; Note the first date is 1 repetition = repetition + 1; //if the date is greater the number of days calculated above, stop this function and return the dates array return repetition > Data.numberofdays ? dates : getFullDates(repetition);
dates = getFullDates(1);
//this function generates the dates from the past month and the next month which should fill the empty spaces on the calender; however these dates are inactive
function getCarryOver() { //get the day of the first day of the current/pointed month; var from_start_day = new Date(Data.year, Data.month, 1).getDay(), past = {}, future = {}; //check if he day starts with Sunda; if not create the past dates object if (from_start_day > 0) { //determine the number of dates to add to the calender from the past month // var reps = new Date(Data.year, Data.month, 0).getDate(); //number of days var start_date = reps - from_start_day + 1; past = fromStart(reps, start_date); } //store the last day of the pointed month var till_end = new Date(Data.year, Data.month, Data.numberofdays).getDay(); //check if the last day is Saturday if (till_end != 6) { //if it is not; DETERMINE the number of dates till saturday of the following month eEXCLUDING the last day of the current month till_end = 6 - till_end; //get the future dates future = tillEnd(till_end); } return submit(past, future, dates);
var pastLeftOver = {}, futureMonth = {};
function fromStart(rep, date) { //repeat "rep" times and access day in days array--> update dates object for this do not push instead unshift var day = new Date(Data.year, Data.month - 1, date).getDay(); pastLeftOver[days[day]] = date + ""; date++; return date > rep ? pastLeftOver : fromStart(rep, date);
function tillEnd(reps) { //store day of the dates provided in variable reps in the next month var day = new Date(Data.year, Data.month + 1, reps).getDay(); //store the day in the future object futureMonth[days[day]] = reps + ""; reps--; //decrement the date till it reaches the first day of the future month return reps < 1 ? futureMonth : tillEnd(reps);
function updateWithPast(past, dates) { //check if the past object has any dates else cancel this update if (Object.keys(past).length <= 0) { return dates; } var update = {}; //update the dates of the original current month calender; Object.keys(dates).forEach(function (key) { if (key in past) { dates[key].unshift(past[key]); } update[key] = dates[key]; }); return update;
function updateWithFuture(future, dates) { //update with future month dates if (Object.keys(future).length <= 0) { return dates; } var update = {}; Object.keys(dates).forEach(function (key) { if (key in future) { dates[key].push(future[key]); } update[key] = dates[key]; }); return update;
//the general function for updating the original dates object
function submit(past, future, dates) { return updateWithFuture(future, updateWithPast(past, dates));
//for simplicity sake a function to get the important data : the calender with updated past and future month dates
function getAllData() { var dates = getCarryOver(); return dates;
var Calender = React.createClass({ displayName: "Calender", getInitialState: function getInitialState() { return { dates: getAllData() }; }, render: function render() { var mutate_ARRAY = (key) { var each_weekday = this.state.dates[key].map(function (date) { //check if the date is a string or a number if (typeof date === "string") { return React.createElement( "li", { className: "dates overflow" }, date ); } else { return React.createElement( "li", { className: "dates", id: date === && Data.month == Data.currentMonth ? "today" : null }, date ); } }); return React.createElement( "div", null, React.createElement( "p", null, key.substring(0, 3) ), React.createElement( "ul", null, each_weekday ) ); }.bind(this)); return React.createElement( "div", null, React.createElement( "p", null, months[Data.month] + " " + Data.year ), mutate_ARRAY ); }
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(Calender, null), document.getElementById("space"));
Calender Update - Script Codes
Calender Update - Script Codes
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Developer Ajala Comfort
Uploaded January 11, 2023
Rating 3
Size 6,157 Kb
Views 8,096
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