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How do I make an constellations?

A port to p5.js of a small project I wrote in Java over the summer. Particles with random velocities draw lines between themselves if they are if their euclidean distance is small enough. These lines get colored based on the distance between the points.. What is a constellations? How do you make a constellations? This script and codes were developed by Ben Matthews on 10 September 2022, Saturday.

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Constellations - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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Constellations - Script Codes JS Codes

window.addEventListener("resize", resize);
var gui;
function Params(){ this.maxSpeed = 1.5; this.maxAttaches = 5; this.attachRadius = 74; this.numParticles = 300; this.pointRadius = 0; this.hueBase = 200; this.hueVariance = 60; this.lineFade = .5; this.backgroundFade = .7; this.lineWidth = 1; this.useMouse = false; this.mouseRadius = 200; this.mouseSpeedModifier = 4;
var attachParticleRatio = (50)/500;
var lastParticleAmount = 500;
var paramSet = new Params();
var particles = [];
var maxParticles = 1000;
var width = 0;
var height = 0;
function Particle(x, y, xSpeed, ySpeed){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.xSpeed = xSpeed; this.ySpeed = ySpeed; this.mouseModX = 0; this.mouseModY = 0; this.step = function(){ this.mouseModX = 0; this.mouseModY = 0; if (mouseIsPressed && paramSet.useMouse){ var xDiff = this.x - mouseX; var yDiff = this.y - mouseY; var distance = Math.sqrt(xDiff*xDiff + yDiff*yDiff); if (distance < paramSet.mouseRadius){ this.mouseModX = (xDiff/distance)*paramSet.mouseSpeedModifier; this.mouseModY = (yDiff/distance)*paramSet.mouseSpeedModifier; } } this.x += this.xSpeed*paramSet.maxSpeed + this.mouseModX; this.y += this.ySpeed*paramSet.maxSpeed + this.mouseModY; if (this.x < 0) this.x = 0; if (this.x > width) this.x = width; if (this.y < 0) this.y = 0; if (this.y > height) this.y = height; if (this.x <= 0 && this.xSpeed < 0) this.xSpeed *= -1; if (this.x >= width && this.xSpeed > 0) this.xSpeed *= -1; if (this.y <= 0 && this.ySpeed < 0) this.ySpeed *= -1; if (this.y >= height && this.ySpeed > 0) this.ySpeed *= -1; }
function createParticle(){ var x = Math.random()*window.innerWidth; var y = Math.random()*window.innerHeight; var xSpeed = Math.random()*2 - 1; var ySpeed = Math.random()*2 - 1; // console.log(x + ", " + y + ", " + xSpeed + ", " + ySpeed); return (new Particle(x, y, xSpeed, ySpeed));
for (var i = 0; i < maxParticles; i++){ particles.push(createParticle());
function setup()
{ createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); resize(); background(0); colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100); gui = new dat.GUI({ height : 5 * 32 - 1 }); gui.remember(paramSet); var particles = gui.addFolder("particles"); particles.add(paramSet, "numParticles", 0, 1000, 1); particles.add(paramSet, "maxSpeed", 0, 5); particles.add(paramSet, "pointRadius", 0, 5);; var connections = gui.addFolder("connecitons"); connections.add(paramSet, "attachRadius", 0, 200, 1).listen(); connections.add(paramSet, "maxAttaches", 1, 10, 1);; var visuals = gui.addFolder("visuals"); visuals.add(paramSet, "hueBase", 0, 360); visuals.add(paramSet, "hueVariance", 0, 360); visuals.add(paramSet, "lineWidth", 1, 30); visuals.add(paramSet, "lineFade", 0, 1, .01); visuals.add(paramSet, "backgroundFade", 0, 1, .01); var mouse = gui.addFolder("mouse"); mouse.add(paramSet, "useMouse"); mouse.add(paramSet, "mouseRadius", 0, 500); mouse.add(paramSet, "mouseSpeedModifier", -10, 10);
function draw()
{ var bgAlpha = 1 - paramSet.backgroundFade; background(1, 1, 1,bgAlpha*bgAlpha*100); noStroke(); for (var i = 0; i < paramSet.numParticles; i++){ var p = particles[i]; fill(0, 100, 100); ellipse(p.x, p.y, paramSet.pointRadius, paramSet.pointRadius); p.step(); } for (var i = 0; i < paramSet.numParticles; i++){ var p = particles[i]; drawClosest(p); }
function drawClosest(p){ strokeWeight(paramSet.lineWidth); var attaches = 0; var attachRadius = paramSet.attachRadius; for(var i = 0; i < paramSet.numParticles; i++){ var p2 = particles[i]; var xDiff = p2.x-p.x; var yDiff = p2.y-p.y; var distance = xDiff*xDiff+yDiff*yDiff; if (distance < attachRadius*attachRadius){ setStrokeColor(distance); line(p.x, p.y, p2.x, p2.y); attaches++; } if (attaches >= paramSet.maxAttaches) i = paramSet.numParticles; }
function setStrokeColor(distance){ var attachRadius = paramSet.attachRadius; var value = distance/(attachRadius*attachRadius); var hue = value*paramSet.hueVariance; hue -= paramSet.hueVariance/2; hue += paramSet.hueBase; if (hue > 360) hue -= 360; if (hue < 0) hue += 360; var alpha = 100 - value*value*(paramSet.lineFade*paramSet.lineFade)*100; stroke(hue, 80, 100, alpha);
function resize(){ resizeCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); width = window.innerWidth; height = window.innerHeight; background(1, 1, 1, 100);
Constellations - Script Codes
Constellations - Script Codes
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Developer Ben Matthews
Username tsuhre
Uploaded September 10, 2022
Rating 3
Size 2,961 Kb
Views 24,288
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Ben Matthews (tsuhre) Script Codes
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