Easy Couch Mode

8,819 Kb

How do I make an easy couch mode?

A demo of https://github.com/easy-designs/easyCouchMode.jsNote: the button to toggle "couch mode" is in the upper corner. What is a easy couch mode? How do you make a easy couch mode? This script and codes were developed by Aaron Gustafson on 13 August 2022, Saturday.

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Easy Couch Mode - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <h1>Zoom Layouts v2 </h1>
<p><em>Original: <a href="http://blog.easy-designs.net/archives/zoom-layouts-v2/">http://blog.easy-designs.net/archives/zoom-layouts-v2/</a></em></p>
<p>Some of you might find it hard to believe, but I began working with adaptive layouts way back in 2005. I was working on project for the Connecticut Department of Transportation and my primary design made heavy use of fixed positioning and white space. Sadly this is the only screenshot I have of the now-defunct&nbsp;project:</p>
<figure style="max-width:320px">	<img class="jail" src="http://blog.easy-designs.net/img/posts/drink-drive-lose-ad-challenge.png" alt="" style="display: block;"><noscript>&lt;img src="http://blog.easy-designs.net/img/posts/drink-drive-lose-ad-challenge.png" alt=""/&gt;</noscript></figure>
<p>	The layout really started to break down on smaller screens—we had quite a few 800x600 monitors to deal with back in the day—so, inspired by Joe Clark’s A List Apart article “<a href="http://alistapart.com/article/lowvision">Big, Stark <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Chunky</a>,” I created an alternate stylesheet that rearranged the page layout, enlarged the text, and improved the reading experience. Sadly, I don’t have a screenshot of what that looked like, but here’s a decent approximation (sans background images), courtesy of the Wayback&nbsp;Machine:</p>
<figure>	<img class="jail" src="http://blog.easy-designs.net/img/posts/drink-drive-lose-ad-challenge-small.png" alt="" style="display: block;"><noscript>&lt;img src="http://blog.easy-designs.net/img/posts/drink-drive-lose-ad-challenge-small.png" alt=""/&gt;</noscript></figure>
<p>	We didn’t have media queries in those days, so I relied on JavaScript to do the stylesheet switching. It was pretty good work for the time, but I see a <em>ton</em> of things I would do differently if I had the opportunity to revisit&nbsp;it.</p>
<p>	So why am I bringing this up? Well, I remembered Joe’s article the other day and was thinking about how relevant it is in this, the age of responsive design. I think the idea of high-contrast zoom layouts is incredibly useful, but not just for mobile. When you start to think about the other end of the spectrum—giant high-definition televisions sitting 8-10 feet from your face—zoom layouts become really useful&nbsp;again.</p>
<p>	To that end, I have been thinking quite a bit about <a href="http://css-tricks.com/viewport-sized-typography/">the viewport-based units available to us in modern browsers</a> and how we can use them to create automated zoom layouts by simply increasing the font size of the <code>body</code> element. Consider this bit of&nbsp;code:</p>
<p>	<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://gist.github.com/assets/embed-4252e560c3e6f4c476a216c2bb7938cd.css"></p><div id="gist6585366" class="gist"> <div class="gist-file"> <div class="gist-data gist-syntax"> <div class="file-data"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="lines highlight"> <tbody><tr> <td class="line-numbers"> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L1" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L1">1</span> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L2" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L2">2</span> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L3" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L3">3</span> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L4" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L4">4</span> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L5" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-L5">5</span> </td> <td class="line-data"> <pre class="line-pre"><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-LC1"><span class="k">@media</span> <span class="nt">screen</span> <span class="nt">and</span> <span class="o">(</span><span class="nt">min-width</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="nt">64em</span><span class="o">)</span> <span class="p">{</span></div><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-LC2"> <span class="nt">body</span> <span class="p">{</span></div><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-LC3"> <span class="k">font-size</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="m">1</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="m">5625</span><span class="n">vw</span><span class="p">;</span></div><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-LC4"> <span class="p">}</span></div><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-css-LC5"><span class="p">}</span></div></pre> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> </div> <div class="gist-meta"> <a href="https://gist.github.com/aarongustafson/6585366/raw/803d125cb2a0221bf9b6ee7a9bafbec6e2256f5b/zoom-layouts-v2.css" style="float:right">view raw</a> <a href="https://gist.github.com/aarongustafson/6585366#file-zoom-layouts-v2-css">zoom-layouts-v2.css</a> hosted with ❤ by <a href="https://github.com">GitHub</a> </div> </div></div>
<p>	This tiny bit of <span class="caps">CSS</span> can ensure that the entire layout is proportionately scaled up based on the screen size being used to access it. To figure out how this bit of code would fit best into your own work, use this formula (replace “X” with your max width size in&nbsp;ems):</p>
<p>	<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://gist.github.com/assets/embed-4252e560c3e6f4c476a216c2bb7938cd.css"></p><div id="gist6585366" class="gist"> <div class="gist-file"> <div class="gist-data gist-syntax"> <div class="file-data"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="lines highlight"> <tbody><tr> <td class="line-numbers"> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L1" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L1">1</span> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L2" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L2">2</span> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L3" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L3">3</span> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L4" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L4">4</span> <span class="line-number" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L5" rel="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-L5">5</span> </td> <td class="line-data"> <pre class="line-pre"><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-LC1">@media screen and (min-width: X) {</div><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-LC2"> body {</div><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-LC3"> font-size: ( ( 1em / X ) * 100 )vw;</div><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-LC4"> }</div><div class="line" id="file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt-LC5">}</div></pre> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> </div> <div class="gist-meta"> <a href="https://gist.github.com/aarongustafson/6585366/raw/d7692506632fd381aa2c219f4716137d7835cc25/zoom-layouts-v2-formula.txt" style="float:right">view raw</a> <a href="https://gist.github.com/aarongustafson/6585366#file-zoom-layouts-v2-formula-txt">zoom-layouts-v2-formula.txt</a> hosted with ❤ by <a href="https://github.com">GitHub</a> </div> </div></div>
<p>	The site I developed this technique for is not live yet, so I threw together <a href="http://codepen.io/aarongustafson/pen/ojqtr">a simple demo on Codepen</a>. <em>Note: Chrome currently requires a forced repaint on window resize to make it shrink or enlarge the layout. Hopefully <a href="https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=124331">that bug</a> will be fixed&nbsp;soon.</em></p>
<p>	I’m still feeling my way around this technique, but I am intrigued by the possibilities it holds. What do you&nbsp;think?</p> <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Easy Couch Mode - Script Codes CSS Codes

html { background: #000;
body { background: #fff; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 60em; margin: 1em auto; padding: 1em;

Easy Couch Mode - Script Codes JS Codes

/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/classList.js/blob/master/classList.js*/
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/*! @source https://github.com/easy-designs/easyCouchMode.js*/
(function(window,document,UNDEFINED){	var script_name = 'easyCouchMode',	localStorage_key = script_name + '::is_enabled',	BODY = 'body',	ENABLED = script_name + '-enabled',	BUTTON = script_name + '-button',	couch_mode = false,	config,	wrapper,	append_to,	widget,	button,	css,	body,	head;	// Requirement: QuerySelectorAll	if ( ! 'querySelectorAll' in document ) { return; }	// resize watcher	function watchResize(callback)	{	var resizing;	function done()	{	clearTimeout( resizing );	resizing = null;	callback();	}	window.addEventListener('resize',function(e){	if ( resizing )	{	clearTimeout( resizing );	resizing = null;	}	resizing = setTimeout( done, 100 );	});	// init	callback();	};	function configure( custom_config )	{	var default_config = {	wrapper_selector: BODY,	append_to_selector: BODY,	button_text_enlarge: 'Turn On Couch Mode',	button_text_shrink: 'Turn Off Couch Mode',	add_button_css: true	},	final_config = {},	key;	custom_config = custom_config || {};	for ( key in default_config )	{	if ( default_config.hasOwnProperty( key ) )	{	final_config[key] = ( custom_config[key] != UNDEFINED ) ? custom_config[key] : default_config[key];	}	}	return final_config;	}	function inCouchMode( set_to )	{	// Setting the couch mode in the session	if ( typeof set_to == 'boolean' )	{	window.localStorage.setItem( localStorage_key, set_to.toString() );	}	// Retrieving the status	else	{	return ( window.localStorage.getItem( localStorage_key ) == 'true' );	}	}	// The resizer	function onResize()	{	var browser_width = window.innerWidth;	if ( browser_width > config.wrapper_max_width )	{	if ( widget.parentNode != append_to )	{	append_to.appendChild(	widget	);	}	fixWebkitResizeBug();	}	else if ( browser_width < config.wrapper_max_width && widget.parentNode == append_to )	{	append_to.removeChild(	widget	);	}	}	// Event listener	function listen(e)	{	if ( e.target.className == BUTTON )	{	// only trap keycodes for enter and space	if ( e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode != 32 && e.keyCode != 13 )	{	return;	}	if ( body.classList.contains( ENABLED ) )	{	body.classList.remove( ENABLED );	button.innerHTML = config.button_text_enlarge;	//button.classList.remove( ENABLED );	inCouchMode(false);	}	else	{	body.classList.add( ENABLED );	button.innerHTML = config.button_text_shrink;	//button.classList.add( ENABLED );	inCouchMode(true);	}	e.preventDefault();	}	}	// A fix for theWebKit Resize Bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53166.	function fixWebkitResizeBug()	{	body.style.overflow = 'hidden';	body.offsetHeight;	body.style.removeProperty('overflow');	}	/* Global Function: easyCouchMode * Adds a button to the page to allow a use to enter "couch mode" and maintains it for the session * * @param config - configuration object *	- wrapper_selector (str): selector targeting the element acting as a wrapper (defaults to 'body') *	- append_to_selector (str): selector targeting the element to which the button should be appended (defaults to 'body') *	- button_text_enlarge (str): the text to display in the toggle button when you can enlarge it (defaults to 'Turn On Couch Mode') *	- button_text_shrink (str): the text to display in the toggle button (defaults to 'Turn Off Couch Mode') *	- add_button_css (bool): determines whether the default styles should be added to the page (defaults to true) * * @return null * */	function easyCouchMode( custom_config )	{	var css_text = '',	in_couch_mode = inCouchMode();	// configuration	config = configure( custom_config );	// we need a wrapper	wrapper = document.querySelectorAll( config.wrapper_selector );	if ( wrapper.length == 0 ) { return; }	wrapper = wrapper[0];	config.wrapper_max_width = wrapper.clientWidth;	config.wrapper_max_width_ems = config.wrapper_max_width / 16;	// listen on the wrapper	wrapper.addEventListener( 'click', listen );	wrapper.addEventListener( 'touchend', listen );	wrapper.addEventListener( 'keydown', listen );	// we need somewhere to append things	append_to = document.querySelectorAll( config.append_to_selector );	if ( append_to.length == 0 ) { return; }	append_to = append_to[0];	// set up the button	button = document.createElement('button');	button.className = BUTTON;	button.appendChild(	document.createTextNode( config.button_text_enlarge )	);	// set up the widget	widget = document.createElement('div');	widget.className = script_name + '-widget';	widget.appendChild(	button	);	// set up the css	css = document.createElement('style');	css_text =	'@media only screen and (min-width:' + config.wrapper_max_width_ems + 'em){' +	'body.' + ENABLED + '{font-size:' + ( ( 1 / config.wrapper_max_width_ems ) * 100 ) + 'vw;}' +	'}';	// Style the button?	if ( config.add_button_css )	{	css_text += '.' + script_name + '-widget{position:fixed;top:0;left:100%}';	css_text += '.' + script_name + '-button{padding:.25em;margin-left:-1.4em;white-space:nowrap;-moz-transition:margin-left .5s;-webkit-transition:margin-left .5s;transition:margin-left .5s}';	css_text += '.' + script_name + '-button:hover' + ',.' + script_name + '-button:focus{margin-left:-100%}';	css_text += '.' + script_name + '-button::before{content:"\\00A0";background:url(\'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" version="1.1"><style>.style0{fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;}.style1{fill:#4E4E50;}</style><g><path d="M27.414 24.586 L22.828 20 L20 22.828 L24.586 27.414 L20 32 L32 32 L32 20 L27.414 24.586 Z M27.414 24.586"/><path d="M12 0 L0 0 L0 12 L4.586 7.414 L9.129 11.953 L11.957 9.125 L7.414 4.586 L12 0 Z M12 0"/><path d="M12 22.828 L9.172 20 L4.586 24.586 L0 20 L0 32 L12 32 L7.414 27.414 L12 22.828 Z M12 22.828"/><path d="M32 0 L20 0 L24.586 4.586 L20.043 9.125 L22.871 11.953 L27.414 7.414 L32 12 L32 0 Z M32 0"/></g></svg>\') top left no-repeat;background-size:100%;background-size:contain;display:inline-block;width:.7em;height:.7em;margin-right:.5em;vertical-align:baseline}';	css_text += 'body.' + ENABLED + ' .' + script_name + '-button::before{background-image:url(\'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="47px" height="47px" viewBox="0 0 47 47" version="1.1"><style>.style0{fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;}.style1{fill:#4E4E50;}</style><g><path d="M35.879 40.121 L42.758 47 L47 42.758 L40.121 35.879 L47 29 L29 29 L29 47 L35.879 40.121 Z M35.879 40.121"/><path d="M0 18 L18 18 L18 0 L11.121 6.879 L4.3125 0.065 L0.0705 4.306 L6.879 11.121 L0 18 Z M0 18"/><path d="M0 42.758 L4.242 47 L11.121 40.121 L18 47 L18 29 L0 29 L6.879 35.879 L0 42.758 Z M0 42.758"/><path d="M29 18 L47 18 L40.121 11.121 L46.9415 4.306 L42.6995 0.065 L35.879 6.879 L29 0 L29 18 Z M29 18"/></g></svg>\')}';	}	css.innerHTML = css_text;	// grab the head & body & add the CSS	body = document.getElementsByTagName(BODY)[0];	head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];	head.appendChild(	css	);	// The watcher	watchResize(onResize);	// initialization	if ( in_couch_mode )	{	button.dispatchEvent(	new MouseEvent('click', {	'target': widget,	'view': window,	'bubbles': true,	'cancelable': true	})	);	}	}	// expose it in the Easy namespace	if ( window.Easy == UNDEFINED ){	window.Easy = {};	}	window.Easy.couchMode = easyCouchMode;
Easy Couch Mode - Script Codes
Easy Couch Mode - Script Codes
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Developer Aaron Gustafson
Username aarongustafson
Uploaded August 13, 2022
Rating 3
Size 8,819 Kb
Views 42,504
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Aaron Gustafson (aarongustafson) Script Codes
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