FCC JS Calculator

4,996 Kb

How do I make an fcc js calculator?

What is a fcc js calculator? How do you make a fcc js calculator? This script and codes were developed by Victoria on 02 December 2022, Friday.

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FCC JS Calculator - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>FCC JS Calculator</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="calc"></div> <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/0.14.7/react.min.js'></script>
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FCC JS Calculator - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { background-color: sandybrown;
.buttons { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center;
.button { flex-basis: 40px; line-height: 40px; background-color: mediumturquoise; border: 2px solid cadetblue; border-radius: 10%; text-align: center; margin: 2px 2px; font-size: 20px; cursor: pointer;
.display { width: 90%; margin: 5px; height: 20px; text-align: right; font-size: 14px;
.calculator { margin: auto; width: 200px; border: 1px solid midnightblue; border-radius: 5%; padding: 10px; background-color: cornflowerblue;

FCC JS Calculator - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
var isNum = function isNum(s) {	return !isNaN(Number(s));
var EvalTools = {	convertKeys: function convertKeys(keys) {	var isNegativeNum = function isNegativeNum(s) {	return isNum(s) && Number(s) < 0;	};	var isDot = function isDot(s) {	return s === '.';	};	var isMinus = function isMinus(s) {	return s === '-';	};	var errors = [];	var res = keys.reduce(function (acc, k, i) {	if (!acc.length) return [k];	var prev = _.last(acc);	if (isNum(k)) {	if (isNum(prev)) {	return acc.slice(0, acc.length - 1).concat([prev + k]);	} else {	if (isMinus(prev)) {	var prevPrev = _.last(acc.slice(0, acc.length - 1));	if (isNum(prevPrev)) {	return acc.concat([k]);	} else {	if (isNegativeNum(k)) {	errors.push({ error: "can't have two successor minuses", index: i });	}	return acc.slice(0, acc.length - 1).concat([prev + k]);	}	} else {	return acc.concat([k]);	}	}	} else if (isDot(k)) {	if (isNum(prev)) {	return acc.slice(0, acc.length - 1).concat([prev + k]);	} else if (isDot(prev)) {	errors.push({ error: "can't have two successive dots", index: i });	return acc.concat([k]);	} else {	errors.push({ error: "can't have successive dot and operator (.%, .+ etc)", index: i });	return acc.concat([k]);	}	} else {	if (isNum(prev)) {	return acc.concat([k]);	} else {	errors.push({ error: "can't have two 'operations' as successors, i.e. `--`, `+-`, `+.`", index: i });	return acc.concat([k]);	}	}	}, []);	return { errors: errors, keys: res };	},	intToPost: function intToPost(exp) {	var priority = {	'*': 1,	'/': 1,	'+': 2,	'-': 2,	'%': 2	};	var operatorsStack = [];	var postfix = [];	exp.forEach(function (value) {	if (isNum(value)) {	postfix.push(value);	} else {	if (operatorsStack.length === 0 || priority[value] <= priority[_.last(operatorsStack)]) {	operatorsStack.push(value);	} else {	postfix = postfix.concat(_.reverse(operatorsStack));	operatorsStack = [value];	}	}	});	return postfix.concat(_.reverse(operatorsStack));	},	evaluate: function evaluate(exp) {	// [2, 3, +] [2, 3, ]	var operators = {	'*': function _(a, b) {	return a * b;	},	'/': function _(a, b) {	return a / b;	},	'+': function _(a, b) {	return a + b;	},	'-': function _(a, b) {	return a - b;	},	'%': function _(a, b) {	return a * b / 100;	}	};	var stack = [];	exp.forEach(function (value) {	if (isNum(value)) {	stack.push(Number(value));	} else {	var a = stack[stack.length - 2];	var b = stack[stack.length - 1];	stack = stack.slice(0, stack.length - 2);	stack.push(operators[value](a, b));	}	});	return stack[0];	}
var validate = function validate(exp, nextValue) {	if (isNum(nextValue)) {	return exp.concat([nextValue]);	} else {	var convertExp = EvalTools.convertKeys(exp.concat([nextValue, 1]));	if (convertExp.errors.length > 0) {	console.warn(convertExp.errors);	return exp;	} else {	return exp.concat([nextValue]);	}	}
var Calculator = React.createClass({	displayName: 'Calculator',	getInitialState: function getInitialState() {	return { expression: [],	lastAnswer: 0,	answer: undefined };	},	cleanAll: function cleanAll() {	this.setState({ expression: [], answer: undefined });	},	cleanLast: function cleanLast() {	this.setState({ expression: this.state.expression.slice(0, this.state.expression.length - 1) });	},	addAction: function addAction(b) {	var _this = this;	var _state = this.state;	var expression = _state.expression;	var lastAnswer = _state.lastAnswer;	expression.length === 0 ? this.setState({ answer: undefined }, function () {	_this.setState({ expression: expression.concat(isNum(b) ? [b] : isNum(lastAnswer) ? [lastAnswer.toString(), b] : [b]) });	}) : this.setState({ expression: validate(expression, b) });	},	lastAnswer: function lastAnswer() {	this.setState({ expression: this.state.expression.concat([this.state.lastAnswer.toString()]) });	},	calculate: function calculate() {	var _this2 = this;	var convertedExpression = EvalTools.convertKeys(this.state.expression);	// todo errors check	console.warn(convertedExpression.errors);	var postfix = EvalTools.intToPost(convertedExpression.keys);	this.setState({ expression: [], answer: EvalTools.evaluate(postfix) }, function () {	return _this2.setState({ lastAnswer: _this2.state.answer });	});	},	render: function render() {	var buttons = [{ name: 'AC',	function: this.cleanAll }, { name: 'CE',	function: this.cleanLast }, { name: '%',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '/',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '7',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '8',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '9',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '*',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '4',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '5',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '6',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '-',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '1',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '2',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '3',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '+',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '.',	function: this.addAction }, { name: '0',	function: this.addAction }, { name: 'Ans',	function: this.lastAnswer }, { name: '=',	function: this.calculate }];	return React.createElement(	'div',	{ className: 'calculator' },	React.createElement('input', { className: 'display', value: this.state.answer || this.state.expression.join(''), type: 'text', readOnly: true }),	React.createElement(	'div',	{ className: 'buttons' },	buttons.map(function (button) {	return React.createElement(	'div',	{ key: button.name, className: 'button', onClick: function onClick() {	return button.function(button.name);	} },	button.name	);	})	)	);	}
React.render(React.createElement(Calculator, null), document.getElementById('calc'));
FCC JS Calculator - Script Codes
FCC JS Calculator - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Victoria
Username Enieste
Uploaded December 02, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,996 Kb
Views 14,168
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