Form Patterns

5,922 Kb

How do I make an form patterns?

A handful of solid form patterns from my talk Falling in Love with Forms.. What is a form patterns? How do you make a form patterns? This script and codes were developed by Aaron Gustafson on 13 August 2022, Saturday.

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Form Patterns - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Form Patterns</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body>	<body id="contact" class="form">	<div id="content">
<article>	<header> <h1>Form Examples</h1>	</header>	<p>A handful of form fields I like to demo for people.</p>	<div class="notice failure" role="alert">	<p>There were errors with your form submission:</p>	<ol>	<li><a href="#message">Message</a> is a required field</li>	<li><a href="#name">Name</a> is a required field</li>	<li><a href="#email">Email</a> is a required field</li>	</ol>
</div>	<form action="" accept-charset="utf-8" method="post">	<fieldset>	<ol>	<li class="text">	<label for="name">Your Name</label>	<input id="name" name="name" required="" aria-required="true"/>	</li>	<li class="email">	<label for="email">Your Email</label>	<input type="email" id="email" name="email" required="" aria-required="true" aria-describedby="email-note">	<em class="notes" id="email-note">We will only use your email address to respond to your message.</em>	</li>	<li class="select">	<label for="subject">Purpose of Your Message</label>	<select id="subject" name="recipient_email">	<option>Question/Comment</option>	<option>Article Error</option>	<option>Website Bug Report</option>	<option>Ask the Sherpas a question</option>	</select>	</li>	<li class="textarea">	<label for="message">Your Message</label>	<textarea id="message" name="message" required="" aria-required="true"></textarea>	</li> <li class="tel"><label for="preferred_phone">Preferred Phone</label>
<input type="tel" id="preferred_phone" name="preferred_phone" placeholder="ex. 123-456-7890" ></li>
<li class="url"> <label for="url">URL</label>
<input type="url" id="url" name="url" required aria-describedby="url-note" >
<em class="note" id="url-note">	Please provide the URL for the specific page that includes the area	you want reviewed.
</em> </li>	<li class="number">
<label for="captcha">1 + 1 = ?</label>	<input type="number" id="captcha" name="captcha" required="" aria-required="true"/>
<li class="range">	<label for="volume">How Loud is Spinal Tap?</label>
<input id="volume" type="range" name="volume" min="0" max="11" step="1">
</li> <li class="date"><label for="preferred_dates">Preferred Date to Visit</label>
<input id="preferred_dates" type="date" name="preferred_dates" required ></li> <li class="date"><label for="preferred_dates_2">Preferred Date to Visit</label>
<input id="preferred_dates_2" type="date" name="preferred_dates" required min="2014-09-10" max="2014-12-19" ></li> <li class="time"><label for="requested_tour_time">Tour Time Requested</label>
<input id="requested_tour_time" type="time" name="requested_tour_time">	</li> <li class="datalist"><label for="state">State</label>
<input id="state" name="state" list="states">
<datalist id="states">	<option>Alabama</option>	<option>Alaska</option>	<option>Arizona</option>	<option>Arkansas</option>
</datalist></li> <li class="datalist datalist--alt"><label for="state" id="state_label">State</label>
<datalist id="states">	<select name="state" aria-labelledby="state_label">	<option>Alabama</option>	<option>Alaska</option>	<option>Arizona</option>	<option>Arkansas</option>	</select>	If other, please specify
</datalist> <input id="state" name="state" list="states"></li> <li class="confirm">	<label for="newsletter">	<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" value="yes" id="newsletter"> Sign me up for this newsletter	</label>
</li> <li class="grouped checkbox"><fieldset>	<legend>Tablets	<em>(9 available)</em></legend>	<ul>	<li>	<label for="asus-nexus-7">	<input type="checkbox" name="reservation_requested_device[]" id="asus-nexus-7" value="Asus Nexus 7 (Upper Cabinet #8)" data-checkbox-required="">	Asus Nexus 7	</label>	</li>	<li>	<label for="nook-color">	<input type="checkbox" name="reservation_requested_device[]" id="nook-color" value="Barnes &amp; Noble Nook Color (Upper Cabinet #2)" data-checkbox-required="">	Barnes &amp; Noble Nook Color	</label>	</li>	<li>	<label for="blackberry-playbook">	<input type="checkbox" name="reservation_requested_device[]" id="blackberry-playbook" value="BlackBerry Playbook (Upper Cabinet #1)" data-checkbox-required="">	BlackBerry Playbook	</label>	</li>	<li>	<label for="datawind-ubislate-7cz">	<input type="checkbox" name="reservation_requested_device[]" id="datawind-ubislate-7cz" value="Datawind UbiSlate 7cz (16)" data-checkbox-required="">	Datawind UbiSlate 7cz	</label>	</li>	<li>	<label for="dell-streak-7">	<input type="checkbox" name="reservation_requested_device[]" id="dell-streak-7" value="Dell Streak 7 (Upper Cabinet #7)" data-checkbox-required="">	Dell Streak 7	</label>	</li>	<li>	<label for="ipad-2">	<input type="checkbox" name="reservation_requested_device[]" id="ipad-2" value="iPad 2 (Upper Cabinet #15)" data-checkbox-required="">	iPad 2	</label>	</li>	<li>	<label for="kindle-fire-1">	<input type="checkbox" name="reservation_requested_device[]" id="kindle-fire-1" value="Kindle Fire (Upper Cabinet #5)" data-checkbox-required="">	Kindle Fire	</label>	</li>	<li>	<label for="microsoft-surface-rt">	<input type="checkbox" name="reservation_requested_device[]" id="microsoft-surface-rt" value="Microsoft Surface RT (Upper Cabinet #3)" data-checkbox-required="">	Microsoft Surface RT	</label>	</li>	<li>	<label for="samsung-galaxy-tab-10">	<input type="checkbox" name="reservation_requested_device[]" id="samsung-galaxy-tab-10" value="Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 (Upper Cabinet #4)" data-checkbox-required="">	Samsung Galaxy Tab 10	</label>	</li>	</ul>	</fieldset></li>
<li class="group reservation-times">	<fieldset>	<legend>Requested Day and Time</legend>	<label for="reservation_requested_date">Requested Day</label>	<select name="reservation_requested_date" id="reservation_requested_date" required="">	<option value="Monday, May 4, 2015">Monday, May 4</option><option value="Tuesday, May 5, 2015">Tuesday, May 5</option><option value="Wednesday, May 6, 2015">Wednesday, May 6</option><option value="Thursday, May 7, 2015">Thursday, May 7</option><option value="Friday, May 8, 2015">Friday, May 8</option><option value="Monday, May 11, 2015">Monday, May 11</option><option value="Tuesday, May 12, 2015">Tuesday, May 12</option><option value="Wednesday, May 13, 2015">Wednesday, May 13</option><option value="Thursday, May 14, 2015">Thursday, May 14</option><option value="Friday, May 15, 2015">Friday, May 15</option>	</select>	<label for="reservation_requested_time">Requested Time</label>	<select name="reservation_requested_time" id="reservation_requested_time" required="" aria-required="true">	<option>10:00 AM</option>	<option>10:30 AM</option>	<option>11:00 AM</option>	<option>11:30 AM</option>	<option>1:00 PM</option>	<option>1:30 PM</option>	<option>2:00 PM</option>	<option>2:30 PM</option>	<option>3:00 PM</option>	<option>3:30 PM</option>	<option>4:00 PM</option>	</select>	</fieldset>	</li> <li class="grouped year-month-day-selects">	<fieldset>	<legend id="select_date">Select a date</legend>	<label for="month" id="month_label">Month</label>	<select name="month" id="month"	aria-labelledby="select_date month_label" ><option>January</option></select> <label for="day" id="day_label">Month</label>
<select name="day" id="day"	aria-labelledby="select_date day_label" ><option>01</option></select> <label for="year" id="year_label">Year</label>
<select name="year" id="year"	aria-labelledby="select_date year_label" ><option>2015</option></select>	</fieldset>
</li> <li class="grouped table"><table>	<thead>	<tr>	<td></td>	<th>Poor</th> <th>Fair</th> <th>Good</th> <th>Great</th> <th>Excellent</th>	</tr>	</thead>	<tbody>	<tr>	<th>How would you rate your experience with Foo Bar Title	from initial contact to closing?</th>	<td>	<input type="radio" name="experience" value="1">	</td>	<td>	<input type="radio" name="experience" value="2">	</td>	<td>	<input type="radio" name="experience" value="3">	</td>	<td>	<input type="radio" name="experience" value="4">	</td>	<td>	<input type="radio" name="experience" value="5">	</td>	</tr>	</tbody>
</table></li> <li class="text"><label for="test">Enter three numbers	followed by two letters</label>
<input id="test" name="test" placeholder="e.g. 123ab" pattern="\d{3}[a-zA-Z]{2}" ></li> <li class="text validation-error">	<label for="email">Your Email <abbr title="required">*</abbr>	</label>	<input id="email" type="email" name="email" required="" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="true" aria-describedby="email-error" >	<strong id="email-error" class="validation-error-message">	Your email address is required</strong>
</li>	<li class="buttons">	<button type="submit">Send my message</button>	</li>	</ol> <p tabindex="0">Fields marked with a * are required.</p>
<p>	<label for="first_name">	First Name</abbr>	</label>	<input id="first_name" name="first_name" required	aria-required="true">
</p> </fieldset>	</form>	</article> </div>
</body> <script src=''></script>

Form Patterns - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { margin: 2em 1em; max-width: 39.625em;
article { margin: 0;
fieldset > ol > li { margin-bottom: 5em;
.form .confirm { padding-left: 0;
.note { display: block;
input, select, textarea { display: block; box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 87%;
legend { box-sizing: border-box; display: block; font-family: Clarendon, Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif; font-size: 1.143em; font-weight: bold; width: 100%; color: #5d2a07; margin-bottom: 0.375em;
.form .grouped label { font-weight: normal; color: inherit; font-size: 1em;
.reservation-times fieldset label,
.year-month-day-selects fieldset label { position: absolute; height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); /* IE6 & IE7 */ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
.year-month-day-selects fieldset label + select,
.reservation-times label + select { display: block; margin-bottom: .75em; width: 100%;
@media only screen and (min-width: 30em) { .reservation-times label + select, .year-month-day-selects fieldset label + select { display: inline; margin-bottom: 0; margin-right: .75em; width: auto; }
@media only screen and (min-width: 37.5em) { .grouped li { float: left; width: 50%; margin-bottom: .25em; } .group li:nth-child(2n+1) { clear: left; }
#content .table table { max-width: 44.714em;
.table td { text-align: center;
.table table,
.table td,
.table th { border: 0; background: transparent; color: inherit;
.table thead { border-bottom: 2px solid;
#content label input,
#content .table input { width: auto; display: inline-block;
.table td,
.table th { padding: 1em 1em 1em 0;
.validation-error-message { color: #a6342c; display: block;
.notice { border-radius: 10px; padding: 1.5em; margin: 0 0 5em;
.notice p { margin-bottom: .5em;
.notice ol { list-style-type: disc; padding-left: 1em;
.notice ol,
.notice li { margin-bottom: 0; overflow: visible;
.notice a { text-decoration: underline;
.failure { background-color: #a9211f; border-color: #831a18; color: white;
.failure a:link, .failure a:visited { color: inherit;
.confirm label,
.radios label,
.checkboxes label { margin: -1em 0; padding: 1em 0;
Form Patterns - Script Codes
Form Patterns - Script Codes
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Developer Aaron Gustafson
Username aarongustafson
Uploaded August 13, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 5,922 Kb
Views 24,288
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Aaron Gustafson (aarongustafson) Script Codes
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