Fundraising Campaign Profiles w FlexBox

5,190 Kb

How do I make an fundraising campaign profiles w flexbox?

What is a fundraising campaign profiles w flexbox? How do you make a fundraising campaign profiles w flexbox? This script and codes were developed by Vanessa Vevoda on 12 September 2022, Monday.

Fundraising Campaign Profiles w FlexBox Previews

Fundraising Campaign Profiles w FlexBox - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Fundraising Campaign Profiles w FlexBox</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div class="container--parent">	<!--<div class="container--child">	<div class="container--steps">	<section class="container--text">	<header>	<h4>	<span>Step 1</span>	<span>First, sign up for an event.</span>	</h4>	</header>	<article>	Sign up for any running, cycling, triathlon, or other athletic event. Any event of any distance at any location can count!	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">BIKE ACROSS AMERICA</a>	</button>	</section>	</div>	<div class="container--steps">	<section class="container--text">	<header>	<h4>	<span>Step 2</span>	<span>Then, choose your project</span>	</h4>	</header>	<article>	Choose a Samaritan’s Purse project or program to support. Remember: You can always give to “most needed” or purchase items from our gift catalog all year long.	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">most needed</a>	<a href="#">gift catalog</a>	</button>	</section>	</div>	<div class="container--steps">	<section class="container--text">	<header>	<h4>	<span>Step 3</span>	<span>Decide how you will collect funds</span>	</h4>	</header>	<article>	If you’re collecting funds online, set up your fundraising page.	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">go to fundraising &rarr;</a>	</button>	</section>	</div>	<div class="container--steps">	<section class="container--text">	<article>	Have fun! As you train and compete, remember to enjoy the experience and embrace the joy of the Lord.	</article>	</section>	</div>	<div class="container--steps">	<section class="container--text">	<header>	<h4>	<span>Step 4</span>	<span>Spread the Word!</span>	</h4>	</header>	<article>	Share the news with your family and friends to get them excited about your project and goals. Share your fundraising link on social media and ask people to help you spread the word. [Below are some downloadable resources to get you started... like a solicitation	letter template and a best practices list.]	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">Resource 1</a>	<a href="#">Resource 2</a>	</button>	</section>	</div>	<div class="container--steps">	<section class="container--text">	<header>	<h4>	<span>Step 6</span>	<span>Get Inspired Today</span>	</h4>	</header>	<article>	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">Check out others' campaigns! &rarr;</a>	</button>	</section>	</div>	<div class="container--steps">	<header class="part-2">	<h3>How to Raise Your Funds</h3>	<section>	<p>Share the news with your family and friends to get them excited about your project and goals. Share your fundraising link on social media and ask people to help you spread the word.</p>	<p>Below are the some resources to help you collect your funds</p>	</section>	</header>	<section class="container--text">	<header>	<h4>	<span>EXAMPLE</span>	<span>Create A Page</span>	</h4>	</header>	<article>	Create your own fundraising webpage. There, you’ll be able to describe your event and goal in details. Send the link to your friends and family so that they can donate electronically.	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">create page &rarr;</a>	</button>	</section>	<section class="container--text">	<header>	<h4>	<span>EXAMPLE</span>	<span>Collect the Money</span>	</h4>	</header>	<article>	<p>Collect the money yourself, and when you’re finished, send a check to Samaritan's Purse at the following address:	<br> P.O. Box 3000	<br> Boone, NC 28607</p>	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">?</a>	<a href="#">?</a>	</button>	</section>	<section class="container--text">	<header>	<h4>	<span>EXAMPLE</span>	<span>Tell Us About Your Campaign</span>	</h4>	</header>	<article>	Share the news with your family and friends to get them excited about your project and goals. Share your fundraising link on social media and ask people to help you spread the word.	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">facebook</a>	<a href="#">twitter</a>	</button>	</section>	</div>	</div>-->
<div class="container--bottom">
<header class="part-3">	<h3>Recent Campaigns</h3>	<section>	<p>Check out what some other people have done and be inspired below. Don't forget to come back and share yours!</p>	</section>
<div class="container--features">	<section class="container--inner athletic">	<h5 class="athletic">ATHLETIC</h5>	<article>	<img src="" />	<header>	<h4>	<span>Katie Smith</span>	</h4>	</header>	This is a short blurb about how awesome little Katie Smith used her singing talent to raise funds for a well. We can put the fundraising campaign category at the top and color code them by category. If someone wants to get ideas about fundraising done in a spec category then they can easily spot their category.	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">MORE</a>	</button>	</section>	<section class="container--inner holiday">	<article>	<h5 class="holiday">Holiday & birthday</h5>	<img src="" />	<header>	<h4>	<span>Janethine Doe</span>	</h4>	</header>	Jane was able to raise enough money to build a church in South Sudan using her birthday as a fundraising event. See how she did it!	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">MORE</a>	</button>	</section>	<section class="container--inner custom">	<article>	<h5 class="custom">HELLO</h5>	<img src="" />	<header>	<h4>	<span>Catherine Roberston</span>	</h4>	</header>	This is a short blurb about how awesome little Katie Smith used her singing talent to raise funds for SP, okay wait this is an athletic even page. Maybe we only want to feature athletic campaign profiles... up to you Chelsea. Just let me know.	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">MORE</a>	</button>	</section>	<section class="container--inner">	<article>	<img src="" />	<header>	<h4>	<span>Katie Smith</span>	</h4>	</header>	This is a short blurb about how awesome little Katie Smith used her singing talent to raise funds for SP, okay wait this is an athletic even page. Maybe we only want to feature athletic campaign profiles... up to you Chelsea. Just let me know.	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">MORE</a>	</button>	</section>	<section class="container--inner">	<article>	<img src="" />	<header>	<h4>	<span>Katie Smith</span>	</h4>	</header>	This is a short blurb about how awesome little Katie Smith used her singing talent to raise funds for SP, okay wait this is an athletic even page. Maybe we only want to feature athletic campaign profiles... up to you Chelsea. Just let me know.	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">MORE</a>	</button>	</section>	<section class="container--inner">	<article>	<img src="" />	<header>	<h4>	<span>Katie Smith</span>	</h4>	</header>	This is a short blurb about how awesome little Katie Smith used her singing talent to raise funds for SP, okay wait this is an athletic even page. Maybe we only want to feature athletic campaign profiles... up to you Chelsea. Just let me know.	</article>	<button>	<a href="#">MORE</a>	</button>	</section>

Fundraising Campaign Profiles w FlexBox - Script Codes CSS Codes

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} {	color: #FF6319;	background: rgba(255, 99, 25, .2)
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/* We tell all items to be 100% width */
.container--parent > * {	-webkit-box-flex: 1; -ms-flex: 1 100%; flex: 1 100%;
/* container--child has direct child properties of flexbox when container--parent is given parent properties */
/* container--steps has to then reset with parent properties */
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.container--steps:nth-child(7) > .container--text {	width: 25%;	margin: 0 auto;
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.container--steps:nth-child(1), .container--steps:nth-child(3) {background-color: lightcoral;}
.container--steps:nth-child(5) {background: #F0B880;}
.container--text {	width: 300px;	-webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center;	margin: 0 3%;	vertical-align: top;	/*background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);*/	padding: 0% 3%;	color: #5a5a5a;	border: 3px solid #002D56;	box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);	-webkit-transition: box-shadow .25s;	transition: box-shadow .25s;
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.container--text:last-child {	padding-bottom: 5%;
.container--bottom {	width: 100%;	max-width: 1600px;	margin: 0 auto;	padding: 0;	text-align: center;
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@media (max-width: 1000px) {	.container--inner {	min-width: 340px;	}
.container--inner img {	padding: 4% 0 0 0;	-webkit-clip-path: circle(90px at center); clip-path: circle(90px at center);	background-color: lightcoral;	-ms-flex-line-pack: stretch; align-content: stretch;	width: 200px;	height: 200px;
Fundraising Campaign Profiles w FlexBox - Script Codes
Fundraising Campaign Profiles w FlexBox - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Vanessa Vevoda
Username vanessav
Uploaded September 12, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,190 Kb
Views 32,384
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