Grided Canvas Side-Scroller Game Engine

4,366 Kb

How do I make an grided canvas side-scroller game engine?

This is something I was working on to test out Canvas as a game platform. I have loved side-scrollers since I was a kid and thought this would be a fun test.. What is a grided canvas side-scroller game engine? How do you make a grided canvas side-scroller game engine? This script and codes were developed by Charlie Volpe on 08 November 2022, Tuesday.

Grided Canvas Side-Scroller Game Engine Previews

Grided Canvas Side-Scroller Game Engine - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Grided Canvas Side-Scroller Game Engine</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="canvas-wrapper"> <canvas id="canvas" width="2000" height="1200"></canvas>
<!--<div class="touch-controls clearfix"> <div id="left" class="touch-button">A - Left</div> <div id="up" class="touch-button">W - Up</div> <div id="down" class="touch-button">S - Down</div> <div id="right" class="touch-button">D - Right</div>
<p id="info">Use 'WASD' for movement on computer.<br>Currently can't be controlled by touch - I will update this as I go.</p> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Grided Canvas Side-Scroller Game Engine - Script Codes CSS Codes

* This is a project to test out Canvas as a game engine.
* This is a work in progress... I will be adding to it...
* Feel free to use the code but please give me credit.
* Created by Charlie Volpe --
* - Make camera flip smoother...
* - Camera follow should follow up and down as well...
* - Add in Touch Controls for Phone...
* - Add textures
* - Add animation
* - Do inline TODO's
* - Make game out of this engine
.clearfix:after { visibility: hidden; display: block; font-size: 0; content: " "; clear: both; height: 0; }
.clearfix { display: inline-block; }
* html .clearfix { height: 1%; }
.clearfix { display: block; }
#canvas-wrapper { width: 90%;
#canvas{ width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 2em 5%; border: 2px solid #333;
#info { text-align: center; padding: 0 5%;
.touch-controls { width: 90%; margin: 0 auto;
.touch-button { cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box; color: white; font-size: 1.5em; float: left; width: 25%; text-align: center; background: #ababab; padding: 1.5em 0; border: .5em solid white; border-radius: 1em;
.touch-button:hover { background: #202020;

Grided Canvas Side-Scroller Game Engine - Script Codes JS Codes

// Init Canvas Setup
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Init Grid Setup
var columns = 40;
var rows = 12;
var gridView = {"x":0,"y":0,"width":20,"height":12};
var unitSize = Math.floor(canvas.width/ gridView["width"]);
// Function that extends a parent class
function extend( ChildClass, ParentClass) { ChildClass.prototype = new ParentClass(); ChildClass.prototype.constructor = ChildClass;
// Init Grid Unit
var Unit = function() { this.type = 'void'; this.color = '#34abfa'; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.w = 1; this.h = 1;
// Create Unit Methods
Unit.prototype = { getType:function() { return this.color; }, setType:function(str) { this.type = str; }, getColor:function() { return this.color; }, setColor:function(str) { this.color = str; }, getX:function() { return this.x; }, setX:function(i) { this.x = i; }, getY:function() { return this.y; }, setY:function(i) { this.y = i; }, getW:function() { return this.w; }, setW:function(i) { this.w = i; }, getH:function() { return this.h; }, setH:function(i) { this.h = i; }
// Init Player Unit
var Player = function() { this.type = 'player'; this.color = '#f7f7f7'; this.x = 0; this.y = 5; this.h = 2;
// Init Ground Unit
var Ground = function() { this.type = 'solid'; this.color = '#bf8028';
// Init Ladder Unit
var Ladder = function() { this.type = 'climb'; this.color = '#ababab';
// Extend Classes
extend(Player, Unit);
extend(Ground, Unit);
extend(Ladder, Unit);
// Unit DrawSelf Method
Unit.prototype.drawSelf = function(gridView) { context.fillStyle = this.color; var unitXPos = (this.x - gridView["x"]) * unitSize; var unitYPos = (this.y - gridView["y"]) * unitSize; var unitWidth = this.w * unitSize; var unitHeight = this.h * unitSize; context.fillRect(unitXPos, unitYPos, unitWidth, unitHeight);
// Build a Blank Grid
function buildInitGrid(columns, rows) { var grid = []; for( var i=0; i<columns; i++ ) { var row = []; for( var j=0; j<rows; j++ ) { var unit = new Unit(); unit.setX(i); unit.setY(j); row.push(unit); } grid.push(row); } return grid;
// Push a List of Objects to the Grid -- Static only, not Player...
function pushToGrid(grid, objs) { objs.forEach(function(obj) { for( var i=0; i<obj.getW(); i++ ) { for( var j=0; j<obj.getH(); j++) { grid[obj.x + i][obj.y + j] = obj; } } })
// Draws Every Individual Grid Unit
function drawGrid(grid) { grid.forEach(function(r) { r.forEach(function(c) { c.drawSelf(gridView); }); });
// Instantiate Grid, Player and Objects
var gameGrid = buildInitGrid(columns, rows);
var player = new Player();
var ground1 = new Ground();
var ladder1 = new Ladder();
// Init Objects List and Push Objects to it
var gameObjs = [];
// Push List to Grid
pushToGrid(gameGrid, gameObjs);
// Checks if Player Will Collide on Next Move
function checkCollide(direction) { var collide = false; // Check collide left if( player.x > 0 && direction == "left") { // TODO: Loop Thru Height if( gameGrid[player.x - 1][player.y].type == "solid" || gameGrid[player.x - 1][player.y + (player.h - 1)].type == "solid") { collide = true; } } // Check collide right else if( player.x < columns -1 && direction == "right"){ // TODO: Loop Thru Height if( gameGrid[player.x + 1][player.y].type == "solid" || gameGrid[player.x + 1][player.y + (player.h - 1)].type == "solid") { collide = true; } } return collide;
// Draw Function That is Called When There is a Change
function draw() { context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); drawGrid(gameGrid); player.drawSelf(gridView);
// Call Draw Once to Have it Blit to the Screen Initially
// KeyStrokes
$(function () { $(document).keydown(function (e) { var initialPlayerX = player.x; var initialPlayerY = player.y; // 'a' keycode if( e.keyCode == 65 ) { if( player.x > 0 && !checkCollide("left") ) { // Player movement player.setX(initialPlayerX - 1); // Camera movement if( gridView["x"] != 0 ) { if( player.x == (gridView["x"] + gridView["width"]) - 6) { gridView["x"]--; } else if( player.x < (gridView["x"] + gridView["width"]) - 6) { if( player.x < gridView["width"] - 5) { gridView["x"] = 0; } else { gridView["x"] = player.x - (gridView["width"] - 5); } } } } } // 'w' keycode else if( e.keyCode == 87) { if( gameGrid[player.x][player.y +(player.h -1)].type == "climb") { player.setY(initialPlayerY - 1); } } // 's' keycode else if( e.keyCode == 83) { var belowPlayer = gameGrid[player.x][(player.y + player.h)]; if( (player.y + player.h) < rows ) { if( belowPlayer.type == 'climb' ) { player.setY(player.y + 1); } } } // 'd' keycode else if( e.keyCode == 68 ) { if( player.x < ( columns - 1) && !checkCollide("right") ) { // Player movement player.setX(initialPlayerX + 1); // Camera movement if( (gridView["x"] + gridView["width"]) < columns ) { if( player.x == gridView["x"] + 5) { gridView["x"]++; } else if( player.x > gridView["x"] + 5) { if( player.x + (gridView["width"] - 4) > columns) { gridView["x"] = columns - gridView["width"]; } else { gridView["x"] = player.x - 4; } } } } } // 'spacebar' keycode else if( e.keyCode == 32) { } // Draws Every Time There is a Keydown Event draw(); });
$(document).mouseup(function() { clearInterval(timeout_left); clearInterval(timeout_right); clearInterval(timeout_up); return false;
// Update Function Set to 24 Frames a Second
setInterval( function() { update();
}, 1000/24);
// Called Every Frame
function update() { // Checks if the Player Should Be Falling var belowPlayer = gameGrid[player.x][(player.y + player.h)]; if( (player.y + player.h) < rows ) { if( belowPlayer.type == 'void' ) { player.setY(player.y + 1); draw(); } }
Grided Canvas Side-Scroller Game Engine - Script Codes
Grided Canvas Side-Scroller Game Engine - Script Codes
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Developer Charlie Volpe
Username charlie-volpe
Uploaded November 08, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,366 Kb
Views 6,072
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Charlie Volpe (charlie-volpe) Script Codes
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