Simple Blackjack Game

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How do I make an simple blackjack game?

Try to get as close to 21 without going over as well as getting higher than the computer.Number cards = face value.. What is a simple blackjack game? How do you make a simple blackjack game? This script and codes were developed by Charlie Volpe on 08 November 2022, Tuesday.

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Simple Blackjack Game - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Simple Blackjack Game</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div class="container"> <div id='cash'>Cash: $1000</div> <div id='bet'>Bet: $100</div> <div class='changeBet clearfix'> <div id='subBet' class='lil button'>-</div> <div id='placeBet' class='big button'>Place Bet</div> <div id='addBet' class='lil button last'>+</div> </div> <div class='hide buttons clearfix'> <div id='playHit' class='button'>Hit</div> <div id='playStay' class='button last'>Stay</div> </div> <div class='fullbar clearfix'> <div id='reset' class='hide button'>Next Round</div> <div id='startover' class='hide button'>Start Over</div> </div> <div class='title clearfix'> <div class='player'>Player:</div> <div class='computer'>Computer:</div> </div> <div id='gameBoard' class='clearfix'> <div class='player-section card-section'></div><div class='computer-section card-section'></div> </div>
</div> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Simple Blackjack Game - Script Codes CSS Codes

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.title div { float: left; width: 50%;
.result { text-align: center; font-size: 5rem;
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Simple Blackjack Game - Script Codes JS Codes

var cash = 1000;
var bet = 100;
var faces = ['A','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','J','Q','K'];
var suits = ['Diamonds','Clubs','Hearts','Spades'];
function card(name, face, suit, value) { = name; this.face = face; this.suit = suit; this.value = value;
var deck = [];
function shuffleDeck() { deck = []; for(var i = 0; i<faces.length; i++) { for(var j = 0; j<suits.length; j++) { var temp; if(i > 9) { temp = new card(faces[i] + ' of ' + suits[j], faces[i], suits[j], 10); } else { temp = new card(faces[i] + ' of ' + suits[j], faces[i], suits[j], i + 1); } deck.push(temp); } }
function hand() { this.player = 'none'; = []; this.value = 0;
function startGame() { playerHand = new hand(); computerHand = new hand(); playerHand.player = 'player'; computerHand.player = 'computer'; startingHand(); showValue(); if( playerHand.value == 21) { win(); $('.buttons').addClass('hide'); $('#reset').removeClass('hide'); if(deck.length < 10) { shuffleDeck(); } }
function startingHand() { for( var i = 0; i<2; i++) { hit(playerHand); } computerHit();
function computerHit() { hit(computerHand); showCompValue();
function showValue() { $('#gameBoard').append('<div class="player-value">' + playerHand.value.toString() + '</div'); if(playerHand.value > 21){ $('#gameBoard').append('<div class="player-value">You Bust!</div'); showCompValue(); computerTurn(); $('.buttons').addClass('hide'); }
function showCompValue() { $('#gameBoard').append('<div class="computer-value">' + computerHand.value.toString() + '</div'); if(computerHand.value > 21){ $('#gameBoard').append('<div class="computer-value">Computer Bust!</div'); }
function addCards(addHand) { var total = 0; var list = []; for( var i = 0; i <; i++) { if([i].face != 'A' ) { list.unshift([i]); } else { list.push([i]); } } for( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if( list[i].face != 'A' ) { total += list[i].value; } else { if( total < 11) { total += 11; } else { total += 1; } } } return total;
function buildCard( buildPlayer, buildColor, buildFace, buildSuit, buildHand ) { var str = '<div class="single-left '; str = str.concat(buildColor); str = str.concat('"><div class="facevalue">'); str = str.concat(buildFace); str = str.concat('</div><div class="facetype">'); str = str.concat(buildSuit); str = str.concat('</div></div>'); if(buildPlayer == 'player') { $('.player-section').append( str ); if( == 1) { $('.player-section .single-left').addClass('first'); } } else { $('.computer-section').append( str ); if( == 1) { $('.computer-section .single-left').addClass('first'); } }
function hit(hitHand) { var num = Math.floor((Math.random() * (deck.length - 1))); var temp = deck[num];; hitHand.value = addCards(hitHand); playSound('hit'); if( deck[num].suit == "Diamonds" ) { if( hitHand.player == 'player') { buildCard('player', 'red', deck[num].face, '&diams;', hitHand ); } else { buildCard('computer', 'red', deck[num].face, '&diams;', hitHand ); } } if( deck[num].suit == "Clubs" ) { if( hitHand.player == 'player') { buildCard('player', 'black', deck[num].face, '&clubs;', hitHand ); } else { buildCard('computer', 'black', deck[num].face, '&clubs;', hitHand ); } } if( deck[num].suit == "Hearts" ) { if( hitHand.player == 'player') { buildCard('player', 'red', deck[num].face, '&hearts;', hitHand ); } else { buildCard('computer', 'red', deck[num].face, '&hearts;', hitHand ); } } if( deck[num].suit == "Spades" ) { if( hitHand.player == 'player') { buildCard('player', 'black', deck[num].face, '&spades;', hitHand ); } else { buildCard('computer', 'black', deck[num].face, '&spades;', hitHand ); } } deck.splice(num,1);
function computerTurn() { if(playerHand.value < 22) { if(computerHand.value < 17) { computerHit(); computerTurn(); } else { checkScore(); } } else { checkScore(); }
function updateCashBet() { $('#cash').text('Cash: $' + cash.toString()); $('#bet').text('Bet: $' + bet.toString());
function win() { $('#gameBoard').append('<div class="result">You win $' + bet.toString() + '!</div'); cash += bet; updateCashBet(); playSound('win');
function draw() { $('#gameBoard').append('<div class="result">You Draw!</div'); playSound('draw');
function lose() { $('#gameBoard').append('<div class="result">You lose $' + bet.toString() + '!</div'); cash -= bet; updateCashBet(); if( cash < bet ) { bet = 100; } playSound('lose');
function checkScore() { if(playerHand.value < 22) { if(playerHand.value > computerHand.value) { win(); } else { if(computerHand.value < 22) { if(computerHand.value == playerHand.value) { draw(); } else { lose(); } } } if(computerHand.value > 21) { win(); } } else{ lose(); } if( cash > 0) { $('#reset').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('#gameBoard').append('<div class="result">Game Over!</div>'); $('#startover').removeClass('hide'); } if(deck.length < 10) { shuffleDeck(); }
function reset() { $('#gameBoard').text(''); $('#gameBoard').append('<div class="player-section card-section"></div><div class="computer-section card-section"></div>'); updateCashBet(); $('.changeBet').removeClass('hide');
function startover() { cash = 1000; bet = 100; updateCashBet(); shuffleDeck(); reset();
$('#playHit').click(function() { hit(playerHand); showValue();
$('#playStay').click(function() { computerHit(); computerTurn(); $('.buttons').addClass('hide');
$('#addBet').click(function() { if(bet < cash) { bet += 100; updateCashBet(); }
$('#subBet').click(function() { if(bet > 100) { bet -= 100; updateCashBet(); }
$('#placeBet').click(function() { $('.changeBet').addClass('hide'); $('.buttons').removeClass('hide'); startGame();
$('#reset').click(function() { $('#reset').addClass('hide'); reset();
$('#startover').click(function() { $('#startover').addClass('hide'); startover();
// Sounds found on
function playSound( sound ) { if( sound == 'win' ) { var audio = new Audio(''); audio.volume = .3; } if( sound == 'draw' ) { var audio = new Audio(''); audio.volume = .3; } if( sound == 'lose' ) { var audio = new Audio(''); audio.volume = .3; } if( sound == 'hit' ) { var audio = new Audio(''); audio.volume = .05; };
Simple Blackjack Game - Script Codes
Simple Blackjack Game - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Charlie Volpe
Username charlie-volpe
Uploaded November 08, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,463 Kb
Views 46,552
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Charlie Volpe (charlie-volpe) Script Codes
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