GSAP - Fun with Cycle and Bezier 2

4,195 Kb

How do I make an gsap - fun with cycle and bezier 2?

What is a gsap - fun with cycle and bezier 2? How do you make a gsap - fun with cycle and bezier 2? This script and codes were developed by Pedro Tavares on 01 December 2022, Thursday.

GSAP - Fun with Cycle and Bezier 2 Previews

GSAP - Fun with Cycle and Bezier 2 - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>GSAP - Fun with Cycle and Bezier 2</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='css/rwxpbb.css'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="container" class="container"> <svg id="particles"></svg>
</div> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

GSAP - Fun with Cycle and Bezier 2 - Script Codes CSS Codes

/* **************************************** */
/* Default CSS styles being imported from:
/* **************************************** */
.container { padding: 0;
/* ****************** */
/* Notes and reminders
/* ****************** */
/* ****************** */
/* Local CSS styling
/* ****************** */
svg { margin: 0; display: block; width: 100%; height: 600px;

GSAP - Fun with Cycle and Bezier 2 - Script Codes JS Codes

var container = document.getElementById("container");
var holder = document.getElementById("particles");
var hW = container.offsetWidth;
var hH = container.offsetHeight;
var particles = [];
var ttlParticles = 126;
var minSize = 2;
var maxSize = 20;
var hue = 0;
var hueStep = 360 / ttlParticles;
// Create a bunch of circles to animate
for(var i=0; i < ttlParticles; i++) { var dot = document.createElementNS(holder.namespaceURI, 'ellipse'); // Place all the dots at the center of the SVG dot.setAttribute('cx',(hW*0.5)); dot.setAttribute('cy',(hH*0.5)); // Initial radius of the elipse does not matter, is only a placeholder dot.setAttribute('rx',10); dot.setAttribute('ry',10); // Give each a random color dot.setAttribute('fill', getColor()); dot.setAttribute('class', 'dot'); // Add the circle into an array for later manipulation particles.push(dot); // Then add it to the holder SVG holder.appendChild(dot);
// Reorder the circles, so that the ones that are on top (created last) animate first
// Move each particle
var tl = new TimelineLite({onComplete:loop});
function buildTL() { tl.add("Start") // We have to set the radius to 0 right at the start .set('.dot', {attr:{rx:0, ry:0}}) // Go somewhere random from the center .staggerTo(particles, 1, { ease:Power4.easeInOut, transformOrigin:"center", autoAlpha:1, rotation:"+=720", cycle:{ x:function() { return randomFloat(-(hW*0.5 - 20), (hW*0.5 - 20)); }, y:function() { return randomFloat(-(hH*0.5 - 20), (hH*0.5 - 20)); }, attr:function() { return getRadius(); } } }, 0.01, "Start") .add("DotsOut") // Now, go back to the center .staggerTo('.dot', 6, { ease:Power2.easeInOut, transformOrigin:"center", cycle:{ bezier:getBezierArray(Math.ceil(randomFloat(3,9))) } }, 0.05, "DotsOut") .staggerTo('.dot', 1, { ease:Power2.easeInOut, attr:{ry:2} }, 0.05, "DotsOut") .staggerTo('.dot', 6, { ease:Power2.easeIn, attr:{rx:2}, }, 0.05, "DotsOut" ) .add("End") // A little flourish at the end .staggerTo('.dot', 1, { attr:{ rx:0, ry:0 }, cycle:{ ease:function(i) { return Back.easeIn.config(i*2); } } }, 0.01, "End") .staggerTo('.dot', 0.9, { autoAlpha:0, ease:Power2.easeOut }, 0.008, "End" )
/* Timeline related functions */
function loop() { // Kill the timeline, erasing all values and callback, ready for garbage collection tl.kill(); // Rebuild the animation so we can have a different motion at every repeat buildTL();
/* Helpers */
function getRadius() { var value = randomFloat(minSize, maxSize); return { rx: value, ry: value }
function getBezierArray(num) { // return an array that contains an array that contains a number of objects var bezierArr = []; for( var i=0; i < num; i++ ) { var obj = { curviness:1.25, autoRotate:true, values:getBezierPoints(randomFloat(3,6)) } bezierArr.push(obj); } return bezierArr;
function getBezierPoints(num) { var bezierPoints = []; for(var i=0; i < num; i++) { var bezierObj = { x:randomFloat(-(hW*0.5), (hW*0.5)), y:randomFloat(-(hH*0.5), (hH*0.5)) }; bezierPoints.push(bezierObj); } // At the end, move the dots back to their starting point bezierPoints.push({x:0, y:0}); return bezierPoints;
function randomFloat(min, max) { return min + Math.random()*(max-min);
function getColor() { var color = 'hsla(' + hue + ', 50%, 45%, 1)'; hue += hueStep; // console.log(color, " ", hueStep); return color;
GSAP - Fun with Cycle and Bezier 2 - Script Codes
GSAP - Fun with Cycle and Bezier 2 - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Pedro Tavares
Username dipscom
Uploaded December 01, 2022
Rating 4
Size 4,195 Kb
Views 10,120
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