Headlander Title Animation

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How do I make an headlander title animation?

I really liked the title animation for Headlander by Double Fine, so I decided to try and recreate it with all SVG. See http://www.headlander.com/ for more info about the game. (Disclaimer: I have no connection to the game or game studio. I just thought it looked neat.). What is a headlander title animation? How do you make a headlander title animation? This script and codes were developed by Chris Johnson on 01 October 2022, Saturday.

Headlander Title Animation Previews

Headlander Title Animation - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Headlander Title Animation</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/normalize/5.0.0/normalize.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <!-- Logo and animation belong to Cartoon Network (Adult Swim), made by Double Fine game studio -- all I did was replicate it -->
<svg class="starfield" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 400 300" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"> <defs> <radialGradient id="starGradient" fx="50%" fy="50%" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#de393e" stop-opacity="1" /> <stop offset="30%" stop-color="#de393e" stop-opacity="0.9" /> <stop offset="50%" stop-color="#de393e" stop-opacity="0.6" /> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#000" stop-opacity="0" /> </radialGradient> <circle id="star" cx="200" cy="120" r="4" fill="url(#starGradient)" /> </defs>
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<feComponentTransfer result="SmearLeftGreen"> <feFuncR type="linear" slope="0" /> <feFuncG type="linear" slope="1.0" /> <feFuncB type="linear" slope="0" /> </feComponentTransfer> <feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="8" /> <feOffset dx="-12" dy="17" /> <feComponentTransfer result="SmearDownLeftRed"> <feFuncR type="linear" slope="0.8" /> <feFuncG type="linear" slope="0" /> <feFuncB type="linear" slope="0" /> </feComponentTransfer> <feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="6" /> <feOffset dx="12" dy="-17" /> <feComponentTransfer result="SmearUpRightGreen"> <feFuncR type="linear" slope="0" /> <feFuncG type="linear" slope="0.5" /> <feFuncB type="linear" slope="0" /> </feComponentTransfer> <feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="5" /> <feOffset dx="-15" dy="-15" /> <feComponentTransfer result="SmearUpLeftBlue"> <feFuncR type="linear" slope="0" /> <feFuncG type="linear" slope="0" /> <feFuncB type="linear" slope="0.5" /> </feComponentTransfer> <feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="7" /> <feOffset dx="15" dy="10" /> <feComponentTransfer result="SmearDownRightBlue"> <feFuncR type="linear" slope="0" /> <feFuncG type="linear" slope="0" /> <feFuncB type="linear" slope="0.5" /> </feComponentTransfer> <feBlend in="SmearUpLeftBlue" in2="SmearDownRightBlue" mode="lighten" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB" /> <feBlend in2="SmearDownLeftRed" mode="lighten" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB" /> <feBlend in2="SmearUpRightGreen" mode="lighten" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB" /> <feBlend in2="SmearRightRed" mode="lighten" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB" /> <feBlend in2="SmearLeftGreen" mode="lighten" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB" result="Smears" /> <feComposite in="MainGlow" in2="Smears" operator="over" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB" /> </filter> <path id="shimmerPath" fill="#ffffff" d="m 0,39.7 C 3.2,2.3 3.2,2.3 35,0 3.2,-2.3 3.2,-2.3 0,-39.7 -3.2,-2.3 -3.2,-2.3 -35,0 -3.2,2.3 -3.2,2.3 0 39.7 Z" filter="url(#shimmerGlow)" /> <filter id="shimmerGlow" x="0" y="0"> <feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" out="glow" stdDeviation="12" /> <feComposite in="glow" in2="SourceGraphic" operator="over" /> </filter> </defs> </svg> <svg class="title-top head" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="490" height="153" viewBox="-10 -10 490 153"> <g filter="url('#headBlur')"> <path d="m 79.001,3.001 c 2,1.083 3.833,4.667 3.667,10.083 -0.18,5.84 -2.13,38.25 -2.13,38.25 l -21.537,0 c 0,0 1.667,-32.5 2,-36.167 C 61.334,11.5 62.834,5.5 67.168,3 62.668,3 11.501,3 11.501,3 15.084,5.667 16.04,9.476 15.584,14.333 14.912,21.5 6.757,113.567 5.917,120.916 5.412,125.334 3.834,130.833 0,132.999 c 0,0 47.333,0 57.5,0 -1.833,-1.167 -4.396,-3.989 -4,-8.333 0.42,-4.617 2.75,-42.25 2.75,-42.25 l 22.084,0 c 0,0 -1.833,36.5 -2.5,40.667 -0.667,4.167 -2.083,7.583 -5.5,9.917 0,0 52.333,0 57.333,0 -1.5,-1.167 -4.667,-5.667 -4.333,-9.5 0.334,-3.833 4.917,-105.333 5.083,-108.833 0.166,-3.5 1.417,-8.833 5.417,-11.666 0,0 -42.333,0 -54.833,0 z" /> <path d="m 442.418,18.609 c -17,-14.667 -34.499,-18.146 -48.083,-18.146 -13.584,0 -27.834,4.053 -33.75,4.146 -5.334,0.083 -10.918,-1.917 -13.084,-4.146 0,5.146 4.416,94.396 4.416,94.396 L 310.119,3.098 c 0,0 -52.118,0 -54.368,0 3.5,1.177 4.166,4.761 4.166,5.927 0,1.166 -0.166,3.583 -0.833,5.25 -0.667,1.667 -34.25,82 -34.25,82 l -40.667,0 0,-15.583 c 0,0 13.046,0 16.167,0 3.121,0 9.211,1.792 10.75,2.917 0,-2.667 0,-35.083 0,-35.083 -1.167,2 -8.287,2.417 -10.417,2.417 -2.13,0 -15.583,0 -15.583,0 l 0,-13.251 c 0,0 15.25,0 23.333,0 5.654,0 17.083,1.583 18.167,3.75 0,-2.833 0.083,-38.417 0.083,-38.417 l -89.083,0 c 3.167,1.75 4.833,5.667 4.667,9.25 -0.093,2 -4.083,106.25 -4.417,110.083 -0.334,3.833 -1.916,8.75 -4.833,10.583 7.37,0 161,0 161,0 -2.417,-1.083 -5.083,-7.166 -5.083,-10.917 0,-2.418 -0.084,-25.667 -0.084,-25.667 l -16.666,0 15.166,-53.915 c 0,0 24.75,76.5 25.5,78.917 0.75,2.417 1.583,9.833 -0.333,11.583 3.287,0 87.084,0 94.917,0 7.833,0 24.417,-2.083 38.333,-13.333 13.916,-11.25 23.334,-25.25 23.334,-48.583 0,-20.501 -9.667,-37.751 -26.667,-52.417 z m -25.751,67.25 c -5.369,5.167 -12.583,6.083 -20,6.083 -0.084,-1.833 -3.166,-53.083 -3.166,-53.083 2.667,0 15.25,0.083 21.833,6.667 6.583,6.584 9.333,14.25 9.333,22.167 0,7.917 -2.631,12.999 -8,18.166 z" /> </g> </svg> <svg class="title-bottom ander" style="overflow:visible" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="935" height="306" viewBox="0 0 935 306"> <defs> <clipPath id="ander-reveal"> <rect id="ander-reveal-shape" x="147" y="-5" width="700" height="160" /> </clipPath> <mask id="ander-writer-mask"> <!-- JS will copy path as mask here --> </mask> </defs> <g id="ander-text-shape" clip-path="url(#ander-reveal)"> <path d="m 779.764,151.005 c 0,0 58.417,0 62.167,0 -3.865,-1.734 -7.438,-10.423 -8.059,-15.391 C 832.19,122.145 826.228,110.609 819.44,102.02 813.315,94.27 799.86,83.553 795.487,82.759 799.815,79.145 805.575,68.645 805.69,55.27 805.815,40.77 800.065,28.895 786.898,16.187 774.475,4.197 754.19,1.354 739.44,1.354 c -21.875,0 -25.124,4.333 -35.708,4.333 -6.917,0 -12.084,-1.917 -14.167,-4.333 0,0.667 11.56,136.083 11.625,138.583 0.125,4.75 -1.833,9.792 -4.438,11.083 0,0 58.6,0 62.042,0 -2.104,-0.834 -5.771,-6.124 -6.229,-9.749 -0.325,-2.574 -3.75,-28.876 -3.917,-34.459 3.5,0.667 9.565,1.346 21.334,9.584 10,7 13.911,18.625 13.911,22.666 10e-4,4.335 -1.796,11.276 -4.129,11.943 z M 757.649,64.688 c -3.916,3.417 -8.959,3.292 -13.125,3.292 l -2.791,-26.375 c 5.259,0.03 11.739,1.007 15.375,4.333 3.916,3.583 4.792,7.667 4.792,10.25 0,2.583 -0.335,5.083 -4.251,8.5 z" /> <path d="m 664.566,108.855 c -3.5,0 -25.917,0 -25.917,0 l -1,-17.334 c 0,0 10.833,0 15.5,0 4.667,0 12.083,1.583 12.667,3 -0.166,-2.167 -2.583,-37.667 -2.75,-39.167 -1.25,2.042 -9.625,2.667 -13.583,2.667 -2.75,0 -13.834,0 -13.834,0 l -1.166,-15.333 c 0,0 14.082,0 21.416,0 7.334,0 20.834,2.167 22.667,4.333 -0.25,-4.25 -3.333,-43.083 -3.333,-43.083 l -95.479,0 c 3.313,1.458 6.25,6.208 6.562,11.211 0.213,3.412 1.438,30.497 1.438,32.247 -5.5,-10.583 -9.771,-19.292 -25.604,-31.625 -3.996,-3.112 -9.829,-6.982 -18.25,-10.167 -7.13,-2.696 -16.493,-4.992 -24.249,-4.992 -13.896,0 -30.27,5.069 -37.148,5.069 -4.561,0 -10.811,-1.224 -14.061,-4.599 l 0.063,107.563 -15.063,0 c 0,0 -0.125,-86.25 0,-92.188 0.125,-5.938 3.375,-11.5 5.875,-12.375 -4,0 -55.999,0 -57.062,0 2.063,0.75 5.312,7.063 5.25,10.938 -0.062,3.875 -1.5,60.25 -1.5,60.25 l -41.813,-71.188 -49.958,0 c 2.625,1.063 5.542,6.396 5.417,10.396 -0.125,4 -5.771,96.167 -5.771,96.167 L 279.13,4.082 c 0,0 -57.125,0 -57.563,0 2.688,0.938 4.75,5.938 3.063,9.688 -1.687,3.75 -68,137.188 -68,137.188 0,0 89.813,0 90.875,0 -2.5,-1 -4.563,-6.25 -4.375,-10.625 0.188,-4.375 2.188,-30.313 2.313,-31.5 -3.313,0 -16.875,0 -16.875,0 l 21.917,-61.479 c 0,0 16.354,83.229 17.417,88.167 1.063,4.938 0.75,13 -2.646,15.5 3.875,0 100.875,0 100.875,0 -2.813,-2 -5.146,-8 -5,-12.125 0.201,-5.686 2.604,-66.625 2.604,-66.625 l 42.785,78.75 c 0,0 90.796,0.017 114.296,0 21.919,-0.016 36.708,-8.209 45.875,-15.125 9.167,-6.916 17.291,-15.624 23.958,-34.208 0.25,14.166 1.084,32.833 1.334,37 0.25,4.167 -2,10.833 -4.5,12.25 4.952,0 99.708,0.067 99.708,0.067 l -4,-45.984 c -1.5,2.25 -12.75,3.834 -18.625,3.834 z M 547.15,75.688 c -0.416,10.917 -4,16.833 -10.25,22.083 -6.25,5.25 -12.25,6.75 -20.584,6.75 l -1.083,-60.833 c 8.5,0 17.167,3.083 22,7.833 4.833,4.75 10.333,13.25 9.917,24.167 z" /> </g> <g filter="url(#writerEffect)"> <rect id="ander-writer-rect" fill="#ffffff" x="345" y="0" height="155" width="70" mask="url(#ander-writer-mask)" /> </g> </svg> <svg class="title-bottom letter-l" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="935" height="306" viewBox="0 0 935 306"> <defs> <clipPath id="letter-l-reveal"> <polygon id="letter-l-reveal-shape" x="-990" y="-9" points="30,-9 1020,-9 885,221 30,221" /> </clipPath> <mask id="letter-l-writer-mask"> <!-- JS will copy path as mask here --> </mask> </defs> <g id="letter-l-shape" clip-path="url(#letter-l-reveal)"> <path d="m 50.406,209.974 834.316,0 C 872.04,185.587 861.925,166.146 861.925,166.146 l -733.026,0 c 0,0 73.917,-146.292 76.083,-150.875 2.166,-4.583 6.166,-9.459 9.812,-11.25 0,0 -65.12,0 -65.729,0 3.844,1.016 5.292,5.793 4,9.418 -0.792,2.227 -58.361,112.098 -102.659,196.535 z" /> </g> <g filter="url(#writerEffect)"> <path id="letter-l-writer-rect" fill="#ffffff" d="m 161,-45 78,0 -20,47 -71,0 z" mask="url(#letter-l-writer-mask)" /> </g> </svg> <svg class="title-stripes stripe-1" style="overflow:visible" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="935" height="306" viewBox="0 0 935 306"> <defs> <clipPath id="stripe-1-reveal"> <rect id="stripe-1-reveal-shape" x="33" y="204" width="869" height="34" /> </clipPath> </defs> <path clip-path="url(#stripe-1-reveal)" d="m 896.748,233.099 c -4.104,-7.895 -8.183,-15.736 -12.025,-23.125 l -834.317,0 c -4.182,7.972 -8.247,15.719 -12.134,23.125 l 858.476,0 z" /> </svg> <svg class="title-stripes stripe-2" style="overflow:visible" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="935" height="306" viewBox="0 0 935 306"> <defs> <clipPath id="stripe-2-reveal"> <rect id="stripe-2-reveal-shape" x="21" y="227" width="892" height="34" /> </clipPath> </defs> <path clip-path="url(#stripe-2-reveal)" d="m 908.736,256.162 c -3.899,-7.503 -7.972,-15.337 -12.021,-23.125 l -858.41,0 c -4.288,8.172 -8.359,15.928 -12.137,23.125 l 882.568,0 z" /> </svg> <svg class="title-stripes stripe-3" style="overflow:visible" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="935" height="306" viewBox="0 0 935 306"> <defs> <clipPath id="stripe-3-reveal"> <rect id="stripe-3-reveal-shape" x="9" y="250" width="917" height="34" /> </clipPath> </defs> <path clip-path="url(#stripe-3-reveal)" d="m 920.751,279.287 c -3.609,-6.95 -7.703,-14.828 -12.015,-23.125 l -882.568,0 c -4.511,8.594 -8.604,16.39 -12.14,23.125 l 906.723,0 z" /> </svg> <svg class="title-stripes stripe-4" style="overflow:visible" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="935" height="306" viewBox="0 0 935 306"> <defs> <clipPath id="stripe-4-reveal"> <rect id="stripe-4-reveal-shape" x="-5" y="274" width="945" height="37" /> </clipPath> </defs> <path clip-path="url(#stripe-4-reveal)" d="m 0,306 c 3.771,-1.417 28.223,-3.604 40.223,-3.604 12,0 835.92,0 850.712,0 12.001,0 42.091,1.501 43.653,3.604 -0.38,-0.783 -5.945,-11.519 -13.837,-26.714 l -906.723,0 C 5.341,295.832 0,306 0,306 Z" /> </svg> <svg class="title-shimmers" style="overflow:visible" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="935" height="306" viewBox="0 0 935 306"> <use class="stationary-shimmer-1" x="257" y="22" xlink:href="#shimmerPath" /> <use class="stationary-shimmer-2" x="696" y="57" xlink:href="#shimmerPath" /> <use class="stationary-shimmer-3" x="759" y="158" xlink:href="#shimmerPath" /> <use class="moving-shimmer" x="147" y="183" xlink:href="#shimmerPath" /> <!-- <use class="moving-shimmer-point-1" x="147" y="183" xlink:href="#shimmerPath" /> --> <!-- <use class="moving-shimmer-point-2" x="43" y="363" xlink:href="#shimmerPath" /> --> <!-- <use class="moving-shimmer-point-3" x="884" y="363" xlink:href="#shimmerPath" /> --> </svg> <div class="credits"> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/168886/logo-double-fine.png" alt="Double Fine" /> <p>&</p> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/168886/logo-adult-swim-games.png" alt="Adult Swim Games" /> </div> <div class="shameless-plug"> <p>Animation inadequately reproduced by </p> <h2>Chris Johnson</h2> <h3 class="twitter-contact"> <svg class="twitter-logo" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 300.00006 244.18703" width="40" height="30"> <path fill="#1da1f2" d="m 94.7,243.2 c 112.5,0 174,-93.2 174,-174 0,-2.6 -0,-5.3 -0.2,-7.9 11.9,-8.6 22.3,-19.4 30.5,-31.7 -11,4.9 -22.7,8.1 -35.1,9.6 12.6,-7.6 22.3,-19.5 26.9,-33.8 -11.8,7 -24.9,12.1 -38.8,14.8 -11.2,-11.9 -27.0,-19.3 -44.6,-19.3 -33.8,0 -61.1,27.4 -61.1,61.1 0,4.8 0.5,9.5 1.6,13.9 -50.8,-2.6 -95.9,-26.9 -126,-63.9 -5.3,9 -8.3,19.5 -8.3,30.7 0,21.2 10.8,39.9 27.2,50.9 -10,-0.3 -19.5,-3.1 -27.7,-7.6 0,0.3 0,0.5 0,0.8 0,29.6 21.1,54.3 49.1,59.9 -5.1,1.4 -10.5,2.2 -16.1,2.2 -3.9,0 -7.8,-0.4 -11.5,-1.1 7.8,24.3 30.4,42 57.1,42.5 -20.9,16.4 -47.3,26.2 -75.9,26.2 -4.9,0 -9.8,-0.3 -14.6,-0.8 27.1,17.3 59.2,27.5 93.7,27.5" /> </svg> jhnsnc </h3> </div>
<div class="scrubber"> <div class="scrubber-progress"></div>
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Headlander Title Animation - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald:300,400";
html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; background: #070101;
.title-container { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 40%; width: 1935px; height: 1150px; -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.title-top { position: absolute; left: 723px; top: 340px;
.title-bottom { position: absolute; left: 500px; top: 494px;
.title-stripes { position: absolute; left: 500px; top: 494px;
.title-shimmers { position: absolute; left: 500px; top: 340px;
.head, .ander, .letter-l { fill: #f8d7b8;
.stripe-1 { fill: #ffb129;
.stripe-2 { fill: #ff7b00;
.stripe-3 { fill: #fb1c1f;
.stripe-4 { fill: #66000b;
.starfield { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;
.credits { position: absolute; left: 150px; bottom: 30px; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-wrap: nowrap; color: #ffffff; font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif; font-weight: 300; opacity: 0.0;
.credits img { margin: 0 20px;
.credits p { margin: 0 20px; font-size: 30px;
.shameless-plug { position: absolute; right: 150px; bottom: 30px; opacity: 0.10; text-align: right; color: #ffffff; font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px; opacity: 0.0;
.shameless-plug p { margin: 0 0 10px; font-size: 26px; font-weight: 300;
.shameless-plug h2 { margin: 0; font-size: 32px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.2;
.shameless-plug .twitter-contact { margin: 0; font-size: 32px; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.2;
.shameless-plug .twitter-logo { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle;
.scrubber { position: fixed; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; height: 20px; background: #f8d7b8;
.scrubber-progress { position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #fb1c1f; -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 50%; transform-origin: 0% 50%;

Headlander Title Animation - Script Codes JS Codes

var titleContainer, titleContainerDimensions;
var scrubber, scrubberProgress;
var fullAnimation;
var fitContainer = _.debounce(function(e, setImmediately) { var bodyDimensions = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); var ratioW = bodyDimensions.width / titleContainerDimensions.width; var ratioH = bodyDimensions.height / titleContainerDimensions.height; var scale = Math.min(ratioW, ratioH); if (setImmediately) { TweenMax.set(titleContainer, {scale: scale}); } else { TweenMax.to(titleContainer, 0.4, {scale: scale}); }
}, 50);
var setupStarfield = function() { var i, star; var starfield = document.querySelector('.starfield'); var originalStar = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'use'); originalStar.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', '#star'); var stars = []; for (i = 0; i < 350; i += 1) { star = originalStar.cloneNode(true); TweenMax.set(star, {transformOrigin: '200 120'}); starfield.appendChild(star); stars.push(star); } var tweenStar = function(star, startingProgress) { var t = startingProgress ? startingProgress * 9.0 : 0.0; //randomize scale, starting radius, and angle var s = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 0.25; // 0.25 - 0.75 var r = (Math.random() * 200) + 10; // 10 - 110 var a = Math.random(); a = (Math.cos(a * 4 * Math.PI) + 1) * (a >= 0.25 && a < 0.75 ? -0.5 : 0.5) * Math.PI; // -pi to pi (weighted towards -pi,0,pi) if (startingProgress) { r += startingProgress * (100 + (25 * (1 / s))); //calc partial progress radius } TweenMax.set(star, {scale: s, x: Math.cos(a) * r, y: Math.sin(a) * r, opacity: (t >= 1.5) ? 1.0 : 0.0}); r += 100 + (25 * (1 / s)); //calc ending radius TweenMax.to(star, (9.0 - t), {x: Math.cos(a) * r, y: Math.sin(a) * r, ease: Sine.easeIn, onComplete: tweenStar, onCompleteParams: [star], overwrite: 'none'}); if (t < 1.5) { TweenMax.to(star, (1.5 - t), {opacity: Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.4, ease: Sine.easeOut, overwrite: 'none'}); } TweenMax.to(star, (t >= 7.5) ? 1.5 - (t - 7.5) : 1.5, {opacity: 0.0, delay: (t < 7.5) ? 7.5 - t : 0.0, ease: Sine.easeIn, overwrite: 'none'}); }; //start animating each star stars.forEach(function(star) { tweenStar(star, Math.random()); });
var makeAnimation = function() { var i, t; // CONTAINER //////////////////////////////////////// var containerAnim = new TimelineMax(); containerAnim.fromTo(titleContainer, 3.0, {y: '+=30'}, {ease: Sine.easeInOut, y: '-=30'}, 0.0); // HEAD //////////////////////////////////////// //cache elements / make copies var headOriginal = document.querySelector('.head'); var headCopies = [headOriginal]; for (i = 1; i < 7; i += 1) { //intentionally starting at 1 t = headOriginal.cloneNode(true); headCopies.push(t); headOriginal.parentNode.insertBefore(t, headCopies[i-1]); //TODO: clone blur filter and adjust per instance (need to change IDs and filter refs too) } //settings var colorStops = [ '#cc2154', //red '#e0e322', //yellow '#22e322', //green '#16e6e6', //cyan '#ffffff', //white getComputedStyle(headCopies[0]).fill //original head color ]; var headAnimDuration = 1.0; //setup anim var headAnim = new TimelineMax(); for (i = 0; i < headCopies.length; i += 1) { headAnim.set(headCopies[i], {fill: colorStops[0], opacity: 0.0, y: '+=600'}, 0.0); var stagger = 0.14 * headAnimDuration * Math.pow(i, 0.85); var duration = (1.0 - (0.02 * Math.pow(i,1.05))) * headAnimDuration; //move headAnim.to(headCopies[i], duration, {ease: Power2.easeOut, opacity: 1.0, y: '-=600'}, stagger); //color shifts headAnim.to(headCopies[i], 0.30 * duration, {fill: colorStops[1]}, 0.15 * headAnimDuration + stagger) .to(headCopies[i], 0.30 * duration, {fill: colorStops[2]}, 0.45 * headAnimDuration + stagger) .to(headCopies[i], 0.20 * duration, {fill: colorStops[3]}, 0.75 * headAnimDuration + stagger) .to(headCopies[i], 0.25 * duration, {fill: colorStops[4]}, 0.95 * headAnimDuration + stagger) .to(headCopies[i], 0.80 * duration, {fill: colorStops[5]}, 1.80 * headAnimDuration + stagger); if (i > 0) { //fade out copies headAnim.to(headCopies[i], 0.2 * duration, {opacity: 0.0}, stagger + duration) } } //shifting blur // TODO: per instance headAnim.fromTo( document.getElementById('headGaussianBlur'), 3.0, { attr: { 'stdDeviation': 6 } }, { attr: { 'stdDeviation': 0 } }, 0.0); // MAIN L SHAPE //////////////////////////////////////// //cache elements var lShape = document.getElementById('letter-l-shape') var lReveal = document.getElementById('letter-l-reveal-shape'); var lWriterMask = document.getElementById('letter-l-writer-mask'); var lWriterReveal = document.getElementById('letter-l-writer-rect') //copy shape for mask var lWriterMaskShape = lShape.cloneNode(true); lWriterMaskShape.id = ''; lWriterMaskShape.style.clipPath = 'none'; lWriterMask.appendChild(lWriterMaskShape); //animation var lAnim = new TimelineMax(); lAnim.fromTo(lReveal, 0.45, {x: '-=657', y: '-=223'}, {x: '-=132', y: '+=223', ease: Sine.easeIn}, 0.0) .to(lReveal, 0.50, {x: '+=789', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.45); lAnim.to(lWriterMaskShape, 0.45, {x: '+=110', y: '-=211', ease: Sine.easeIn}, 0.0) .to(lWriterMaskShape, 0.537, {x: '-=848', y: '+=2', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.45); lAnim.to(lWriterReveal, 0.45, {x: '-=110', y: '+=211', ease: Sine.easeIn}, 0.0) .to(lWriterReveal, 0.537, {x: '+=848', y: '-=2', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.45); // ANDER //////////////////////////////////////// //cache elements var anderShape = document.getElementById('ander-text-shape'); var anderReveal = document.getElementById('ander-reveal-shape'); var anderWriterMask = document.getElementById('ander-writer-mask'); var anderWriterReveal = document.getElementById('ander-writer-rect'); //copy shape for mask t = anderShape.cloneNode(true); t.id = ''; t.style.clipPath = 'none'; anderWriterMask.appendChild(t); //animation var anderAnim = new TimelineMax(); anderAnim.fromTo(anderReveal, 0.50, {x: '+=695', width: 5}, {x: '-=695', width: 700, ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.45); anderAnim.fromTo(anderWriterReveal, 0.558, {attr: {x: 845}}, {attr: {x: 70}, ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.45); // STRIPES //////////////////////////////////////// //cache elements / make copies var stripePaths = [ document.querySelector('.stripe-1 path'), document.querySelector('.stripe-2 path'), document.querySelector('.stripe-3 path'), document.querySelector('.stripe-4 path') ]; var stripeMasks = [ document.querySelector('#stripe-1-reveal-shape'), document.querySelector('#stripe-2-reveal-shape'), document.querySelector('#stripe-3-reveal-shape'), document.querySelector('#stripe-4-reveal-shape') ]; var stripeCopies = []; for (i = 0; i < stripeMasks.length; i += 1) { //copy path (without mask, with blur/glow added) t = stripePaths[i].cloneNode(true); t.style.clipPath = 'none'; t.style.filter = 'url(#stripeBlur)'; stripeCopies.push(t); stripePaths[i].parentNode.insertBefore(t, stripePaths[i]); } //animation var stripesAnim = new TimelineMax(); //mask reveal stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeMasks[0], 0.25, {x: '-=869'}, {x: '+=869', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.0); stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeMasks[1], 0.25, {x: '+=892'}, {x: '-=892', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.2); stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeMasks[2], 0.25, {x: '-=917'}, {x: '+=917', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.4); stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeMasks[3], 0.25, {x: '+=945'}, {x: '-=945', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.6); //glow fade in/out stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeCopies[0], 0.1, {opacity: 0}, {opacity: 1}, 0.0) .to(stripeCopies[0], 0.1, {opacity: 0}, 0.4); stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeCopies[1], 0.1, {opacity: 0}, {opacity: 1}, 0.2) .to(stripeCopies[1], 0.1, {opacity: 0}, 0.6); stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeCopies[2], 0.1, {opacity: 0}, {opacity: 1}, 0.4) .to(stripeCopies[2], 0.1, {opacity: 0}, 0.8); stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeCopies[3], 0.1, {opacity: 0}, {opacity: 1}, 0.6) .to(stripeCopies[3], 0.1, {opacity: 0}, 1.0); //glow positioning stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeCopies[0], 0.5, {x: '-=869', opacity: 0}, {x: '+=2607', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.0); stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeCopies[1], 0.5, {x: '+=892', opacity: 0}, {x: '-=2676', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.2); stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeCopies[2], 0.5, {x: '-=917', opacity: 0}, {x: '+=2751', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.4); stripesAnim.fromTo(stripeCopies[3], 0.5, {x: '+=945', opacity: 0}, {x: '-=2835', ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.6); // SHIMMER EFFECTS //////////////////////////////////////// //cache elements var stationaryShimmers = [ document.querySelector('.stationary-shimmer-1'), document.querySelector('.stationary-shimmer-2'), document.querySelector('.stationary-shimmer-3') ]; var movingShimmer = document.querySelector('.moving-shimmer'); //animation var shimmerAnim = new TimelineMax(); for (i = 0; i < stationaryShimmers.length; i += 1) { shimmerAnim.set(stationaryShimmers[i], {transformOrigin: '50% 50%'}, 0.0); } shimmerAnim.set(movingShimmer, {transformOrigin: '50% 50%'}, 0.0); shimmerAnim.fromTo(stationaryShimmers[0], 0.5, {rotation:-100}, {rotation:80, ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.35) .fromTo(stationaryShimmers[0], 0.25, {scale:0.0}, {scale:1.0}, 0.35) .to(stationaryShimmers[0], 0.25, {scale:0.0}, 0.35 + 0.25); shimmerAnim.fromTo(stationaryShimmers[1], 0.5, {rotation:-100}, {rotation:80, ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.00) .fromTo(stationaryShimmers[1], 0.25, {scale:0.0}, {scale:1.0}, 0.00) .to(stationaryShimmers[1], 0.25, {scale:0.0}, 0.00 + 0.25); shimmerAnim.fromTo(stationaryShimmers[2], 0.7, {rotation:-100}, {rotation:80, ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0.95) .fromTo(stationaryShimmers[2], 0.3, {scale:0.0}, {scale:1.2}, 0.95) .to(stationaryShimmers[2], 0.3, {scale:0.0}, 0.95 + 0.3); shimmerAnim.fromTo(movingShimmer, 1.05, {rotation:-180}, {rotation:360, ease: Sine.easeOut}, 1.40) .fromTo(movingShimmer, 0.2, {scale: 0.0}, {scale: 1.0}, 1.40) .fromTo(movingShimmer, 0.25, {x:0, y:0}, {x:-104, y:180}, 1.40 + 0.1) .to(movingShimmer, 0.4, {x:737, y:180}, 1.40 + 0.35) .to(movingShimmer, 0.38, {scale: 2.0, ease: Sine.easeIn}, 1.40 + 0.42) .to(movingShimmer, 0.25, {scale: 0.0, ease: Sine.easeIn}, 1.40 + 0.8); // CREDITS //////////////////////////////////////// //cache elements var credits = document.querySelector('.credits'); var shamelessPlug = document.querySelector('.shameless-plug'); //animation var creditsAnim = new TimelineMax(); creditsAnim.fromTo(credits, 2.5, {opacity:0.0}, {opacity:1.0}, 0.0); creditsAnim.fromTo(shamelessPlug, 2.5, {opacity:0.0}, {opacity:1.0}, 0.0); // TIMELINE COMPOSITION //////////////////////////////////////// fullAnimation = new TimelineMax({ paused: true, onStart: updateScrubber, onUpdate: _.throttle(updateScrubber, 100) }); fullAnimation.add(containerAnim, 0.0); fullAnimation.add(headAnim, 0.0); fullAnimation.add(lAnim, 1.0); fullAnimation.add(anderAnim, 1.0); fullAnimation.add(stripesAnim, 2.0); fullAnimation.add(shimmerAnim, 1.5); fullAnimation.add(creditsAnim, 5.0); // // JITTER EFFECT // //////////////////////////////////////// // jitterAnimation = new TimelineMax({ // paused: true, // delay: 1.5, // yoyo: true, // repeat: -1 // }); // jitterAnimation.set(titleContainer, {x:'-=1.05', y:'-=1.05'}) // .to(titleContainer, 0.20, {x:'+=2.1', y:'+=2.1', ease:Sine.easeInOut}) // .to(titleContainer, 0.20, {x:'+=0.25', y:'-=2.15', ease:Sine.easeInOut}) // .to(titleContainer, 0.20, {x:'-=2.45', y:'+=2.0', ease:Sine.easeInOut}) // .to(titleContainer, 0.20, {x:'+=2.15', y:'+=0.6', ease:Sine.easeInOut}) // .to(titleContainer, 0.20, {x:'+=0.1', y:'-=2.95', ease:Sine.easeInOut}) // .to(titleContainer, 0.20, {x:'+=0.15', y:'+=0.35', ease:Sine.easeInOut}) // .to(titleContainer, 0.20, {x:'-=1.65', y:'+=0.85', ease:Sine.easeInOut}) // .to(titleContainer, 0.20, {x:'+=2.15', y:'+=1.45', ease:Sine.easeInOut}) // .to(titleContainer, 0.20, {x:'-=1.8', y:'-=2.25', ease:Sine.easeInOut});
var playAnimation = function() { if (fullAnimation) { if (fullAnimation.paused()) { if (scrubber.classList.contains('dragging')) { scrubber.classList.remove('dragging'); } else { fullAnimation.play(); } } else { fullAnimation.restart(); } }
var updateScrubber = function() { var percentProgress = fullAnimation.progress(); if (percentProgress < 0.01) { TweenMax.set(scrubberProgress, {scaleX: fullAnimation.progress(), ease: Power0.easeNone}); } else { TweenMax.to(scrubberProgress, 0.1, {scaleX: fullAnimation.progress(), ease: Power0.easeNone}); }
var handleScrubberClick = function(evt) { evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); var percentProgress = evt.x / scrubber.clientWidth; TweenMax.set(scrubberProgress, {scaleX: percentProgress}); fullAnimation.progress(percentProgress); fullAnimation.pause(); scrubber.classList.add('dragging'); //listen for drag move/end document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', handleScrubberUnclick); document.body.addEventListener('mousemove', handleScrubberScrub);
var handleScrubberUnclick = function(evt) { //remove listeners document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleScrubberUnclick); document.body.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleScrubberScrub);
var handleScrubberScrub = function(evt) { var percentProgress = evt.x / scrubber.clientWidth; TweenMax.set(scrubberProgress, {scaleX: percentProgress}); fullAnimation.progress(percentProgress); fullAnimation.pause();
(function init() { //stats var stats = new Stats(); document.body.appendChild(stats.domElement); requestAnimationFrame(function updateStats(){ stats.update(); requestAnimationFrame(updateStats); }); //cache container for resizing and scrubber for timeline control titleContainer = document.querySelector('.title-container'); titleContainerDimensions = titleContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); scrubber = document.querySelector('.scrubber'); scrubberProgress = document.querySelector('.scrubber-progress'); //generate animation setTimeout(makeAnimation, 100); setTimeout(setupStarfield, 100); //events window.addEventListener('resize', fitContainer); document.addEventListener('click', playAnimation); scrubber.addEventListener('mousedown', handleScrubberClick); //start it fitContainer(undefined, true); setTimeout(playAnimation, 200);
Headlander Title Animation - Script Codes
Headlander Title Animation - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Chris Johnson
Username jhnsnc
Uploaded October 01, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 11,702 Kb
Views 20,240
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Chris Johnson (jhnsnc) Script Codes
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