Jello Text

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How do I make an jello text?

Text bounces around like Jello using Verlet Integration on a triangulated grid.. What is a jello text? How do you make a jello text? This script and codes were developed by Sakri Rosenstrom on 13 September 2022, Tuesday.

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Jello Text - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Jello Text - Script Codes CSS Codes

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Jello Text - Script Codes JS Codes

/* * * @author Sakri Rosenstrom * * * * Sources for this can be found at: * */
(function (window){ var Sakri = window.Sakri || {}; window.Sakri = window.Sakri || Sakri;	Sakri.MathUtil = {};	//used for radiansToDegrees and degreesToRadians	Sakri.MathUtil.PI_180 = Math.PI/180;	Sakri.MathUtil.ONE80_PI = 180/Math.PI;	//precalculations for values of 90, 270 and 360 in radians	Sakri.MathUtil.PI2 = Math.PI*2;	Sakri.MathUtil.HALF_PI = Math.PI/2;	Sakri.MathUtil.PI_AND_HALF = Math.PI+ Math.PI/2;	Sakri.MathUtil.NEGATIVE_HALF_PI = -Math.PI/2; //keep degrees between 0 and 360 Sakri.MathUtil.constrainDegreeTo360 = function(degree){ return (360 + degree % 360) % 360;//hmmm... looks a bit weird?! }; Sakri.MathUtil.constrainRadianTo2PI = function(rad){ return (Sakri.MathUtil.PI2 + rad % Sakri.MathUtil.PI2) % Sakri.MathUtil.PI2;//equally so... }; Sakri.MathUtil.radiansToDegrees = function(rad){ return rad*Sakri.MathUtil.ONE80_PI; }; Sakri.MathUtil.degreesToRadians = function(degree){ return degree * Sakri.MathUtil.PI_180; };	//return number between 1 and 0	Sakri.MathUtil.normalize = function(value, minimum, maximum){	return (value - minimum) / (maximum - minimum);	};	//map normalized number to values	Sakri.MathUtil.interpolate = function(normValue, minimum, maximum){	return minimum + (maximum - minimum) * normValue;	};	//map a value from one set to another = function(value, min1, max1, min2, max2){	return Sakri.MathUtil.interpolate( Sakri.MathUtil.normalize(value, min1, max1), min2, max2);	}; Sakri.MathUtil.clamp = function(min,max,value){ if(value < min){ return min; } if(value > max){ return max; } return value; }; Sakri.MathUtil.clampRGB = function(value){ return Sakri.MathUtil.clamp(0, 255, value); };	Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomNumberInRange = function(min, max){	return min + Math.random() * (max - min);	};	Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomIntegerInRange = function(min, max){	return Math.round(Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomNumberInRange(min, max));	}; //Move to geom?	Sakri.MathUtil.getCircumferenceOfEllipse = function(width,height){	return ((Math.sqrt(.5 * ((width * width) + (height * height)))) * (Math.PI * 2)) / 2;	}; //from : Sakri.MathUtil.rgbToHex = function(r, g, b) { return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1); } Sakri.MathUtil.hexToRgb = function(hex) { // Expand shorthand form (e.g. "03F") to full form (e.g. "0033FF") var shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, function(m, r, g, b) { return r + r + g + g + b + b; }); var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16) } : null; }
//has a dependency on Sakri.MathUtil
(function (window){ var Sakri = window.Sakri || {}; window.Sakri = window.Sakri || Sakri;	Sakri.Geom = {}; //================================================== //=====================::POINT::==================== //================================================== Sakri.Geom.Point = function (x,y){ this.x = isNaN(x) ? 0 : x; this.y = isNaN(y) ? 0 : y; }; Sakri.Geom.Point.prototype.clone = function(){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(this.x,this.y); }; Sakri.Geom.Point.prototype.update = function(x, y){ this.x = isNaN(x) ? this.x : x; this.y = isNaN(y) ? this.y : y; }; Sakri.Geom.Point.prototype.add = function(x, y){ this.x += isNaN(x) ? 0 : x; this.y += isNaN(y) ? 0 : y; }; Sakri.Geom.Point.prototype.equals = function(point){ return this.x==point.x && this.y==point.y; }; Sakri.Geom.Point.prototype.toString = function(){ return "{x:"+this.x+" , y:"+this.y+"}"; }; Sakri.Geom.Point.interpolate = function(pointA, pointB, normal){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(Sakri.MathUtil.interpolate(normal, pointA.x, pointB.x) , Sakri.MathUtil.interpolate(normal, pointA.y, pointB.y)); }; Sakri.Geom.Point.distanceBetweenTwoPoints = function( point1, point2 ){ //console.log("Math.pow(point2.x - point1.x,2) : ",Math.pow(point2.x - point1.x,2)); return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(point2.x - point1.x,2) + Math.pow(point2.y - point1.y,2) ); }; Sakri.Geom.Point.angleBetweenTwoPoints = function(p1,p2){ return Math.atan2(p1.y-p2.y, p1.x-p2.x); }; Sakri.Geom.mirrorPointInRectangle = function(point,rect){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(rect.width-point.x,rect.height-point.y); }; Sakri.Geom.randomizePoint = function(point,randomValue){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(-randomValue+Math.random()*randomValue+point.x,-randomValue+Math.random()*randomValue+point.y); }; //================================================== //=====================::LINE::==================== //================================================== Sakri.Geom.Line = function(pointA, pointB){ this.pointA = pointA ? pointA : new Sakri.Geom.Point(); this.pointB = pointB ? pointB : new Sakri.Geom.Point(); this.updateLineProperties(); }; //=================:: Static methods //first check for horizontal+vertical lines? no division by 0?! Sakri.Geom.Line.getSlope = function(pointA,pointB){ return (pointA.y - pointB.y) / (pointA.x - pointB.x); }; Sakri.Geom.Line.getYIntercept = function(point,slope){ //slope intercept : y = mx + b return point.y - point.x * slope; }; //checks for parallel lines Sakri.Geom.Line.intersects = function(line1, line2){ if(line1.isVertical() && line2.isVertical()){ //if(line1.this.pointB.equals(line2.this.pointA))return line1.this.pointB; //throw new Error("Line.getIntersection() ERROR Two vertical lines cannot intersect"); console.log("Line.getIntersection() ERROR Two vertical lines cannot intersect"); return false; } if(line1.isHorizontal() && line2.isHorizontal()){ //if(line1.this.pointB.equals(line2.this.pointA))return line1.this.pointB; //throw new Error("Line.getIntersection() ERROR Two horizontal lines cannot intersect"); console.log("Line.getIntersection() ERROR Two horizontal lines cannot intersect"); return false; } if(line1.slope == line2.slope){ //throw new Error("Line.getIntersection() ERROR Two Parallel lines cannot intersect"); console.log("Line.getIntersection() ERROR Two Parallel lines cannot intersect"); return false; } return true; }; //returns a Sakri.Geom.Point or null //TODO : create alternative where new Points are not instantiated on every call, maybe pass a Point as an arg? Sakri.Geom.Line.getIntersection = function(line1, line2){ //slope intercept : y = mx + b //m1 * x + b1 - y = m2 * x + b2 - y //m1 * x + b1 - b2 = m2 * x; //m1 * x - m2 * x = b2 - b1; //x * (m1 - m2) = b2 - b1 if(!Sakri.Geom.Line.intersects(line1, line2)){ return null; } //PERPENDICULAR LINES if(line1.isHorizontal() && line2.isVertical()){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(line2.pointA.x, line1.pointA.y); } if(line2.isHorizontal() && line1.isVertical()){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(line1.pointA.x, line2.pointA.y); } //ONE HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL if(line1.isHorizontal()){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(line2.getXatY(line1.pointA.y), line1.pointA.y); } if(line1.isVertical()){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(line1.pointA.x, line2.getYatX(line1.pointA.x)); } if(line2.isHorizontal()){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(line1.getXatY(line2.pointA.y),line2.pointA.y); } if(line2.isVertical()){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(line2.pointA.x,line1.getYatX(line2.pointA.x)); } var p = new Sakri.Geom.Point(); //console.log("line1.slope : "+line1.slope); //console.log("line2.slope : "+line2.slope); p.x = (line2.yIntercept - line1.yIntercept) / (line1.slope - line2.slope); p.y = line1.getYatX(p.x); return p; }; //=================:: public methods Sakri.Geom.Line.prototype.isHorizontal = function(){ return this.pointA.y == this.pointB.y; }; Sakri.Geom.Line.prototype.isVertical = function(){ return this.pointA.x == this.pointB.x; }; Sakri.Geom.Line.prototype.getYatX = function(x){ if(this.isHorizontal()){ return this.pointA.y; } if(this.isVertical()){ return NaN; }//throw error? return this.slope * x + this.yIntercept; }; Sakri.Geom.Line.prototype.getXatY = function(y){ if(this.isVertical()){ return this.pointA.x; } if(this.isHorizontal()){ return NaN; }//throw error? return (y - this.yIntercept)/this.slope; }; Sakri.Geom.Line.prototype.update = function(pointA, pointB){ if(pointA){ this.pointA.x = isNaN(pointA.x) ? this.pointA.x : pointA.x; this.pointA.y = isNaN(pointA.y) ? this.pointA.y : pointA.y; } if(pointB){ this.pointB.x = isNaN(pointB.x) ? this.pointB.x : pointB.x; this.pointB.y = isNaN(pointB.y) ? this.pointB.y : pointB.y; } this.updateLineProperties(); }; Sakri.Geom.Line.prototype.updateLineProperties = function(){ this.slope = Sakri.Geom.Line.getSlope(this.pointA, this.pointB); this.yIntercept = Sakri.Geom.Line.getYIntercept(this.pointA, this.slope); }; Sakri.Geom.Line.prototype.toString = function(){ return "Line{a : "+this.pointA.toString()+" , b : "+this.pointB.toString()+" , slope : "+this.slope+" , yIntercept : "+this.yIntercept+"}"; }; // ================================================== //=====================::TRIANGLE::==================== //================================================== Sakri.Geom.Triangle = function (a,b,c){ this.a = a ? a : new Sakri.Geom.Point(0,0); this.b = b ? b : new Sakri.Geom.Point(0,0); this.c = c ? c : new Sakri.Geom.Point(0,0); }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.equals = function(triangle){ return this.a.equals(triangle.a) && this.b.equals(triangle.b) && this.c.equals(triangle.c); }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.clone = function(){ return new Sakri.Geom.Triangle(new Sakri.Geom.Point(this.a.x,this.a.y),new Sakri.Geom.Point(this.b.x,this.b.y),new Sakri.Geom.Point(this.c.x,this.c.y)); }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.getSmallestX = function(){ return Math.min(this.a.x,this.b.x,this.c.x); }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.getSmallestY = function(){ return Math.min(this.a.y,this.b.y,this.c.y); }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.getBiggestX = function(){ return Math.max(this.a.x,this.b.x,this.c.x); }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.getBiggestY = function(){ return Math.max(this.a.y,this.b.y,this.c.y); }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.containsVertex = function(point){ //console.log("Sakri.Geom.Triangle.containsVertex",this.toString(),point.toString()); return (this.a.x==point.x && this.a.y==point.y) || (this.b.x==point.x && this.b.y==point.y) || (this.c.x==point.x && this.c.y==point.y); }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.toString = function(){ return "toString() Triangle{a:"+this.a+" , b:"+this.b+" , c:"+this.c+"}"; }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.containsVertex = function(point){ return (this.a.x==point.x && this.a.y==point.y) || (this.b.x==point.x && this.b.y==point.y) || (this.c.x==point.x && this.c.y==point.y); }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.prototype.sharesEdge = function(triangle){ //console.log("Sakri.Geom.Triangle.sharesEdge",this.toString(),triangle.toString()); var sharedPoints=0; if(this.containsVertex(triangle.a)){ sharedPoints++; } if(this.containsVertex(triangle.b)){ sharedPoints++; } if(this.containsVertex(triangle.c)){ sharedPoints++; } //console.log("sharesEdge()",sharedPoints); return sharedPoints==2; }; Sakri.Geom.Triangle.createRandomTriangleInRect = function(rect){ var a = new Sakri.Geom.Point(rect.x + Math.random() * rect.width, rect.y + Math.random() * rect.height); var b = new Sakri.Geom.Point(rect.x + Math.random() * rect.width, rect.y + Math.random() * rect.height); var c = new Sakri.Geom.Point(rect.x + Math.random() * rect.width, rect.y + Math.random() * rect.height); return new Sakri.Geom.Triangle(a,b,c); } Sakri.Geom.Triangle.mirrorTriangleInRectangle = function(triangle, rect){ //console.log("mirrorTriangleInRectangle() ",width,height); //console.log("\ttriangle : ",triangle.toString()); var a = Sakri.Geom.Triangle.mirrorPointInRectangle(triangle.a, rect); var b = Sakri.Geom.Triangle.mirrorPointInRectangle(triangle.b, rect); var c = Sakri.Geom.Triangle.mirrorPointInRectangle(triangle.c, rect); return new Sakri.Geom.Triangle.Triangle(a, b, c); //console.log("\ttriangle : ",triangle.toString()); } Sakri.Geom.Triangle.offsetTriangle = function(triangle, offset){ triangle.a.x += offset; triangle.a.y += offset; triangle.b.x += offset; triangle.b.y += offset; triangle.c.x += offset; triangle.c.y += offset; }	//==================================================	//===================::RECTANGLE::==================	//==================================================	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle = function (x, y, width, height){	this.update(x, y, width, height);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.update = function(x, y, width, height){	this.x = isNaN(x) ? 0 : x;	this.y = isNaN(y) ? 0 : y;	this.width = isNaN(width) ? 0 : width;	this.height = isNaN(height) ? 0 : height;	}; //TODO : doesn't work Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.inflate = function(x, y){ this.x -= isNaN(x) ? 0 : x; this.y -= isNaN(y) ? 0 : y; this.width += isNaN(x) ? 0 : x * 2; this.height += isNaN(y) ? 0 : y * 2; };	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.updateToRect = function(rect){	this.x = rect.x;	this.y = rect.y;	this.width = rect.width;	this.height = rect.height;	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.scaleX = function(scaleBy){	this.width *= scaleBy;	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.scaleY = function(scaleBy){	this.height *= scaleBy;	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.scale = function(scaleBy){	this.scaleX(scaleBy);	this.scaleY(scaleBy);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getRight = function(){	return this.x + this.width;	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getBottom = function(){	return this.y + this.height;	}; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getCenter = function(){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(this.getCenterX(), this.getCenterY()); }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getCenterX = function(){ return this.x + this.width/2; }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getCenterY=function(){ return this.y + this.height/2; }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.containsPoint = function(x, y){ return x >= this.x && y >= this.y && x <= this.getRight() && y <= this.getBottom(); }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.containsRect = function(rect){ return this.containsPoint(rect.x, rect.y) && this.containsPoint(rect.getRight(), rect.getBottom()); };	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.isSquare = function(){	return this.width == this.height;	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.isLandscape = function(){	return this.width > this.height;	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.isPortrait = function(){	return this.width < this.height;	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getSmallerSide = function(){	return Math.min(this.width, this.height);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getBiggerSide = function(){	return Math.max(this.width,this.height);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function(){	return this.width * this.height;	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.floor = function(){	this.x = Math.floor(this.x);	this.y = Math.floor(this.y);	this.width = Math.floor(this.width);	this.height = Math.floor(this.height);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.ceil = function(){	this.x = Math.ceil(this.x);	this.y = Math.ceil(this.y);	this.width = Math.ceil(this.width);	this.height = Math.ceil(this.height);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.round = function(){	this.x=Math.round(this.x);	this.y=Math.round(this.y);	this.width=Math.round(this.width);	this.height=Math.round(this.height);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.roundIn = function(){	this.x = Math.ceil(this.x);	this.y = Math.ceil(this.y);	this.width = Math.floor(this.width);	this.height = Math.floor(this.height);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.roundOut = function(){	this.x = Math.floor(this.x);	this.y = Math.floor(this.y);	this.width = Math.ceil(this.width);	this.height = Math.ceil(this.height);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.clone = function(){	return new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);	};	Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.toString = function(){	return "Rectangle{x:"+this.x+" , y:"+this.y+" , width:"+this.width+" , height:"+this.height+"}";	};	//==================================================	//===========::ROUNDED RECTANGLE::==================	//==================================================	Sakri.Geom.RoundedRectangle = function (x, y , width, height, radius){, x, y, width, height);	this.radius = isNaN(radius) ? 5 : radius;	}; //subclass extends superclass Sakri.Geom.RoundedRectangle.prototype = Object.create(Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype); Sakri.Geom.RoundedRectangle.prototype.constructor = Sakri.Geom.Rectangle; Sakri.Geom.RoundedRectangle.prototype.drawPathToContext = function(context){ context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.x, this.y+this.radius); context.arc(this.x+this.radius, this.y+this.radius, this.radius, Math.PI,Math.PI+SakriMathUtil.HALF_PI); context.lineTo(this.getRight()-this.radius, this.y); context.arc(this.getRight()-this.radius, this.y+this.radius, this.radius, Math.PI+SakriMathUtil.HALF_PI, SakriMathUtil.PI2 ); context.lineTo(this.getRight(), this.getBottom()-this.radius); context.arc(this.getRight()-this.radius, this.getBottom()-this.radius, this.radius, 0, SakriMathUtil.HALF_PI ); context.lineTo(this.x+this.radius, this.getBottom()); context.arc(this.x+this.radius, this.getBottom()-this.radius, this.radius, SakriMathUtil.HALF_PI, Math.PI ); context.lineTo(this.x, this.y+this.radius); context.closePath(); }	Sakri.Geom.RoundedRectangle.prototype.toString = function(){	return "RoundedRectangle{x:"+this.x+" , y:"+this.y+" , width:"+this.width+" , height:"+this.height+" , radius:"+this.radius+"}";	};	Sakri.Geom.RoundedRectangle.prototype.clone = function(){	return new Sakri.Geom.RoundedRectangle(this.x,this.y,this.width,this.height,this.radius);	}; //================================================== //=====================::CIRCLE::=================== //================================================== Sakri.Geom.Circle = function (x,y,radius){,x,y); //call super constructor. this.radius = isNaN(radius) ? 10 : radius;// not sure if this should just be 0? }; //subclass extends superclass Sakri.Geom.Circle.prototype = Object.create(Sakri.Geom.Point.prototype); Sakri.Geom.Circle.prototype.constructor = Sakri.Geom.Point; Sakri.Geom.Circle.prototype.getRandomPointInCircle = function(){ var radius = Math.random() * this.radius; var radian = Math.random() * SimpleGeometry.PI2; var x = this.x + Math.cos(radian) * radius; var y = this.y + Math.sin(radian) * radius; return new Sakri.Geom.Point(x, y); }; Sakri.Geom.Circle.prototype.update = function(x,y,radius){ this.x = isNaN(x) ? this.x : x; this.y = isNaN(y) ? this.y : y; this.radius = isNaN(radius) ? this.radius : radius; } Sakri.Geom.Circle.prototype.clone = function(){ return new Sakri.Geom.Circle(this.x,this.y,this.radius); }; Sakri.Geom.Circle.prototype.containsPoint = function(point){ return Sakri.Geom.Point.distanceBetweenTwoPoints(point, this) <= this.radius; }; Sakri.Geom.Circle.prototype.toString = function(){ return "Circle{x : "+this.x+" , y : "+this.y+" , radius : "+this.radius+"}"; }; //================================================== //=====================::TRANSFORM::=================== //================================================== Sakri.Geom.setIdentityMatrixToContext = function(context){ context.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); }; //(1,0,0,1,0,0); Sakri.Geom.Transform = function (scaleX, skewX, skewY, scaleY, tx, ty){ this.update(isNaN(scaleX) ? 1 : scaleX, isNaN(skewX) ? 0 : skewX, isNaN(skewY) ? 0 : skewY, isNaN(scaleY) ? 1 : scaleY, isNaN( tx) ? 0 : tx, isNaN(ty) ? 0 : ty); }; Sakri.Geom.Transform.prototype.update = function (scaleX, skewX, skewY, scaleY, tx, ty){ this.scaleX = scaleX; this.skewX = skewX; this.skewY = skewY; this.scaleY = scaleY; this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; }; Sakri.Geom.Transform.prototype.toString = function() { return "SimpleGeometry.Transform{scaleX:"+this.scaleX+" ,skewX:"+this.skewX+" ,skewY:"+this.skewY+" ,scaleY:"+this.scaleY+" ,tx:"+this.tx+" ,ty:"+this.ty+"}"; };
/** * Created by sakri on 27-1-14. */
(function (window){ var Sakri = window.Sakri || {}; window.Sakri = window.Sakri || Sakri; Sakri.CanvasTextUtil = {}; //this method renders text into a canvas, then resizes the image by shrinkPercent //loops through the non transparent pixels of the resized image and returns those as an array //fontProperties should be an object of type Sakri.CanvasTextProperties Sakri.CanvasTextUtil.createTextParticles = function(text, shrinkPercent, fontProps){ var renderCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var renderContext = renderCanvas.getContext('2d'); var fontString = fontProperties.getFontString(); //console.log(fontString); renderContext.font = fontString; renderContext.textBaseline = "top"; //console.log(renderContext.measureText(text).width); renderCanvas.width = renderContext.measureText(text).width; renderCanvas.height = fontProps.fontSize + 10;//TODO : Need to implement getFirstNonTransparentPixel() //after a resize of a canvas, we have to reset these properties renderContext.font = fontString; renderContext.textBaseline = "top"; //console.log(renderCanvas.width, renderCanvas.height); renderContext.fillStyle = "#FF0000"; renderContext.fillText(text, 0, 0); var shrunkenCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); shrunkenCanvas.width = Math.round(renderCanvas.width*shrinkPercent); shrunkenCanvas.height = Math.round(renderCanvas.height*shrinkPercent); var shrunkenContext = shrunkenCanvas.getContext('2d'); shrunkenContext.drawImage(renderCanvas, 0, 0, shrunkenCanvas.width , shrunkenCanvas.height ); var pixels = shrunkenContext.getImageData(0, 0, shrunkenCanvas.width, shrunkenCanvas.height); var data =; var particles = []; var i, x, y; for(i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) { if(data[i]>200){ x = ((i/4)%shrunkenCanvas.width)/shrinkPercent; y = Math.floor((i/4)/shrunkenCanvas.width)/shrinkPercent; particles.push(new Sakri.Geom.Point(x, y)); } } delete renderCanvas; delete shrunkenCanvas; return particles; }; Sakri.CanvasTextUtil.createImagesFromString = function(string, fillStyle, strokeStyle, strokeWidth, fontProps){ var fontString = fontProps.getFontString(); var characters = string.split(""); var images = []; var canvas, context, image, metrics, i,character; canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); for(i=0; i<characters.length; i++){ character = characters[i]; context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.textBaseline = "top"; context.font = fontString; metrics = context.measureText(character); canvas.width = metrics.width; canvas.height = fontProps.fontSize;// TODO : use getFirstNonTransparentPixel for dynamic sizing //these properties have to be set twice as they vanish after setting a canvas width and height context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.textBaseline = "top"; context.font = fontString; image = new Image(); image.width = canvas.width; image.height = canvas.height; if(fillStyle){ context.fillStyle = fillStyle; context.fillText (character,0, 0); } if(strokeStyle){ context.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; context.lineWidth = strokeWidth; context.strokeText(character, 0, 0); } image.src = canvas.toDataURL(); images[i] = image; } delete canvas; return images; }; //========================================================================================= //==============::CANVAS TEXT PROPERTIES::==================================== //======================================================== Sakri.CanvasTextProperties = function(fontWeight, fontStyle, fontSize, fontFace){ this.setFontWeight(fontWeight); this.setFontStyle(fontStyle); this.setFontSize(fontSize); this.fontFace = fontFace ? fontFace : "sans-serif"; }; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL = "normal"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLD = "bold"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLDER = "bolder"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.LIGHTER = "lighter"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.ITALIC = "italic"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.OBLIQUE = "oblique"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.prototype.setFontWeight = function(fontWeight){ switch (fontWeight){ case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLD: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLDER: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.LIGHTER: this.fontWeight = fontWeight; break; default: this.fontWeight = Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL; } }; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.prototype.setFontStyle = function(fontStyle){ switch (fontStyle){ case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.ITALIC: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.OBLIQUE: this.fontStyle = fontStyle; break; default: this.fontStyle = Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL; } }; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.prototype.setFontSize = function(fontSize){ if(fontSize && fontSize.indexOf && fontSize.indexOf("px")>-1){ var size = fontSize.split("px")[0]; fontProperites.fontSize = isNaN(size) ? 24 : size;//24 is just an arbitrary number return; } this.fontSize = isNaN(fontSize) ? 24 : fontSize;//24 is just an arbitrary number }; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.prototype.getFontString = function(){ return this.fontWeight + " " + this.fontStyle + " " + this.fontSize + "px " + this.fontFace; };
/** * Created by sakri on 27-1-14. */
(function (window){ var Sakri = window.Sakri || {}; window.Sakri = window.Sakri || Sakri; Sakri.BitmapUtil = {}; //TODO : rename "canvas" to "source", if it's an img, create a canvas and draw the img into it Sakri.BitmapUtil.getFirstNonTransparentPixelTopDown = function(canvas){ var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var y, i, rowData; for(y=0; y<canvas.height; y++){ rowData = context.getImageData(0, y, canvas.width, 1).data; for(i=0; i<rowData.length; i+=4){ if(rowData[i+0] + rowData[i+1] + rowData[i+2] + rowData[i+3] > 0){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(i/4, y); } } } return null; }; Sakri.BitmapUtil.getFirstNonTransparentPixelBottomUp = function(canvas){ var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var y, i, rowData; for(y = canvas.height-1; y>-1; y--){ rowData = context.getImageData(0, y, canvas.width, 1).data; for(i=0; i<rowData.length; i+=4){ if(rowData[i+0] + rowData[i+1] + rowData[i+2] + rowData[i+3] > 0){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(i/4, y); } } } return null; }; Sakri.BitmapUtil.getFirstNonTransparentPixelLeftToRight = function(canvas){ var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var x, i, colData; for(x = 0; x < canvas.width; x++){ colData = context.getImageData(x, 0, 1, canvas.height).data; for(i=0; i<colData.length; i+=4){ if(colData[i+0] + colData[i+1] + colData[i+2] + colData[i+3] > 0){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(x, i/4); } } } return null; }; Sakri.BitmapUtil.getFirstNonTransparentPixelRightToLeft = function(canvas){ var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var x, i, colData; for(x = canvas.width-1; x >-1; x--){ colData = context.getImageData(x, 0, 1, canvas.height).data; for(i=0; i<colData.length; i+=4){ if(colData[i+0] + colData[i+1] + colData[i+2] + colData[i+3] > 0){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(x, i/4); } } } return null; }; //cuts out rows and columns of pixels without color data from the top, bottom, left and right Sakri.BitmapUtil.trimImage = function(image){ var trimCanvas = Sakri.BitmapUtil.createTrimmedCanvas(image); image.src = trimCanvas.toDataURL(); }; Sakri.BitmapUtil.trimCanvas = function(canvas){ console.log("trimCanvas()", canvas.width, canvas.height); var trimCanvas = Sakri.BitmapUtil.createTrimmedCanvas(canvas); canvas.width = trimCanvas.width; canvas.height = trimCanvas.height; console.log("\t=>" , canvas.width, canvas.height); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.drawImage(trimCanvas, 0, 0); }; Sakri.BitmapUtil.getCanvasTrimRectangle = function(canvas){ var rect = new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(); rect.x = Sakri.BitmapUtil.getFirstNonTransparentPixelLeftToRight(canvas).x; rect.y = Sakri.BitmapUtil.getFirstNonTransparentPixelTopDown(canvas).y; rect.width = Sakri.BitmapUtil.getFirstNonTransparentPixelRightToLeft(canvas).x - rect.x + 1; rect.height = Sakri.BitmapUtil.getFirstNonTransparentPixelBottomUp(canvas).y - rect.y + 1; return rect; } Sakri.BitmapUtil.createTrimmedCanvas = function(imageOrCanvas){ var trimCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var trimContext = trimCanvas.getContext("2d"); trimCanvas.width = imageOrCanvas.width; trimCanvas.height = imageOrCanvas.height; trimContext.drawImage(imageOrCanvas, 0, 0); var rect = Sakri.BitmapUtil.getCanvasTrimRectangle(trimCanvas); //console.log("createTrimmedCanvas() ", rect.toString()); trimCanvas.width = rect.width; trimCanvas.height = rect.height; trimContext = trimCanvas.getContext("2d"); trimContext.drawImage(imageOrCanvas, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height); return trimCanvas; }; //capture rect is the content on canvas to be reflected, border defines the space between the original content and the reflection //captureRect must contain the properties x, y, width, height //For more interesting results add a gradient on top of the reflection Sakri.BitmapUtil.renderReflection = function(canvas, captureRect, border){ if(!border){ border = 5; } var context = canvas.getContext("2d");; //move and flip vertically context.translate(captureRect.x, captureRect.y + captureRect.height*2 + border); context.scale(1, -1); context.drawImage(	canvas, captureRect.x, captureRect.y, captureRect.width, captureRect.height, 0, 0, captureRect.width, captureRect.height);//img,sx,sy,swidth,sheight,x,y,width,height context.restore(); };
/** * Created by sakri on 2-2-14. */
(function (window){ var Sakri = window.Sakri || {}; window.Sakri = window.Sakri || Sakri; //================================================== //======================::VERLET POINT::============ //================================================== // VerletPoint extends Sakri.Geom.Point // constraint must be of type Sakri.Geom.Rectangle Sakri.VerletPoint = function(x, y, constraint) { //instanceof //console.log("Sakri.VerletPoint constructor ",x,y,constraint.toString()); this.constraint = constraint; this.oldPoint = new Sakri.Geom.Point(x, y); this.tempPoint = new Sakri.Geom.Point(); this.constraint = constraint;, x, y); //call super constructor. }; //subclass extends superclass Sakri.VerletPoint.prototype = Object.create(Sakri.Geom.Point.prototype); Sakri.VerletPoint.prototype.constructor = Sakri.Geom.Point; Sakri.VerletPoint.prototype.update = function(){ this.tempPoint.x = this.x; this.tempPoint.y = this.y; this.x += (this.x - this.oldPoint.x); this.y += (this.y - this.oldPoint.y); this.oldPoint.x = this.tempPoint.x; this.oldPoint.y = this.tempPoint.y; this.constrain(); }; Sakri.VerletPoint.prototype.getMoveDistance = function(){ return Math.max( Math.abs(this.x - this.oldPoint.x), Math.abs(this.y - this.oldPoint.y) ); }; Sakri.VerletPoint.prototype.constrain = function(){ if(!this.constraint.containsPoint(this)){ if(this.x < this.constraint.x)this.x = this.constraint.x; if(this.x > this.constraint.getRight())this.x = this.constraint.getRight(); if(this.y < this.constraint.y)this.y = this.constraint.y; if(this.y > this.constraint.getBottom())this.y = this.constraint.getBottom(); } }; Sakri.VerletPoint.prototype.applyForce = function(x, y){ this.x += x; this.y += y; }; Sakri.VerletPoint.prototype.toString = function(){ return "VerletPoint{x:" + this.x + " , y:" + this.y + "}"; }; //================================================== //======================::VERLET STICK::============ //================================================== //a and b must be of type :VerletPoint instanceof Sakri.VerletStick = function(a, b){ this.a = a; this.b = b; this.restLength = Sakri.Geom.Point.distanceBetweenTwoPoints(this.a, this.b); this.dampen = 0.1;//seems this can't be much bigger than .2 }; Sakri.VerletStick.prototype.update = function(){ //console.log("VerletStick.update"); this.a.update(); this.b.update(); this.xdelta = this.a.x - this.b.x; this.ydelta = this.a.y - this.b.y; var stickLength = Sakri.Geom.Point.distanceBetweenTwoPoints(this.a, this.b); var diff = (stickLength - this.restLength) / stickLength; var product = this.xdelta * this.dampen * diff; this.a.x -= product; this.b.x += product; product = this.ydelta * this.dampen * diff; this.a.y -= product; this.b.y += product; //console.log("\t",this.a.toString(),this.b.toString()); //return Math.max(this.a.getMoveDistance(),this.b.getMoveDistance()); }; Sakri.VerletStick.prototype.applyForce = function(x, y){ //console.log("VerletStick.applyForce",x,y); this.a.applyForce(x, y); this.b.applyForce(x, y); }; Sakri.VerletStick.prototype.applyForceToEnd = function(x,y){ this.pointB.applyForce(x, y); }; Sakri.VerletStick.prototype.equals = function(stick){ if(this.a.equals(stick.pointA)){ return this.b.equals(stick.pointB); } if(this.b.equals(stick.pointA)){ return this.a.equals(stick.pointB); } return false; }; Sakri.VerletStick.prototype.renderToContext = function(context2d){ context2d.moveTo(this.a.x, this.a.y); context2d.lineTo(this.b.x, this.b.y); }; Sakri.VerletStick.prototype.toString = function(){ return "VerletStick{a:"+this.a+" , b:"+this.b+"}"; }; //================================================== //======================::VERLET STAGE::============ //================================================== // arena must be of typeSakri.Geom.Rectangle Sakri.VerletStage = function(context2d, arena, updateItems, autoStart, renderGraphics) { //instanceof //console.log("Sakri.Verlet.VerletStage constructor "); this.gravity = .01; this.context2d = context2d; this.arena = arena; this.updateItems = updateItems; this.running = false; this.renderGraphics = renderGraphics; //if(autoStart == true)this.start(); }; Sakri.VerletStage.prototype.update = function(){ //console.log("Sakri.VerletStage.prototype.update" , this.renderGraphics); if(this.renderGraphics){ this.updateAndRender(); return; } for(var i = 0; i<this.updateItems.length; i++){ this.updateItems[i].applyForce(0, this.gravity); this.updateItems[i].update(); } }; Sakri.VerletStage.prototype.updateAndRender = function(){ //this.context2d.fillStyle = "#aaaaaa"; //this.context2d.fillRect(this.arena.x,this.arena.y,this.arena.width,this.arena.height); this.context2d.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"; this.context2d.beginPath(); for(var i = 0; i<this.updateItems.length; i++){ this.updateItems[i].applyForce(0, this.gravity); this.updateItems[i].update(); this.updateItems[i].renderToContext(this.context2d); } this.context2d.stroke(); this.context2d.closePath(); }; Sakri.VerletStage.prototype.start = function(){ //console.log("VerletStage.start()"); if(this.running){ return; } this.gameLoop(); this.running = true; }; Sakri.VerletStage.prototype.gameLoop = function() { //console.log("Sakri.Verlet.VerletStage.gameLoop() "); var scope = this; window.setTimeout(function(){scope.gameLoop();}, 20); this.update(); }; Sakri.VerletStage.prototype.stop = function(){ this.running = false; }; //================================================== //======================::VERLET GRID::============ //================================================== Sakri.VerletGrid = function(width,height,rows,columns,constrain){ if(!rows || !columns){ throw new Error("VerletSquare Error : a square cannot have 0 rows or columns"); } this.gridWidth = width; this.gridHeight = height; //one cell is considered as a row or column this.rows = rows + 1; this.columns = columns + 1; this.constrain = constrain; this.lockedPoint = null; this.createVerletPoints(); this.connectVerletSticks(); }; Sakri.VerletGrid.prototype.createVerletPoints = function(){ var rect = new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, this.gridWidth / (this.columns - 1), this.gridHeight / (this.rows - 1) ); var total = this.rows * this.columns; this.points = []; for(var i = 0;i<total;i++){ this.points[i] = new Sakri.VerletPoint( (i % this.columns) * rect.width,Math.floor(i / this.columns) * rect.height , this.constrain); //trace(points[i],i,i/rows,Math.floor(i/rows),Math.floor(i/columns)*rect.height); } }; Sakri.VerletGrid.prototype.connectVerletSticks = function(){ this.sticks = []; this.connectHorizontalVerletSticks(); this.connectVerticalVerletSticks(); this.connectDiagonalVerletSticks(); }; Sakri.VerletGrid.prototype.connectHorizontalVerletSticks = function(){ var total = this.points.length; var stick, pointB, i; var pointA = this.points[0]; for(i = 1; i<total; i++){ pointB = this.points[i]; if(i % this.columns>0){ this.sticks.push(new Sakri.VerletStick(pointA, pointB)); } pointA = pointB; } }; Sakri.VerletGrid.prototype.connectVerticalVerletSticks = function(){ var total = this.points.length - this.columns; var stick, pointA, pointB, i; for(i = 0; i < total; i++){ pointA = this.points[i]; pointB = this.points[i + this.columns]; this.sticks.push(new Sakri.VerletStick(pointA, pointB)); } }; Sakri.VerletGrid.prototype.connectDiagonalVerletSticks = function(){ var total = this.points.length-this.columns; var stick, pointA, pointB, i; var skip = this.columns - 1; for(i = 0; i<total ;i++){ if(i % this.columns == skip){ continue; } pointA = this.points[i]; pointB = this.points[i+ this.columns + 1]; this.sticks.push(new Sakri.VerletStick(pointA, pointB)); } };
//general properties for demo set up
var canvas;
var context;
var canvasContainer;
var htmlBounds;
var bounds;
var minimumStageWidth = 250;
var minimumStageHeight = 250;
var maxStageWidth = 900;
var maxStageHeight = 600;
var resizeTimeoutId = -1;
function init(){ canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = "absolute"; context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvasContainer = document.getElementById("canvasContainer"); canvasContainer.appendChild(canvas); window.onresize = resizeHandler; commitResize();
function getWidth( element ){return Math.max(element.scrollWidth,element.offsetWidth,element.clientWidth );}
function getHeight( element ){return Math.max(element.scrollHeight,element.offsetHeight,element.clientHeight );}
//avoid running resize scripts repeatedly if a browser window is being resized by dragging
function resizeHandler(){ context.clearRect(0,0,bounds.width, bounds.height); clearTimeoutsAndIntervals(); clearTimeout (resizeTimeoutId); resizeTimeoutId = setTimeout(function(){commitResize();}, 300 );
function commitResize(){ htmlBounds = new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(0,0, getWidth(this.canvasContainer) , getHeight(canvasContainer)); if(htmlBounds.width >= maxStageWidth){ canvas.width = maxStageWidth; = htmlBounds.getCenterX() - (maxStageWidth/2)+"px"; }else{ canvas.width = htmlBounds.width; ="0px"; } if(htmlBounds.height > maxStageHeight){ canvas.height = maxStageHeight; = htmlBounds.getCenterY() - (maxStageHeight/2)+"px"; }else{ canvas.height = htmlBounds.height; ="0px"; } bounds = new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.clearRect(0,0,bounds.width, bounds.height); if(bounds.width<minimumStageWidth || bounds.height<minimumStageHeight){ stageTooSmallHandler(); return; } startDemo();
function stageTooSmallHandler(){ var warning = "Sorry, bigger screen required :("; var props = new Sakri.CanvasTextProperties(null,null,24); context.font = props.getFontString(); context.fillStyle = "#000000"; context.fillText(warning, bounds.getCenterX() - context.measureText(warning).width/2, bounds.getCenterY()-12);
var readyStateCheckInterval = setInterval( function() { if (document.readyState === "complete") { clearInterval(readyStateCheckInterval); init(); }
}, 10);
//Demo specific properties
function clearTimeoutsAndIntervals(){ clearInterval(bounceIntervalId); animating = false;
var animating = false;
var bounceIntervalId = -1;
var sourceImage;
var sourceImageRect;
var fillPattern;
var characterCanvas;
var renderCanvas;
var triangleCanvas;
var triangleContext;
var words = ["SAKRI", "JELLO"];
var currentText;
var textColor = "#0c0d43";
var backgroundColor = "#0c0d43";
var strokeColor = "#000000";
var strokeWidth = 3;
var rows = 2;
var cols = 4;
var cellWidth;
var cellHeight;
var verletStage;
var verletGrid;
var triangles;
var verletTriangles;
var reverseVerletTriangles;
var fontProperties = new Sakri.CanvasTextProperties(Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLD, null, 160);
var colors = ["#698384", "#841118", "#c26c2e", "#517c24", "#cca835", "#166586", "#9ba78c", "#b68679"];
function getBGColor(textColor){ var color = colors[Math.floor(Math.random()*colors.length)]; while(color==textColor){ color = colors[Math.floor(Math.random()*colors.length)]; } return color;
function startDemo(){ textColor = colors[Math.floor(Math.random()*colors.length)]; backgroundColor = getBGColor(textColor); currentText = words[Math.floor(Math.random()*words.length)]; createSourceImage();//image containing text cellWidth = sourceImage.width / cols; cellHeight = sourceImage.height / rows; createTriangleCanvas(); sourceImageRect = new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, sourceImage.width, sourceImage.height); setUpVerletGrid(); createImageTriangles(); verletGrid.sticks[0].applyForce(1 + Math.random() * 8, 0); bounceIntervalId = setInterval(bounce, 4000); animating = true; loop();
function loop(){ drawScreen(); if(animating){ window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas); }
function bounce(){ for(var i = 0; i < verletGrid.sticks.length; i++){ verletGrid.sticks[i].applyForce(0 , -Math.random()); } verletGrid.sticks[0].applyForce((Math.random()>.5 ? 1 : -1) * Math.random() * 5, 0);//a bit of horizontal force as well
//The demo only works if the source image has no transparent pixels. Somhow they screw up context.createPattern()
//The text therefore first rendered with no bg
//then the white space is trimmed
//then it's rerendered with a background using the dimensions from the trimmed version.
function createSourceImage(){ var renderCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var renderContext = renderCanvas.getContext("2d"); renderContext.clearRect(0,0,renderCanvas.width, renderCanvas.height); renderContext.font = fontProperties.getFontString(); renderContext.textBaseline = "top"; renderCanvas.width = renderContext.measureText(currentText).width; renderCanvas.height = fontProperties.fontSize; renderContext = renderCanvas.getContext("2d"); renderContext.fillStyle = textColor; renderContext.font = fontProperties.getFontString(); renderContext.textBaseline = "top"; renderContext.fillText(currentText,0,0); renderContext.strokeStyle = "#000000"; renderContext.lineWidth = strokeWidth; renderContext.strokeText(currentText,0,0); //context.drawImage(renderCanvas,0,0); var rect = Sakri.BitmapUtil.getCanvasTrimRectangle(renderCanvas); sourceImage = document.createElement('canvas'); sourceImage.width = rect.width; sourceImage.height = rect.height; var sourceImageContext = sourceImage.getContext("2d"); sourceImageContext.fillStyle = backgroundColor; sourceImageContext.fillRect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height); sourceImageContext.drawImage(renderCanvas, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);
function createTriangleCanvas(){ triangleCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); triangleCanvas.width = cellWidth; triangleCanvas.height = cellHeight; triangleContext = triangleCanvas.getContext("2d");
function setUpVerletGrid(){ var constrain = new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); verletGrid = new Sakri.VerletGrid(sourceImage.width, sourceImage.height, rows, cols, constrain); verletStage = new Sakri.VerletStage(context, constrain, verletGrid.sticks, false, false);
function getMatchingVerletPoint(point){ var verlet, i; for(i = 0; i < verletGrid.points.length; i++){ verlet = verletGrid.points[i]; if(verlet.x == point.x && verlet.y == point.y){ return verlet; } }
function matchVerletPointsToTriangle(triangle){ var match = new Sakri.Geom.Triangle(getMatchingVerletPoint(triangle.a), getMatchingVerletPoint(triangle.b), getMatchingVerletPoint(triangle.c)); //console.log(match.toString()); return match;
function createImageTriangles(){ var triangle, reverseTriangle, i, j; triangles = []; verletTriangles = []; reverseVerletTriangles = []; for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){ for(j = 0; j < cols; j++){ triangle = new Sakri.Geom.Triangle(new Sakri.Geom.Point(j * cellWidth, i * cellHeight), new Sakri.Geom.Point(j * cellWidth+cellWidth, i * cellHeight), new Sakri.Geom.Point(j * cellWidth, i * cellHeight + cellHeight) ); triangles.push(triangle); //console.log(triangle.toString()); reverseTriangle = new Sakri.Geom.Triangle(new Sakri.Geom.Point(triangle.b.x, triangle.c.y), new Sakri.Geom.Point(triangle.c.x, triangle.c.y), new Sakri.Geom.Point(triangle.b.x, triangle.b.y) ); verletTriangles.push(matchVerletPointsToTriangle(triangle)); reverseVerletTriangles.push(matchVerletPointsToTriangle(reverseTriangle)); } }
function drawScreen(){ //console.log("drawScreen()"); context.fillStyle = backgroundColor; context.fillRect(0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height); renderTriangles(); verletStage.update();
function renderTriangles(){ //console.log("renderTriangles()", triangles.length); for(var i = 0; i < triangles.length; i++){; renderTriangle(triangles[i], verletTriangles[i]); context.restore();; renderReverseTriangle(triangles[i], reverseVerletTriangles[i]); context.restore(); }
/*function transformToString(t){ return "(scaleX:" + t.scaleX + " , skewX:" + t.skewX + " , skewY:" + t.skewY + " , scaleY:" + t.scaleY + " , " + t.tx + " , " + t.ty + ")";
function renderTriangle(sourceTriangle, targetTriangle){ //console.log("renderTriangle()", sourceTriangle.toString(), targetTriangle.toString()); //console.log("renderTriangle()", context, triangleCanvas); triangleContext.drawImage(sourceImage, -sourceTriangle.a.x, -sourceTriangle.a.y); fillPattern = context.createPattern(triangleCanvas, 'no-repeat'); context.fillStyle = fillPattern; //context.fillStyle = "#FF0000"; updateTriangleTransform(sourceTriangle, targetTriangle); context.setTransform(transform.scaleX, transform.skewX, transform.skewY, transform.scaleY, transform.tx, transform.ty); context.beginPath(); //+1s and -1s are adjustments to avoid empty space between rendered triangles context.moveTo(-1, -1); context.lineTo(triangles[0].b.x + 1, triangles[0].b.y - 1); context.lineTo(-1, triangles[0].c.y + 1); context.lineTo(-1, -1); context.closePath(); context.fill();
function renderReverseTriangle(sourceTriangle, targetTriangle){ updateReflectedTriangle(targetTriangle); triangleContext.drawImage(sourceImage, -sourceTriangle.a.x, -sourceTriangle.a.y); fillPattern = context.createPattern(triangleCanvas, 'no-repeat'); context.fillStyle = fillPattern; //context.fillStyle = "#00FF00"; updateTriangleTransform(sourceTriangle, reflectedTriangle); //console.log("transform : ",transformToString(transform)); context.setTransform(transform.scaleX, transform.skewX, transform.skewY, transform.scaleY, transform.tx, transform.ty); context.beginPath(); //+1s and -1s are adjustments to avoid empty space between rendered triangles context.moveTo(triangles[0].b.x, triangles[0].b.y - 1); context.lineTo(triangles[0].b.x, triangles[0].c.y + 1); context.lineTo(-1, triangles[0].c.y + 1); context.lineTo(triangles[0].b.x, triangles[0].b.y - 1); context.closePath(); context.fill();
var transform = new Object();
function updateTriangleTransform(sourceTriangle, transformedTriangle){ var xAngle = Sakri.Geom.Point.angleBetweenTwoPoints( transformedTriangle.b, transformedTriangle.a ); var yAngle = Sakri.Geom.Point.angleBetweenTwoPoints( transformedTriangle.c, transformedTriangle.a ); var transformedWidth = Sakri.Geom.Point.distanceBetweenTwoPoints(transformedTriangle.a, transformedTriangle.b); var transformedHeight = Sakri.Geom.Point.distanceBetweenTwoPoints( transformedTriangle.a, transformedTriangle.c ); var xScale = transformedWidth / (sourceTriangle.b.x - sourceTriangle.a.x); var yScale = transformedHeight / (sourceTriangle.c.y - sourceTriangle.a.y); transform.scaleX = Math.cos(xAngle) * xScale; transform.scaleY = Math.sin(yAngle) * yScale; transform.skewX = Math.sin(xAngle) * xScale; transform.skewY = Math.cos(yAngle) * yScale; transform.tx = transformedTriangle.a.x; transform.ty = transformedTriangle.a.y; //console.log("updateTriangleTransfor() ",transform.scaleX, transform.scaleY, transform.skewX, transform.skewY, transform.tx, transform.ty);
var reflectedTriangle = new Sakri.Geom.Triangle();
//receives a "bottom verlet" triangle
function updateReflectedTriangle(transformedTriangle){ reflectedTriangle.b = transformedTriangle.c; reflectedTriangle.c = transformedTriangle.b; var angleAC = Sakri.Geom.Point.angleBetweenTwoPoints( transformedTriangle.c, transformedTriangle.a ); var radius = Sakri.Geom.Point.distanceBetweenTwoPoints(transformedTriangle.a, transformedTriangle.c); reflectedTriangle.a.x = transformedTriangle.b.x + Math.cos(angleAC) * radius; reflectedTriangle.a.y = transformedTriangle.b.y + Math.sin(angleAC) * radius;
Jello Text - Script Codes
Jello Text - Script Codes
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Developer Sakri Rosenstrom
Username sakri
Uploaded September 13, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 12,971 Kb
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