JS for card game

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How do I make an js for card game?

WORK IN PROGRESSBuilding a card game as an exercise. I want to get familiar with Object Oriented Programming. This is all through the console so far.. What is a js for card game? How do you make a js for card game? This script and codes were developed by Harry Sadler on 29 November 2022, Tuesday.

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JS for card game - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>JS for card game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://yui.yahooapis.com/pure/0.5.0/pure-min.css"> <script src="//jashkenas.github.io/underscore/underscore-min.js"> </script> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"> </script> <meta name="description" content="Steampunk Duel JS" /> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Steampunk Duel JS</title> </head> <body> <div class='testingWrapper'> <button class="pure-button" id='resetGame'>Restart Game</button> <div class="p1Buttons"> <button class="pure-button" id='p1DrawCard'>p1 draw card</button> <button class="pure-button playcard cardSelected" id='p1Drone'>Patrol Drone</button> <button class="pure-button playcard" id='p1Assassin'>Dagger Assassin</button> <button class="pure-button playcard" id='p1Snail'>Armored Snail</button> <button class="pure-button playcard" id='p1Inspector'>Dark Coat Inspector</button> <button class="pure-button" id='test6'>p1 button</button> <button class="pure-button" id='test7'>p1 button</button> <button class="pure-button" id='test8'>p1 button</button> <button class="pure-button" id='test9'>p1 button</button> <button class="pure-button" id='p1EndTurn'>p1 end turn</button> </div> <div class='p2Buttons'> <button class="pure-button" id='p2DrawCard'>p2 draw card</button> <button class="pure-button playcard" id='p2Drone'>Patrol Drone</button> <button class="pure-button playcard" id='p2Assassin'>Dagger Assassin</button> <button class="pure-button playcard" id='p2Snail'>Armored Snail</button> <button class="pure-button playcard" id='p2Inspector'>Dark Coat Inspector</button> <button class="pure-button" id='test16'>p2 button</button> <button class="pure-button" id='test17'>p2 button</button> <button class="pure-button" id='test18'>p2 button</button> <button class="pure-button" id='test19'>p2 button</button> <button class="pure-button" id='p2EndTurn'>p2 end turn</button> </div> </div> </body>
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JS for card game - Script Codes CSS Codes

 {border:1px dotted red;}
button {
.testingWrapper { display: block; margin: 40px auto; width: 400px; height: 500px;
.pure-button { display: block; margin: 8px auto;
.p2Buttons { *display: block; width: 198px; float: left; *padding: 0 auto;
#resetGame { display: block; clear: both; margin: 20px auto; color: white; background-color: #444444;

JS for card game - Script Codes JS Codes

// game object //
var game = { players: { // player1: { // name, hp, status, alive, isPlayer, hasTurn, // pointsAvail, // cards: { // Patrol Drone: { // name, cost, attack, hp, status, ready, // alive, myOwner: player1 (circular reference) // isInHand(), isOnBoard(), logStatus() // }, etc. // }, // inHand: {}, onBoard: {} // addCard(), getNewDeck(), drawCard(), // playCard(), spendPoints() // }, // player2: {}, // newPlayers() }, turn: { current: null, whoStarted: null, whoHasTurn: null, //nextTurn(), rollTurn(), setHasTurn() }, round: { current: null //nextRound() }, cardLibrary: [],//holds sub arrays of card infos currentFight: { cardsInvolved: [] //tradeAttack1v1(card1, card2), checkCardEligible(), //logfight1v1(), updateCardStatus() } //resetGame()
// for utility functions //
var gameFunc = { getRandInt: function(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max) + min; }, randObjProp: function(obj) { var objPropArr = Object.keys(obj); var randPropName = objPropArr[ Math.floor( Math.random() * objPropArr.length ) ]; return obj[randPropName]; }, isEmpty: function(obj) { for(var prop in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { return false; } } return true; }
game.cardLibrary = [ //['name', cost, hp, attack] ["Patrol Drone", "pDrone", 2, 3, 2], ["Dagger Assassin", "dAssassin", 4, 2, 4], ["Armored Snail", "aSnail", 3, 5, 1], ["Dark Coat Inspector", "dcInspector", 7, 6, 5]
//card constructor
var Card = function(infoArray) { this.name = infoArray[0]; this.shortName = infoArray[1]; this.cost = infoArray[2]; this.hp = infoArray[3]; this.attack = infoArray[4]; this.alive = true; this.ready = false; this.status = 'alive'; //will make better use of this soon
//add to Card prototype
Card.prototype.uniqueID = function() { return this.myOwner.name + this.shortName;
Card.prototype.logStatus = function() { console.log(this.name + '\n\thp: ' + this.hp + '\n\tstatus: ' + this.status + '\n\n');
Card.prototype.isInHand = function() { if(this.myOwner.inHand[this.name]) { return true; } else{return false;}
Card.prototype.isOnBoard = function() { if(this.myOwner.onBoard[this.name]) { return true; } else{return false;}
//player constructor
var Player = function(playerNum) { this.number = playerNum; this.name = 'player' + playerNum; this.hp = null; this.cards = {}; this.inHand = {}; this.onBoard = {}; this.status = null; this.alive = null; this.isPlayer = true; this.hasTurn = null; this.pointsAvail = null; this.drawCardCost = 1;
//add to Player prototype
Player.prototype.addCard = function(cardInfoArray){ this.cards[cardInfoArray[0]] = new Card(cardInfoArray);
Player.prototype.getNewDeck = function() { this.cards = {}; this.inHand = {}; this.onBoard = {}; var thisPlayer = this; _.each(game.cardLibrary, function(cardInfo) { thisPlayer.addCard(cardInfo); }); //card.myOwner is its own parent (circular reference) var myPlayer = this; //for closure _.each(this.cards, function(card){ card.myOwner = myPlayer; });
Player.prototype.drawCard = function() { //if player doesn't have turn if(!this.hasTurn) { alert('It\'s not your turn...'); return; } //if player deck is empty if(gameFunc.isEmpty(this.cards)){ alert('Invalid move!\nYour deck is empty!'); return; } //if enought points, spend and draw card.. if(this.spendPoints(this.drawCardCost)){ var randCard = gameFunc.randObjProp(this.cards); this.inHand[randCard.name] = randCard; delete this.cards[randCard.name]; console.log('Player ' + this.number + ' drew card: ' + randCard.name); }
Player.prototype.playCard = function(cardName) { //if player doesn't have turn if(!this.hasTurn) { alert('It\'s not your turn...'); return; } //if player hand is empty if(!this.inHand[cardName]){ alert(cardName + ' does not exist in your hand..'); return; } //if player has the points to spend on the card.. if(this.spendPoints(this.inHand[cardName].cost)) { var expense = this.inHand[cardName].cost; this.onBoard[cardName] = this.inHand[cardName]; delete this.inHand[cardName]; console.log('Player ' + this.number + ' spent ' + expense + ' points to play ' + cardName + '.'); }
//need to implement this spend function.....
Player.prototype.spendPoints = function(toSpend) { if(toSpend > this.pointsAvail) { alert('Invalid move\nYou don\'t have enought points'); return false; } else { this.pointsAvail = this.pointsAvail - toSpend; return true; }
game.players.newPlayers = function(numPlayers) { for (var person in this){ if(this[person].isPlayer){ delete this[person]; } } var player = null; for(i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { player = "player" + (i + 1); this[player] = new Player(i+1); }
game.currentFight.cardsEligible = function(cardsInvArr) { if(!cardsInvArr[0].myOwner.hasTurn || cardsInvArr[1].myOwner.hasTurn){ alert('Invalid move!\nIt isn\'t your turn!'); return false; } for(i = 0; i < cardsInvArr.length; i++){ if(!cardsInvArr[i].isOnBoard()){ alert('Invalid Move!\n' + cardsInvArr[i].name + ' is not on the board!'); return false; } if(!cardsInvArr[i].alive) { alert(cardsInvArr[i].name + ' is already dead!' + '\nChoose a different card..'); return false; } } return true;
game.currentFight.logFight1v1 = function() { console.log(this.cardsInvolved[0].name + ' attacks ' + this.cardsInvolved[1].name + '!'); _.each(this.cardsInvolved, function(card) { card.logStatus(); });
game.currentFight.updateCardStatus = function() { _.each(this.cardsInvolved, function(card) { if(card.hp < 1) { card.alive = false; card.status = 'dead'; } else if(card.hp > 0) { //may never use this card.alive = true; card.status = 'alive'; } });
game.turn.rollTurn = function() { return gameFunc.getRandInt(1,2);
game.turn.nextTurn = function() { if(this.current === 1) { this.current = 2; if(this.whoStarted === 2){ game.round.nextRound(); } } else { this.current = 1; if(this.whoStarted === 1){ game.round.nextRound(); } } this.setHasTurn(); console.log('Player ' + this.current + ', Your turn');
game.turn.setHasTurn = function() { for(var player in game.players) { game.players[player].hasTurn = false; } var playerWithTurn = 'player' + this.current; game.players[playerWithTurn].hasTurn = true;
game.round.nextRound = function() { this.current++; console.log('Round: ' + this.current); var currentRound = this.current; _.each(game.players, function(player){ if(player.isPlayer){ player.pointsAvail = currentRound + 20; // temp point amount } });
// reset game method
game.resetGame = function() { this.players.newPlayers(2); for(var player in this.players) { var thisPlayer = this.players[player]; if(thisPlayer.isPlayer) { thisPlayer.getNewDeck(); thisPlayer.hp = 25; thisPlayer.status = 'alive'; thisPlayer.alive = true; } } this.turn.current = this.turn.whoStarted = game.turn.rollTurn(); this.turn.setHasTurn(); console.log('New Game Started!'); this.round.current = 0; this.round.nextRound(); console.log('Player ' + this.turn.current + ' goes first!');
//card battle function 1v1
game.currentFight.tradeAttack1v1 = function(card1, card2) { //console.log(card1); var cardsInvolved = this.cardsInvolved = [card1, card2]; if(!this.cardsEligible(cardsInvolved)) { return; } //fight! card2.hp = card2.hp - card1.attack; card1.hp = card1.hp - card2.attack; this.updateCardStatus(cardsInvolved); this.logFight1v1(); //log summary of fight
//initialize game
//saving cards to quick variables..
var p1drone = game.players.player1.cards['Patrol Drone'];
var p1assass = game.players.player1.cards['Dagger Assassin'];
var p1snail = game.players.player1.cards['Armored Snail'];
var p1inspector = game.players.player1.cards['Dark Coat Inspector'];
var p2drone = game.players.player2.cards['Patrol Drone'];
var p2assass = game.players.player2.cards['Dagger Assassin'];
var p2snail = game.players.player2.cards['Armored Snail'];
var p2inspector = game.players.player2.cards['Dark Coat Inspector'];
//save players to quick vars
var p1 = game.players.player1;
var p2 = game.players.player2;
// game.currentFight.tradeAttack1v1(p1drone, p2snail);
// game.turn.nextTurn();
// game.currentFight.tradeAttack1v1(p2inspector, p1assass);
// game.currentFight.tradeAttack1v1(p2inspector, p1drone);
// game.currentFight.tradeAttack1v1(p2inspector, p1drone);
// BUGS:
// TO DO:
// - cards on board vs cards in hand
// X need player.playCard() to put on board
// - need card.ready = true/false
// - need a "wait" function for situations where
// turns need to pass(ex. 'card is frozen for 2 turns')
// - card.status will include 'in deck', 'in hand', 'on board',
// 'stunned', 'dead'
//reset game
$('#resetGame').click(function() { game.resetGame();
//draw cards
$('#p1DrawCard').click(function() { game.players.player1.drawCard();
$('#p2DrawCard').click(function() { game.players.player2.drawCard();
//end turns
$('#p1EndTurn, #p2EndTurn').click(function() { game.turn.nextTurn();
//make DOM card IDs match the js card uniqueIDs
JS for card game - Script Codes
JS for card game - Script Codes
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Developer Harry Sadler
Username harrysadlermusic
Uploaded November 29, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,115 Kb
Views 6,072
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Harry Sadler (harrysadlermusic) Script Codes
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