JSON based picture gallery with lazyloading

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How do I make an json based picture gallery with lazyloading?

A picture gallery with zoomwall.js (content-focused photo gallery) & echo.js (image lazyloading) production: https://englishextra.github.io/app/picturewall.html // Images by authors at Unsplash & Flickr. What is a json based picture gallery with lazyloading? How do you make a json based picture gallery with lazyloading? This script and codes were developed by Englishextra on 24 January 2023, Tuesday.

JSON based picture gallery with lazyloading Previews

JSON based picture gallery with lazyloading - Script Codes HTML Codes

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JSON based picture gallery with lazyloading - Script Codes CSS Codes

/*! libs\picturewall\scss\bundle.scss */
/*! @import "englishextra-ui-colors" */
/** * englishextra-ui colors * use microsoft.com/en-us/design/color * localhost/tools/Tinter-Shader/index.html * localhost/tools/perfect_colors/ * localhost/tools/TinyColor/index.html * localhost/tools/color-palette-generator/index.html * localhost/tools/hexcolortool/index.html * localhost/tools/css3-playground/ */
/* 0073D2
3087CD */
/* \$(.*?)\: (.*?)\;
\$(.*?)\: (.*?)\; .bg-\1 { background-color: $\1; } */ /*! @import "englishextra-ui-variables"; */ /*! * modified zoomwall.js v1.1.1 * The MIT License (MIT) * Copyright (c) 2014 Eric Leong * @see {@link https://github.com/ericleong/zoomwall.js} * @see {@link https://github.com/ericleong/zoomwall.js/blob/master/zoomwall.js} * passes jshint */ .zoomwall { font-size: 0; overflow: hidden; } .zoomwall img { display: inline-block; height: 15vw; opacity: 1; vertical-align: top; -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 0%; transform-origin: 0% 0%; -webkit-transition-property: opacity, -webkit-transform; transition-property: opacity, -webkit-transform; transition-property: transform, opacity; transition-property: transform, opacity, -webkit-transform; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-out; transition-timing-function: ease-out; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .zoomwall.lightbox img { -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in; transition-timing-function: ease-in; opacity: 0.3; } .zoomwall.lightbox img.active { opacity: 1; } * { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } html, body { height: 100%; } html { font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px; } body { font-size: 1.000rem; line-height: 1.333rem; color: #1F1F1F; overflow-y: auto; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; outline: none; margin: 0; } a { color: inherit; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; outline: none; } .wrapper { width: 100%; min-height: 100%; background-color: #2B2B2B; } .title-bar { height: 3.200rem; background-color: #1F1F1F; /* text-align: center; */ } .title-bar a:link, .title-bar a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #FFFFFF; } .title-bar a:hover { color: #F03B4C; } .title-bar-icon { display: block; width: 1.333rem; height: 1.333rem; /* background-color: red; */ } .title-bar-icon > * { fill: #FFFFFF; } .btn-title-bar svg { display: block; } .btn-title-bar { display: block; position: absolute; color: #FFFFFF; } .btn-title-bar.back { top: 0.933rem; left: 0.933rem; } .btn-title-bar.title { font-family: "Roboto", "Source Sans Pro", "Open Sans", "Exo2", "Fira Sans", "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", "HelveticaNeue", "Roboto", sans-serif; font-weight: 400; font-size: 0.933rem; line-height: 3.200rem; margin: 0; top: 0; left: 50%; margin-right: -50%; -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0); transform: translate(-50%, 0); } .btn-title-bar.repo { top: 0.933rem; right: 0.933rem; } /*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,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 */

JSON based picture gallery with lazyloading - Script Codes JS Codes

/*jslint browser: true */
/*jslint node: true */
/*global echo, Headers, loadJsCss,
Promise, zoomwall */
/*property console, split */
/*! * safe way to handle console.log * @see {@link https://github.com/paulmillr/console-polyfill} */
(function(root){	"use strict";	if (!root.console) {	root.console = {};	}	var con = root.console;	var prop;	var method;	var dummy = function () {};	var properties = ["memory"];	var methods = ("assert,clear,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,exception,group," +	"groupCollapsed,groupEnd,info,log,markTimeline,profile,profiles,profileEnd," +	"show,table,time,timeEnd,timeline,timelineEnd,timeStamp,trace,warn").split(",");	for (; (prop = properties.pop()); ) {	if (!con[prop]) {	con[prop] = {};	}	}	for (; (method = methods.pop()); ) {	if (!con[method]) {	con[method] = dummy;	}	}	prop = method = dummy = properties = methods = null;
}("undefined" !== typeof window ? window : this));
/*! * modified zoomwall.js v1.1.1 * The MIT License (MIT) * Copyright (c) 2014 Eric Leong * added option to specify data attributes for high and low resolution * @see {@link https://github.com/ericleong/zoomwall.js} * @see {@link https://github.com/ericleong/zoomwall.js/blob/master/zoomwall.js} * passes jshint */
(function (root, document) {	"use strict";	var zoomwall = {	create: function (blocks, enableKeys, dataAttributeHighresName, dataAttributeLowresName) {	var _this = this;	_this.dataAttributeHighresName = dataAttributeHighresName || "highres";	_this.dataAttributeLowresName = dataAttributeLowresName || "lowres";	zoomwall.resize(blocks.children);	blocks.classList.remove("loading");	blocks.addEventListener("click", function () {	if (_this.children && _this.children.length > 0) {	zoomwall.shrink(_this.children[0]);	}	});	for (var i = 0; i < blocks.children.length; i++) {	blocks.children[i].addEventListener("click", zoomwall.animate);	}	if (enableKeys) {	zoomwall.keys(blocks);	}	},	keys: function (blocks) {	var keyPager = function (e) {	if (e.defaultPrevented) {	return;	}	var elem = blocks || document.getElementsByClassName("zoomwall lightbox")[0];	if (elem) {	switch (e.keyCode) {	case 27:	if (elem.children && elem.children.length > 0) {	zoomwall.shrink(elem.children[0]);	}	e.preventDefault();	break;	case 37:	zoomwall.page(elem, false);	e.preventDefault();	break;	case 39:	zoomwall.page(elem, true);	e.preventDefault();	break;	}	}	};	document.addEventListener("keydown", keyPager);	return keyPager;	},	resizeRow: function (row, width) {	if (row && row.length > 1) {	for (var i in row) {	if (row.hasOwnProperty(i)) {	row[i].style.width = (parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(row[i]).width, 10) / width * 100) + "%";	row[i].style.height = "auto";	}	}	}	},	calcRowWidth: function (row) {	var width = 0;	for (var i in row) {	if (row.hasOwnProperty(i)) {	width += parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(row[i]).width, 10);	}	}	return width;	},	resize: function (blocks) {	var row = [];	var top = -1;	for (var c = 0; c < blocks.length; c++) {	var block = blocks[c];	if (block) {	if (top == -1) {	top = block.offsetTop;	} else if (block.offsetTop != top) {	zoomwall.resizeRow(row, zoomwall.calcRowWidth(row));	row = [];	top = block.offsetTop;	}	row.push(block);	}	}	zoomwall.resizeRow(row, zoomwall.calcRowWidth(row));	},	reset: function (block) {	block.style.transform = "translate(0, 0) scale(1)";	block.style.webkitTransform = "translate(0, 0) scale(1)";	block.classList.remove("active");	},	shrink: function (block) {	block.parentNode.classList.remove("lightbox");	zoomwall.reset(block);	var prev = block.previousElementSibling;	while (prev) {	zoomwall.reset(prev);	prev = prev.previousElementSibling;	}	var next = block.nextElementSibling;	while (next) {	zoomwall.reset(next);	next = next.nextElementSibling;	}	if (block.dataset.lowres) {	block.src = block.dataset.lowres;	}	},	expand: function (block) {	var _this = this;	block.classList.add("active");	block.parentNode.classList.add("lightbox");	var parentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(block.parentNode);	var parentWidth = parseInt(parentStyle.width, 10);	var parentHeight = parseInt(parentStyle.height, 10);	var parentTop = block.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().top;	var blockStyle = window.getComputedStyle(block);	var blockWidth = parseInt(blockStyle.width, 10);	var blockHeight = parseInt(blockStyle.height, 10);	var targetHeight = window.innerHeight;	if (parentHeight < window.innerHeight) {	targetHeight = parentHeight;	} else if (parentTop > 0) {	targetHeight -= parentTop;	}	if (block.dataset[_this.dataAttributeHighresName]) {	if (block.src != block.dataset[_this.dataAttributeHighresName] && block.dataset[_this.dataAttributeLowresName] === undefined) {	block.dataset[_this.dataAttributeLowresName] = block.src;	}	block.src = block.dataset[_this.dataAttributeHighresName];	}	var row = [];	row.push(block);	var next = block.nextElementSibling;	while (next && next.offsetTop == block.offsetTop) {	row.push(next);	next = next.nextElementSibling;	}	var prev = block.previousElementSibling;	while (prev && prev.offsetTop == block.offsetTop) {	row.unshift(prev);	prev = prev.previousElementSibling;	}	var scale = targetHeight / blockHeight;	if (blockWidth * scale > parentWidth) {	scale = parentWidth / blockWidth;	}	var offsetY = parentTop - block.parentNode.offsetTop + block.offsetTop;	if (parentHeight < window.innerHeight || blockHeight * scale < parentHeight) {	offsetY -= targetHeight / 2 - blockHeight * scale / 2;	}	if (parentTop > 0) {	offsetY -= parentTop;	}	var leftOffsetX = 0;	for (var i = 0; i < row.length && row[i] != block; i++) {	leftOffsetX += parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(row[i]).width, 10) * scale;	}	leftOffsetX = parentWidth / 2 - blockWidth * scale / 2 - leftOffsetX;	var rightOffsetX = 0;	for (var j = row.length - 1; j >= 0 && row[j] != block; j--) {	rightOffsetX += parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(row[j]).width, 10) * scale;	}	rightOffsetX = parentWidth / 2 - blockWidth * scale / 2 - rightOffsetX;	var itemOffset = 0;	var prevWidth = 0;	for (var k = 0; k < row.length; k++) {	itemOffset += (prevWidth * scale - prevWidth);	prevWidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(row[k]).width, 10);	var percentageOffsetX = (itemOffset + leftOffsetX) / prevWidth * 100;	var percentageOffsetY = -offsetY / parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(row[k]).height, 10) * 100;	row[k].style.transformOrigin = "0% 0%";	row[k].style.webkitTransformOrigin = "0% 0%";	row[k].style.transform = "translate(" + percentageOffsetX.toFixed(8) + "%, " + percentageOffsetY.toFixed(8) + "%) scale(" + scale.toFixed(8) + ")";	row[k].style.webkitTransform = "translate(" + percentageOffsetX.toFixed(8) + "%, " + percentageOffsetY.toFixed(8) + "%) scale(" + scale.toFixed(8) + ")";	}	var nextOffsetY = blockHeight * (scale - 1) - offsetY;	var prevHeight;	itemOffset = 0;	prevWidth = 0;	var next2 = row[row.length - 1].nextElementSibling;	var nextRowTop = -1;	while (next2) {	var curTop = next2.offsetTop;	if (curTop == nextRowTop) {	itemOffset += prevWidth * scale - prevWidth;	} else {	if (nextRowTop != -1) {	itemOffset = 0;	nextOffsetY += prevHeight * (scale - 1);	}	nextRowTop = curTop;	}	prevWidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(next2).width, 10);	prevHeight = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(next2).height, 10);	var percentageOffsetX2 = (itemOffset + leftOffsetX) / prevWidth * 100;	var percentageOffsetY2 = nextOffsetY / prevHeight * 100;	next2.style.transformOrigin = "0% 0%";	next2.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "0% 0%";	next2.style.transform = "translate(" + percentageOffsetX2.toFixed(8) + "%, " + percentageOffsetY2.toFixed(8) + "%) scale(" + scale.toFixed(8) + ")";	next2.style.webkitTransform = "translate(" + percentageOffsetX2.toFixed(8) + "%, " + percentageOffsetY2.toFixed(8) + "%) scale(" + scale.toFixed(8) + ")";	next2 = next2.nextElementSibling;	}	var prevOffsetY = -offsetY;	itemOffset = 0;	prevWidth = 0;	var prev2 = row[0].previousElementSibling;	var prevRowTop = -1;	while (prev2) {	var curTop2 = prev2.offsetTop;	if (curTop2 == prevRowTop) {	itemOffset -= prevWidth * scale - prevWidth;	} else {	itemOffset = 0;	prevOffsetY -= parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(prev2).height, 10) * (scale - 1);	prevRowTop = curTop2;	}	prevWidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(prev2).width, 10);	var percentageOffsetX3 = (itemOffset - rightOffsetX) / prevWidth * 100;	var percentageOffsetY3 = prevOffsetY / parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(prev2).height, 10) * 100;	prev2.style.transformOrigin = "100% 0%";	prev2.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "100% 0%";	prev2.style.transform = "translate(" + percentageOffsetX3.toFixed(8) + "%, " + percentageOffsetY3.toFixed(8) + "%) scale(" + scale.toFixed(8) + ")";	prev2.style.webkitTransform = "translate(" + percentageOffsetX3.toFixed(8) + "%, " + percentageOffsetY3.toFixed(8) + "%) scale(" + scale.toFixed(8) + ")";	prev2 = prev2.previousElementSibling;	}	},	animate: function (e) {	var _this = this;	if (_this.classList.contains("active")) {	zoomwall.shrink(_this);	} else {	var actives = _this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("active");	for (var i = 0; i < actives.length; i++) {	actives[i].classList.remove("active");	}	zoomwall.expand(_this);	}	e.stopPropagation();	},	page: function (blocks, isNext) {	var actives = blocks.getElementsByClassName("active");	if (actives && actives.length > 0) {	var current = actives[0];	var next;	if (isNext) {	next = current.nextElementSibling;	} else {	next = current.previousElementSibling;	}	if (next) {	current.classList.remove("active");	if (current.dataset.lowres) {	current.src = current.dataset.lowres;	}	zoomwall.expand(next);	}	}	}	};	root.zoomwall = zoomwall;
})("undefined" !== typeof window ? window : this, document);
/*! * modified Echo.js, simple JavaScript image lazy loading * added option to specify data attribute and img class * @see {@link https://toddmotto.com/echo-js-simple-javascript-image-lazy-loading/} * passes jshint */
(function (root, document) {	"use strict";	var echo = function (imgClass, dataAttributeName) {	imgClass = imgClass || "data-src-img";	dataAttributeName = dataAttributeName || "src";	var Echo = function (elem) {	var _this = this;	_this.elem = elem;	_this.render();	_this.listen();	};	var isBindedEchoClass = "is-binded-echo";	var isBindedEcho = (function () {	return document.documentElement.classList.contains(isBindedEchoClass) || "";	}	());	var echoStore = [];	var scrolledIntoView = function (element) {	var coords = element.getBoundingClientRect();	return ((coords.top >= 0 && coords.left >= 0 && coords.top) <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight));	};	var echoSrc = function (img, callback) {	img.src = img.dataset[dataAttributeName] || img.getAttribute("data-" + dataAttributeName);	if (callback) {	callback();	}	};	var removeEcho = function (element, index) {	if (echoStore.indexOf(element) !== -1) {	echoStore.splice(index, 1);	}	};	var echoImageAll = function () {	for (var i = 0; i < echoStore.length; i++) {	var self = echoStore[i];	if (scrolledIntoView(self)) {	echoSrc(self, removeEcho(self, i));	}	}	};	Echo.prototype = {	init: function () {	echoStore.push(this.elem);	},	render: function () {	if (document.addEventListener) {}	else {}	echoImageAll();	},	listen: function () {	if (!isBindedEcho) {	root.addEventListener("scroll", echoImageAll);	document.documentElement.classList.add(isBindedEchoClass);	}	}	};	var lazyImgs = document.getElementsByClassName(imgClass) || "";	var walkLazyImageAll = function () {	for (var i = 0; i < lazyImgs.length; i++) {	new Echo(lazyImgs[i]).init();	}	};	if (lazyImgs) {	walkLazyImageAll();	}	};	root.echo = echo;
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/*! * modified loadExt * @see {@link https://gist.github.com/englishextra/ff9dc7ab002312568742861cb80865c9} * passes jshint */
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/*! * app logic */
(function(root, document){	"use strict";	var run = function () {	var zoomwallGallery = document.getElementById("zoomwall") || "";	var imgClass = "data-src-img"; // lazyloader finds images using class name	var jsonHighresKeyName = "highres"; // should be same img data attribute as in json high resolution key name	var jsonSrcKeyName = "src"; // will be an initial img src from json	var jsonUrl = "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/picturewall/json/zoomwall.json"; // images list	/* var myHeaders = new Headers();	fetch(jsonUrl, {	headers: myHeaders,	credentials: "same-origin"	}).then(function (response) {	if (response.ok) {	return response.text();	} else {	throw new Error("cannot fetch", jsonUrl);	}	}).then(function (text) { */	var generateGallery = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {	var jsonObj;	try {	jsonObj =
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{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/grammar_usage_of_articles_a_the.jpg"
{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/grammar_usage_of_tenses.png"
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{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/tests_common_mistakes_test_advanced.jpg"
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{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/tests_ege_english_test_sample_speaking_2.jpg"
{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/tests_ege_english_test_sample_speaking_3.jpg"
{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/tests_ege_english_test_sample_speaking_4.jpg"
{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/tests_ege_english_test_sample_speaking_5.jpg"
{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/tests_ege_english_test_sample_speaking_6.jpg"
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{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/tests_gia_ege_letter_sample.jpg"
{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/tests_gia_english_test_sample_speaking_1.jpg"
{ "src": "1440x810", "highres": "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/pwa-englishextra/img/gallery/tests_grammar_tests_with_answers.jpg"
;	if (!jsonObj[0][jsonHighresKeyName]) {	throw new Error("incomplete JSON data: no " + jsonHighresKeyName);	} else {	if (!jsonObj[0][jsonSrcKeyName]) {	throw new Error("incomplete JSON data: no " + jsonSrcKeyName);	}	}	} catch (err) {	console.log("cannot init generateGallery", err);	return;	}	var df = document.createDocumentFragment();	var key;	for (key in jsonObj) {	if (jsonObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {	if (jsonObj[key][jsonSrcKeyName] && jsonObj[key][jsonHighresKeyName]) {	var img = document.createElement("img");	if ((/^([0-9]+)(\x|\ )([0-9]+)$/).test(jsonObj[key][jsonSrcKeyName])) {	img.src = ["data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%27%20viewBox%3D%270%200%20",	jsonObj[key][jsonSrcKeyName].replace("x", "%20"),	"%27%2F%3E"].join("");	} else {	img.src = jsonObj[key][jsonSrcKeyName];	}	img.dataset[jsonHighresKeyName] = jsonObj[key][jsonHighresKeyName];	img.classList.add(imgClass);	df.appendChild(img);	df.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\n"));	}	}	}	key = null;	/* var i;	for (i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; i += 1) {	var img = d.createElement("img");	img.src = jsonObj[i].src;	img.dataset[jsonHighresKeyName] = jsonObj[i][jsonHighresKeyName];	img.classList.add(imgClass);	df.appendChild(img);	df.appendChild(d.createTextNode("\n"));	}	i = null; */	if (zoomwallGallery.appendChild(df)) {	resolve();	} else {	reject();	}	});	generateGallery.then(function (result) {	return result;	}).then(function (result) {	var timers = setTimeout(function () {	clearTimeout(timers);	timers = null;	if (zoomwallGallery) {	zoomwall.create(zoomwallGallery, true, jsonHighresKeyName);	}	}, 200);	}).then(function (result) {	var timers = setTimeout(function () {	clearTimeout(timers);	timers = null;	echo(imgClass, jsonHighresKeyName);	}, 200);	}).catch (function (err) {	console.log("Cannot create zoomwall gallery", err);	});	/* }).catch (function (err) {	console.log("cannot parse", jsonUrl);	}); */	/* var initEcho = function () {	echo(imgClass, jsonHighresKeyName);	};	w.addEventListener("load", initEcho); */	};	var scripts = [/* "https://englishextra.github.io/app/libs/picturewall/css/bundle.min.css" */];	if (!root.Promise) {	scripts.push("//cdn.jsdelivr.net/es6-promise-polyfill/1.2.0/promise.min.js");	}	if (!root.fetch) {	scripts.push("//cdn.jsdelivr.net/fetch/2.0.1/fetch.min.js");	}	/* scripts.push("./js/zoomwall.fixed.min.js", "./js/echo.fixed.js"); */	var load;	load = new loadJsCss(scripts, run);
}("undefined" !== typeof window ? window : this, document));
JSON based picture gallery with lazyloading - Script Codes
JSON based picture gallery with lazyloading - Script Codes
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Developer Englishextra
Username englishextra
Uploaded January 24, 2023
Rating 3
Size 10,270 Kb
Views 6,072
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