Media Slider

6,880 Kb

How do I make an media slider?

Media Slider is a front end module for featuring content on a website. It supports: Incremental (that is additive or sequential) cycling of content . What is a media slider? How do you make a media slider? This script and codes were developed by Michael Goldspinner on 07 July 2022, Thursday.

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Media Slider - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Media Slider</title> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <html>
<body> <div class="section-title"><p>The Media Slider</p></div> <section id="final"> <!-- The entire unit --> <div id="media"> <!-- The Title Section: Title index matches item index --> <header id="header"><h1>The Title</h1></header> <!-- The Content Window --> <div id="media-slider"> <!-- The Content Loop --> <div id="loop"> <!-- Content: items will flow after the previous if there is room in the loop --> <div class="item" id="one"><p>A</p></div> <div class="item" id="two"><p>B</p></div> <div class="item" id="three"><p>C</p></div> <div class="item" id="four"><p>D</p></div> </div> <!-- Slider Radio Buttons: Radio Input elements index is linked to item's index --> <div id="slider-select"> <input type="radio" id="radio-item" name="item" value="A"></input> <input type="radio" id="radio-item" name="item" value="B"></input> <input type="radio" id="radio-item" name="item" value="C"></input> <input type="radio" id="radio-item" name="item" value="D"></input> </div> </div> <!-- Navigation Buttons: Left & Right div with id's for specificity--> <div id="media-buttons"> <div class="button" id="left"> < </div> <div class="button" id="right"> > </div> </div> </div> </section>
</html> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Media Slider - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { overflow: hidden; height: 850px; margin: 0; padding: 0;
a { text-decoration: none; color: inherit;
.section-title { transition: background-color 1s; position: relative; z-index: 25; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); width: 100%; height: 100px; margin: 0px auto; /*margin-top: 50px;*/
.section-title p { position: relative; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 30pt; color: white; margin: 0; padding-top: 25px;
footer { position: absolute; z-index: 10; background-color: #444; /*border: solid 1px black;*/ width: 99.8%; height: 35px; bottom: 0px; margin: 0; padding: 0;
#media { transition: height 0.5s; position: relative; z-index: 5; overflow: visible; border: solid 1px black; width: 525px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto; top: 50px;
#header { background-color: #dedede; background-color: #444; border-bottom: solid 1px black; height: 50px; width: 100%; margin: 0;
#header h1 { font-family: sans-serif; color: white; padding: 10px 25px; margin: 0;
#media-slider { transition: height 0.5s; overflow: hidden; background-color: #222; width: 100%; height: 300px;
#loop { transition: inherit; position: relative; overflow: visible; transition: left 0.5s; width: 2150px; height: 300px; left: 0px;
.spacer-1 { width: 100%; height: 25%;
.spacer-2 { float: left; width: 42%; height: 75%;
.item { position: relative; display: inline-block; float: left; /* border: solid 1px red; */ width: 525px; height: 300px;
.item p { /*padding: 70px 220px;*/ width: 90px; margin: 0 auto; font-size: 100pt; color: white; font-family: sans-serif;
#one { background-color: red;
#two { background-color: blue; height: 350px;
#three { background-color: orange; height: 200px;
#four { background-color: purple; height: 500px;
#slider-select { position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 128px; height: 25px; bottom: 55px; left: 38%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;
input { /*position: relative;*/ -webkit-appearance: none; list-style: none; display: block; float: left; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3); border: solid 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-radius: 50%; width: 20px; height: 20px; margin: 0 5px; bottom: 200px;
input:checked { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
label { -webkit-appearance: none;
#slider-select li:hover, .radio
.radio { background-color: black; opacity: .5;
#media-buttons { background-color: #444; width: 100%; height: 50px;
.button { transition: background-color 0.2s; position: relative; cursor: pointer; float: left; clear: right; width: 50%; height: 40px; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0; font-size: 25pt; color: white;
.button:hover { background-color: #333;
.button-bg { background-color: white;

Media Slider - Script Codes JS Codes

$(document).ready(function() {
// --------------------------------
// --------------------------------
// <div> - #media | Main Container
// <div> - #media-title | Title of Current Shown Content
// <div> - #media-slider | Container for Shown Content
// <div> -#loop | Container for Positioning Content
// <div>/<li> Individual items of the loop
// <?> Any of the actual included content whether it's an embedded video or linked <img> or a <div> with an image-background property
// <div> - #media-input | Container for the inputs of interacting with the slider
// :$v: Variables Defined in OOC:$v:
// -- :$v1: mediaCount
// -- :$v2: item
// -- :$v3:
// :$f: Functions Defined in OOC :$f:
// -- :$f1: media counter
// :$v1: DEFAULTS
// :itemCount: counte for selected media item
// :media: selector for entire container
// :mediaWindow: selector for container displaying media content
// :loop: selector for container positioning media content
// :loopInt: returns pure number data type from loop's left property (gets the number without "px")
// :title: selector for media title
// :titleCount: counter for media title | Should match the itemCount
// :input: selector for input radio element
// :inputCurrent: selector for current input radio relative to itemCount
// ------------------------------------------------------------- var itemCount = 0 ; var media = $('#media') //selector for entire container var mediaWindow = $('#media-slider'); //selector for container displaying content (images/video) var loop = $('#loop'); //selector for the container positioning content within the mediaWindow var loopInt = parseInt(loop.css('left')); var title = $('#header > h1'); var titleCount = 0; var input = $('input'); var inputCurrent = $('input').eq(itemCount); //selector for current input radio relative to itemCount console.log(itemCount);
// :$v2: ITEMS | LIST OF LOOP ITEMS (sequential ordering) :$v2:
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// :: items are currently predefined
// :To-Do: write function to get items in the loop & index them to variables & array
// :itemsBulk: Gets all children of the loop | They are indexed in the parent object, the children method includes their indexes
// :items: By Default is empty
// :itemsFirst: The first index of items
// :itemsLast: The last index of items
// ------------------------------------------------------------- //var item1 = $('#media-slider > #loop').children('div:eq(0)'); //var item2 = $('#media-slider > #loop').children('div:eq(1)'); //var item3 = $('#media-slider > #loop').children('div:eq(2)'); //var item4 = $('#media-slider > #loop').children('div:eq(3)'); var itemsBulk = loop.children(); var items = []; var itemsFirst = items[0]; var itemsLast = items[items.length];
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// :: Function uses for loop to enter itemsBulk items into items[] array
// :: The for loop starts at the default of items[]
// :: The for loop stops when it reaches the end of itemsBulk
// ------------------------------------------------------------ function getItems() { for (i=items.length; i<=itemsBulk.length; i++){ items[i] = itemsBulk.eq(i); }; }; getItems(); console.log('items got'); console.log(items[1]);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// :: sets initial padding of content by finding difference between the height of item & media-slider
// ------------------------------------------------------------- $(itemsFirst).children().css('padding', (($(itemsFirst).height() - parseInt($(itemsFirst).children().css('height')))/2+"px")+" " + 0); console.log('itemsFirst set');
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// ::sets initial ::checked on input element
// -------------------------------------------------------------;
// :---:update function for itemCount & titleCount
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::1-updates counters according to the event trigger
// ::2-checks and constrains counters if values fall outside accepted range
// ::3-sets title according to titleCount
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function updateCounters(state) { switch (state) { case "left": titleCount = titleCount - 1; itemCount = itemCount - 1; break; case "right": titleCount = titleCount + 1; itemCount = itemCount + 1; break; }; // :: Counter Checks :: //--------------------- if (itemCount < 0) { itemCount = 0; } else if (itemCount > 3) { itemCount = 3; }; if (titleCount < 0) { titleCount = 0; } else if (titleCount > 3) { titleCount = 3; }; // :: Update Title :: //------------------------------------------------------------------- // :To-Do: Set up variables to assign titles using an interface menu //------------------------------------------------------------------- switch(titleCount) { case 0: title.text('Title A'); break; case 1: title.text('Title B'); break; case 2: title.text('Title C'); break; case 3: title.text('Title D'); break; }; };
// :$f2:Vertical Center Align function does this:$f2:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::1-create variable with current loop height
// ::2-get content of the currently shown item
// ::3-find difference betwen loop height & content's height then divide the difference in two
// ::4-set content's top and bottom padding to the split difference
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function vCenter() { var mediaHeight = loop.height(); var itemHeight = items[itemCount].children(); // Below Case no longer necessary because loop items are now retrieved in bulk using loop.children() and fed into the items[] array // by a for loop // switch (itemCount) { // case 0: // var itemHeight = items[this].children(); // break; // case 1: // var itemHeight = item2.children(); // break; // case 2: // var itemHeight = item3.children(); // break; // case 3: // var itemHeight = item4.children(); // break; // }; var difference = ((mediaHeight - parseInt(itemHeight.css('height')))/2+"px"); itemHeight.css('padding', difference+" 0"); };
// :$f3: Window Resize function does this:$f3:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::Parameter should be itemCount
// ::1-matches itemCount with cases | upon matching case
// ::2-resizes entire media container so border aligns properly
// ::3-resizes media slider to match height of selected item
// ::4-resizes loop to match height of selected item
// ::5-calls vCenter function which vertically aligns content of the selected item (view function for method)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Resize () { media.delay(200).css('height', parseInt(items[itemCount].css('height'))+100+'px'); mediaWindow.delay(200).css('height', items[itemCount].height()+'px'); loop.delay(200).css('height', items[itemCount].height()+'px'); vCenter(); // switch (item) { // case 0: // $('#media').delay(200).css('height', parseInt(item1.css('height')) + 100+"px"); // $('#media-slider').delay(200).css('height', item1.css('height')); // $('#loop').delay(200).css('height', item1.css('height')); // vCenter(); // break; // case 1: // $('#media').delay(200).css('height', parseInt(item2.css('height')) + 100+"px"); // $('#media-slider').delay(200).css('height', item2.css('height')); // $('#loop').delay(200).css('height', item2.css('height')); // vCenter(); // break; // case 2: // $('#media').delay(200).css('height', parseInt(item3.css('height')) + 100+"px"); // $('#media-slider').delay(200).css('height', item3.css('height')); // $('#loop').delay(200).css('height', item3.css('height')); // vCenter(); // break; // case 3: // $('#media').delay(200).css('height', parseInt(item4.css('height')) + 100+"px"); // $('#media-slider').delay(200).css('height', item4.css('height')); // $('#loop').delay(200).css('height', item4.css('height')); // vCenter(); // break; // }; };
// :$f4: Loop Modifier :$f4:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::loopRight & loopLeft functions modify the loop position by adding or taking away from the left property
// ::1-parse's target property into a number & stores into temp variable
// ::2-modifies temp variable & attaches px string
// ::3-checks modified temp variable against loop's restrictions
// ::4-re-assigns final variable to target
// ::5-calls Resize function with itemCount value
// ::6-updates checked input element
// :Resize: function is called here for simplicity in the click event function
// :loopRight: function add's to the loop's left property | if it is higher than the limit it will set it to that limit
// :loopLeft: function subtracts from the loop's left property | if it is lower than the limit it will set it to that limit
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function loopUpdate ( condition ) { var loopPos = parseInt(loop.css('left')); switch (condition.toLowerCase) { case 'left': loopPos = loopPos + 525; break; case 'right': loopPos = loopPos - 525; break; }; if (loopPos < -1575) { loopPos = -1575; } else if (loopPos >= 100) { loopPos = 0; } else { }; loop.css('left', loopPos+'px'); console.log(loopPos); Resize(); };
// ------------------------------------------------------
// ::resets title background color to default every 5 seconds
// ------------------------------------------------------ function headerChange() { var interval = setInterval(function() { $('.section-title').css('background-color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)'); }, 5000); };
// :: Calls function :: // headerChange();
// :: Left & Right :: //
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// ::1-left arrow click calls
// ::itemCounter update function::
// ::loopRight function::
// ::activates input radio corresponding with itemCount index::
// ----------------------------------------------------------- $('#left').click(function() { updateCounters("left"); loopUpdate( "left" ); input.eq(itemCount).click(); }).mousedown(function() { $(this).toggleClass('button-bg'); }).mouseup(function() { $(this).toggleClass('button-bg'); }); $('#right').click(function() { updateCounters("right"); loopUpdate( "Right" ); input.eq(itemCount).click(); }).mousedown(function() { $(this).toggleClass('button-bg') }).mouseup(function() { $(this).toggleClass('button-bg'); });
// :: Left & Right :: //
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// :CALLS: itemCounter | loopRight or loopLeft | update input
// ----------------------------------------------------------- $(document).keyup(function(k) { if (k.keyCode == 37) { updateCounters("left"); loopUpdate("right"); input.eq(itemCount).click(); } else if (k.keyCode == 39) { updateCounters("right"); loopUpdate("left"); input.eq(itemCount).click(); } else {}; });
// :$f: INPUT RADIO'S FUNCTION :$f: //
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// ::check which input index was clicked on
// ::match clicked input index to index of items array
// ::set loop's left property to media-slider width multiplied by matched items index number
// ----------------------------------------------------------- function inputCall( call ) { var inputIndex = call.index(); var loopCall = mediaWindow.width()*inputIndex; Resize(inputIndex); loop.css('left', -loopCall+"px"); }; $('input').click(function() { $('.section-title').css('background-color', items[$(this).index()].css('background-color')); inputCall($(this)); });
Media Slider - Script Codes
Media Slider - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Michael Goldspinner
Username emgo
Uploaded July 07, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,880 Kb
Views 56,672
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Michael Goldspinner (emgo) Script Codes
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