Movie App - Watchlist - Creating a watchlist movie view RESOLVED

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How do I make an movie app - watchlist - creating a watchlist movie view resolved?

Action List. What is a movie app - watchlist - creating a watchlist movie view resolved? How do you make a movie app - watchlist - creating a watchlist movie view resolved? This script and codes were developed by Kyle Houston on 25 August 2022, Thursday.

Movie App - Watchlist - Creating a watchlist movie view RESOLVED Previews

Movie App - Watchlist - Creating a watchlist movie view RESOLVED - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<script type="text/template" class="tmpl-movie">	<% _.each(movies, function(movie) { %>	<a href="/movie/<%= %>" class="movie js-movie--show">	<img src="<%= movie.backdrop_small %>" alt="<%= movie.title %>">	<h2 class="movie__info"><%= movie.title %></h2>	</a>	<% }); %>
<script type="text/template" class="tmpl-movie-detailed">	<div class="poster-holder">	<img src="<%= backdrop_large %>" alt="<%= title %>" class="movie-detailed__poster">	</div>	<div class="movie-details">	<a href="/" class="action action--back js-action--back">	<svg height="80px" width="80px" class="action__icon action__icon--back" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><rect height="38" width="5" x="19" y="20.547"/><polygon points="46.371,59 49.906,55.465 36.488,42.047 61,42.047 61,37.047 36.652,37.047 49.906,23.793 46.371,20.258 27,39.629"/></svg>	</a>	<h1 class="movie-details__title"><%= title %></h1>	<div class="movie-details__content">	<p><%= overview %></p>	</div>	<!-- Add watchlist button here -->	<% if(!watchlist) { %>	<button class="action action-watchlist--added js-watchlist--add">	<svg height="80px" width="80px" class="action__icon action__icon--add" viewBox="0 0 80 80">	<polygon points="61,37 43,37 43,19 37,19 37,37 19,37 19,43 37,43 37,61 43,61 43,43 61,43" />	</svg>	Add to watchlist	</button>	<% } else { %>	<button class="action action-watchlist--removed js-watchlist--remove">	<svg height="80px" width="80px" class="action__icon action__icon--remove" viewBox="0 0 80 80">	<polygon points="56.971,52.728 44.243,40 56.971,27.272 52.728,23.029 40,35.757 27.272,23.029 23.029,27.272 35.757,40 23.029,52.728 27.272,56.971 40,44.243 52.728,56.971" />	</svg>	Remove from watchlist	</button>	<% } %>	</div>
<!-- 1. Create Watchlist Collection Template -->
<script type="text/template" class="tmpl-watchlist">	<div class="notification">	<img src="" alt="" class="sadface" />	</div>
<!-- 2. Create a Watchlist Movie Template -->
<script type="text/template" class="tmpl-watchlist-movie">	<a href="/movie/<%= id %>" class="js-movie--show">	<img src="<%= backdrop_small %>" alt="<%= title %>">	<span class="movie__info">	<h2><%= title %></h2>	<button class="action action-watchlist--remove js-watchlist--remove">	<svg height="80px" width="80px" class="action__icon action__icon--remove" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><polygon points="56.971,52.728 44.243,40 56.971,27.272 52.728,23.029 40,35.757 27.272,23.029 23.029,27.272 35.757,40 23.029,52.728 27.272,56.971 40,44.243 52.728,56.971"/></svg>	</button>	</span>	</a>
<img src="" alt="" style="display:none"> <script src=''></script>
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Movie App - Watchlist - Creating a watchlist movie view RESOLVED - Script Codes JS Codes

var App = {	Models: {},	Views: {},	Collections: {},	utils: {},	appEl: $('.js-app'),	start: function() {	// Mix Backbone.Events into App	_.extend(this, Backbone.Events);	// Subscribe to 'show:movie' event	this.listenTo(Backbone.Events, 'show:movie', this.onShowMovie);	this.listenTo(Backbone.Events, 'show:movies', this.onShowMovies);	this.listenTo(Backbone.Events, 'show:watchlist', this.onShowWatchlist);	this.listenTo(Backbone.Events, 'watchlist:add', this.onWatchlistAdd);	this.listenTo(Backbone.Events, 'watchlist:remove', this.onWatchlistRemove);	// Collections	this.movieCollection = new App.Collections.MovieCollection;	this.watchlistCollection = new App.Collections.WatchlistCollection;	// Start Backbone.history API	Backbone.history.start();	},	// Create onShowMovies	onShowMovies: function() {	// Instantiate a movie collection View.	var movieCollectionView = new App.Views.MovieCollectionView({	collection: this.movieCollection	});	this._changeView(movieCollectionView);	// Fetch movie data.	this.movieCollection.fetch();	},	// Create onShowMovie	onShowMovie: function(id) {	var deferred = $.Deferred();	// Check movie Collection has Models & check movie exists in Collection	if( this.movieCollection.length > 0 && this.movieCollection.contains(id) ) {	deferred.resolve();	} else {	// Fetch the movie data if movies don't exist	this.movieCollection.fetch().done(function() {	deferred.resolve();	});	}	deferred.done(function() {	// Get the correct movie model from the movie Collection using it's ID	var movieModel = this.movieCollection.get(id);	// Create the Detailed Movie View	var detailedMovieView = new App.Views.DetailedMovieView({	model: movieModel	});	this._changeView(detailedMovieView);	}.bind(this));	},	onShowWatchlist: function() {	this.watchlistCollection.fetch().done(function() {	var watchlistCollectionView = new App.Views.WatchlistCollectionView({	collection: this.watchlistCollection	});	this._changeView(watchlistCollectionView);	}.bind(this));	},	onWatchlistAdd: function(model) {	// Set the models watchlist attribute to true	model.set('watchlist', true);	// Add model to the watchlist collection	this.watchlistCollection.add(model);	// Save model;	},	onWatchlistRemove: function(model) {	// Set the models watchlist attribute to false	model.set('watchlist', false);	// Remove model to the watchlist collection	this.watchlistCollection.remove(model);	// Destroy model	model.clone().destroy();	},	_changeView: function(view) { if (this.currentView) { this.currentView.dispose(); this.currentView = null; } this.currentView = view;	this.appEl.html(this.currentView.render().el); }
App.Models.MovieModel = Backbone.Model.extend({	// Add a watchlist default to Movie Model	defaults: {	'backdrop_small': '',	'backdrop_large': '',	'watchlist': false	},	localStorage: new Store('watchlist'), parse: function(response) {	if(response.backdrop_path) {	response.backdrop_small = ''+response.backdrop_path;	response.backdrop_large = ''+response.backdrop_path;	}	delete response.backdrop_path; return response; }
App.Collections.MovieCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({	model: App.Models.MovieModel,	url: '',	parse: function(response) {	return response[0].results;	}
// Create a Watchlist Collection
App.Collections.WatchlistCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({	model: App.Models.MovieModel,	localStorage: new Store('watchlist')
App.Views.BaseView = Backbone.View.extend({	dispose: function() {	this.remove();	}
App.Views.MovieCollectionView = App.Views.BaseView.extend({	className: 'movie-grid',	events: {	'click .js-movie--show': 'onMovieClick'	},	template: _.template( $('.tmpl-movie').html() ),	initialize: function() {	this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sync', this.render);	}, render: function() { this.$el.html(this.template({ movies: this.collection.toJSON() })); return this; },	onMovieClick: function(event) {	event.preventDefault();	var $clickedEl = $(event.currentTarget), clickedHref = $clickedEl.attr('href');	// Update the movie URL when clicked	App.utils.Router.navigate(clickedHref, {trigger: true});	}
App.Views.DetailedMovieView = App.Views.BaseView.extend({	className: 'movie-detailed',	events: {	'click .js-action--back': 'onBackBtnClick',	'click .js-watchlist--add': 'onWatchlistAdd',	'click .js-watchlist--remove': 'onWatchlistRemove'	},	template: _.template( $('.tmpl-movie-detailed').html() ),	initialize: function() {	this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:watchlist', this.render);	},	render: function() {	this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) );	return this;	},	onBackBtnClick: function(event) {	event.preventDefault();	window.history.back();	},	onWatchlistAdd: function(event) {	event.preventDefault();	Backbone.Events.trigger('watchlist:add', this.model);	},	onWatchlistRemove: function(event) {	event.preventDefault();	Backbone.Events.trigger('watchlist:remove', this.model);	}
// Create Watchlist Movie View
App.Views.WatchlistMovieView = App.Views.BaseView.extend({	className: 'movie',	template: _.template( $('.tmpl-watchlist-movie').html() ),	render: function() {	this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) );	return this;	}
// Create a Watchlist Collection View
App.Views.WatchlistCollectionView = App.Views.BaseView.extend({	className: 'movie-grid',	template: _.template( $('.tmpl-watchlist').html() ),	render: function() {	console.log(this.collection.toJSON());	this.$el.html( this.template() );	return this;	}
App.Views.MainHeaderView = Backbone.View.extend({	events: { 'click .js-nav-link': 'onNavItemClicked' }, initialize: function() { Backbone.Events.on('route:change', this.onDeeplink, this); }, onNavItemClicked: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $clickedEl = $(event.currentTarget), clickedHref = $clickedEl.attr('href'); this.toggleActiveNavClass($clickedEl); App.utils.Router.navigate(clickedHref, { trigger: true }); }, onDeeplink: function(route) { var $element = $('.js-nav-link[href="/'+route+'"]'); this.toggleActiveNavClass($element); }, toggleActiveNavClass: function(element) { $('').removeClass('is-active'); element.addClass('is-active'); }
// Create Router Class & Instantiate App.utils.Router
App.utils.Router = new (Backbone.Router.extend({	// Map routes to methods	routes: { '': 'onShowMovies', 'movie/:id': 'onShowMovie',	'watchlist': 'onShowWatchlist' },	initialize: function() {	this.listenTo(this, 'route', this._signalRouteChange);	},	// Create mapped Methods	onShowMovies: function() { Backbone.Events.trigger('show:movies'); }, onShowMovie: function(id) { Backbone.Events.trigger('show:movie', id); },	onShowWatchlist: function() {	Backbone.Events.trigger('show:watchlist');	},	_signalRouteChange: function() { var fragment = Backbone.history.getFragment(); Backbone.Events.trigger('route:change', fragment); }
(function() {	(new App.Views.MainHeaderView({	el: '.js-header'	}));	App.start(); // Kickstart the application.
Movie App - Watchlist - Creating a watchlist movie view RESOLVED - Script Codes
Movie App - Watchlist - Creating a watchlist movie view RESOLVED - Script Codes
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Developer Kyle Houston
Username styler
Uploaded August 25, 2022
Rating 3
Size 11,291 Kb
Views 28,336
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