Ragdolls | Verlet Integration

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How do I make an ragdolls | verlet integration?

Some more Verlet Integration...All my verlet integration Pens. What is a ragdolls | verlet integration? How do you make a ragdolls | verlet integration? This script and codes were developed by Johan Karlsson on 26 July 2022, Tuesday.

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Ragdolls | Verlet Integration - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Ragdolls | Verlet Integration</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<h3 id="instructions"> Drag a ragdoll and throw it around! <button id="jump"><b>Jump!</b></button>
</h3> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Ragdolls | Verlet Integration - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Sans);
* { font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
body, html { margin: 0;
canvas { display: block;
#instructions { position: fixed; top: 0; margin-left: 20px;

Ragdolls | Verlet Integration - Script Codes JS Codes

"use strict";
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
/* Johan Karlsson, DonKarlssonSan Verlet Integration from Coding Math by Keith Peters. My Verlet Integration Pens: http://codepen.io/collection/DxeyOb/
function distance(p0, p1) { var x = p1.x - p0.x; var y = p1.y - p0.y; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
var Point = function Point(x, y, extremity, gravity, radius) { _classCallCheck(this, Point); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.oldx = x; this.oldy = y; this.extremity = extremity; if (extremity) { this.r = 5; } else { this.r = radius || 1; } this.g = gravity || 0.1;
var Stick = function Stick(p0, p1, invisible) { _classCallCheck(this, Stick); this.p0 = p0; this.p1 = p1; this.length = distance(p0, p1); this.invisible = invisible;
var World = function () { function World() { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, World); this.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); this.h = this.canvas.height = window.innerHeight; this.w = this.canvas.width = window.innerWidth; this.ctx.lineWidth = 2; this.bounce = 0.65; this.friction = 0.994; this.points = []; this.sticks = []; this.createRagdoll(100, 0); this.createRagdoll(300, 0); this.isDragging = false; this.dragPoint = undefined; this.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function (event) { return _this.onMouseDown(event); }); this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this); this.onMouseUp = this.onMouseUp.bind(this); document.getElementById("jump").addEventListener("click", function () { return _this.onJumpClick(); }); } World.prototype.createRagdoll = function createRagdoll(x0, y0) { // Start index var i0 = this.points.length; // Head var h = new Point(x0, y0, false, 0.12, 15); h.head = true; h.oldx = x0 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 25; this.points.push(h); // Groin this.points.push(new Point(x0, y0 + 80, false, 0.15)); // Hips this.points.push(new Point(x0 + 15, y0 + 90, false, 0.12)); this.points.push(new Point(x0 - 15, y0 + 90, false, 0.12)); // Knees this.points.push(new Point(x0 + 20, y0 + 130)); this.points.push(new Point(x0 - 20, y0 + 130)); // Feet this.points.push(new Point(x0 + 20, y0 + 180, true)); this.points.push(new Point(x0 - 20, y0 + 180, true)); // Neck this.points.push(new Point(x0, y0 + 25)); // Shoulders this.points.push(new Point(x0 + 15, y0 + 25)); this.points.push(new Point(x0 - 15, y0 + 25)); // Hands this.points.push(new Point(x0 + 15, y0 + 105, true)); this.points.push(new Point(x0 - 15, y0 + 105, true)); // "Muscles" // Head - shoulders this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0], this.points[i0 + 9], true)); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0], this.points[i0 + 10], true)); // Shoulder - shoulder this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 9], this.points[i0 + 10], true)); // Shoulders - hips this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 9], this.points[i0 + 2], true)); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 10], this.points[i0 + 3], true)); // Shoulders - hips opposite side this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 9], this.points[i0 + 3], true)); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 10], this.points[i0 + 2], true)); // Hips - feet this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 2], this.points[i0 + 6], true)); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 3], this.points[i0 + 7], true)); // Hips - feet, opposite this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 2], this.points[i0 + 7], true)); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 3], this.points[i0 + 6], true)); // Head - groin this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0], this.points[i0 + 1], true)); // Hip - hip this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 2], this.points[i0 + 3], true)); // Shoulder - hip this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 9], this.points[i0 + 2], true)); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 10], this.points[i0 + 3], true)); // Head - knee this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0], this.points[i0 + 4], true)); // Head - knee this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0], this.points[i0 + 5], true)); // Head feet this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0], this.points[i0 + 6], true)); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0], this.points[i0 + 7], true)); // Body parts // Hips this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 1], this.points[i0 + 2])); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 1], this.points[i0 + 3])); // Legs this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 2], this.points[i0 + 4])); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 3], this.points[i0 + 5])); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 4], this.points[i0 + 6])); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 5], this.points[i0 + 7])); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0], this.points[i0 + 8])); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 8], this.points[i0 + 1])); // Left arm this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 8], this.points[i0 + 9])); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 9], this.points[i0 + 11])); // Right arm this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 8], this.points[i0 + 10])); this.sticks.push(new Stick(this.points[i0 + 10], this.points[i0 + 12])); }; World.prototype.onJumpClick = function onJumpClick() { var p = this.points[0]; p.oldy = p.y + 50; }; World.prototype.onMouseDown = function onMouseDown(event) { var x = event.clientX; var y = event.clientY; var p0 = { x: x, y: y }; var p1 = this.getClosestPoint(p0); var dist = this.distance(p0, p1); if (dist < 30) { this.dragPoint = p1; this.dragPoint.x = x; this.dragPoint.y = y; this.dragPoint.oldx = x; this.dragPoint.oldy = y; this.dragPoint.pinned = true; this.isDragging = true; this.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove); this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp); } }; World.prototype.onMouseMove = function onMouseMove(event) { this.dragPoint.oldx = this.dragPoint.x; this.dragPoint.oldy = this.dragPoint.y; this.dragPoint.x = event.clientX; this.dragPoint.y = event.clientY; }; World.prototype.onMouseUp = function onMouseUp(event) { this.dragPoint.pinned = false; this.isDragging = false; this.canvas.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove); this.canvas.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp); }; World.prototype.getClosestPoint = function getClosestPoint(p0) { var _this2 = this; var index = 0; this.points.map(function (p1) { return _this2.distance(p0, p1); }).reduce(function (prev, curr, i) { if (curr < prev) { index = i; } return Math.min(curr, prev); }); return this.points[index]; }; World.prototype.distance = function distance(p0, p1) { var x = p1.x - p0.x; var y = p1.y - p0.y; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); }; World.prototype.update = function update() { //this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.w, this.h); this.ctx.fillStyle = "white"; this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.w, this.h); this.updatePoints(); this.updateSticks(); this.drawSticks(); this.drawHeads(); this.drawExtremities(); }; World.prototype.drawHeads = function drawHeads() { var _this3 = this; this.ctx.fillStyle = "black"; this.points.filter(function (p) { return p.head; }).forEach(function (h) { _this3.ctx.beginPath(); _this3.ctx.arc(h.x, h.y, h.r, 0, Math.PI * 2); _this3.ctx.fill(); }); }; World.prototype.drawExtremities = function drawExtremities() { var _this4 = this; this.ctx.fillStyle = "black"; this.points.filter(function (p) { return p.extremity; }).forEach(function (e) { _this4.ctx.beginPath(); _this4.ctx.arc(e.x, e.y, e.r, 0, Math.PI * 2); _this4.ctx.fill(); }); }; World.prototype.drawSticks = function drawSticks() { var _this5 = this; this.sticks.forEach(function (s) { _this5.ctx.beginPath(); if (s.invisible) { _this5.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)"; } else { _this5.ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; } _this5.ctx.moveTo(s.p0.x, s.p0.y); _this5.ctx.lineTo(s.p1.x, s.p1.y); _this5.ctx.stroke(); }); }; World.prototype.updatePoints = function updatePoints() { var _this6 = this; this.points.forEach(function (p) { if (!p.pinned) { var vx = (p.x - p.oldx) * _this6.friction; var vy = (p.y - p.oldy) * _this6.friction; p.oldx = p.x; p.oldy = p.y; // Ground friction if (p.y + p.r > _this6.h - 1) { vx = 0; } p.x += vx; p.y += vy; p.y += p.g; if (p.x + p.r > _this6.w) { p.x = _this6.w - p.r; p.oldx = p.x + vx * _this6.bounce; } if (p.x - p.r < 0) { p.x = p.r; p.oldx = p.x + vx * _this6.bounce; } if (p.y + p.r > _this6.h) { p.y = _this6.h - p.r; p.oldy = p.y + vy * _this6.bounce; } if (p.y - p.r < 0) { p.y = p.r; p.oldy = p.y + vy * _this6.bounce; } } }); }; World.prototype.updateSticks = function updateSticks() { this.sticks.forEach(function (s) { var dx = s.p1.x - s.p0.x; var dy = s.p1.y - s.p0.y; var dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var diff = s.length - dist; var percent = diff / dist / 2; if (s.invisible) { // This is a "muscle", it should be // more elastic than the bones. percent /= 3; } var offsetX = dx * percent; var offsetY = dy * percent; if (!s.p0.pinned) { s.p0.x -= offsetX; s.p0.y -= offsetY; } if (!s.p1.pinned) { s.p1.x += offsetX; s.p1.y += offsetY; } }); }; return World;
var world = new World();
function animate() { world.update(); requestAnimationFrame(animate);
Ragdolls | Verlet Integration - Script Codes
Ragdolls | Verlet Integration - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Johan Karlsson
Username DonKarlssonSan
Uploaded July 26, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 6,479 Kb
Views 38,456
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Johan Karlsson (DonKarlssonSan) Script Codes
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