Strava JS API

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How do I make an strava js api?

Ported from remove lodash dependency, pagination, JSONP.. What is a strava js api? How do you make a strava js api? This script and codes were developed by Alyssa on 08 September 2022, Thursday.

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Strava JS API - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Strava JS API</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <h1>Strava JS API</h1>
<label for="client_id">Client ID</label>
<input id="client_id" type="number" placeholder="Client ID" />
<label for="client_secret">Client Secret</label>
<input id="client_secret" type="password" placeholder="Client Secret" />
<button class="auth"></button>
<label for="access_token">Access Token</label>
<input id="access_token" type="text" placeholder="Access Token" />
<h2>Getting Started</h2>
<ul> <li>You must input a client id and secret (values are persisted via Local Storage). <a href="" target="_blank">Get a key</a></li> <li>You need to set your app's <strong>Authorization Callback Domain</strong> to <span style="color: red"></span> (in order to communicate with the API from this page).</li> <li>You should use this <a href="" target="_blank">plugin</a> to prevent the <span style="color: red">"No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource."</span> error. <a href="">Same-Origin policy</a> <!--Or, see the JSONP pen <a href="">here</a>.--> </li>
<h2>Interacting with the API</h2>
<p>Stores Client ID and Client Secret.</p>
<p>Provides a link to Strava for users to autorize the application (required)</p>
<p>After a user has authorized the app and redirected back to, we need to exchange the 'code' for a longer-lasting access token.</p>
<p>Stores the access token internaly (also sets a cookie).</p>
<p>api.putJSON('athlete', {weight: 80})</p>
<p>api.postJSON('activities', {name: '', type: '', start_date_local: '', elapsed_time: ''})</p>
<p>De-authorizes the application (also deletes cookie).</p>
<ul> <li><a href="">Strava API Documentation</a></li> <li><a href="">Manage your Strava app</a></li>
</ul> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Strava JS API - Script Codes CSS Codes

.auth { width: 172px; height: 31px; /*background: url('') no-repeat; text-indent: -9999em;*/

Strava JS API - Script Codes JS Codes

/** * @file Simple JS Library for connecting to an API using OAuth. * @author Alyssa Davis <[email protected]> * @link * @requires Lo-dash * @requires mrdoob/eventdispatcher * @see * @copyright Alyssa Davis 2015 */
// don't need jQuery
var $client_id = document.querySelector('#client_id'), $client_secret = document.querySelector('#client_secret'), $access_token = document.querySelector('#access_token');
// grab from local storage
if(!$client_id.value && localStorage.getItem('client_id')) { $client_id.value = localStorage.getItem('client_id')
if(!$client_secret.value && localStorage.getItem('client_secret')) { $client_secret.value = localStorage.getItem('client_secret')
if(!$access_token.value && localStorage.getItem('access_token')) { $access_token.value = localStorage.getItem('access_token')
// respond to changes
function onInputChange(event) { localStorage.setItem(,; if (localStorage.getItem('access_token')) { api.init(localStorage.getItem('access_token')); } else if(localStorage.getItem('client_id') && localStorage.getItem('client_secret')) { api.init(parseInt(localStorage.getItem('client_id'), 10), localStorage.getItem('client_secret')); }
// listen for changes
$client_id.addEventListener('change', onInputChange);
$client_secret.addEventListener('change', onInputChange);
$access_token.addEventListener('change', onInputChange);
/** */
var client_id = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('client_id'), 10) || parseInt($client_id.value, 10); client_secret = localStorage.getItem('client_secret') || $client_secret.value; access_token = localStorage.getItem('access_token') || $access_token.value;
/** * @param {number} client_id * @param {string} client_secret * @param {string} [access_token] */
var CONFIG = (function(client_id, client_secret, access_token) { /** * @private * @readonly * @constant {string} */ var BASE_URL = ''; /** @protected */ var _api_url = 'api/v3/', _auth_url = 'oauth/'; /** @public */ return { _api_url: BASE_URL + _api_url, _auth_url: BASE_URL + _auth_url, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret, access_token: access_token }
})(client_id, client_secret, access_token);
/** @namespace */
var Alyda = Alyda || {};
/** * @requires lodash * @param {object} Namespace * @param {string} ClassName */
(function(Namespace, ClassName) { /** @protected */ var _api_url = CONFIG._api_url, _auth_url = CONFIG._auth_url, _client_id, _client_secret; /** @private */ var API = API || {}, EVENTS = {}, __access_token; /** @enum */ EVENTS = { INITIALIZE: 'initialize', UNAUTHORIZED: 'unauthorized', AUTH_URL: 'auth_url', GET_CODE: 'get_code', TOKEN_EXCHANGE: 'token_exchange', SAVE_TOKEN: 'save_token', AUTHORIZED: 'authorized', REQUEST: 'request', DEAUTHORIZE: 'exit', ERROR: 'error' }; /** * Documented as Namespace.ClassName * @alias Namespace.ClassName * @namespace * @public */ var Class = {}; /** * Get this party started. * @alias Namespace.ClassName.init * @function initialize * @param {number} a - client_id * @param {string} b - client_secret * -OR- * @param {string} a - access_token * @constructs * @this Class * @returns {string} state * @public * * @emits */ Class.init = function initialize(a, b) { var self = this, message; self.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.INITIALIZE, message: 'vroom vroom!' } ); // a is a string (not empty) and no second parameter exists if (typeof a === 'string' && a !== "" && !b) { // we have an access token self.saveToken(a); message = 'access token: ' + a; self.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.AUTHORIZED, message: message } ); // a is a number (not NaN) and b is a string (not empty) // b is a number (not NaN) and a is a string (not empty) } else if(typeof a === 'number' && a !== NaN && typeof b === 'string' && b !== "" || typeof b === 'number' && b !== NaN && typeof a === 'string' && a !== "") { // we have a client id (number) and a secret // set protected vars _client_id = typeof a === 'number' ? a : b; _client_secret = typeof a === 'number' ? b : a; message = 'client id: ' + a + ', client secret: ' + b self.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.UNAUTHORIZED, message: message } ); } else { message = "Either a 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' are both required, or an 'Access Token' is required." console.error(a, b) self.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.ERROR, message: Error(message) } ); } var authorized = !!localStorage.getItem('token'), needToken = !!getQueryParam('code'), /** @readonly @enum {string} */ states = ['first time', 'token exchange', 'authorized'], state = 0; // First time here, no 'token' in local storage, no 'code' in url params (?state=&code=827ds5...) if(!authorized && !needToken) { // state = 0; // Authorized, need token exchange } else if(needToken && !authorized) { state = 1; //message = getQueryParam('code'); self.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.TOKEN_EXCHANGE, message: getQueryParam('code') } ); // have token, move along } else { // self.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.AUTHORIZED } ); state = 2; } return states[state]; // remove }; /** * Generate authentication url. * @link * @alias Namespace.ClassName.auth * @function authenticationUrl * @param {string} [redirect=window.location.href] * @param {string} [approvalPrompt='auto'] * @param {function} [callback] * @param {string} [scope] * @param {string} [state] * @returns {string} url * @public */ Class.auth = function authenticationUrl(redirect, approvalPrompt, callback, scope, state) { if(!redirect) { redirect = window.location.href; } approvalPrompt = approvalPrompt || 'auto'; /** * @property {object} parameters * @property {number} parameters.client_id * @property {string} parameters.redirect_uri * @property {string} parameters.response_type * @property {string} parameters.approval_prompt * @property {string} parameters.scope * @property {string} parameters.state */ var parameters = { client_id: _client_id, redirect_uri: redirect, response_type: 'code', approval_prompt: approvalPrompt, scope: scope, state: state } if(callback) { /** @property {function} parameters.callback */ _.extend(parameters, {callback: callback}); } this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.AUTH_URL, message: parseGet(_auth_url + 'authorize', parameters) } ); return parseGet(_auth_url + 'authorize', parameters); }; /** @public */ Class.getToken = function(code) { if(!code) { return console.error(Error('Code is required to exchange for token')); } /** * @property {object} parameters * @property {number} client_id * @property {string} client_secret * @property {string} code */ var parameters = { client_id: _client_id, client_secret: _client_secret, code: code } //this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.TOKEN_EXCHANGE, message: code } ); Stack overflow return this.postJSON(_auth_url + 'token', parameters) .then(function(response){ this.saveToken(response.access_token); }.bind(this)) // .then(function(){ window.location.href = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname; // remove QueryString }); }; /** * Save access token. * @alias Namespace.ClassName.saveToken * @function setAccessToken * @param {string} token * @public */ Class.saveToken = function setAccessToken(token) { localStorage.setItem('access_token', token); __access_token = token; this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.SAVE_TOKEN, message: token } ); }; /** * Send HTTP/1.1 GET request. * @augments, borrows, lends ??? * @example * // returns the current athlete * Namespace.Classname.get('athlete'); * @example * // returns the 100 most recent KOMs from specified athlete * Namespace.Classname.get('athletes/:id/koms', {per_page: 100}); * @alias Namespace.ClassName.get * @function * @returns {object} JSON * @public */ Class.getJSON = verb(); /*function(endpoint, parameters) { return this.fetchPromise(_api_url + endpoint, parameters).then(JSON.parse).then(function(response){console.log(response)}); };*/ /** * Send HTTP/1.1 PUT request. * @example * // update the current athlete's weight * Namespace.Classname.put('athlete', {weight: 82}); * @alias Namespace.ClassName.put * @function * @returns {object} JSON * @public */ Class.putJSON = verb('PUT'); /** * Send HTTP/1.1 POST request. * @example * // add a new activity *'activities', {name: 'Test Ride', type: 'Ride', start_date_local: date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'), elapsed_time: 3600}); * @alias * @function * @returns {object} JSON * @public */ Class.postJSON = verb('POST'); /** * Send HTTP/1.1 DELETE request. * @example * // delete an activity * Namespace.Classname.delete('activites/:id'); * @alias Namespace.ClassName.delete * @function * @returns {object} JSON * @public */ Class.deleteJSON = verb('DELETE'); /** * @param {string} [type='GET'] - Request type (GET, PUT, POST or DELETE) * @returns {function} Closure * @private */ function verb(type) { type = type || 'GET'; return function(endpoint, parameters) { var url = endpoint.match(/http/) ? endpoint : _api_url + endpoint; this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.REQUEST, message: type + ' ' + url } ); return fetchPromise(url, parameters, type) .then(JSON.parse) .then(function(response){ console.log(response) return response; // for chaining }) .catch(function(error){ console.error('JSON promise failed for: ', error); // url, throw error; // needed for this.getToken, otherwise }) //.then(); // always } }; /** * Sends HTTP Request to the API * @link * @param {string} url * @param {object} [parameters] * @param {string} [request='GET'] - Request type (GET, PUT, POST or DELETE) * @returns {object} PROMISE * @private */ function fetchPromise(url, parameters, requestType) { // All strava requests require an access_token (except the token exchange) parameters = generateParameters(parameters); // parameter is optional, sets default value requestType = requestType || 'GET'; // typeof requestType !== 'undefined' ? requestType : 'GET' API.last_request = url; API.last_request_data = parameters; //console.warn('promise:', url, parameters, requestType); // Return a new promise. return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { //this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.PROMISE, message: 'pending' } ); // let the promise do the error handling. if(!url) { reject(Error('URL is required.')); return; } // Do the usual XHR stuff var req = new XMLHttpRequest();, parseGet(url, parameters)); //req.onabort = function() {} //req.loadstart = function() {} //req.progress = function() {} //req.onload = onLoad; req.onload = function() { //console.debug(req) // This is called even on 404 etc // so check the status if (req.status == 200) { // Resolve the promise with the response text resolve(req.response); //this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.PROMISE, message: 'fulfilled' } ); } else { // Otherwise reject with the status text // which will hopefully be a meaningful error reject(Error(req.statusText)); //this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.PROMISE, message: 'rejected' } ); } }; //req.loadend = function() {} //req.readystatechange = function() {} //req.timeout = function() {} // Handle network errors req.onerror = function() { reject(Error("Network Error")); }; // Make the request req.send(); }); }; /** * Adds acces token to parameters before sending to API * @todo Not sure I like this function * @param {object} [parameters] * @returns {object} parameters * @private */ function generateParameters(parameters) { if(typeof parameters !== 'object') { parameters = {}; } if(!__access_token) { return parameters; } return _.extend(parameters, {access_token: __access_token}); }; /** * Appends query array onto url. * @todo I don't like this function * @param {string} url * @param {object} [parameters] * @returns {string} url * @private */ function parseGet(url, parameters) { if(!url) { return; } var append = url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?'; return url + append + buildQuery(parameters); }; /** * @param {object} parameters * @returns {array} query string * @private */ function buildQuery(parameters) { var query = []; /*, function(el, i){ debugger; });*/ _.forEach(parameters, function(value, param) { if(value) { query.push(param + '=' + value); } }); return query.join('&'); }; /** * Revoke application access and delete access token. * @todo ... * @link * @alias Namespace.ClassName.exit * @function deAuthorize * @returns ... ? * @public */ Class.exit = function deAuthorize() { localStorage.clear(); //removeItem(token); this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.DEAUTHORIZE } ); return this.postJSON(_auth_url + 'deauthorize', generateParameters()) .then(function(response){ this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.UNAUTHORIZED } ); }.bind(this)) // }; // Public Namespace[ClassName] = Class;
})(Alyda, 'StravaAPI');
var api = Alyda.StravaAPI, $auth = document.querySelector('.auth'), status;
function listen(event) { var t =; console.log(String(event.type).toUpperCase(), event.message); // what about console.error ? switch(event.type) { case 'authorized' : $auth.innerHTML = '<a href="">De-authorize</a>'; t.getJSON('athlete') // or api.getJSON /*.then(function(response){ console.log(response); })*/ //api.putJSON(); //api.postJSON(); //api.deleteJSON(); break;
/* case 'need_token': t.getToken(getQueryParam('code')); break;*/ case 'token_exchange': t.getToken(getQueryParam('code')); break; case 'exit': $client_id.value = ''; $client_secret.value = ''; $access_token.value = ''; break; default: $auth.innerHTML = '<a href="' + api.auth() + '">Authorize</a>'; // fix me break; }
// Listen for events.
api.addEventListener('initialize', listen);
api.addEventListener('unauthorized', listen);
//api.addEventListener('auth_url', listen); // causes infinite loop because it's called within the handler
api.addEventListener('need_token', listen);
api.addEventListener('token_exchange', listen);
api.addEventListener('save_token', listen);
api.addEventListener('authorized', listen);
api.addEventListener('request', listen);
api.addEventListener('exit', listen);
api.addEventListener('error', listen);
if(access_token !== "" ) { api.init(access_token);
} else if (client_id !== NaN && client_secret !== "") { api.init(client_id, client_secret);
} else { $client_id.focus(); // hide button
// Utils
/** @ignore */
// forEach()
/** @ignore */
function getQuery() { return'?', '');
/** @ignore */
function getQueryParam(key) { var regex = new RegExp(key + '=', 'i'), value; if(getQuery().match(regex)) { _.forEach(getQuery().split('&'), function(param){ var k = param.split('=')[0], val = param.split('=')[1]; if(k === key) { value = val; } }); } return value;
Strava JS API - Script Codes
Strava JS API - Script Codes
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Developer Alyssa
Username alyda
Uploaded September 08, 2022
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Size 8,043 Kb
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