SVG BSP Generator

16,181 Kb

How do I make an svg bsp generator?

Generates an SVG grid with a BSP tree overlay. Page/grid size and generator options are editable.. What is a svg bsp generator? How do you make a svg bsp generator? This script and codes were developed by Laerin on 26 December 2022, Monday.

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SVG BSP Generator - Script Codes HTML Codes

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SVG BSP Generator - Script Codes JS Codes

(function (_x, gen){ // SVG Helper // ============= var ns = ''; function SVG(options){ this.element = document.createElementNS(ns, 'svg'); for (var prop in options) this.element.setAttribute(prop, options[prop]); } // SVG Helper Prototype // ====================== SVG.prototype = { createElement: function(name){ var el = document.createElementNS(ns, name); return el; }, appendChild: function(el){ this.element.appendChild(el); }, addElement: function(name){ var el = document.createElementNS(ns, name); this.element.appendChild(el); return el; }, setFill: function(el, fill){ el.setAttribute('fill', fill); }, setStroke: function(el, stroke, width){ el.setAttribute('stroke', stroke); el.setAttribute('stroke-width', width); }, createLine: function(x1, x2, y1, y2){ var l = this.createElement('line'); l.setAttribute('x1', x1); l.setAttribute('y1', y1); l.setAttribute('x2', x2); l.setAttribute('y2', y2); return l; }, createRect: function(x, y, w, h){ var r = this.createElement('rect'); r.setAttribute('x', x); r.setAttribute('y', y); r.setAttribute('width', w); r.setAttribute('height', h); return r; }, addLine: function(x1, x2, y1, y2){ var l = this.createLine(x1, x2, y1, y2); this.appendChild(l); return l; }, addRect: function(x, y, w, h){ var r = this.createRect(x, y, w, h); this.appendChild(r); return r; } }; function makePatterns(svg){ var defs = svg.addElement('defs'); var grid = svg.createElement('pattern'); var path = document.createElementNS(ns, 'path'); grid.setAttribute('id', 'grid'); grid.setAttribute('width', '10'); grid.setAttribute('height', '10'); grid.setAttribute('patternUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'); path.setAttribute('d', 'M 10 0 L 0 0 0 10'); svg.setFill(path, 'none'); svg.setStroke(path, 'gray', 0.5); grid.appendChild(path); var hatch = svg.createElement('pattern'); var l1 = svg.createLine(0, 5, 0, 5); var l2 = svg.createLine(5, 0, 0, 5); hatch.setAttribute('id', 'hatch'); hatch.setAttribute('width', '5'); hatch.setAttribute('height', '5'); hatch.setAttribute('patternUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'); svg.setStroke(l1, 'gray', 0.5); svg.setStroke(l2, 'gray', 0.5); hatch.appendChild(l1); hatch.appendChild(l2); defs.appendChild(grid); defs.appendChild(hatch); } // Render the walls // ================= function renderWalls(svg, bsp){ renderWallsH(svg, bsp); renderWallsV(svg, bsp); } // Render Vertical Walls // ====================== function renderWallsV(svg, bsp){ // Handle Vertical Walls for (var x = 0; x < bsp.width; x++){ var lines = []; var cLeft = undefined; var cRight = undefined; for (var y = 0; y < bsp.height; y++){ var t =[y * bsp.width + x]; var clearL = false; var clearR = false; // Get cleared lines if (x == 0) clearL = true; else{ var t1 =[y * bsp.width + x - 1]; clearL = !(t1 == bsp.mapDef.WALL); } if (x == bsp.width - 1) clearR = true; else{ var t1 =[y * bsp.width + x + 1]; clearR = !(t1 == bsp.mapDef.WALL); } // Deal with the left if (cLeft){ if (t == bsp.mapDef.WALL && clearL){ cLeft.l += 1; } else cLeft = undefined; } else{ if (t == bsp.mapDef.WALL && clearL){ cLeft = { x: x, y: y, l: 1}; lines.push(cLeft); } } // Deal with the right if (cRight){ if (t == bsp.mapDef.WALL && clearR){ cRight.l += 1; } else cRight = undefined; } else{ if (t == bsp.mapDef.WALL && clearR){ cRight = { x: x + 1, y: y, l: 1}; lines.push(cRight); } } } for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){ var l = svg.addLine(lines[i].x * 10, lines[i].x * 10, lines[i].y * 10, (lines[i].y + lines[i].l) * 10); svg.setStroke(l, 'gray', 1); } } } // Render the horizontal walls // ============================== function renderWallsH(svg, bsp){ // Handle the horizontal walls for (var y = 0; y < bsp.height; y++){ var lines = []; var cTop = undefined; var cBottom = undefined; for (var x = 0; x < bsp.width; x++){ var t =[y * bsp.width + x]; var clearT = false; var clearB = false; // Get cleared lines if (y == 0) clearT = true; else{ var t1 =[(y - 1) * bsp.width + x]; clearT = !(t1 == bsp.mapDef.WALL); } if (y == bsp.height - 1) clearB = true; else{ var t1 =[(y + 1) * bsp.width + x]; clearB = !(t1 == bsp.mapDef.WALL); } // Deal with the top if (cTop){ if (t == bsp.mapDef.WALL && clearT){ cTop.l += 1; } else cTop = undefined; } else{ if (t == bsp.mapDef.WALL && clearT){ cTop = { x: x, y: y, l: 1 }; lines.push(cTop); } } // Deal with the bottom if (cBottom){ if (t == bsp.mapDef.WALL && clearB){ cBottom.l += 1; } else cBottom = undefined; } else{ if (t == bsp.mapDef.WALL && clearB){ cBottom = {x: x, y: y + 1, l: 1 }; lines.push(cBottom); } } } for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){ var l = svg.addLine(lines[i].x * 10, (lines[i].x + lines[i].l) * 10, lines[i].y * 10, lines[i].y * 10); svg.setStroke(l, 'gray', 1); } } } // Render the floors // Break up the floor rendering to be better able to // print the SVG when finished function renderFloors(svg, bsp){ var leaves = renderRoomFloors(svg, bsp); renderCorridorFloors(svg, bsp, leaves); } // Render the floors of the rooms as a single rect function renderRoomFloors(svg, bsp){ var stack = []; var leaves = []; stack.push(bsp.tree); while (stack.length > 0){ var room = stack.pop(); if (room === undefined) continue; if (room.left === undefined && room.right === undefined){ var rect = svg.addRect((room.size.x + 1) * 10, (room.size.y + 1) * 10 + 1, (room.size.width - 2) * 10, (room.size.height - 2) * 10); svg.setStroke(rect, 'none', 0); svg.setFill(rect, 'url(#grid)'); leaves.push(room); } else{ stack.push(room.right); stack.push(room.left); } } return leaves; } // Render each tile of the corridor as a rect // - Not the greatest of methods function renderCorridorFloors(svg, bsp, leaves){ // Not the greatest implementation right now for (var y = 0; y < bsp.height; y++){ for (var x = 0; x < bsp.width; x++){ var t =[y * bsp.width + x]; if (t == bsp.mapDef.FLOOR){ var renderIt = true; // ewwwwww for (var i = 0; i < leaves.length; i++){ var leaf = leaves[i]; if (x >= leaf.size.x + 1 && x <= leaf.size.x + leaf.size.width - 2 && y >= leaf.size.y + 1 && y <= leaf.size.y + leaf.size.height - 2) { renderIt = false; break; } } if (renderIt){ var rect = svg.addRect(x * 10, y * 10, 10, 10); svg.setStroke(rect, 'none', 0); svg.setFill(rect, 'url(#grid)'); } } } } } // SVG Dungeon Gen // ================ function svgD(options){ var opt = { width: 7.5, height: 10, gridSize: 0.125, units: 'in', seed:, renderFloors: true, renderWalls: true, renderGrid: true, renderPartitions: true, roomSize: 10, minDepth: 4, splitChance: 0.35 }; for (var prop in options){ if (opt.hasOwnProperty(prop)) opt[prop] = options[prop]; } var w = (opt.width / opt.gridSize) | 0; var h = (opt.height / opt.gridSize) | 0; var bsp = gen.BSP({ width: w, height: h, roomSize: opt.roomSize, minDepth: opt.minDepth, splitChance: opt.splitChance, seed: opt.seed }); var svg = new SVG({ width: opt.width + opt.units, height: opt.height + opt.units, viewBox: '0 0 ' + (w * 10 + 1) + ' ' + (h * 10 + 1) }); makePatterns(svg); // Add grid if needed var grid = svg.addRect(0, 0, '100%', '100%'); if (opt.renderGrid) svg.setFill(grid, 'url(#grid)'); else svg.setFill(grid, 'none'); // Render floors if (opt.renderFloors && !opt.renderGrid) renderFloors(svg, bsp); // Render walls if (opt.renderWalls) renderWalls(svg, bsp); // Render Partitions if (opt.renderPartitions){ for (var i = 0; i < bsp.connections.length; i++){ var l = bsp.connections[i].left.bounds; var r = bsp.connections[i].right.bounds; var lR = svg.addRect(l.x * 10, l.y * 10, l.width * 10, l.height * 10); var rR = svg.addRect(r.x * 10, r.y * 10, r.width * 10, r.height * 10); svg.setFill(lR, 'none'); svg.setFill(rR, 'none'); svg.setStroke(lR, 'gray', 1); svg.setStroke(rR, 'gray', 1); } } return { svg: svg.element, width: opt.width, height: opt.height, seed: opt.seed }; } _x.SVGDungeon = svgD;
})(window.XG5 || (window.XG5 = {}), window.DGEN);
var options = { width: 7.5, height: 10, gridSize: 0.125, units: 'in', roomSize: 10, depth: 4, split: 0.35, seed:, floors: true, walls: true, grid: false, partitions: false, svgDungeon: undefined, render: function(){ if (this.svgDungeon) document.body.removeChild(this.svgDungeon.svg); this.svgDungeon = XG5.SVGDungeon({ width: this.width, height: this.height, gridSize: this.gridSize, units: this.units, seed: this.seed, renderFloors: this.floors, renderWalls: this.walls, renderGrid: this.grid, renderPartitions: this.partitions, roomSize: this.roomSize, minDepth: this.depth, splitChance: this.split }); document.body.appendChild(this.svgDungeon.svg); }, newSeed: function(){ this.seed =; }, download: function(){ var a = document.createElement('a'); // Save SVG document // Uses code from this Stackoverflow answer: // var serializer = new XMLSerializer(); var svg = serializer.serializeToString(this.svgDungeon.svg); if(!svg.match(/^<svg[^>]+xmlns="http\:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/2000\/svg"/)) svg = svg.replace(/^<svg/, '<svg xmlns=""'); if(!svg.match(/^<svg[^>]+"http\:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/1999\/xlink"/)) svg = svg.replace(/^<svg/, '<svg xmlns:xlink=""'); svg = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>\r\n' + svg; var blob = new Blob([svg], {type: "image/svg+xml"}); a.setAttribute('download', 'dungeon.svg'); a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);; }
var gui = new dat.GUI();
gui.add(options, 'render');
gui.add(options, 'newSeed');
gui.add(options, 'seed').listen();
var siz = gui.addFolder('Size');
siz.add(options, 'width');
siz.add(options, 'height');
siz.add(options, 'gridSize');
siz.add(options, 'units', ['in', 'mm']);
var genOpt = gui.addFolder('Generator Options');
genOpt.add(options, 'roomSize');
genOpt.add(options, 'depth');
genOpt.add(options, 'split');
var renOpt = gui.addFolder('Render Options');
renOpt.add(options, 'floors');
renOpt.add(options, 'walls');
renOpt.add(options, 'grid');
renOpt.add(options, 'partitions');
gui.add(options, 'download');
SVG BSP Generator - Script Codes
SVG BSP Generator - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Laerin
Username xgundam05
Uploaded December 26, 2022
Rating 3
Size 16,181 Kb
Views 6,072
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Laerin (xgundam05) Script Codes
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