Table of Elements

6,068 Kb

How do I make an table of elements?

What is a table of elements? How do you make a table of elements? This script and codes were developed by Emilio Incerto on 15 November 2022, Tuesday.

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Table of Elements - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Table of Elements</title> <style> /* NOTE: The styles were added inline because Prefixfree needs access to your styles and they must be inlined if they are on local disk! */ * { box-sizing: border-box;
body { background: linear-gradient(#dbeaf8, #dbeaf8); color: #222; font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light","Helvetica Neue Light","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,"Lucida Grande",sans-serif;
.wrapper { width: 1090px; margin: 30px auto; position: relative;
.main ul { padding: 0; margin: 0;
.main li { width: 56px; height: 60px; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); position: relative; font-size: 18px; float: left; padding: 0 2px; margin: 1px; cursor: pointer; padding-top: 20px; overflow: hidden; transition: all .2s ease-in; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
.main li span { display: block; line-height: 1; font-size: 9px; color: black; padding-top: 9px;
/*1.	Write 9 separate selectors for each of the types from class type-0 to class type-9.
// Give them each a unique background colour
2.	Write 4 separate selectors for each of the categories from cat-0 to cat-3 and give each it's own text color
3.	Select all list items and create a new style that adds a pseudo before style that contains the content of the current element's attribute: "data-atomic-number". Change this element's font size and position inside of it's parent at the top left.
4.	Select all list items and create a new style that adds a pseudo after style that contains the content of the current element's attribute: "data-mass. Change this element's font size and position inside of it's parent at the top right.
5.	Select all li elements that are empty and give them a darkgrey background.
6.	When hovering over any empty list element force it to use the 'no-drop' mouse arrow, not the hand.
-	If you don't know which css property to use here, visit
7.	Select every list item with a class that begins with the characters 'type-' and give it a single pixel wide outline that uses a half transparent blue colour
8.	When a user hovers over the table set all elements to half opacity
9.	In one declaration ensure that when a user hovers over an element that both all empty elements and the hovered element always remain at full opacity, overriding #8
10.	In one declaration select the first letter of both the text in the element name and in the element's span tag and change it to capitals
@media (max-width: 800px) { /* All Mid-Sized Tablet Rules belong inside this breakpoint 11. Reduce the size of the container 12. Hide the atomic number and mass of all elements
@media (max-width: 620px) {
/* All Small-Sized Mobile Rules Go inside this breakpoint
13. Ensure all elements become full width 100%
12. Ensure the atomic number and mass of all elements appear alongside the element name
} </style> <script src=""></script>
<body> <html> <head></head> <body>
<div class="wrapper"> <ul class="main"> <!-- row 1 --> <ul> <li element-name="" atomic-number="1" atomic-mass="1.0079" class="type-1 cat-2">h<span>hydrogen</span></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li element-name="helium" atomic-number="2" atomic-mass="4.0026" class="type-2 cat-2">he<span>helium</span></li> </ul> <!-- row 2 -->
<ul> <li element-name="lithium" atomic-number="3" atomic-mass="6.941" class="type-3 cat-0">li<span>lithium</span></li> <li element-name="beryllium" atomic-number="4" atomic-mass="9.0122" class="type-4 cat-0">be<span>beryllium</span></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li element-name="boron" atomic-number="5" atomic-mass="10.811" class="type-5 cat-0">b<span>boron</span></li> <li element-name="carbon" atomic-number="6" atomic-mass="12.011" class="type-5 cat-0">c<span>carbon</span></li> <li element-name="nitrogen" atomic-number="7" atomic-mass="14.007" class="type-5 cat-2">n<span>nitrogen</span></li> <li element-name="oxygen" atomic-number="8" atomic-mass="15.999" class="type-5 cat-2">o<span>oxygen</span></li> <li element-name="fluorine" atomic-number="9" atomic-mass="18.998" class="type-5 cat-2">f<span>fluorine</span></li> <li element-name="neon" atomic-number="10" atomic-mass="20.180" class="type-2 cat-2">ne<span>neon</span></li> </ul> <!-- row 3 -->
<ul> <li element-name="sodium" atomic-number="11" atomic-mass="22.990" class="type-3 cat-0">na<span>sodium</span></li> <li element-name="magnesium" atomic-number="12" atomic-mass="24.305" class="type-4 cat-0">mg<span>magnesium</span></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li element-name="aluminium" atomic-number="13" atomic-mass="26.982" class="type-7 cat-0">al<span>aluminium</span></li> <li element-name="silicon" atomic-number="14" atomic-mass="28.086" class="type-5 cat-0">si<span>silicon</span></li> <li element-name="phosphorus" atomic-number="15" atomic-mass="30.974" class="type-5 cat-0">p<span>phosphorus</span></li> <li element-name="sulfur" atomic-number="16" atomic-mass="32.065" class="type-5 cat-0">s<span>sulfur</span></li> <li element-name="chlorine" atomic-number="17" atomic-mass="35.453" class="type-5 cat-2">cl<span>chlorine</span></li> <li element-name="argon" atomic-number="18" atomic-mass="39.948" class="type-2 cat-2">ar<span>argon</span></li> </ul> <!-- row 4 -->
<ul> <li element-name="potassium" atomic-number="19" atomic-mass="39.098" class="type-3 cat-0">k<span>potassium</span></li> <li element-name="calcium" atomic-number="20" atomic-mass="40.078" class="type-4 cat-0">ca<span>calcium</span></li> <li element-name="scandium" atomic-number="21" atomic-mass="44.956" class="type-6 cat-0">sc<span>scandium</span></li> <li element-name="titanium" atomic-number="22" atomic-mass="47.867" class="type-6 cat-0">ti<span>titanium</span></li> <li element-name="vanadium" atomic-number="23" atomic-mass="50.942" class="type-6 cat-0">v<span>vanadium</span></li> <li element-name="chromium" atomic-number="24" atomic-mass="51.996" class="type-6 cat-0">cr<span>chromium</span></li> <li element-name="manganese" atomic-number="25" atomic-mass="54.938" class="type-6 cat-0">mn<span>manganese</span></li> <li element-name="iron" atomic-number="26" atomic-mass="55.845" class="type-6 cat-0">fe<span>iron</span></li> <li element-name="cobalt" atomic-number="27" atomic-mass="58.933" class="type-6 cat-0">co<span>cobalt</span></li> <li element-name="nickel" atomic-number="28" atomic-mass="58.693" class="type-6 cat-0">ni<span>nickel</span></li> <li element-name="copper" atomic-number="29" atomic-mass="63.546" class="type-6 cat-0">cu<span>copper</span></li> <li element-name="zinc" atomic-number="30" atomic-mass="65.39" class="type-7 cat-0">zn<span>zinc</span></li> <li element-name="gallium" atomic-number="31" atomic-mass="69.723" class="type-7 cat-0">ga<span>gallium</span></li> <li element-name="germanium" atomic-number="32" atomic-mass="72.64" class="type-7 cat-0">ge<span>germanium</span></li> <li element-name="arsenic" atomic-number="33" atomic-mass="74.922" class="type-5 cat-0">as<span>arsenic</span></li> <li element-name="selenium" atomic-number="34" atomic-mass="78.96" class="type-5 cat-0">se<span>selenium</span></li> <li element-name="bromine" atomic-number="35" atomic-mass="79.904" class="type-5 cat-1">br<span>bromine</span></li> <li element-name="krypton" atomic-number="36" atomic-mass="83.80" class="type-2 cat-2">kr<span>krypton</span></li> </ul> <!-- row 5 -->
<ul> <li element-name="rubidium" atomic-number="37" atomic-mass="85.468" class="type-3 cat-0">rb<span>rubidium</span></li> <li element-name="strontium" atomic-number="38" atomic-mass="87.62" class="type-4 cat-0">sr<span>strontium</span></li> <li element-name="yttrium" atomic-number="39" atomic-mass="88.906" class="type-6 cat-0">y<span>yttrium</span></li> <li element-name="zirconium" atomic-number="40" atomic-mass="91.224" class="type-6 cat-0">zr<span>zirconium</span></li> <li element-name="niobium" atomic-number="41" atomic-mass="92.906" class="type-6 cat-0">nb<span>niobium</span></li> <li element-name="molybdenum" atomic-number="42" atomic-mass="95.94" class="type-6 cat-0">mo<span>molybdenum</span></li> <li element-name="technetium" atomic-number="43" atomic-mass="(96)" class="type-6 cat-0">tc<span>technetium</span></li> <li element-name="ruthenium" atomic-number="44" atomic-mass="101.07" class="type-6 cat-0">ru<span>ruthenium</span></li> <li element-name="rhodium" atomic-number="45" atomic-mass="102.91" class="type-6 cat-0">rh<span>rhodium</span></li> <li element-name="palladium" atomic-number="46" atomic-mass="106.42" class="type-6 cat-0">pd<span>palladium</span></li> <li element-name="silver" atomic-number="47" atomic-mass="107.87" class="type-6 cat-0">ag<span>silver</span></li> <li element-name="cadmium" atomic-number="48" atomic-mass="112.41" class="type-7 cat-0">cd<span>cadmium</span></li> <li element-name="indium" atomic-number="49" atomic-mass="114.82" class="type-7 cat-0">in<span>indium</span></li> <li element-name="tin" atomic-number="50" atomic-mass="118.71" class="type-7 cat-0">sn<span>tin</span></li> <li element-name="antimony" atomic-number="51" atomic-mass="121.76" class="type-7 cat-0">sb<span>antimony</span></li> <li element-name="tellurium" atomic-number="52" atomic-mass="127.60" class="type-5 cat-0">te<span>tellurium</span></li> <li element-name="iodine" atomic-number="53" atomic-mass="126.90" class="type-5 cat-0">i<span>iodine</span></li> <li element-name="xenon" atomic-number="54" atomic-mass="131.29" class="type-2 cat-2">xe<span>xenon</span></li> </ul> <!-- row 6 -->
<ul> <li element-name="caesium" atomic-number="55" atomic-mass="132.91" class="type-3 cat-0">cs<span>caesium</span></li> <li element-name="barium" atomic-number="56" atomic-mass="137.33" class="type-4 cat-0">ba<span>barium</span></li> <li element-name="lanthanide" atomic-number="57-71" class="type-8">la-lu<span>lanthanide</span></li> <li element-name="hafnium" atomic-number="72" atomic-mass="178.49" class="type-6 cat-0">hf<span>hafnium</span></li> <li element-name="tantalum" atomic-number="73" atomic-mass="180.95" class="type-6 cat-0">ta<span>tantalum</span></li> <li element-name="tungsten" atomic-number="74" atomic-mass="183.64" class="type-6 cat-0">w<span>tungsten</span></li> <li element-name="rhenium" atomic-number="75" atomic-mass="186.21" class="type-6 cat-0">re<span>rhenium</span></li> <li element-name="osmium" atomic-number="76" atomic-mass="190.23" class="type-6 cat-0">os<span>osmium</span></li> <li element-name="iridium" atomic-number="77" atomic-mass="192.22" class="type-6 cat-0">ir<span>iridium</span></li> <li element-name="platinum" atomic-number="78" atomic-mass="195.08" class="type-6 cat-0">pt<span>platinum</span></li> <li element-name="gold" atomic-number="79" atomic-mass="196.97" class="type-6 cat-0">au<span>gold</span></li> <li element-name="mercury" atomic-number="80" atomic-mass="200.59" class="type-7 cat-1">hg<span>mercury</span></li> <li element-name="thallium" atomic-number="81" atomic-mass="204.38" class="type-7 cat-0">tl<span>thallium</span></li> <li element-name="lead" atomic-number="82" atomic-mass="207.2" class="type-7 cat-0">pb<span>lead</span></li> <li element-name="bismuth" atomic-number="83" atomic-mass="208.96" class="type-7 cat-0">bi<span>bismuth</span></li> <li element-name="polonium" atomic-number="84" atomic-mass="(209)" class="type-7 cat-0">po<span>polonium</span></li> <li element-name="astatine" atomic-number="85" atomic-mass="(210)" class="type-5 cat-0">at<span>astatine</span></li> <li element-name="radon" atomic-number="86" atomic-mass="(222)" class="type-2 cat-2">rn<span>radon</span></li> </ul> <!-- row 7 -->
<ul> <li element-name="francium" atomic-number="87" atomic-mass="(223)" class="type-3 cat-0">fr<span>francium</span></li> <li element-name="radium" atomic-number="88" atomic-mass="(226)" class="type-4 cat-0">ra<span>radium</span></li> <li element-name="actinide" atomic-number="89-103" class="type-9">ac-lr<span>actinide</span></li> <li element-name="rutherfodum" atomic-number="104" atomic-mass="(261)" class="type-6 cat-3">rf<span>rutherfodum</span></li> <li element-name="dubnium" atomic-number="105" atomic-mass="(262)" class="type-6 cat-3">db<span>dubnium</span></li> <li element-name="seaborgium" atomic-number="106" atomic-mass="(266)" class="type-6 cat-3">sg<span>seaborgium</span></li> <li element-name="bohrium" atomic-number="107" atomic-mass="(264)" class="type-6 cat-3">bh<span>bohrium</span></li> <li element-name="hassium" atomic-number="108" atomic-mass="(277)" class="type-6 cat-3">hs<span>hassium</span></li> <li element-name="meitnerium" atomic-number="109" atomic-mass="(268)" class="type-6 cat-3">mt<span>meitnerium</span></li> <li element-name="damstadium" atomic-number="110" atomic-mass="(281)" class="type-6 cat-3">ds<span>damstadium</span></li> <li element-name="roentgenium" atomic-number="111" atomic-mass="(272)" class="type-6 cat-3">rg<span>roentgenium</span></li> <li element-name="ununbium" atomic-number="112" atomic-mass="(285)" class="type-7 cat-3">uub<span>ununbium</span></li> <li element-name="ununtrium" atomic-number="113" atomic-mass="(285)" class="type-7 cat-3">uut<span>ununtrium</span></li> <li element-name="ununquadium" atomic-number="114" atomic-mass="(289)" class="type-7 cat-3">uuq<span>ununquadium</span></li> <li element-name="ununpentium" atomic-number="115" atomic-mass="(289)" class="type-7 cat-3">uup<span>ununpentium</span></li> <li element-name="ununhexium" atomic-number="115" atomic-mass="(289)" class="type-7 cat-3">uuh<span>ununhexium</span></li> <li element-name="ununseptum" atomic-number="115" atomic-mass="(289)" class="type-0 cat-3">uus<span>ununseptum</span></li> <li element-name="ununoctium" atomic-number="115" atomic-mass="(289)" class="type-2 cat-3">uuo<span>ununoctium</span></li> </ul> </ul>
</div> </body>
</html> <script src=''></script>

Table of Elements - Script Codes CSS Codes

* { box-sizing: border-box;
body { background: linear-gradient(#dbeaf8, #dbeaf8); color: #222; font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light","Helvetica Neue Light","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,"Lucida Grande",sans-serif;
.wrapper { width: 1090px; margin: 30px auto; position: relative;
.main ul { padding: 0; margin: 0;
.main li { width: 56px; height: 60px; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); position: relative; font-size: 18px; float: left; padding: 0 2px; margin: 1px; cursor: pointer; padding-top: 20px; overflow: hidden; transition: all .2s ease-in; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
.main li span { display: block; line-height: 1; font-size: 9px; color: black; padding-top: 9px;
/*1.	Write 9 separate selectors for each of the types from class type-0 to class type-9.
// Give them each a unique background colour
2.	Write 4 separate selectors for each of the categories from cat-0 to cat-3 and give each it's own text color
3.	Select all list items and create a new style that adds a pseudo before style that contains the content of the current element's attribute: "data-atomic-number". Change this element's font size and position inside of it's parent at the top left.
4.	Select all list items and create a new style that adds a pseudo after style that contains the content of the current element's attribute: "data-mass. Change this element's font size and position inside of it's parent at the top right.
5.	Select all li elements that are empty and give them a darkgrey background.
6.	When hovering over any empty list element force it to use the 'no-drop' mouse arrow, not the hand.
-	If you don't know which css property to use here, visit
7.	Select every list item with a class that begins with the characters 'type-' and give it a single pixel wide outline that uses a half transparent blue colour
8.	When a user hovers over the table set all elements to half opacity
9.	In one declaration ensure that when a user hovers over an element that both all empty elements and the hovered element always remain at full opacity, overriding #8
10.	In one declaration select the first letter of both the text in the element name and in the element's span tag and change it to capitals
@media (max-width: 800px) { /* All Mid-Sized Tablet Rules belong inside this breakpoint 11. Reduce the size of the container 12. Hide the atomic number and mass of all elements
@media (max-width: 620px) {
/* All Small-Sized Mobile Rules Go inside this breakpoint
13. Ensure all elements become full width 100%
12. Ensure the atomic number and mass of all elements appear alongside the element name
Table of Elements - Script Codes
Table of Elements - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Emilio Incerto
Username eincerto
Uploaded November 15, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,068 Kb
Views 20,240
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Emilio Incerto (eincerto) Script Codes
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