Virtual Filesystem

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How do I make an virtual filesystem?

Virtual filesystem with a working Finder, Terminal, and TextEdit applications.. What is a virtual filesystem? How do you make a virtual filesystem? This script and codes were developed by Arnelle Balane on 14 October 2022, Friday.

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Virtual Filesystem - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <div id="desktop"> <div class="icon launchpad" data-application="finder">Finder</div> <div class="icon terminal" data-application="terminal">Terminal</div> <div class="icon textedit" data-application="textedit">TextEdit</div> <ul class="contextmenu hidden"> <li class="rename">Rename</li> </ul> </div> <template id="finder"> <section class="window finder" data-application="finder" data-title="Finder"> <header> <span class="action close"></span> <span class="action minimize"></span> <span class="action maximize"></span> <div class="action-bar"> <div class="button-group"> <span class="action-button back" data-icon="back"></span> <span class="action-button forward" data-icon="forward"></span> </div> <input type="text" name="path"> <input type="text" name="search" placeholder="Search"> <div class="button-group"> <span class="action-button folder" data-icon="folder"></span> <span class="action-button file" data-icon="file"></span> </div> </div> </header> <aside> <section> <h1>Favorites</h1> <ul class="favorites"> <li>Documents</li> <li>Pictures</li> <li>Music</li> <li>Videos</li> </ul> </section> </aside> <main></main> </section> </template> <template id="terminal"> <section class="window terminal" data-application="terminal" data-title="Terminal"> <header> <span class="action close"></span> <span class="action minimize"></span> <span class="action maximize"></span> </header> <main> <div class="contents"> <div class="prompt"> <span>/</span> <textarea class="autosize" data-capture-enter="true" spellcheck="off"></textarea> </div> </div> </main> </section> </template> <template id="textedit"> <section class="window textedit" data-application="textedit" data-title="TextEdit - Untitled"> <header> <span class="action close"></span> <span class="action minimize"></span> <span class="action maximize"></span> </header> <main> <textarea spellcheck="off"></textarea> </main> </section> </template> <template id="alert"> <section class="window alert focused"> <header> <span class="action close"></span> </header> <main> <h4>Error</h4> <p>The error message gets here.</p> </main> </section> </template> <template id="filebrowser"> <section class="window filebrowser" data-title=""> <header> <span class="action close"></span> </header> <main> <ul></ul> <div class="file-info clearfix"> <label>Filename:</label> <input type="text" name="filename"> <span class="action-button" data-icon="check"></span> </div> </main> </section> </template> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Virtual Filesystem - Script Codes CSS Codes

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.alert p { font-size: 1.2rem; color: #222222;
.filebrowser { width: 350px; height: 250px; z-index: 3;
.filebrowser ul { height: calc(100% - 32px); padding: 10px 0; overflow: auto;
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.icon.documents:before { background-image: url("");
.icon.sublimetext:before { background-image: url("");
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.action-button:before { content: ""; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: transparent center center no-repeat; background-size: 80% auto; opacity: 0.5;
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.action-button[data-icon="forward"]:before { background-image: url("");
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.contextmenu li:hover { color: #ffffff; background-color: #4f8edb;

Virtual Filesystem - Script Codes JS Codes

(function(root, library) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('generic-tree', [], library); } else { root.GenericTree = library(); }
})(this, function() { function GenericTree() { this.root = null; this.insert = function(key, parent, properties) { if (key === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: key'); } parent = parent instanceof Node ? [parent] :; var node = new Node(key, properties); if (parent === null && !this.root) { this.root = node; } else if (parent === null && !!this.root) { throw new Error('GenericTree already has a root. Please specify the node\'s parent.'); } else if (!parent.length) { throw new Error('Parent node not found.'); } else { parent[0].insert(node); } return node; }; this.delete = function(node) { if (node === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: key'); } var targets = node instanceof Node ? [node] :; if (targets === null || !targets.length) { throw new Error('Target node not found.'); } for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { var target = targets[i]; if (target === this.root) { this.root = null; } else { target.parent.delete(target); } } }; = function(key) { return key !== undefined && this.root ? : null; }; this.traverse = function() { if (this.root !== null) { var queue = [this.root]; var levels = []; var level = []; for (var i = 1, j = 0; queue.length;) { var pointer = queue.shift(); level.push(pointer); j += pointer.children.length; if (!--i) { i = j; j = 0; levels.push(level); level = []; } queue = queue.concat(pointer.children); } return levels; } return []; }; } function Node(key, properties) { this.key = key; this.parent = null; this.children = []; properties = properties && typeof properties === 'object' ? properties : {}; for (var i in properties) { this[i] = properties[i]; } this.insert = function(child) { this.children.push(child); child.parent = this; }; this.delete = function(child) { this.children.splice(this.children.indexOf(child), 1); }; = function(key) { var results = this.key.match('^' + key.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/\*/g, '\.\*') + '$') ? [this] : []; for (var i in this.children) { results = results.concat(this.children[i].search(key)); } return results; }; this.find = function(key) { var results = []; for (var i in this.children) { if (this.children[i].key.match('^' + key.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/\*/g, '\.\*') + '$')) { results.push(this.children[i]); } } return results; }; } return GenericTree;
(function(root, library) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('virtual-filesystem', ['generic-tree'], library); } else { root.VirtualFileSystem = library(root.GenericTree); }
})(this, function(GenericTree) { function VirtualFileSystem() { this.tree = new GenericTree(); this.tree.insert('', null, { type: 'directory' }); this.pointer = this.tree.root; this.mkdir = function(path) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } var segments = path.replace(/\/+$/g, '').split('/'); var parent = this._resolve_path(segments.slice(0, segments.length - 1).join('/')); var name = segments[segments.length - 1]; if (parent.find(name).length) { throw new Error('Name already taken: ' + name); } this.tree.insert(name, parent, { type: 'directory' }); }; this.rmdir = function(path) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } var node = this._resolve_path(path.replace(/\/+$/g, '')); if (node === this.tree.root) { throw new Error('You cannot delete the root directory.'); } else if (node.type !== 'directory') { throw new Error('Not a directory: ' + node.key); } this.tree.delete(node); var current_path = this._absolute_path(this.pointer); var node_path = this._absolute_path(node); if (node_path.match('^' + current_path) && current_path.length) { this.pointer = node.parent; } }; = function(path) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } this.pointer = this._resolve_path(path); return this.pointer; }; = function(mode, path, contents) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } var segments = path.replace(/\/+$/g, '').split('/'); var parent = this._resolve_path(segments.slice(0, segments.length - 1).join('/')); var name = segments[segments.length - 1]; var node = parent.find(name)[0]; if (node && node.type !== 'file') { throw new Error('Not a file: ' + path); } else if (mode.length) { if (node === undefined) { node = this.tree.insert(name, parent, { type: 'file', contents: '' }); } node.contents = mode === '>' ? contents : node.contents + contents; } else { if (node === undefined) { throw new Error('File not found: ' + path); } return node.contents; } }; this.rm = function(path) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } var node = this._resolve_path(path.replace(/\/+$/g, '')); if (node.type !== 'file') { throw new Error('Not a file: ' + node.key); } this.tree.delete(node); }; this.rn = function(path, name) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } else if (name === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: name'); } var node = this._resolve_path(path); if (node === this.tree.root) { throw new Error('You cannot rename the root directory.'); } var search = node.parent.find(name)[0]; if (search && search.type === node.type) { throw new Error('Rename failed. Name already taken.'); } node.key = name; }; this.cp = function(target, destination) { if (target === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: target'); } else if (destination === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: destination'); } target = typeof target === 'object' ? target : this._resolve_path(target); destination = typeof destination === 'object' ? destination : this._resolve_path(destination); var properties = { type: target.type }; if (properties.type === 'file') { properties.contents = target.contents; } var node = this.tree.insert(target.key, destination, properties); for (var i = 0; i < target.children.length; i++) { this.cp(target.children[i], node); } return node; }; = function(target, destination) { if (target === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: target'); } else if (destination === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: destination'); } target = typeof target === 'object' ? target : this._resolve_path(target); destination = typeof destination === 'object' ? destination : this._resolve_path(destination); this.tree.delete(target); return, target, destination); }; = function(path) { var node = path === undefined ? this.pointer : this._resolve_path(path); if (node.type === 'directory') { return node.children; } throw new Error('Not a directory: ' + path); }; this.whereis = function(query) { if (query === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: query'); } return; }; this._resolve_path = function(path) { path = path.match('^\/') ? path : './' + path; path = path.split('/'); var parent = path[0].length ? this.pointer : this.tree.root; for (var i = !path[0].length ? 1 : 0; i < path.length; i++) { if (path[i] === '..') { if (parent === this.tree.root) { throw new Error('No more directories beyond root directory.'); } parent = parent.parent; } else if (path[i] !== '.' && path[i].length) { parent = parent.find(path[i])[0]; if (parent === undefined) { throw new Error('Path not found: ' + path.slice(0, i + 1).join('/')); } } } return parent; }; this._absolute_path = function(node) { var path = []; while (node !== null) { path.unshift(node.key); node = node.parent; } return path.join('/'); }; } return VirtualFileSystem;
$(document).ready(function() { filesystem.initialize(); components.initialize(); windows.initialize(); system.initialize();
var filesystem = { instance: new VirtualFileSystem(), initialize: function() { filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Pictures'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Music'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Videos'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Projects'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Work'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Codes'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics/cmsc142'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics/cmsc141'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics/sts40'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics/cmsc198.1'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Codes/Javascript'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Codes/Python'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Codes/Ruby');'>', 'Documents/Academics/cmsc142/mp1.c', 'hello world');'>', 'Documents/Academics/cmsc142/mp2.c', 'hello world again');'>', 'Documents/Codes/Javascript/sample.js', 'this is a sample javascript file');'>', 'Documents/Codes/Javascript/script.js', 'this is another sample javascript file');'>', 'Documents/Codes/Python/', 'this is a sample python file');'>', 'Documents/Codes/Ruby/sample.rb', 'this is a sample ruby file'); Window.favorites = ['/Documents', '/Pictures', '/Music', 'Videos']; }, resolve_path: function(path) { return path === undefined ? filesystem.instance.tree.root : filesystem.instance._resolve_path(path); }, absolute_path: function(path) { return this.instance._absolute_path(path); }
var components = { initialize: function() { components.icons(); components.textareas(); components.huds(); }, icons: function() { windows.desktop.on('mousedown', '.icon', function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey) { $(this).toggleClass('highlighted'); } else { $('.icon').removeClass('highlighted'); $(this).addClass('highlighted'); } var target = $(this).closest('.window'); if (target.length) { windows.focus(windows.instance(target)); } }); windows.desktop.on('dblclick', '.icon[data-application]', function(e) { $(this).removeClass('highlighted'); windows.spawn($(this).data('application')); }); windows.desktop.on('dblclick', '.window .icon', function(e) { $(this).removeClass('highlighted'); var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); target.icons_handler(e); }); windows.desktop.on('mousedown', function(e) { if (!$('icon')) { $('.icon').removeClass('highlighted'); } if (!$('.contextmenu').length) { $('.contextmenu').addClass('hidden'); } }); }, textareas: function() { windows.desktop.on('keydown', 'textarea', function(e) { var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); if (e.keyCode === 9) { e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode === 13 && $(this).attr('data-capture-enter') === 'true') { e.preventDefault(); target.textarea_handler(e); } else if (e.ctrlKey && (e.keyCode === 76 || e.keyCode === 68 || e.keyCode === 83)) { e.preventDefault(); target.keyboard_handler(e); } else if (e.keyCode === 27) { target.keyboard_handler(e); } else if ($(this).hasClass('autosize')) { target.textarea_handler(e); } }); windows.desktop.on('blur', '.window .icon textarea', function(e) { var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); target.textarea_handler(e); }); }, huds: function() { windows.desktop.on('mousedown', '.window .action-button', function(e) { $('.icon').removeClass('highlighted'); var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); target.huds_handler(e); }); windows.desktop.on('focus', '.window input', function(e) { $(this).attr('data-value', $(this).val()); }); windows.desktop.on('keydown', '.window input', function(e) { $(this).removeClass('error'); if (e.keyCode === 27) { $(this).val($(this).data('value')).trigger('blur'); } else if (e.keyCode === 13) { $(this).trigger('blur'); var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); target.huds_handler(e); } }); windows.desktop.on('mousedown', function(e) { $('.window input').removeClass('error'); }); }
var windows = { desktop: $('#desktop'), instances: {}, initialize: function() { windows.focus(); windows.draggable(); windows.actions(); // transfer this later windows.desktop.on('click', '.favorites li', function(e) { var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); var node = filesystem.resolve_path($(this).data('path')); target.location(node); }); }, spawn: function(application, path) { application = applications[application](path); var key = $('.window').length; windows.instances[key] = application; application.dom.attr('data-instance', key); windows.desktop.append(application.dom); windows.focus(application); return application; }, focus: function(target) { if (target === undefined) { windows.desktop.on('mousedown', '.window', function(e) { windows.focus(windows.instance($(this))); }); } else { if (!target.dom.hasClass('focused')) { $('.window').removeClass('focused'); target.dom.addClass('focused'); windows.desktop.append(target.dom); if (target.hasOwnProperty('pointer')) { filesystem.instance.pointer = target.pointer; } setTimeout(function() { target.focus(); }, 0); } } }, draggable: function() { var target = null; var start = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var origin = { x: 0, y: 0 }; windows.desktop.on('mousedown', '.window header', function(e) { target = $(this).closest('.window'); start = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }; origin = { x: target.offset().left, y: target.offset().top }; }); windows.desktop.on('mousemove', function(e) { if (target !== null) { target.css({ top: origin.y + (e.pageY - start.y) + 'px', left: origin.x + (e.pageX - start.x) + 'px' }); } }); windows.desktop.on('mouseup', function() { target = null; start = { x: 0, y: 0 }; origin = { x: 0, y: 0 }; }); windows.desktop.on('mousedown', '.window header .action-bar > *', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }, close: function(target) { target.dom.remove(); var last = windows.desktop.find('.window').last(); if (last.length) { windows.focus(windows.instance(last)); } $('.overlay').remove(); }, actions: function() { windows.desktop.on('mousedown', '.window .action', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); windows.focus(target); if ($(this).hasClass('close')) { windows.close(target); } else if ($(this).hasClass('minimize')) { target.minimize(); } else if ($(this).hasClass('maximize')) { target.maximize(); } }); }, instance: function(target) { return windows.instances['instance')]; }
var system = { clipboard: [], clipboard_sources: [], clipboard_operation: null, clipboard_operations: { 67: 'cp', 88: 'mv' }, contextmenu: $('.contextmenu'), contextmenu_target: null, initialize: function() { $(document).on('keyup', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 67 || e.keyCode === 88 || e.keyCode === 86) { system.invoke_clipboard(e.keyCode); } else if (e.keyCode === 46) { system.invoke_deletion(); } }); $(document).on('contextmenu', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); system.invoke_contextmenu(e); }); $('.contextmenu .rename').on('click', function(e) { var target = windows.instance(system.contextmenu_target.closest('.window')); target.icons_handler(e); }); }, invoke_clipboard: function(code) { if (code === 67 || code === 88) { system.clipboard = []; system.clipboard_operation = system.clipboard_operations[code]; $('.window .icon.highlighted').each(function() { system.clipboard.push($(this).data('path')); var parent = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); if (system.clipboard_sources.indexOf(parent) < 0) { system.clipboard_sources.push(parent); } }); } else { var target = windows.instance($('.window.focused')); if (target && target instanceof Finder) { for (var i = 0; i < system.clipboard.length; i++) { filesystem.instance[system.clipboard_operation](system.clipboard[i], target.pointer); } target.refresh(); for (var i = 0; i < system.clipboard_sources.length; i++) { system.clipboard_sources[i].refresh(); } system.clipboard = []; system.clipboard_sources = []; } } }, invoke_deletion: function() { $('.window .icon.highlighted').each(function() { var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); if ($(this).hasClass('documents')) { filesystem.instance.rmdir($(this).data('path')); } else if ($(this).hasClass('sublimetext')) { filesystem.instance.rm($(this).data('path')); } $(this).remove(); target.refresh(); }); }, invoke_contextmenu: function(e) { var target = $(; if (target.closest('.finder').length) { // @todo clean this up later system.contextmenu_target = $('.icon.highlighted'); if (system.contextmenu_target.length) { system.contextmenu.css({ 'top': e.pageY + 'px', 'left': e.pageX + 'px' }).removeClass('hidden'); } } }
var applications = { finder: function(path) { return new Finder(filesystem.resolve_path(path)); }, terminal: function(path) { return new Terminal(filesystem.resolve_path(path)); }, textedit: function(path) { return new TextEdit(path ? filesystem.resolve_path(path) : path); }, filebrowser: function(path) { return new FileBrowser(filesystem.resolve_path(path)); }
var templates = { finder: $('template#finder').html(), terminal: $('template#terminal').html(), textedit: $('template#textedit').html(), filebrowser: $('template#filebrowser').html(), alert: $('template#alert').html()
var util = { autosize: function(target) { target.css('height', 'auto'); target.css('height', target[0].scrollHeight + 'px'); }, alert: function(message) { $('.window').removeClass('focused'); var template = $(templates.alert); var overlay = $('<div class="overlay"></div>'); template.find('p').text(message); windows.desktop.append(overlay); windows.desktop.append(template); template.css({ 'top': (window.innerHeight - 3 * template.height()) / 2 + 'px', 'left': (window.innerWidth - template.width()) / 2 + 'px' }); template.find('.action').on('mousedown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); overlay.remove(); template.remove(); windows.desktop.find('.window').last().addClass('focused'); }); }
function Class() {}
Class.extend = function(child) { var instance = new this(); for (var property in instance) { if (!child.prototype.hasOwnProperty(property)) { child.prototype[property] = instance[property]; } } for (var property in this) { if (!child.hasOwnProperty(property)) { child[property] = this[property]; } }
function Window() {}
Window.prototype.focus = function() {};
Window.prototype.keyboard_handler = function() {};
Window.prototype.textarea_handler = function() {};
Window.prototype.icons_handler = function() {};
Window.prototype.huds_handler = function() {};
Window.prototype.minimize = function(callback) { if (this.dom.hasClass('maximized')) { this.dom.animate({ top: this.dom.offset().top + (this.max_height - this.min_height) / 2 + 'px', left: this.dom.offset().left + (this.max_width - this.min_width) / 2 + 'px', width: this.min_width + 'px', height: this.min_height + 'px' }, 150, callback).removeClass('maximized'); }
Window.prototype.maximize = function(callback) { if (!this.dom.hasClass('maximize')) { this.dom.animate({ top: this.dom.offset().top - (this.max_height - this.min_height) / 2 + 'px', left: this.dom.offset().left - (this.max_width - this.min_width) / 2 + 'px', width: this.max_width + 'px', height: this.max_height + 'px' }, 150, callback).addClass('maximized'); }
function Finder(pointer) { this.min_width = 700; this.min_height = 400; this.max_width = window.innerWidth - 100; this.max_height = window.innerHeight - 100; this.history = []; this.cursor = -1; this.dom = $(templates.finder); this.address_bar = this.dom.find('input[name="path"]'); this.search_bar = this.dom.find('input[name="search"]'); this.pointer = null; var self = this; this.location(pointer);
Window.favorites = [];
Finder.prototype.maximize = function() { if (!this.dom.hasClass('maximize')) { this.dom.animate({ top: 50 + 'px', left: 50 + 'px', width: this.max_width + 'px', height: this.max_height + 'px' }, 150).addClass('maximized'); }
Finder.prototype.location = function(location) { this.pointer = location; this.history = this.history.slice(0, Math.max(this.cursor, -1) + 1); var last = this.history[this.history.length - 1]; if (this.pointer !== last) { this.history.push(this.pointer); this.cursor++; } this.refresh();
Finder.prototype.navigate = function(direction) { if (direction === 'back') { this.pointer = this.history[--this.cursor]; } else if (direction === 'forward') { this.pointer = this.history[++this.cursor]; } this.refresh();
Finder.prototype.refresh = function() { this.dom.attr('data-title', 'Finder - ' + (this.pointer.key ? this.pointer.key : '/')); var path = filesystem.absolute_path(this.pointer); this.address_bar.val(path ? path : '/'); this.dom.find('main').empty(); this.dom.find('.favorites').empty(); // @todo clean this up later this.pointer.children.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.type === 'directory' && b.type === 'file') { return -1; } else if (a.type === 'file' && b.type === 'directory') { return 1; } if (a.key < b.key) { return -1; } else if (a.key > b.key) { return 1; } return 0; }); for (var i = 0; i < this.pointer.children.length; i++) { this.insert(this.pointer.children[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < Window.favorites.length; i++) { // @todo clean this up later try { var favorite = filesystem.resolve_path(Window.favorites[i]); this.dom.find('.favorites').append('<li data-path="' + Window.favorites[i] + '">' + favorite.key + '</li>'); } catch (e) {} } this.dom.find('.action-button.folder, .action-button.file').removeClass('disabled'); if (this.cursor === 0) { this.dom.find('.action-button.back').addClass('disabled'); } else { this.dom.find('.action-button.back').removeClass('disabled'); } if (this.cursor === this.history.length - 1) { this.dom.find('.action-button.forward').addClass('disabled'); } else { this.dom.find('.action-button.forward').removeClass('disabled'); }
Finder.prototype.insert = function(node) { var element = $('<div class="icon" data-path="' + filesystem.absolute_path(node) + '">' + node.key + '</div>'); if (node.type === 'directory') { element.addClass('documents'); } else if (node.type === 'file') { element.addClass('sublimetext'); } this.dom.find('main').append(element);
Finder.prototype.create = function(type) { var node = $('<div class="icon highlighted"><textarea name="node" class="autosize" data-new="true"></textarea></div>'); node.attr('data-capture-enter', 'true'); if (type === 'directory') { node.addClass('documents'); } else if (type === 'file') { node.addClass('sublimetext'); } this.dom.find('main').append(node); setTimeout(function() { node.find('textarea').trigger('focus'); }, 0);
Finder.prototype.keyboard_handler = function(e) { var target = $(; if (e.keyCode === 27) { target.trigger('blur'); }
Finder.prototype.textarea_handler = function(e) { var target = $(; if (e.type === 'keydown' && target.hasClass('autosize')) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { this.dom.find('textarea').trigger('blur'); } else { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { util.autosize(self.dom.find('textarea')); }, 0); } } else if (e.type === 'blur' || e.type === 'focusout') { var path = filesystem.absolute_path(this.pointer); if (!target.val().length) { target.parent().remove(); } else if (target.attr('data-new') === 'true') { if (target.parent().hasClass('documents')) { try { filesystem.instance.mkdir(path + '/' + target.val()); } catch (e) { target.parent().remove(); util.alert(e.message); } } else if (target.parent().hasClass('sublimetext')) { if (this.pointer.find(target.val()).length) { target.parent().remove(); util.alert('Name already taken: ' + target.val()); } else {'>', path + '/' + target.val(), ''); } } } else { try { filesystem.instance.rn(target.attr('data-new'), target.val()); } catch (e) { util.alert(e.message); } } this.refresh(); }
Finder.prototype.icons_handler = function(e) { var target = $(; if (target.hasClass('documents')) { this.location(filesystem.resolve_path('path'))); } else if (target.hasClass('sublimetext')) { var editor = windows.spawn('textedit','path')); editor.dom.attr('data-path', filesystem.absolute_path(editor.pointer)); } else if (e.type === 'click') { system.contextmenu.addClass('hidden'); var target = system.contextmenu_target; var node = filesystem.resolve_path('path')); target.html('<textarea name="node" class="autosize" data-new="' + filesystem.absolute_path(node) + '">' + node.key + '</textarea>'); target.addClass('highlighted').find('textarea').trigger('focus'); }
Finder.prototype.huds_handler = function(e) { var target = $(; if (target.hasClass('back') && !target.hasClass('disabled')) { this.navigate('back'); } else if (target.hasClass('forward') && !target.hasClass('disabled')) { this.navigate('forward'); } else if ('[name="path"]')) { try { var destination = filesystem.resolve_path(target.val()); this.location(destination); } catch (e) { target.addClass('error').trigger('focus'); } } else if ('[name="search"]')) { var results = filesystem.instance.whereis(target.val()); this.dom.find('main').empty(); this.dom.find('.action-button.folder, .action-button.file').addClass('disabled'); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { this.cursor++; this.dom.find('.action-bar .action-button').addClass('disabled'); this.dom.find('.action-bar .action-button.back').removeClass('disabled'); var node = results[i]; var path = filesystem.absolute_path(node); var result = $('<div class="icon" data-path="' + path + '" title="' + path + '">' + node.key + '</div>'); if (node.type === 'directory') { result.addClass('documents'); } else if (node.type === 'file') { result.addClass('sublimetext'); } this.dom.find('main').append(result); } if (!results.length) { this.dom.find('main').append('<p>No results found.</p>'); } } else if ('.action-button.folder') && !target.hasClass('disabled')) { this.create('directory'); } else if ('.action-button.file') && !target.hasClass('disabled')) { this.create('file'); }
function Terminal(pointer) { this.min_width = 500; this.min_height = 300; this.max_width = 800; this.max_height = 500; this.dom = $(templates.terminal); this.prompt = this.dom.find('.prompt span'); this.input = this.dom.find('textarea'); this.buffer = null; this.pointer = pointer; var self = this; this.intercepts = { ls: function(path) { var results = || filesystem.absolute_path(this.pointer)); var width = 0; results.forEach(function(item) { width = Math.max(width, item.key.length); }); width += 5; var columns = ~~(this.min_width / 7 / width); var line = ''; for (var i = 0, j = columns; i < results.length; i++) { line += results[i].key; for (var k = 0; k < width - results[i].key.length; k++) { line += '\u00a0'; } if (--j == 0) { this.log(line); line = ''; j = columns; } } this.log(line); }, cd: function(path) { this.location(; }, cat: function(params) { params =; if (params[0].match('^(>|>>)$') && params.length < 3) { params[0] = params[0] === '>>' ? '' : params[0];, params); params[0] = '>';, params); this.buffer = 'cat ' + params.join(' '); this.input.attr('data-capture-enter', 'false'); this.prompt.addClass('hidden'); } else { if (!params[0].match('^(>|>>)$')) { params.unshift(''); }, params); this.buffer = null; this.input.attr('data-capture-enter', 'true'); this.prompt.removeClass('hidden'); } function execute(params) { var output =, params); if (output !== undefined) { output = output.split(/\r?\n/g); for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { this.log(output[i]); } } } }, edit: function(path) {, ['>>', path]); }, show: function(path) {, [path]); }, whereis: function(query) { var results = filesystem.instance.whereis(query); if (results.length) { for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { this.log(filesystem.absolute_path(results[i])); } } else { this.log('No results found: ' + query, 'red'); } }, clear: function() { this.dom.find('main p').remove(); }, exit: function() { windows.close(this); } }; this.location(this.pointer); // make clicks on the terminal window focus on the textarea this.dom.on('click', this.focus.bind(this));
Terminal.prototype.focus = function() { this.dom.find('textarea').focus();
Terminal.prototype.minimize = function() { var self = this;, function() { util.autosize(self.input); });
Terminal.prototype.maximize = function() { var self = this;, function() { util.autosize(self.input); });
Terminal.prototype.keyboard_handler = function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey) { if (e.keyCode === 83) { var command = this.buffer + ' "' + this.input.val() + '"'; this.execute(command); } else if (e.keyCode === 76) { this.intercepts.clear.apply(this); } else if (e.keyCode === 68) { this.intercepts.exit.apply(this); } }
Terminal.prototype.textarea_handler = function(e) { var target = $(; if (e.keyCode === 13 && target.attr('data-capture-enter') === 'true') { this.execute(); } else if (target.hasClass('autosize')) { if (e === undefined) { util.autosize(this.input); } else { setTimeout(util.autosize, 0, this.input); } if (this.dom.find('.contents').height() > this.dom.find('main').height()) { this.dom.find('.contents').addClass('overflow'); } else { this.dom.find('.contents').removeClass('overflow'); } }
Terminal.prototype.log = function(message, color) { message = $('<p class="' + color + '">' + message + '</p>'); this.input.parent().before(message); if (this.dom.find('.contents').height() > this.dom.find('main').height()) { this.dom.find('.contents').addClass('overflow'); } else { this.dom.find('.contents').removeClass('overflow'); }
Terminal.prototype.location = function(location) { var self = this; self.pointer = location; self.prompt.text(filesystem.absolute_path(location)); self.dom.attr('data-title', 'Terminal - ' +( location.key ? location.key : '/')); setTimeout(function() { self.input.css('text-indent', (self.prompt.width() / 7 + 1) * 7 - 0.5 + 'px'); }, 0);
Terminal.prototype.execute = function(input) { input = input === undefined ? this.input.val().trim() : input; if (input.length) { var command = input; var params = []; var index = command.indexOf(' '); if (index >= 0) { var buffer = ''; var inside = false; for (var i = index + 1; i < input.length; i++) { var character = input.charAt(i); if (character === ' ' && !inside) { params.push(buffer.replace(/(^["']|["']$)/g, '')); buffer = ''; continue; } else if (character === '"' || character === '\'') { inside = !inside; } buffer += character; } params.push(buffer.replace(/(^["']|["']$)/g, '')); command = input.substring(0, index); } if (this.buffer === null) { this.log(this.prompt.text() + ' $ ' + input); } else { var buffer = this.input.val().split(/\r?\n/g); for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { this.log(buffer[i]); } } this.input.val(''); try { if (this.intercepts.hasOwnProperty(command)) { this.intercepts[command].apply(this, params); } else if (filesystem.instance.hasOwnProperty(command)) { filesystem.instance[command].apply(filesystem.instance, params); } else { throw new Error('Command not found: ' + command); } } catch (e) { this.log(e.message, 'red'); } } else { this.log(this.prompt.text() + ' $'); }
function TextEdit(pointer) { this.min_width = 400; this.min_height = 300; this.max_width = 450; this.max_height = 550; this.dom = $(templates.textedit); this.pointer = null; if (pointer !== undefined) {; }
TextEdit.prototype.focus = function() { this.dom.find('textarea').focus();
}; = function(file) { file = typeof file === 'object' ? file : filesystem.resolve_path(file); this.pointer = file; this.dom.attr('data-title', 'TextEdit - ' + file.key); this.dom.find('textarea').val(file.contents);
}; = function() { var path ='path'); try { var node = filesystem.resolve_path(path); node.contents = this.dom.find('textarea').val(); } catch (e) {'>', path, this.dom.find('textarea').val()); };
TextEdit.prototype.keyboard_handler = function(e) { var target = $(; if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 83) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.pointer === null) { windows.desktop.append('<div class="overlay"></div>'); var filebrowser = windows.spawn('filebrowser');; } else { this.dom.attr('data-path', filesystem.absolute_path(this.pointer));; } }
function FileBrowser(pointer) { this.dom = $(templates.filebrowser); this.application = null; this.pointer = null; this.location(pointer);
FileBrowser.prototype.focus = function(e) { this.dom.find('input').trigger('focus');
FileBrowser.prototype.location = function(location) { this.pointer = location; var list = this.dom.find('ul').empty(); if (this.pointer.parent !== null) { var path = filesystem.absolute_path(this.pointer.parent); list.append('<div class="icon list" data-path="' + (path.length ? path : '/') + '">(up one directory)</div>'); } for (var i = 0; i < this.pointer.children.length; i++) { var child = this.pointer.children[i]; if (child.type === 'directory') { list.append('<div class="icon list" data-path="' + filesystem.absolute_path(child) + '">' + child.key + '</div>'); } }
}; = function(application) { this.application = application; this.dom.css({ 'top': this.application.dom.offset().top + (this.application.dom.height() - this.dom.height()) / 2 + 'px', 'left': this.application.dom.offset().left + (this.application.dom.width() - this.dom.width()) / 2 + 'px' });
FileBrowser.prototype.icons_handler = function(e) { var target = $(; this.location(filesystem.resolve_path('path')));
FileBrowser.prototype.huds_handler = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var input = this.dom.find('input'); var filename = input.val().trim(); if (!filename.length) { util.alert('Please enter a name for the file.'); } else if (this.pointer.find(filename).length) { util.alert('Name already taken: ' + filename); } else { this.application.dom.attr('data-path', filesystem.absolute_path(this.pointer) + '/' + filename);; windows.close(this); }
Virtual Filesystem - Script Codes
Virtual Filesystem - Script Codes
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Developer Arnelle Balane
Username arnellebalane
Uploaded October 14, 2022
Rating 3
Size 12,706 Kb
Views 14,168
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Arnelle Balane (arnellebalane) Script Codes
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