WK 15 Exercises

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What is a wk 15 exercises? How do you make a wk 15 exercises? This script and codes were developed by Steven on 31 July 2022, Sunday.

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WK 15 Exercises - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>WK 15 Exercises</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="clock" class="myClock"> <span class="exercise">------- Q8 -------</span> <br> <span class="time" id="theTime">The Time</span>
<div id="console"> <div> <script src='http://codepen.io/volv/pen/MyqmEZ?editors=0010'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

WK 15 Exercises - Script Codes CSS Codes

.exercise { text-align: center; width: 80%; margin: auto; font-weight: bold; color: rgba(54, 86, 150, 1)
#console { font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; overflow-y: auto; background: rgba(29, 31, 32, 1); width: 80vw; margin: auto; color: rgba(109, 157, 119, 1); padding: 10px; line-height: 22px;
hr { border: solid 1px; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
body { background: rgba(29, 31, 32, 1);
.myClock { border: solid rgba(54, 86, 150, 1) 0.5px; background: rgba(29, 31, 32, 1); padding: 0px 5px; position: absolute; text-align: center; right: 15px; top: 15px;
.time { font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: rgba(109, 157, 119, 1);

WK 15 Exercises - Script Codes JS Codes

"use strict";
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q1 -------"); //Write a JavaScript program to list the properties of a JavaScript object. Go to the editor var student = { name: "David Rayy", sclass: "VI", rollno: 12 }; //Sample Output : name,sclass,rollno var result = ""; for (var key in student) { result += key + ","; }console.log(result.substring(0, result.length - 1)); // name,sclass,rollno
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q2 -------"); //Write a JavaScript program to delete the rollno property from the following object. Also print the object before or after deleting the property. var student = { name: "David Rayy", sclass: "VI", rollno: 12 }; console.log(student); delete student.rollno; console.log(student);
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q3 -------"); //Write a JavaScript program to get the length of an JavaScript object. var student = { name: "David Rayy", sclass: "VI", rollno: 12 }; var result = 0; for (var key in student) { result += 1; } console.log("Length of student object - " + result);
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q4 -------"); //Write a JavaScript program to display the reading status (i.e. display book name, author name and reading status) of the following books. var library = [{ author: 'Bill Gates', title: 'The Road Ahead', readingStatus: true }, { author: 'Steve Jobs', title: 'Walter Isaacson', readingStatus: true }, { author: 'Suzanne Collins', title: 'Mockingjay: The Final Book of The Hunger Games', readingStatus: false }]; for (var _iterator = library, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : _iterator[Symbol.iterator]();;) { var _ref; if (_isArray) { if (_i >= _iterator.length) break; _ref = _iterator[_i++]; } else { _i = _iterator.next(); if (_i.done) break; _ref = _i.value; } var each = _ref; console.log((each.readingStatus ? "Have Read" : "Not Read") + " - " + each.title + " by " + each.author); }
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q5 -------"); //Write a JavaScript program to get the volume of a Cylinder with four decimal places using object classes. //Volume of a cylinder : V = πr2h // Totally means PI*r^2*h //where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder. function Cylinder(r, h) { this.r = r; this.h = h; } Cylinder.prototype.getVolume = function () { return (Math.PI * this.r * this.r * this.h).toFixed(4); }; var volv1 = new Cylinder(1, 1); console.log(volv1.getVolume()); var volv2 = new Cylinder(3, 4); console.log(volv2.getVolume()); var volv3 = new Cylinder(10, 20); console.log(volv3.getVolume());
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q6 -------"); // Write a Bubble Sort algorithm in JavaScript. Go to the editor // Note : Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly stepping through the list to be sorted, // Sample Data : [6,4,0, 3,-2,1] // Expected Output : [-2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6] function bubbleSort(arr) { var result = Array.from(arr); // Work on copy var length = result.length; var cur = 0, next = 0; // Uses fancy destructuring swap - THIS BREAKS in Edge without Babel. // and presumably in old versions of everything. while (length > 0) { // While still array to be checked for (var i = 0; i < result.length - 1; i++) { cur = result[i];next = result[i + 1]; if (cur > next) { // Pushes biggest to the right ;var _ref2 = [next, cur]; cur = _ref2[0]; next = _ref2[1]; } // Swap } length -= 1; // Don't need to check rightmost again } return result; } console.log([6, 4, 0, 3, -2, 1]); console.log("becomes"); console.log(bubbleSort([6, 4, 0, 3, -2, 1]));
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q7 -------"); // Write a JavaScript program which returns a subset of a string. Go to the editor // Sample Data : dog // Expected Output : ["d", "do", "dog", "o", "og", "g"] function getSubsets(str) { var internalString = str.split(""); // Work on copy var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < internalString.length; i++) { for (var j = i; j < internalString.length; j++) { result.push(internalString.slice(i, j + 1).join("")); } } return result; } console.log(getSubsets("dog"));
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate // Write a JavaScript program to create a Clock. Go to the editor // Note : The output will come every second. var theTime = new Date(); var hours = "", minutes = "", seconds = ""; var theClock = document.getElementById("theTime"); function clock() { theTime = new Date(); var pad = function pad(x) { return Number(x) < 10 ? "0" + x : "" + x; }; hours = pad(theTime.getHours()); minutes = pad(theTime.getMinutes()); seconds = pad(theTime.getSeconds()); theClock.innerHTML = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; } clock(); setInterval(clock, 1000); // Remove first HR make room for clock.. Don't ask document.querySelector("hr").parentElement.removeChild(document.querySelector("hr")); // Scroll with us window.addEventListener("scroll", function (e) { theClock.parentElement.style.top = document.body.scrollTop + 15 + "px"; });
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q9 -------"); function Circle(radius) { this.radius = radius; } Circle.prototype.area = function () { return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius; }; Circle.prototype.circumference = function () { return Math.PI * this.radius * 2; }; var volvCirc1 = new Circle(10); console.log(volvCirc1); console.log("Area = " + volvCirc1.area()); console.log("Circumference = " + volvCirc1.circumference());
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q10 -------"); // Write a JavaScript program to sort an array of JavaScript objects. // Quick skim of the solution shows they mean sort by any given field. (asc or desc) // Not enough info initially given. // Check the real console for better formatting :) // Sample data var library = [{ title: 'The Road Ahead', author: 'Bill Gates', libraryID: 1254 }, { title: 'Walter Isaacson', author: 'Steve Jobs', libraryID: 4264 }, { title: 'Mockingjay: The Final Book of The Hunger Games', author: 'Suzanne Collins', libraryID: 3245 }]; function sortBy() { var field = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? "author" : arguments[0]; var asc = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? true : arguments[1]; return function (a, b) { a = a[field];b = b[field]; if (a === b) { return 0; } // Equal else { return asc ? a > b ? 1 : -1 : // Ascending b < a ? -1 : 1; // Descending } }; } console.log(library); console.log("LibrayID, Ascending"); console.log(library.sort(sortBy.apply(library, ["libraryID", true]))); // Asc console.log("Author, Ascending"); console.log(library.sort(sortBy.apply(library, ["author", true]))); // Asc console.log("Title, Descending"); console.log(library.sort(sortBy.apply(library, ["title", false]))); // Descending
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q11 -------"); // Write a JavaScript function to print all the methods in an JavaScript object. Go to the editor // Test Data : // console.log(all_properties(Array)); // ["length", "name", "arguments", "caller", "prototype", "isArray", "observe", "unobserve"] function all_properties(obj) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj); } console.log(all_properties(Array.__proto__));
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q12 -------"); // Write a JavaScript function to parse an URL. // Let browser do the work var url = document.createElement('a'); url.href = "https://www.volv.org:80/test?q1=Pwns&q2=l33t#Mog"; var props = ["protocol", "hostname", "port", "pathname", "search", "hash"]; console.log(url.href); // List each of the above for (var _iterator2 = props, _isArray2 = Array.isArray(_iterator2), _i2 = 0, _iterator2 = _isArray2 ? _iterator2 : _iterator2[Symbol.iterator]();;) { var _ref3; if (_isArray2) { if (_i2 >= _iterator2.length) break; _ref3 = _iterator2[_i2++]; } else { _i2 = _iterator2.next(); if (_i2.done) break; _ref3 = _i2.value; } var each = _ref3; console.log(each + " : " + url[each]); } var query = {}; // Further parse search string into query object url.search.split("?")[1].split("&").forEach(function (each) { query[each.split("=")[0]] = each.split("=")[1]; }); for (var key in query) { console.log(key + " : " + query[key]); }
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q13 -------"); // Write a JavaScript function to retrieve all the names of object's own and inherited properties. function getAllProps(obj) { var hash = new Map(); do { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function (each) { hash.set(each); // Map abuse? }); } while (obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)); // Note - assignment - Will fail when no more chain return hash.keys(); // Only care about keys } for (var _iterator3 = getAllProps([42]), _isArray3 = Array.isArray(_iterator3), _i3 = 0, _iterator3 = _isArray3 ? _iterator3 : _iterator3[Symbol.iterator]();;) { var _ref4; if (_isArray3) { if (_i3 >= _iterator3.length) break; _ref4 = _iterator3[_i3++]; } else { _i3 = _iterator3.next(); if (_i3.done) break; _ref4 = _i3.value; } var each = _ref4; // Properties of an array as you would use. console.log(each); }
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q14 -------"); // Write a JavaScript function to retrieve all the values of an object's properties. var student = { name: "David Rayy", sclass: "VI", rollno: 12 }; function getValues(obj) { var result = []; // Own properties from Object.keys() instead of potential inherited properties // when using for..in for (var _iterator4 = Object.keys(obj), _isArray4 = Array.isArray(_iterator4), _i4 = 0, _iterator4 = _isArray4 ? _iterator4 : _iterator4[Symbol.iterator]();;) { var _ref5; if (_isArray4) { if (_i4 >= _iterator4.length) break; _ref5 = _iterator4[_i4++]; } else { _i4 = _iterator4.next(); if (_i4.done) break; _ref5 = _i4.value; } var each = _ref5; result.push(obj[each]); } return result; } console.log(getValues(student));
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q15 -------"); // Write a JavaScript function to convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs. var student = { name: "David Rayy", sclass: "VI", rollno: 12 }; function keyVal(obj) { var result = []; for (var _iterator5 = Object.keys(obj), _isArray5 = Array.isArray(_iterator5), _i5 = 0, _iterator5 = _isArray5 ? _iterator5 : _iterator5[Symbol.iterator]();;) { var _ref6; if (_isArray5) { if (_i5 >= _iterator5.length) break; _ref6 = _iterator5[_i5++]; } else { _i5 = _iterator5.next(); if (_i5.done) break; _ref6 = _i5.value; } var each = _ref6; result.push([each, obj[each]]); } return result; } console.log(keyVal(student));
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q16 -------"); // Write a JavaScript function to get a copy of the object where the keys have become the values and the values the keys. var student = { name: "David Rayy", sclass: "VI", rollno: 12 }; function turnAround(obj) { // Every now and then... var result = {}; for (var _iterator6 = Object.keys(obj), _isArray6 = Array.isArray(_iterator6), _i6 = 0, _iterator6 = _isArray6 ? _iterator6 : _iterator6[Symbol.iterator]();;) { var _ref7; if (_isArray6) { if (_i6 >= _iterator6.length) break; _ref7 = _iterator6[_i6++]; } else { _i6 = _iterator6.next(); if (_i6.done) break; _ref7 = _i6.value; } var each = _ref7; result[obj[each]] = each; } return result; } console.log(turnAround(student));
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q17 -------"); // Write a JavaScript function to check if an object contains given property. var student = { name: "David Rayy", sclass: "VI", rollno: 12 }; function propExists(obj, prop) { return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop); } console.log(student); console.log("Has property name? - " + propExists(student, "name")); console.log("Has property volv? - " + propExists(student, "volv"));
(function () { // To keep sample variables seperate console.log("------- Q18 -------"); // Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a DOM element. // Apparently one way to do this is to check if the nodeType property exists on an object. // Easily spoofed mind you. function isDOM(obj) { return obj && 'nodeType' in obj; } console.log("document.body on DOM?, " + isDOM(document.body)); console.log("window on DOM?, " + isDOM(window)); console.log("function isDOM on DOM?, " + isDOM(isDOM));
WK 15 Exercises - Script Codes
WK 15 Exercises - Script Codes
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Developer Steven
Username volv
Uploaded July 31, 2022
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Size 9,460 Kb
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