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How do I make an zelda?

Zelda. What is a zelda? How do you make a zelda? This script and codes were developed by Steven on 13 January 2023, Friday.

Zelda Previews

Zelda - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Zelda</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <h1>Armor Sets</h1>
<div id="setList" onselectstart="return false" class="setContainer"></div>
<div id="setList2" onselectstart="return false" class="setContainer"></div>
<div> <h3>Items Required</h3> <div id="result"></div> <canvas id="randomHead" class="randomItem"></canvas> <canvas id="randomChest" class="randomItem"></canvas> <canvas id="randomLeg" class="randomItem"></canvas>
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="WF3HSNE6BK8VQ"> <input type="image" title="If you've found this useful please consider. Anything is much appreciated." id="pp" style="margin-bottom: 10px;" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_GB/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!">
<p class="footer"> <a href="http://volv.org">&copy; Volv 2017</a> - <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> - <a href="http://volv.org/zelda/features.html" target="_blank">Features</a> - <a href="http://artsyomni.com/hyliaserif">Font by Omni Jacala</a>
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Zelda - Script Codes CSS Codes

@font-face { font-family: 'Hylia Serif'; src: url('http://volv.org/zelda/font/HyliaSerifBeta-Regular.otf');
* { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0;
body { background: #007EA8 url(http://volv.org/zelda/images/background.jpg) top left no-repeat; background-size: cover; font-family: Georgia, Serif; text-align: center; padding-top: 10px; overflow-x: hidden; width: 100%;
canvas { background: url(http://volv.org/zelda/images/zeldangle.gif);
h1 { font-family: "Hylia Serif"; margin-bottom: 10px;
.setContainer { width: 45%; margin: auto; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;
@media (max-width: 600px) { .setContainer { width: 100%; margin: auto; display: inline-block; }
.itemSet { width: 95%; margin: auto; min-width: 200px; margin-top: 5px;
.setHeader { font-family: 'Hylia Serif'; display: inline-block; background: #008CA5; width: 100%; padding-left: 8px;
.setHeader:hover { background: #007388; cursor: pointer;
.setIncluded { float: right; padding-right: 8px;
.setDetails { background: rgba(155, 92, 67, 0.6); overflow: hidden; transition: all 0.5s; max-height: 300px;
.setToggle { position: absolute; visibility: hidden;
.setToggle:checked ~ div { max-height: 0px;
.setDetails table { width: 100%; table-layout: fixed;
input[type=checkbox]:hover { width: 16px; height: 16px;
.item { display: inline-block;
.item:hover { box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 0.5px goldenrod;
.item:active { box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0.5px black;
#result { background: rgba(155, 92, 67, 0.6); border: solid silver 2px; border-top: none; padding: 8px; width: 80%; margin: auto; columns: 3; min-width: 300px;
a { text-decoration: none; color: black;
h3 { background: rgba(155, 92, 67, 0.6); border: solid silver 2px; border-bottom: none; width: 80%; margin: auto; margin-top: 10px; padding-top: 8px; font-family: "Hylia Serif";
.randomItem { background: rgba(155, 92, 67, 0.6); border: solid 2px silver; display: inline-block; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;
.footer { display: block; padding: 2px; background: rgba(155, 92, 67, 0.6); margin-bottom: 10px;

Zelda - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
// Sources
// https://i.imgur.com/jBPnlPT.png
// https://rankedboost.com/zelda-breath-of-the-wild/armor-upgrades/
// Colour scheme help - https://coolors.co/737765-007ea8-9b5c43-007388-394141
// Array.from polyfil.
// Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 6,
if (!Array.from) { Array.from = function () { var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; var isCallable = function isCallable(fn) { return typeof fn === 'function' || toStr.call(fn) === '[object Function]'; }; var toInteger = function toInteger(value) { var number = Number(value); if (isNaN(number)) { return 0; } if (number === 0 || !isFinite(number)) { return number; } return (number > 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number)); }; var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; var toLength = function toLength(value) { var len = toInteger(value); return Math.min(Math.max(len, 0), maxSafeInteger); }; // The length property of the from method is 1. return function from(arrayLike /*, mapFn, thisArg */) { // 1. Let C be the this value. var C = this; // 2. Let items be ToObject(arrayLike). var items = Object(arrayLike); // 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(items). if (arrayLike == null) { throw new TypeError('Array.from requires an array-like object - not null or undefined'); } // 4. If mapfn is undefined, then let mapping be false. var mapFn = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void undefined; var T; if (typeof mapFn !== 'undefined') { // 5. else // 5. a If IsCallable(mapfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (!isCallable(mapFn)) { throw new TypeError('Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function'); } // 5. b. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined. if (arguments.length > 2) { T = arguments[2]; } } // 10. Let lenValue be Get(items, "length"). // 11. Let len be ToLength(lenValue). var len = toLength(items.length); // 13. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then // 13. a. Let A be the result of calling the [[Construct]] internal method // of C with an argument list containing the single item len. // 14. a. Else, Let A be ArrayCreate(len). var A = isCallable(C) ? Object(new C(len)) : new Array(len); // 16. Let k be 0. var k = 0; // 17. Repeat, while k < len… (also steps a - h) var kValue; while (k < len) { kValue = items[k]; if (mapFn) { A[k] = typeof T === 'undefined' ? mapFn(kValue, k) : mapFn.call(T, kValue, k); } else { A[k] = kValue; } k += 1; } // 18. Let putStatus be Put(A, "length", len, true). A.length = len; // 20. Return A. return A; }; }();
var app = function () { var armor = [{ name: "Champion's Tunic", pieces: [{ type: "Chest", y: 16, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Silent Princess", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Silent Princess", qty: 3 }, { name: "Shard of Farosh's Horn", qty: 2 }], [{ name: "Silent Princess", qty: 3 }, { name: "Shard of Naydra's Horn", qty: 2 }], [{ name: "Silent Princess", qty: 10 }, { name: "Shard of Dinraal's Horn", qty: 2 }]] }, { name: "Hylian Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 0, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 0, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 0, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Bokoblin Horn", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Bokoblin Horn", qty: 8 }, { name: "Bokoblin Fang", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Bokoblin Guts", qty: 5 }, { name: "Bokoblin Fang", qty: 10 }], [{ name: "Bokoblin Guts", qty: 15 }, { name: "Amber", qty: 15 }]] }, { name: "Soldier's Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 9, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 9, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 9, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Chuchu Jelly", qty: 5 }, { name: "Bokoblin Guts", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Keese Eyeball", qty: 3 }, { name: "Moblin Guts", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Lizalfos Tail", qty: 3 }, { name: "Hinox Guts", qty: 1 }], //Fixed, reddit. Hat is 2,2... [{ name: "Lynel Hoof", qty: 2 }, { name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 2 }]] }, { name: "Snowquill Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 4, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 4, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 4, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Red Chuchu Jelly", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Red Chuchu Jelly", qty: 5 }, { name: "Warm Safflina", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Fire Keese Wing", qty: 8 }, { name: "Sunshroom", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Red Lizalfos Tail", qty: 10 }, { name: "Ruby", qty: 5 }]] }, { name: "Desert Voe Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 3, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 3, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 3, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "White Chuchu Jelly", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "White Chuchu Jelly", qty: 5 }, { name: "Ice Keese Wing", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Icy Lizalfos Tail", qty: 3 }, { name: "Ice Keese Wing", qty: 8 }], [{ name: "Icy Lizalfos Tail", qty: 10 }, { name: "Sapphire", qty: 5 }]] }, { name: "Rubber Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 11, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 13, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 12, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Yellow Chuchu Jelly", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Yellow Chuchu Jelly", qty: 5 }, { name: "Voltfruit", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Yellow Lizalfos Tail", qty: 5 }, { name: "Zapshroom", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Yellow Lizalfos Tail", qty: 10 }, { name: "Topaz", qty: 10 }]] }, { name: "Flamebreaker Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 5, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 5, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 5, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Fireproof Lizard", qty: 1 }, { name: "Moblin Horn", qty: 2 }], [{ name: "Fireproof Lizard", qty: 3 }, { name: "Moblin Fang", qty: 4 }], [{ name: "Smotherwing Butterfly", qty: 3 }, { name: "Moblin Guts", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Smotherwing Butterfly", qty: 5 }, { name: "Hinox Guts", qty: 2 }]] }, { name: "Zora Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 2, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 2, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 2, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Lizalfos Horn", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Lizalfos Talon", qty: 5 }, { name: "Hyrule Bass", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Lizalfos Tail", qty: 5 }, { name: "Hearty Bass", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Lizalfos Tail", qty: 10 }, { name: "Opal", qty: 15 }]] }, { name: "Sheikah's Stealth Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 6, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 6, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 6, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Blue Nightshade", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Blue Nightshade", qty: 5 }, { name: "Sunset Firefly", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Silent Shroom", qty: 8 }, { name: "Sneaky River Snail", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Silent Princess", qty: 5 }, { name: "Stealthfin Trout", qty: 10 }]] }, { name: "Climbing Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 7, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 7, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 7, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Keese Wing", qty: 3 }, { name: "Rushroom", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Electric Keese Wing", qty: 5 }, { name: "Hightail Lizard", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Ice Keese Wing", qty: 5 }, { name: "Hot-Footed Frog", qty: 10 }], [{ name: "Fire Keese Wing", qty: 5 }, { name: "Swift Violet", qty: 15 }]] }, { name: "Barbarian Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 12, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 14, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 13, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Lynel Horn", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Lynel Horn", qty: 3 }, { name: "Lynel Hoof", qty: 2 }], [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 1 }, { name: "Lynel Hoof", qty: 4 }], [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 2 }, { name: "Dragon Horns*", qty: 1 }]], individual: { t1Head: [{ name: "Lynel Horn", qty: 1 }], t1Chest: [{ name: "Lynel Horn", qty: 1 }], t1Leg: [{ name: "Lynel Horn", qty: 1 }], t2Head: [{ name: "Lynel Horn", qty: 3 }, { name: "Lynel Hoof", qty: 2 }], t2Chest: [{ name: "Lynel Horn", qty: 3 }, { name: "Lynel Hoof", qty: 2 }], t2Leg: [{ name: "Lynel Horn", qty: 3 }, { name: "Lynel Hoof", qty: 2 }], t3Head: [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 1 }, { name: "Lynel Hoof", qty: 8 }], t3Chest: [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 1 }, { name: "Lynel Hoof", qty: 8 }], t3Leg: [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 1 }, { name: "Lynel Hoof", qty: 8 }], t4Head: [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 2 }, { name: "Shard of Dinraal's Horn", qty: 1 }], t4Chest: [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 2 }, { name: "Shard of Farosh's Horn", qty: 1 }], t4Leg: [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 2 }, { name: "Shard of Naydra's Horn", qty: 1 }] } }, { name: "Radiant Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 8, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 8, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 8, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Luminous Stone", qty: 5 }, { name: "Bokoblin Guts", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Luminous Stone", qty: 8 }, { name: "Moblin Guts", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Luminous Stone", qty: 10 }, { name: "Molduga Guts", qty: 2 }], [{ name: "Luminous Stone", qty: 20 }, { name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Ancient Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 10, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 10, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 10, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Ancient Spring", qty: 5 }, { name: "Ancient Screw", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Ancient Spring", qty: 15 }, { name: "Ancient Gear", qty: 10 }], [{ name: "Ancient Shaft", qty: 15 }, { name: "Ancient Core", qty: 5 }], [{ name: "Giant Ancient Core", qty: 2 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Armor of the Wild Set", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 1, x: 0 }, { type: "Chest", y: 1, x: 0 }, { type: "Leg", y: 1, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Acorn", qty: 10 }, { name: "Dragon Scales*", qty: 2 }], [{ name: "Courser Bee Honey", qty: 5 }, { name: "Dragon Claws*", qty: 2 }], [{ name: "Energetic Rhino Beetle", qty: 5 }, { name: "Dragon Fangs*", qty: 2 }], [{ name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }, { name: "Dragon Horns*", qty: 2 }]], individual: { t1Head: [{ name: "Acorn", qty: 10 }, { name: "Farosh's Scale", qty: 2 }], t1Chest: [{ name: "Acorn", qty: 10 }, { name: "Naydra's Scale", qty: 2 }], t1Leg: [{ name: "Acorn", qty: 10 }, { name: "Dinraal's Scale", qty: 2 }], t2Head: [{ name: "Courser Bee Honey", qty: 5 }, { name: "Farosh's Claw", qty: 2 }], t2Chest: [{ name: "Courser Bee Honey", qty: 5 }, { name: "Naydra's Claw", qty: 2 }], t2Leg: [{ name: "Courser Bee Honey", qty: 5 }, { name: "Dinraal's Claw", qty: 2 }], t3Head: [{ name: "Energetic Rhino Beetle", qty: 5 }, { name: "Shard of Farosh's Fang", qty: 2 }], t3Chest: [{ name: "Energetic Rhino Beetle", qty: 5 }, { name: "Shard of Naydra's Fang", qty: 2 }], t3Leg: [{ name: "Energetic Rhino Beetle", qty: 5 }, { name: "Shard of Dinraal's Fang", qty: 2 }], t4Head: [{ name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }, { name: "Shard of Farosh's Horn", qty: 2 }], t4Chest: [{ name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }, { name: "Shard of Naydra's Horn", qty: 2 }], t4Leg: [{ name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }, { name: "Shard of Dinraal's Horn", qty: 2 }] } }, { name: "Sand Boots", pieces: [{ type: "Leg", y: 14, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Molduga Fin", qty: 5 }, { name: "Hightail Lizard", qty: 10 }], [{ name: "Molduga Fin", qty: 10 }, { name: "Swift Carrot", qty: 10 }], [{ name: "Molduga Guts", qty: 2 }, { name: "Rushroom", qty: 15 }], [{ name: "Molduga Guts", qty: 4 }, { name: "Swift Violet", qty: 15 }]] }, { name: "Snow Boots", pieces: [{ type: "Leg", y: 18, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Octorok Tentacle", qty: 5 }, { name: "Hightail Lizard", qty: 10 }], [{ name: "Octo Balloon", qty: 5 }, { name: "Swift Carrot", qty: 10 }], [{ name: "Octorok Eyeball", qty: 5 }, { name: "Rushroom", qty: 15 }], [{ name: "Naydra's Scale", qty: 2 }, { name: "Swift Violet", qty: 15 }]] }, { name: "Amber Earrings", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 15, x: 5 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Amber", qty: 5 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Amber", qty: 10 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Amber", qty: 20 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Amber", qty: 30 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }]] }, { name: "Opal Earrings", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 15, x: 4 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Opal", qty: 5 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Opal", qty: 8 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Opal", qty: 16 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Opal", qty: 20 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }]] }, { name: "Diamond Circlet", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 15, x: 0 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Diamond", qty: 2 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Diamond", qty: 4 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Diamond", qty: 6 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Diamond", qty: 10 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Ruby Circlet", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 15, x: 1 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Ruby", qty: 2 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Ruby", qty: 4 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Ruby", qty: 6 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Ruby", qty: 10 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Sapphire Circlet", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 15, x: 2 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Sapphire", qty: 2 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Sapphire", qty: 4 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Sapphire", qty: 6 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Sapphire", qty: 10 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Topaz Earrings", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 15, x: 3 }], checked: true, upgrades: [[{ name: "Topaz", qty: 2 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Topaz", qty: 4 }, { name: "Flint", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Topaz", qty: 6 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Topaz", qty: 10 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Sheik’s Mask (Amiibo)", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 14, x: 12 }], checked: false, upgrades: [[{ name: "Silent Princess", qty: 1 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Silent Princess", qty: 2 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 2 }], [{ name: "Silent Princess", qty: 3 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 3 }], [{ name: "Silent Princess", qty: 4 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 4 }]] }, { name: "Hero Set (Amiibo)", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 14, x: 15 }, { type: "Chest", y: 16, x: 3 }, { type: "Leg", y: 0, x: 0 }], checked: false, upgrades: [[{ name: "Ruby", qty: 1 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Ruby", qty: 3 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Ruby", qty: 5 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Ruby", qty: 10 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Time Set (Amiibo)", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 14, x: 8 }, { type: "Chest", y: 16, x: 2 }, { type: "Leg", y: 14, x: 0 }], checked: false, upgrades: [[{ name: "Amber", qty: 3 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Amber", qty: 5 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Amber", qty: 15 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Amber", qty: 30 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Twilight Set (Amiibo)", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 14, x: 10 }, { type: "Chest", y: 16, x: 4 }, { type: "Leg", y: 0, x: 0 }], checked: false, upgrades: [[{ name: "Topaz", qty: 1 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Topaz", qty: 3 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Topaz", qty: 5 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Topaz", qty: 10 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Sky Set (Amiibo)", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 14, x: 9 }, { type: "Chest", y: 16, x: 5 }, { type: "Leg", y: 0, x: 0 }], checked: false, upgrades: [[{ name: "Sapphire", qty: 1 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Sapphire", qty: 3 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Sapphire", qty: 5 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Sapphire", qty: 10 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Wind Set (Amiibo)", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 14, x: 9 }, { type: "Chest", y: 16, x: 3 }, { type: "Leg", y: 17, x: 2 }], checked: false, upgrades: [[{ name: "Opal", qty: 3 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Opal", qty: 5 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Opal", qty: 10 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Opal", qty: 20 }, { name: "Star Fragment", qty: 1 }]] }, { name: "Fierce Diety Set (Amiibo)", pieces: [{ type: "Head", y: 14, x: 9 }, { type: "Chest", y: 16, x: 4 }, { type: "Leg", y: 0, x: 0 }], checked: false, upgrades: [[{ name: "Hinox Toenail", qty: 5 }, { name: "Dragon Scales*", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Hinox Tooth", qty: 5 }, { name: "Dragon Claws*", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Hinox Guts", qty: 2 }, { name: "Dragon Fangs*", qty: 1 }], [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 2 }, { name: "Dragon Horns*", qty: 1 }]], individual: { t1Head: [{ name: "Hinox Toenail", qty: 5 }, { name: "Dinraal's Scale", qty: 1 }], t1Chest: [{ name: "Hinox Toenail", qty: 5 }, { name: "Naydra's Scale", qty: 1 }], t1Leg: [{ name: "Hinox Toenail", qty: 5 }, { name: "Farosh's Scale", qty: 1 }], t2Head: [{ name: "Hinox Tooth", qty: 5 }, { name: "Dinraal's Claw", qty: 1 }], t2Chest: [{ name: "Hinox Tooth", qty: 5 }, { name: "Naydra's Claw", qty: 1 }], t2Leg: [{ name: "Hinox Tooth", qty: 5 }, { name: "Farosh's Claw", qty: 1 }], t3Head: [{ name: "Hinox Guts", qty: 5 }, { name: "Shard of Dinraal's Fang", qty: 1 }], t3Chest: [{ name: "Hinox Guts", qty: 5 }, { name: "Shard of Naydra's Fang", qty: 1 }], t3Leg: [{ name: "Hinox Guts", qty: 5 }, { name: "Shard of Farosh's Fang", qty: 1 }], t4Head: [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 5 }, { name: "Shard of Dinraal's Horn", qty: 1 }], t4Chest: [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 5 }, { name: "Shard of Naydra's Horn", qty: 1 }], t4Leg: [{ name: "Lynel Guts", qty: 5 }, { name: "Shard of Farosh's Horn", qty: 1 }] } }]; var checkBoxes = []; var canvases = []; var resultDisplay = ""; var images = {}; function loadImages() { var loadTrack = loaded(fillCanvases, 4); //Preload images. then init. function loaded(fn, goal) { var count = 0; return function () { count++; if (count === goal) { fn(); } }; } images["Head"] = new Image(); images["Head"].onload = loadTrack; images["Head"].src = "http://volv.org/zelda/images/headItems.png"; images["Chest"] = new Image(); images["Chest"].onload = loadTrack; images["Chest"].src = "http://volv.org/zelda/images/chestItems.png"; images["Leg"] = new Image(); images["Leg"].onload = loadTrack; images["Leg"].src = "http://volv.org/zelda/images/legItems.png"; images["check"] = new Image(); images["check"].onload = loadTrack; images["check"].src = "http://volv.org/zelda/images/check.png"; } //TODO - translate to React... function createSet(_ref) { var name = _ref.name; var pieces = _ref.pieces; var upgrades = _ref.upgrades; var checked = _ref.checked; var _ref$individual = _ref.individual; var individual = _ref$individual === undefined ? null : _ref$individual; var itemSet = document.createElement("div"); var label = document.createElement("label"); var labelSpan = document.createElement("span"); var inclusionCheckboxDiv = document.createElement("div"); var inclusionCheckbox = document.createElement("input"); var toggleCheckbox = document.createElement("input"); var tableDiv = document.createElement("div"); var table = document.createElement("table"); itemSet.setAttribute("class", "itemSet"); label.setAttribute("class", "setHeader"); label.setAttribute("for", name); labelSpan.setAttribute("class", "setFullName"); labelSpan.innerHTML = name; inclusionCheckboxDiv.setAttribute("class", "setIncluded"); inclusionCheckboxDiv.setAttribute("title", 'Include in Item Count\nRight Click/Long Press to Select/Deselect All'); inclusionCheckboxDiv.appendChild(inclusionCheckbox); inclusionCheckbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); inclusionCheckbox.setAttribute("class", "inclusionCheckbox"); inclusionCheckbox.checked = checked; toggleCheckbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); toggleCheckbox.setAttribute("class", "setToggle"); toggleCheckbox.setAttribute("id", name); toggleCheckbox.checked = true; if (name === "Champion's Tunic") { toggleCheckbox.checked = false; } tableDiv.setAttribute("class", "setDetails"); tableDiv.appendChild(table); table.innerHTML = '<tr><th>Tier 1</th><th>Tier 2</th><th>Tier 3</th><th>Tier 4</th></tr><tr>'; var tr = document.createElement("tr"); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var td = document.createElement("td"); var p = document.createElement("p"); p.setAttribute("class", "ingredients"); if (individual === null || !individual['t' + (i + 1) + 'Head'][1]) { p.setAttribute("title", "Per Item"); } else { var ingredientString = ""; ingredientString += 'Head - ' + individual['t' + (i + 1) + 'Head'][1].name + '\n'; ingredientString += 'Chest - ' + individual['t' + (i + 1) + 'Chest'][1].name + '\n'; ingredientString += 'Leg - ' + individual['t' + (i + 1) + 'Leg'][1].name; p.setAttribute("title", ingredientString); } p.innerHTML = upgrades[i][0].name + ' x ' + upgrades[i][0].qty + '<br>'; //Here to 'fix' awkward armor p.innerHTML += upgrades[i][1] ? upgrades[i][1].name + ' x ' + upgrades[i][1].qty + '<br>' : ''; td.appendChild(p); tr.appendChild(td); } table.appendChild(tr); tr = document.createElement("tr"); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var td = document.createElement("td"); for (var j = 0; j < pieces.length; j++) { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = 48; canvas.height = 48; canvas.setAttribute("class", "item"); canvas.setAttribute("alt", pieces[j].type); canvas.setAttribute("type", pieces[j].type); canvas.setAttribute("picX", pieces[j].x); canvas.setAttribute("picY", pieces[j].y); canvas["desc"] = name + ' - ' + pieces[j].type; canvas["set"] = '' + name; canvas["ticked"] = false; //Allowances for awkward upgrades.. if (individual === null || !individual['t' + (i + 1) + 'Head'][1]) { canvas.setAttribute("title", pieces[j].type); canvas.upgrades = upgrades[i]; } else { var ingredientString = '' + individual['t' + (i + 1) + pieces[j].type][1].name; canvas.setAttribute("title", ingredientString); canvas.upgrades = individual['t' + (i + 1) + pieces[j].type]; } td.appendChild(canvas); } tr.appendChild(td); } table.appendChild(tr); label.appendChild(labelSpan); label.appendChild(inclusionCheckboxDiv); itemSet.appendChild(label); itemSet.appendChild(toggleCheckbox); itemSet.appendChild(tableDiv); return itemSet; } function doRandomImages() { function rndItem(ctx) { var scale = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 1 : arguments[1]; var type = arguments[2]; var x = 0, y = 0, upper = 0; if (type === "Head") { y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16); upper = y === 15 ? 5 : 16; x = Math.floor(Math.random() * upper); } if (type === "Chest") { y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 18); upper = y === 16 ? 8 : upper = y === 17 ? 1 : 16; x = Math.floor(Math.random() * upper); } if (type === "Leg") { y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 19); upper = y === 17 ? 8 : 16; x = Math.floor(Math.random() * upper); } ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); drawItem(type, x, y, ctx, scale); } var randomHead = document.getElementById("randomHead"); var randomChest = document.getElementById("randomChest"); var randomLeg = document.getElementById("randomLeg"); var randomHeadCTX = randomHead.getContext("2d"); var randomChestCTX = randomChest.getContext("2d"); var randomLegCTX = randomLeg.getContext("2d"); randomHead.width = 96;randomHead.height = 96; randomChest.width = 96;randomChest.height = 96; randomLeg.width = 96;randomLeg.height = 96; setInterval(rndItem, 400, randomHeadCTX, 2, "Head"); setInterval(rndItem, 500, randomChestCTX, 2, "Chest"); setInterval(rndItem, 600, randomLegCTX, 2, "Leg"); } function drawItem(type, x, y, ctx) { var scale = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 1 : arguments[4]; var xPos = 1 + 96 * x + x; var yPos = 1 + 96 * y + y; ctx.drawImage(images[type], xPos, yPos, 96, 96, 0, 0, 48 * scale, 48 * scale); if (ctx.canvas.ticked) { ctx.drawImage(images["check"], 20 * scale, 20 * scale, 22 * scale, 22 * scale); } } function drawFromItemList(canvas) { var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 48, 48); var type = canvas.getAttribute("type"); var x = Number(canvas.getAttribute("picX")); var y = Number(canvas.getAttribute("picY")); drawItem(type, x, y, ctx); } function fillCanvases() { canvases.forEach(function (item) { if (item.getAttribute("class") === "item" && item.getAttribute("picX") !== null) { item.style.background = "none"; drawFromItemList(item); } }); doRandomImages(); // Start em going countMats(); // Initial Mat Count } function init() { var setList = document.getElementById("setList"); var setList2 = document.getElementById("setList2"); loadImages(); for (var i = 0; i < armor.length; i++) { if (i < 14) { setList.appendChild(createSet(armor[i])); } else { setList2.appendChild(createSet(armor[i])); } } resultDisplay = document.getElementById("result"); checkBoxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox]")); canvases = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("canvas")); window.addEventListener("click", function (event) { if (event.button !== 2) { toggleTick(event); } countMats(); doSave(); }); //Right click / long press = select/deselect all checkBoxes.forEach(function (each) { if (each.getAttribute("class") === "inclusionCheckbox") { each.addEventListener("contextmenu", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var curCondition = !each.checked; checkBoxes.forEach(function (box) { if (box.getAttribute("class") === "inclusionCheckbox") { box.checked = curCondition; } }); doSave(); countMats(); }); } }); //Right click / long press = select/deselect all items in set canvases.forEach(function (each) { if (each.getAttribute("class") === "item") { each.addEventListener("contextmenu", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var itemSet = each.set; var curCondition = !each.ticked; canvases.forEach(function (item) { if (item.set === itemSet) { item.ticked = curCondition; drawFromItemList(item); doSave(); countMats(); } }); countMats(); }); } }); doLoadStorage(); } function countMats() { var result = {}; var sets = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("itemSet")); // Sets var active = sets.filter(function (set) { // That are active (ticked) return set.getElementsByClassName("setIncluded")[0].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].checked; }); Array.from(active).forEach(function (active) { var items = Array.from(active.getElementsByTagName("canvas")); // Canvases from them items.forEach(function (each) { if (!each.ticked) { // That are not ticked as completed for (var i = 0; i < each.upgrades.length; i++) { result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]] = result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]] || {}; result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]]["mat"] = result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]]["mat"] || 0; result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]]["desc"] = result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]]["desc"] || ''; result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]]["mat"] = result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]]["mat"] + each.upgrades[i]["qty"]; result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]]["desc"] = result[each.upgrades[i]["name"]]["desc"] + (each.desc + '\n'); } } }); }); displayResult(result); } function displayResult(countResult) { var resultString = ""; var sortable = []; for (var x in countResult) { sortable.push([x, countResult[x]["mat"], countResult[x]["desc"]]); } sortable.sort(); sortable.forEach(function (each) { resultString += '<span title="' + each[2] + '">'; resultString += '<a href="http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/' + each[0].replace("'", "%27") + '" target="_blank">'; resultString += each[0] + '</a>'; resultString += ' - ' + each[1] + '</span><br>'; }); resultDisplay.innerHTML = resultString; } function toggleTick(event) { if (event.target.getAttribute("class") === "item") { event.target.ticked = event.target.ticked ? false : true; drawFromItemList(event.target); } } function doSave() { localStorage.setItem("checkBoxes", JSON.stringify(checkBoxes.map(function (m) { return m.checked; }))); localStorage.setItem("canvases", JSON.stringify(canvases.map(function (m) { return m.ticked; }))); } function doLoadStorage() { if (localStorage.getItem("checkBoxes")) { (function () { var savedChecks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("checkBoxes")); var savedCanvases = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("canvases")); checkBoxes.forEach(function (each, i, arr) { return arr[i].checked = savedChecks[i]; }); canvases.forEach(function (each, i, arr) { return arr[i].ticked = savedCanvases[i]; }); })(); } } return { init: init };
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Zelda - Script Codes
Zelda - Script Codes
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Developer Steven
Username volv
Uploaded January 13, 2023
Rating 3
Size 15,850 Kb
Views 8,096
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Steven (volv) Script Codes
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