A Pen by Neeilan Selvalingam

9,533 Kb

How do I make an a pen by neeilan selvalingam?

What is a a pen by neeilan selvalingam? How do you make a a pen by neeilan selvalingam? This script and codes were developed by Neeilan Selvalingam on 13 September 2022, Tuesday.

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A Pen by Neeilan Selvalingam - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var enums = {	questionTypes: {	multiSelect: 'multi select',	multipleChoice: 'multiple choice',	shortAnswer: 'short answer'	},	allocateMembers: {	automatically: 'automatically',	selfSelect: 'self-selection'	}
var currGroupId = 'g4';
// mock data
var testQuestion = {	id: 1,	question: 'What is your favorite color?',	choices: ['Blue', 'Green', 'Red'],	type: enums.questionTypes.multipleChoice,	number: 2,	attachments: []
var testQuestion2 = {	id: 2,	question: 'What are your favorite foods?',	choices: ['Pizza', 'Pie', 'Other'],	type: enums.questionTypes.multiSelect,	number: 3,	attachments: []
var testQuestion3 = {	id: 3,	question: 'Enter your favorite prime number',	type: enums.questionTypes.shortAnswer,	number: 4,	attachments: []
var testQuestion4 = {	id: 4,	question: 'Pick all the true statements',	choices: ['true != false', 'null === false', 'null == false', 'undefined === false'],	type: enums.questionTypes.multiSelect,	number: '4b',	attachments: []
var _quizData = {	groupId: currGroupId,	userId: 'a5',	groupName: '4',	allocateMembers: enums.allocateMembers.automatically,	active: true,	quiz: {	questions: [testQuestion2, testQuestion, testQuestion3, testQuestion4]	}
// mock socket io object
var io = function io() {	return {	handlers: {},	on: function on(event, handler) {	this.handlers[event] = handler;	},	emit: function emit(event, data) {	console.log('EMIT: ' + event);	console.log(data);	switch (event) {	case 'requestQuiz':	{	this._emit('quizData', _quizData);	break;	}	case 'groupAttempt':	{	console.log(data);	break;	}	case 'assignSelfAsDriver':	{	this._emit('resetDriver', { groupId: currGroupId });	this._emit('assignedAsDriver', { groupId: currGroupId });	}	}	},	_emit: function _emit(event, data) {	if (event in this.handlers) {	this.handlers[event](data);	}	}	};
var QuizApp = function (_React$Component) {	_inherits(QuizApp, _React$Component);	function QuizApp(props) {	_classCallCheck(this, QuizApp);	var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component.call(this, props));	_this.setDriverCb = _this.setDriverCb.bind(_this);	_this.awardPointCb = _this.awardPointCb.bind(_this);	_this.submitChoiceCb = _this.submitChoiceCb.bind(_this);	_this.selectQuestionCb = _this.selectQuestionCb.bind(_this);	_this.createGroupCb = _this.createGroupCb.bind(_this);	_this.state = {	score: 0,	quiz: null,	groupId: null,	groupName: null,	userId: null,	isDriver: false,	hasCreatedGroup: false,	selectedQuestion: null,	active: true,	complete: false,	inProgress: false	};	return _this;	}	QuizApp.prototype.componentWillMount = function componentWillMount() {	var _this2 = this;	var url = window.location.href;	var quizId = url.slice(url.indexOf('/quizzes/') + 9, url.indexOf('/start'));	var socket = io();	this.socket = socket;	socket.on('setGroup', function (id) {	console.log('setGroup');	window.location.href = window.location.href;	});	socket.on('groupsUpdated', function (data) {	console.log('groupsUpdated');	// renderGroups(data.groups);	});	socket.on('quizData', function (tutorialQuiz) {	console.log(tutorialQuiz);	_this2.setState({	quiz: tutorialQuiz.quiz,	groupId: tutorialQuiz.groupId || _this2.state.groupId,	userId: tutorialQuiz.userId || _this2.state.userId,	groupName: tutorialQuiz.groupName,	active: tutorialQuiz.active	});	});	socket.on('resetDriver', function (data) {	console.log('resetDriver');	if (_this2.state.groupId != data.groupId) return;	_this2.setState({ isDriver: false, inProgress: true });	});	socket.on('info', function (data) {	swal('', data.message, 'info');	});	socket.on('postQuiz', function (data) {	console.log('postQuiz');	if (!_this2.state.groupId || data.groupId != _this2.state.groupId) return;	});	socket.on('assignedAsDriver', function (data) {	console.log('assignedAsDriver');	if (!_this2.state.groupId || data.groupId != _this2.state.groupId) return;	// enable choices and submit buttons (disabled by default)	_this2.setState({ isDriver: true, inProgress: true });	});	socket.emit('requestQuiz', quizId);	};	QuizApp.prototype.getCurrentQuestion = function getCurrentQuestion() {	if (this.state.selectedQuestion === null) {	if (this.state.quiz && this.state.quiz.questions.length > 0) {	this.setState({ selectedQuestion: this.state.quiz.questions[0] });	} else {	return null;	}	}	console.log(this.state.selectedQuestion);	return React.createElement(Question, {	previouslyAnswered: false,	isDriver: true,	question: this.state.selectedQuestion.question,	questionType: this.state.selectedQuestion.type,	choices: this.state.selectedQuestion.choices,	attachments: this.state.selectedQuestion.attachments,	submitCb: this.submitChoiceCb	});	};	QuizApp.prototype.getScoreBar = function getScoreBar() {	return React.createElement(ScoreBar, {	questions: this.state.quiz.questions,	selectQuestionCb: this.selectQuestionCb,	selectedQuestion: this.state.selectedQuestion });	};	QuizApp.prototype.getPostQuiz = function getPostQuiz() {	if (!this.state.complete) {	return null;	}	return React.createElement(PostQuiz, {	finalScore: 10,	teammates: [{ name: 'Kobe', id: 'KB24' }],	awardPointCb: this.awardPointCb });	};	QuizApp.prototype.getGroupBuilder = function getGroupBuilder() {	if (this.state.quiz.allocateMembers !== enums.allocateMembers.selfSelect) {	return null;	}	return React.createElement(GroupBuilder, {	groups: [{ name: 'G1' }, { name: 'G2' }],	createGroupCb: this.createGroupCb	});	};	QuizApp.prototype.render = function render() {	var scoreIndicator = this.state.inProgress ? React.createElement(	'span',	null,	'Score : ',	this.state.score	) : null;	var starScore = this.state.inProgress ? React.createElement(StarScore, { full: 3, empty: 5 }) : null;	var preQuiz = this.state.inProgress ? null : React.createElement(PreQuiz, { setDriverCb: this.setDriverCb });	var scoreBar = this.state.inProgress ? this.getScoreBar() : null;	var question = this.state.inProgress ? this.getCurrentQuestion() : null;	var postQuiz = this.state.inProgress ? null : this.getPostQuiz();	var groupBuilder = this.state.inProgress ? null : this.getGroupBuilder();	return React.createElement(	'div',	null,	scoreIndicator,	starScore,	preQuiz,	groupBuilder,	scoreBar,	question,	postQuiz	);	};	QuizApp.prototype.setDriverCb = function setDriverCb(selfIsDriver) {	if (selfIsDriver) {	this.socket.emit('assignSelfAsDriver');	} else {	this.setState({ inProgress: true, isDriver: false });	}	};	QuizApp.prototype.createGroupCb = function createGroupCb() {	console.log('creating group');	};	QuizApp.prototype.awardPointCb = function awardPointCb(id) {	alert('Awarded point to ' + id);	};	QuizApp.prototype.submitChoiceCb = function submitChoiceCb(choices) {	this.socket.emit('groupAttempt', choices);	};	QuizApp.prototype.selectQuestionCb = function selectQuestionCb(question) {	this.setState({	selectedQuestion: question	});	};	return QuizApp;
var Question = function (_React$Component2) {	_inherits(Question, _React$Component2);	function Question(props) {	_classCallCheck(this, Question);	var _this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component2.call(this, props));	_this3.toggleChoiceSelection = _this3.toggleChoiceSelection.bind(_this3);	_this3.state = {	selectedChoices: [],	givenAnswer: null	};	return _this3;	}	Question.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps() {	this.setState({	selectedChoices: [],	givenAnswer: null	});	};	Question.prototype.render = function render() {	return React.createElement(	'div',	{ className: 'col-xs-10 text-center' },	this.props.question,	React.createElement(EmptyLine, null),	this.getAnswerArea(),	React.createElement('br', null),	this.getAttachmentArea(),	React.createElement('br', null),	React.createElement(	'button',	{	disabled: !!this.props.previouslyAnswered || !this.props.isDriver,	onClick: this.props.submitCb.bind(this, this.state.givenAnswer || this.state.selectedChoices),	className: 'btn btn-success col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1' },	'Submit'	),	React.createElement('br', null)	);	};	Question.prototype.getAnswerArea = function getAnswerArea() {	var _this4 = this;	switch (this.props.questionType) {	case enums.questionTypes.shortAnswer:	{	return React.createElement('input', {	type: 'text',	style: { padding: '10px' },	placeholder: 'Your answer',	onChange: function onChange(e) {	return _this4.setState({ givenAnswer: e.target.value });	} });	}	case enums.questionTypes.multipleChoice:	case enums.questionTypes.multiSelect:	{	return this.props.choices.map(function (choice) {	return React.createElement(	'span',	null,	React.createElement(	'button',	{	disabled: !!_this4.props.previouslyAnswered || !_this4.props.isDriver,	className: 'btn col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 ' + (_this4.state.selectedChoices.indexOf(choice) > -1 ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-default') + ' ',	onClick: _this4.toggleChoiceSelection.bind(_this4, choice) },	choice	),	React.createElement('br', null)	);	});	}	case enums.questionTypes.shortAnswer:	{	return React.createElement(	'span',	null,	React.createElement('input', { type: 'text', onChange: function onChange(e) {	return _this4.setState({ givenAnswer: e.target.value });	} }),	React.createElement('br', null)	);	}	}	};	Question.prototype.getAttachmentArea = function getAttachmentArea() {	if (!this.props.attachments || this.props.attachments.length == 0) {	return;	}	var attachments = [];	this.props.attachments.map(function (at) {	switch (at.type) {}	});	return attachments;	};	Question.prototype.toggleChoiceSelection = function toggleChoiceSelection(choice) {	var index = this.state.selectedChoices.indexOf(choice);	if (index > -1) {	this.setState({	selectedChoices: this.state.selectedChoices.filter(function (ch) {	return ch !== choice;	})	});	} else if (this.props.questionType == enums.questionTypes.multiSelect) {	this.setState({	selectedChoices: this.state.selectedChoices.concat([choice])	});	} else if (this.props.questionType == enums.questionTypes.multipleChoice) {	this.setState({	selectedChoices: [choice]	});	}	};	return Question;
var ScoreBar = function (_React$Component3) {	_inherits(ScoreBar, _React$Component3);	function ScoreBar(props) {	_classCallCheck(this, ScoreBar);	return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component3.call(this, props));	}	ScoreBar.prototype.render = function render() {	var _this6 = this;	var buttons = this.props.questions.map(function (q) {	return React.createElement(	'span',	null,	React.createElement(	'button',	{	className: 'btn btn-default ' + (_this6.props.selectedQuestion && _this6.props.selectedQuestion.id == q.id ? 'btn-primary' : '') + ' ',	onClick: _this6.props.selectQuestionCb.bind(_this6, q) },	q.number	),	React.createElement('br', null)	);	});	return React.createElement(	'div',	{ className: 'col-xs-2' },	buttons	);	};	return ScoreBar;
var StarScore = function (_React$Component4) {	_inherits(StarScore, _React$Component4);	function StarScore(props) {	_classCallCheck(this, StarScore);	return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component4.call(this, props));	}	StarScore.prototype.render = function render() {	var stars = [];	for (var i = 0; i < this.props.full; i++) {	stars.push('F');	}for (var i = 0; i < this.props.empty; i++) {	stars.push('E');	}return React.createElement(	'div',	null,	stars.join()	);	};	return StarScore;
var GroupSelect = function (_React$Component5) {	_inherits(GroupSelect, _React$Component5);	function GroupSelect(props) {	_classCallCheck(this, GroupSelect);	return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component5.call(this, props));	}	GroupSelect.prototype.render = function render() {};	return GroupSelect;
var PreQuiz = function (_React$Component6) {	_inherits(PreQuiz, _React$Component6);	function PreQuiz(props) {	_classCallCheck(this, PreQuiz);	var _this9 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component6.call(this, props));	_this9.strings = {	driverBtnClass: 'btn col-md-4 col-sm-10 col-xs-12 col-md-offset-4 col-sm-offset-1'	};	return _this9;	}	PreQuiz.prototype.render = function render() {	return React.createElement(	'div',	{ className: 'row text-center' },	'This quiz requires a member of your group to serve as the driver, who will submit answers.',	React.createElement('br', null),	React.createElement(	'button',	{	onClick: this.props.setDriverCb.bind(this, true),	className: this.strings.driverBtnClass + ' btn-primary' },	'I will be driver'	),	React.createElement('br', null),	React.createElement(	'button',	{ onClick: this.props.setDriverCb.bind(this, false),	className: this.strings.driverBtnClass + ' btn-danger' },	'I will not be the driver'	),	React.createElement('br', null)	);	};	return PreQuiz;
var PostQuiz = function (_React$Component7) {	_inherits(PostQuiz, _React$Component7);	function PostQuiz(props) {	_classCallCheck(this, PostQuiz);	var _this10 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component7.call(this, props));	_this10.strings = {	teachingPtMsg: 'If you wish, you can award a teaching point to the member of your group\ who contributed the most during this quiz:'	};	return _this10;	}	PostQuiz.prototype.render = function render() {	var _this11 = this;	var teammateBtns = this.props.teammates.map(function (t) {	return React.createElement(	'button',	{ className: 'btn btn-default', onClick: _this11.props.awardPointCb.bind(_this11, t.id) },	' ',	t.name,	' '	);	});	return React.createElement(	'div',	{ className: 'text-center' },	React.createElement('br', null),	'Your score: ',	this.props.finalScore,	React.createElement('br', null),	this.strings.teachingPtMsg,	React.createElement('br', null),	teammateBtns	);	};	return PostQuiz;
var GroupBuilder = function (_React$Component8) {	_inherits(GroupBuilder, _React$Component8);	function GroupBuilder(props) {	_classCallCheck(this, GroupBuilder);	var _this12 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component8.call(this, props));	_this12.strings = {};	_this12.createGroup = _this12.createGroup.bind(_this12);	_this12.joinGroup = _this12.joinGroup.bind(_this12);	var today = new Date(); // consider using timestamp	_this12.key = 'IQCCreatedGroup' + (today.getDay() + today.getFullYear() + today.getMonth()); // must include quiz id here	return _this12;	}	GroupBuilder.prototype.createGroup = function createGroup() {	sessionStorage.setItem(this.key, 'true');	this.props.createGroupCb();	};	GroupBuilder.prototype.joinGroup = function joinGroup(id) {};	GroupBuilder.prototype.render = function render() {	var existingGroups = this.props.groups.map(function (group) {	return React.createElement(	'button',	null,	group.name	);	});	var createGroupBtn = null;	if (sessionStorage.getItem(this.key) === null) {	createGroupBtn = React.createElement(	'button',	null,	'Create a group'	);	}	return React.createElement(	'div',	null,	existingGroups,	createGroupBtn	);	};	return GroupBuilder;
var EmptyLine = function (_React$Component9) {	_inherits(EmptyLine, _React$Component9);	function EmptyLine(props) {	_classCallCheck(this, EmptyLine);	return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component9.call(this, props));	}	EmptyLine.prototype.render = function render() {	return React.createElement(	'span',	null,	React.createElement('br', null),	React.createElement('br', null)	);	};	return EmptyLine;
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(QuizApp, null), document.getElementById('quizApp'));
A Pen by Neeilan Selvalingam - Script Codes
A Pen by Neeilan Selvalingam - Script Codes
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Developer Neeilan Selvalingam
Username neeilan
Uploaded September 13, 2022
Rating 3
Size 9,533 Kb
Views 26,312
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