Eye Bee M

4,047 Kb

How do I make an eye bee m?

The company I work for (Resource/Ammirati) was bought by IBM IX. Eye Bee M - Designed by the famous Paul Rand.. What is a eye bee m? How do you make a eye bee m? This script and codes were developed by Elliot Geno on 11 September 2022, Sunday.

Eye Bee M Previews

Eye Bee M - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Eye Bee M</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="200 200 880 350" width="100%" height="100%">	<g id="m">	<clipPath id="mMask">	<path d="M928,323V293H868l-26,68-25-68H756v30h23v90H756v30h53V353l33,89,33-89v90h53V413H905V323h23" />	</clipPath>	<path id="lines" d="M747,298H983M657,318h376M567,338H923M707,358H963M726,438H962M707,418h376M617,398H973M757,378h256" stroke="#335fb4" stroke-width="10" clip-path="url(#mMask)" stroke-dasharray="384,10,256,15,170,22,113,33,75,50,50,75,33,113,22,170,15,256,10"	stroke-dashoffset="0" />	<rect width="180" height="160" x="750" y="290" fill-opacity="0" cursor="pointer" />	</g>	<marker id="BodyStart" markerWidth="64" markerHeight="32" refX="32" refY="32" orient="auto" markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse" overflow="visible">	<path d="M16,60V4A32,32,0,0,0,16,60Z" fill="#f7b853" />	</marker>	<marker id="BodyEnd" markerWidth="64" markerHeight="32" refX="0" refY="32" orient="auto" markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse" overflow="visible">	<path d="M16,4V60A32,32,0,0,0,16,4Z" fill="#f7b853" />	</marker>	<g id="bee">	<circle class="eye" cx="629" cy="320" r="15" fill="#f17585" />	<circle class="eye" cx="661" cy="320" r="15" fill="#f17585" />	<path class="body" id="body" d="M645 368q0 30 0 45" fill="none" stroke="#222" stroke-width="64" stroke-linecap="round" />	<path class="body" id="bodyStripes" d="M645 368q0 30 0 45" fill="none" stroke="#f7b853" stroke-width="64" stroke-dasharray="16 16" marker-end="url(#BodyEnd)" marker-start="url(#BodyStart)" />	<path id="right" d="M675 348l18 55a25 25 0 0 0 41 11 25 25 0 0 0-6-42z" fill="#528950" />	<path id="left" d="M615 348l-18 55a25 25 0 0 1-41 11 25 25 0 0 1 6-42z" fill="#528950" />	<ellipse cx="645" cy="378" rx="102" ry="85" fill="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" cursor="pointer" />	</g>	<g id="eye">	<g clip-path="url(#EyeMask)">	<g id="eyeBall">	<circle id="whites" cx="440" cy="385" r="175" fill="#fff" />	<circle cx="440" cy="385" r="48" fill="#a98358" />	<circle cx="440" cy="385" r="20" fill="#222"/>	</g>	</g>	<clipPath id="EyeMask">	<path id="eyeShape" d="M354 386c30 -80 142 -80 172 0c-30 80 -142 80 -172 0" />	</clipPath>	<circle cx="439" cy="360" r="100" fill-opacity="0" cursor="pointer" />	<path id="eyeLash" fill="#e1593c" d="M356 340c40 -55 130 -55 170 0v-18c-40 -65 -130 -65 -170 0" fill="#e1593c" />	</g>
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Eye Bee M - Script Codes CSS Codes

body{ margin:0; background:#222;
svg{	width:100%;	height:100%;	position:fixed;

Eye Bee M - Script Codes JS Codes

var eye = document.querySelector("#eye");
var bee = document.querySelector("#bee");
var m = document.querySelector("#m");
var buzzAngle = 0;
var buzzIndex = 0;
var beeData = {index:0, buzzAngle:0,wiggleAngle:0,timeout:0};
var eyeData = {topLid:1,bottomLid:1};
var squint = new TimelineMax({paused:true, onUpdate:drawLid,onComplete:squintComplete});
var center = .35;
var range = 1- center;
var steps = 5;
var openIncrement= 1/steps;
for(var i=0;i<steps;i++){ var progress = i/(steps-1); var target=(progress*range)+center; var openAmount = openIncrement*(i+1); var bottomTarget = Math.min(target+(openAmount*.5),1); var topTarget = bottomTarget-openAmount; squint.to(eyeData,0.15,{topLid:target,bottomLid:target,ease:Power4.easeOut},"+="+(i*.15)); squint.to(eyeData,0.3,{topLid:topTarget,bottomLid:bottomTarget,ease:Power4.easeOut});
function squintComplete(){ animateEye(); blink(null);
function buzz(){ beeData.index+=2; TweenMax.to(beeData,2,{delay:0.2,buzzAngle:Math.PI*beeData.index*10,onUpdate:setWingAngle, ease:Sine.easeInOut}); TweenMax.staggerTo(".eye",0.2,{scale:0.8,ease:Quint.easeInOut,transformOrigin:"center"},.1); TweenMax.staggerTo(".eye",1,{delay:0.2,scale:1,ease:Elastic.easeOut,transformOrigin:"center"},.1); TweenMax.staggerTo(".body",.2,{scaleY:.85,ease:Power4.easeInOut,transformOrigin:"50% -60%"}); TweenMax.staggerTo(".body",1,{delay:.2,scaleY:1,ease:Elastic.easeOut.config(2),transformOrigin:"50% -60%"});
function wiggle(){ beeData.index+=2; TweenMax.to(beeData,1.5,{wiggleAngle:Math.PI*beeData.index*2,onUpdate:setWiggle, ease:Quart.easeInOut});
function setWingAngle(){ var radians = Math.sin(beeData.buzzAngle); var angle =radians*20; TweenMax.set("#left",{rotation:angle,transformOrigin:"100% 0%"}); TweenMax.set("#right",{rotation:-angle});
function setWiggle(){ var radians = Math.sin(beeData.wiggleAngle); TweenMax.set(".body", {attr: {d:"M645 368q0 22 "+ (radians*10) + " 45"}}); TweenMax.set("#bee",{rotation:radians*6,transformOrigin:"center"});
function onBee(e){ poke(e); clearTimeout(beeData.timeout); randomWiggle();
function randomWiggle(){ beeData.timeout = setTimeout(randomWiggle,7000+(5000*Math.random())); buzz(); wiggle();
function animateEye(){ var x=((Math.random()*50)-25); var y=((Math.random()*40)-20); TweenMax.to("#eyeBall",.3,{x:x,y:y,ease:Quint.easeInOut}); TweenMax.delayedCall((Math.random()*3)+.1,animateEye);
function drawLid(){ var topPercent = Math.min(eyeData.bottomLid,eyeData.topLid); var topTarget = (topPercent*160)-80; var bottomTarget = (eyeData.bottomLid*160)-80; var lidTopTarget = (topPercent*130)-65; var lidBottomTarget = lidTopTarget+10; var lidPosition = topPercent*25; TweenMax.set("#eyeShape", {attr: {d:"M354 386c30 "+topTarget+" 142 "+topTarget+" 172 0c-30 "+bottomTarget+" -142 "+bottomTarget+" -172 0"}}); TweenMax.set("#eyeLash", {y:lidPosition,attr: {d:"M356 340c40 "+lidBottomTarget+" 130 "+lidBottomTarget+" 170 0v-18c-40 "+lidTopTarget+" -130 "+lidTopTarget+" -170 0"}});
function blink(hold){ if(hold!== null){ TweenMax.to(eyeData,.3,{topLid:1,ease:Quint.easeIn,onUpdate:drawLid}); TweenMax.to(eyeData,.3,{delay:0.3,topLid:0,ease:Quint.easeOut,onUpdate:drawLid}); } TweenMax.delayedCall((Math.random()*4)+1,blink);
function poke(e){ TweenMax.to(e.currentTarget,.1,{scale:.9,transformOrigin:"center",ease:Power2.easeOut}); TweenMax.to(e.currentTarget,.5,{delay:.1,scale:1,transformOrigin:"center",ease:Back.easeOut.config(6)});
function onEye(e){ TweenMax.killDelayedCallsTo(blink); TweenMax.killDelayedCallsTo(animateEye); TweenMax.killTweensOf("#eyeBall"); squint.seek(0); squint.play(); poke(e);
var targetM = 0;
var scope = this;
function onM(e){	TweenMax.killDelayedCallsTo(onM); targetM-=3744; poke(e); TweenMax.to("#lines",2,{"stroke-dashoffset":targetM,ease:Quint.easeOut});	TweenMax.delayedCall((Math.random()*4)+6,onM,[{currentTarget:scope}]);
Eye Bee M - Script Codes
Eye Bee M - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Elliot Geno
Username pyrografix
Uploaded September 11, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 4,047 Kb
Views 54,648
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